Cat wet food

10 produkti

  • Escapure Duck and Veal Pâté - Grain-Free Wet Cat Food, Duck and Veal Stew Escapure Duck and Veal Pâté - Grain-Free Wet Cat Food, Duck and Veal Stew

    Escapure Escapure pīles un teļa pastēte - Bezgraudu mitrā kaķu barība, pīles un teļa sautējums

    Escapure Topferl Pīle ar Teļa gaļu ir augstākās kvalitātes mitrā barība kaķiem ar 90% gaļas saturu, ražota Vācijā. Iedvesmojoties no mīlestības pret dzīvniekiem un Bavārijas dabu, tā ir izgatavota no īpaši atlasītām, 100% dabīgām sastāvdaļām, kas iegūtas no reģionālajiem piegādātājiem. Receptē nav mākslīgu un neveselīgu konservantu, krāsvielu vai garšas pastiprinātāju. Pīle tiek uzskatīta par cēlāko mājputnu veidu, ko raksturo augsts olbaltumvielu saturs. Tā ir nepiesātināto taukskābju avots, kas pozitīvi ietekmē kaķa sirds un asinsvadu sistēmu. Turklāt pīles gaļa satur dzelzi, kas nodrošina lielisku aizsardzību pret anēmiju un stiprina imūnsistēmu. Teļa gaļa ir garšīgs un augstas kvalitātes olbaltumvielu avots, bagāts ar magniju, kāliju, dzelzi, dabīgo cinku, vitamīnu E un holīnu. Olu čaumalu pulvera pievienošana nodrošina augstu kalcija devu, kas nepieciešama kaulu vielmaiņai, zobu struktūrai un muskuļu attīstībai. Escapure Topferl Pīle ar Teļa gaļu satur augstu taurīna daudzumu (1000mg/kg), kas ir būtisks kaķa organisma pareizai darbībai. Tā ir bez graudiem, padarot to piemērotu indivīdiem ar alerģijām un jutīgām gremošanas sistēmām. Turklāt barība tiek ražota saskaņā ar Human Grade standartiem, kas nozīmē, ka visas izmantotās izejvielas ir cilvēku patēriņam paredzētā kvalitātē. Izvēloties Escapure barību, jūs varat būt pārliecināti, ka nodrošināt savam mīlulim veselīgu un pilnvērtīgu maltīti, ko tas mīlēs. Iepakots ērtā kārbā. Mitrā barība Escapure Topferl Pīle ar Teļa gaļu: satur 90% gaļas, ieskaitot augstas kvalitātes pīli un teļa gaļu, izgatavotu no dabīgām, reģionālām sastāvdaļām pilnvērtīga maltīte kaķiem īpaši ieteicama jutīgiem mājdzīvniekiem ar alerģijām augsts taurīna saturs olu čaumalu pulveris nodrošina augstu kalcija devu bez graudiem bez pievienota cukura, mākslīgiem konservantiem vai krāsvielām Human Grade sastāvdaļas praktisks iepakojums Barošanas instrukcijas un devas: Ieteicamā dienas deva kaķim, kas sver 4-5 kg, ir 200g. Tie ir aptuveni vērtējumi, un tie jāpielāgo kaķa individuālajiem dzīves apstākļiem (aktivitāte, vielmaiņa, šķirne, slimība, sezona). Novērojiet savu mīluli un pielāgojiet barības daudzumu pēc nepieciešamības. Neatstājiet mitro barību atvērtu ilgāk par dažām stundām. Ja kaķis nav apēdis visu pirms nākamās maltītes, atlikumi jāizmet, bļoda rūpīgi jāizskalo un tad jāievieto svaiga barība. Atvērtās mitrās barības kārbas jāuzglabā ledusskapī hermētiskā traukā ne ilgāk kā trīs dienas. Pirms barības pasniegšanas no ledusskapja, tā atkal jāuzsilda, jo kaķi bieži slikti panes aukstu vai vēsu barību. Kaķa svars Dienas deva 1kg 150g 2kg 200g 4kg 250g Sastāvdaļas: Sastāvdaļas: pīles gaļa ar sirdīm 70%, teļa gaļa ar plaušām 20%, dzeramais ūdens 10%. Analītiskie komponenti: mitrums 80.7%, jēlproteīns 13.1%, jēltauki 7.2%, jēlpelni 2.9%, jēlšķiedra 1.5%, Ca:P 1.3:1.0 Piedevas: olu čaumalu pulveris, taurīns (1000mg/kg).

    €3,48 - €20,30

  • Escapure Topferl Salmon with Veal - Grain-Free Wet Cat Food, Salmon and Veal Stew Escapure Topferl Salmon with Veal - Grain-Free Wet Cat Food, Salmon and Veal Stew

    Escapure Escapure Topferl lasis ar teļa gaļu - Bezgraudu mitrā kaķu barība, laša un teļa gaļas sautējums

    Escapure Topferl lasis ar teļa gaļu ir augstas kvalitātes mitrā barība kaķiem, kas satur 90% gaļas un tiek ražota Vācijā. Iedvesmojoties no mīlestības pret dzīvniekiem un Bavārijas dabu, tā ir izgatavota no īpaši atlasītām, 100% dabīgām sastāvdaļām, kas iegūtas no reģionālajiem piegādātājiem. Formula nesatur mākslīgos konservantus, krāsvielas vai garšas pastiprinātājus, kas ir neveselīgi mājdzīvniekiem. Lasis ir bagāts ar vitamīniem, īpaši B grupas vitamīniem, kā arī A un E, un satur arī D vitamīnu. Minerālvielu ziņā lasis nodrošina kāliju, fosforu, selēnu, kalciju, dzelzi un daudzus citus. Teļa gaļa ir garšīgs un augstvērtīgs olbaltumvielu avots, kas raksturojas ar augstu magnija, kālija, dzelzs, dabiskā cinka, E vitamīna un holīna saturu. Olu čaumalu pulvera pievienošana nodrošina augstu kalcija devu, kas nepieciešama kaulu vielmaiņai, zobu struktūrai un muskuļu attīstībai. Escapure Topferl lasis ar teļa gaļu satur augstu taurīna daudzumu (1000mg/kg), kas ir būtisks kaķa organisma pareizai darbībai. Tā ir bezgraudu, padarot to piemērotu indivīdiem, kas cieš no alerģijām un jutīgām gremošanas sistēmām. Turklāt barība tiek ražota atbilstoši Human Grade standartiem, kas nozīmē, ka visas izmantotās izejvielas ir paredzētas cilvēku patēriņam. Izvēloties Escapure barību, jūs varat būt pārliecināti, ka nodrošināt savam mājdzīvniekam veselīgu un pilnvērtīgu maltīti, kas viņam patiks. Iepakots ērtā bundžā. Mitrā barība Escapure Topferl lasis ar teļa gaļu: - Satur 90% gaļas, ieskaitot augstas kvalitātes lasi un teļa gaļu - Izgatavota no dabīgām, reģionālām sastāvdaļām - Pilnvērtīga maltīte kaķiem, īpaši ieteicama jutīgiem mājdzīvniekiem ar alerģijām - Augsts taurīna saturs - Olu čaumalu pulveris nodrošina augstu kalcija devu - Bezgraudu - Bez pievienota cukura, mākslīgiem konservantiem vai krāsvielām - Human Grade sastāvdaļas - Ērts iepakojums Barošanas instrukcijas un deva: Ieteicamā dienas deva kaķim, kas sver 4-5 kg, ir 200g. Šīs ir aptuvenas vērtības, un tās jāpielāgo atbilstoši kaķa individuālajiem dzīves apstākļiem (aktivitāte, vielmaiņa, šķirne, slimība, sezona). Uzraugiet savu mājdzīvnieku un palieliniet vai samaziniet barības daudzumu pēc nepieciešamības. Neatstājiet mitro barību atvērtu ilgāk par dažām stundām. Ja kaķis nav apēdis visu pirms nākamās maltītes, izmetiet pārpalikumus, rūpīgi izskalojiet bļodu un pēc tam ievietojiet tajā svaigu barību. Atvērtās mitrās barības bundžas jāuzglabā ledusskapī hermētiskā traukā ne ilgāk par trim dienām. Pirms barības pasniegšanas no ledusskapja to vajadzētu atkārtoti sasildīt, jo kaķi bieži nepanes aukstu vai vēsu barību labi. Kaķa svars | Dienas deva 1kg | 150g 2kg | 200g 4kg | 250g Sastāvdaļas: Laša fileja 50%, teļa gaļa ar subproduktiem 20%, dzeramais ūdens 10%, liellopu aknas 1%. Analītiskie komponenti: Mitrums 70.5%, jēl tauki 13.6%, jēl olbaltumvielas 12.9%, jēl pelni 1.9%, jēl šķiedra 1.1%, Ca:P 1.3:1 Piedevas: Olu čaumalu pulveris, taurīns (1000mg/kg). Enerģētiskā vērtība uz 100g: 167 kcal

    €3,48 - €20,30

  • GranataPet DeliCatessen & Seafood - grain-free wet cat food, salmon and seafood GranataPet DeliCatessen & Seafood - grain-free wet cat food, salmon and seafood

    Granatapet GranataPet DeliCatessen & Seafood - bezgraudu mitrā kaķu barība, lasis un jūras veltes

    Wet food for cats, GranataPet DeliCatessen Salmon PUR with salmon, produced from the highest quality ingredients. It is made using only muscle meat and high-quality offal (e.g., hearts, liver, stomachs). No by-products such as blood, claws, bones, beaks, or feathers are used, and no fillers or meat substitutes are added. It is supplemented with valuable additives such as pomegranate seeds, high-quality oils (flaxseed, salmon), green-lipped mussel, and taurine. These enhance the nutritional value and taste of the meal. The food is produced in Germany with full traceability of ingredients at every stage of the production process. Raw materials are sourced from trusted and verified suppliers, subject to full veterinary control, and are tested by internal and external laboratories. GranataPet food is prepared using a gentle steaming method to retain as many nutrients as possible. It is a protein-rich, easily digestible, and completely grain-free meal. The food also contains no sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. GranataPet DeliCatessen is a recipe for: healthy skin and shiny fur, strong heart and muscles, proper digestion and intestinal function, strong bones and flexible joints. Wet food is also a way to hydrate your cat. The proper level of water in the body is essential for its health. With the high moisture content of wet food, the cat does not need to drink as much as when fed dry kibble. Feeding wet food is also better for cats prone to urinary stone formation. By feeding GranataPet to your pet, you can be sure that you are providing a tasty, healthy, and well-balanced meal every day. Wet food for cats with chicken GranataPet Salmon PUR: it is a complete meal for adult cats containing 72% salmon, which provides protein and essential omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids necessary for the proper functioning of the cardiovascular and immune systems, as well as for the health and beautiful appearance of the skin and fur. Pomegranate seeds contain a range of health-promoting ingredients. They are rich in ellagic acid, a natural antioxidant and effective cell protector. Pomegranate seeds have a beneficial effect on the immune, cardiovascular, and nervous systems. Flaxseed oil provides a dose of unsaturated omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, improving the condition of the skin and fur, and positively affecting the joints. Taurine is a substance that a cat's body cannot produce in sufficient amounts, so it must be supplied through food. Taurine is responsible for proper vision, heart function, and the nervous and immune systems. Its deficiency in pregnant cats can lead to miscarriage. New Zealand green-lipped mussel provides a dose of glucosamine and chondroitin, essential for the proper functioning of the musculoskeletal system. The food contains no grains, slaughterhouse by-products, sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. Feeding instructions and dosage: The data provided in the table are indicative. Observe your pet and adjust the amount of food as needed. Do not leave wet food open for more than a few hours. If the cat has not eaten it all before the next meal, discard the leftovers, thoroughly rinse the bowl, and then place fresh food in it. Opened packages of wet food should be stored in the refrigerator in an airtight container for no longer than three days. Before serving food from the refrigerator, it should be warmed up again, as cats often do not tolerate cold or cool food well. NUTRITIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS Cat weight | Daily portion of food Sterilized/indoor cats | Active/outdoor cats 2kg | 105g | 170g 3kg | 140g | 225g 4kg | 175g | 270g 5kg | 200g | 315g 6kg | 225g | 355g 7kg | 250g | 390g 8kg | 275g | 430g 10kg | 320g | 500g Ingredients: salmon 72%, salmon broth 24.9%, pomegranate seeds 1%, flaxseed oil 1%, minerals 1%, green-lipped mussel 0.1% Analytical constituents: protein 9.8%, fat content 8%, crude ash 3%, crude fiber 0.4%, moisture 78%, calcium 0.35%, phosphorus 0.31% Dietary additives: vitamin D3 3000 IU, taurine 1500 mg, zinc (as zinc sulfate, monohydrate) 25 mg, manganese (as manganese sulfate (II), monohydrate) 1.4 mg, iodine (as calcium iodate, anhydrous) 0.75 mg, copper (as copper sulfate (II), pentahydrate) 2 mg

    €13,07 - €50,38

  • GranataPet DeliCatessen & Seafood - grain-free wet cat food, salmon and seafood GranataPet DeliCatessen & Seafood - grain-free wet cat food, salmon and seafood

    Granatapet GranataPet DeliCatessen & Seafood - bezgraudu mitrā kaķu barība, lasis un jūras veltes

    Wet food for cats, GranataPet DeliCatessen Salmon PUR with salmon, produced from the highest quality ingredients. It is made using only muscle meat and high-quality offal (e.g., hearts, liver, stomachs). No by-products such as blood, claws, bones, beaks, or feathers are used, and no fillers or meat substitutes are added. It is supplemented with valuable additives such as pomegranate seeds, high-quality oils (flaxseed, salmon), green-lipped mussel, and taurine. These enhance the nutritional value and taste of the meal. The food is produced in Germany with full traceability of ingredients at every stage of the production process. Raw materials are sourced from trusted and verified suppliers, subject to full veterinary control, and are tested by internal and external laboratories. GranataPet food is prepared using a gentle steaming method to retain as many nutrients as possible. It is a protein-rich, easily digestible, and completely grain-free meal. The food also contains no sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. GranataPet DeliCatessen is a recipe for: healthy skin and shiny fur, strong heart and muscles, proper digestion and intestinal function, strong bones and flexible joints. Wet food is also a way to hydrate your cat. The proper level of water in the body is essential for its health. With the high moisture content of wet food, the cat does not need to drink as much as when fed dry kibble. Feeding wet food is also better for cats prone to urinary stone formation. By feeding GranataPet to your pet, you can be sure that you are providing a tasty, healthy, and well-balanced meal every day. Wet food for cats with chicken GranataPet Salmon PUR: it is a complete meal for adult cats containing 72% salmon, which provides protein and essential omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids necessary for the proper functioning of the cardiovascular and immune systems, as well as for the health and beautiful appearance of the skin and fur. Pomegranate seeds contain a range of health-promoting ingredients. They are rich in ellagic acid, a natural antioxidant and effective cell protector. Pomegranate seeds have a beneficial effect on the immune, cardiovascular, and nervous systems. Flaxseed oil provides a dose of unsaturated omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, improving the condition of the skin and fur, and positively affecting the joints. Taurine is a substance that a cat's body cannot produce in sufficient amounts, so it must be supplied through food. Taurine is responsible for proper vision, heart function, and the nervous and immune systems. Its deficiency in pregnant cats can lead to miscarriage. New Zealand green-lipped mussel provides a dose of glucosamine and chondroitin, essential for the proper functioning of the musculoskeletal system. The food contains no grains, slaughterhouse by-products, sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. Feeding instructions and dosage: The data provided in the table are indicative. Observe your pet and adjust the amount of food as needed. Do not leave wet food open for more than a few hours. If the cat has not eaten it all before the next meal, discard the leftovers, thoroughly rinse the bowl, and then place fresh food in it. Opened packages of wet food should be stored in the refrigerator in an airtight container for no longer than three days. Before serving food from the refrigerator, it should be warmed up again, as cats often do not tolerate cold or cool food well. NUTRITIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS Cat weight | Daily portion of food Sterilized/indoor cats | Active/outdoor cats 2kg | 105g | 170g 3kg | 140g | 225g 4kg | 175g | 270g 5kg | 200g | 315g 6kg | 225g | 355g 7kg | 250g | 390g 8kg | 275g | 430g 10kg | 320g | 500g Ingredients: salmon 72%, salmon broth 24.9%, pomegranate seeds 1%, flaxseed oil 1%, minerals 1%, green-lipped mussel 0.1% Analytical constituents: protein 9.8%, fat content 8%, crude ash 3%, crude fiber 0.4%, moisture 78%, calcium 0.35%, phosphorus 0.31% Dietary additives: vitamin D3 3000 IU, taurine 1500 mg, zinc (as zinc sulfate, monohydrate) 25 mg, manganese (as manganese sulfate (II), monohydrate) 1.4 mg, iodine (as calcium iodate, anhydrous) 0.75 mg, copper (as copper sulfate (II), pentahydrate) 2 mg

    €18,82 - €36,24

  • GranataPet DeliCatessen Fish-Free Cat Food Set - Grain-Free Wet Cat Food, Mix of 6 Flavors, Set of 2 GranataPet DeliCatessen Fish-Free Cat Food Set - Grain-Free Wet Cat Food, Mix of 6 Flavors, Set of 2

    Granatapet GranataPet DeliCatessen bez zivīm kaķu barības komplekts - bezgraudu mitrā kaķu barība, 6 garšu maisījums, 2 komplekti

    GranataPet DeliCatessen Food Set includes: 4x GranataPet DeliCatessen Turkey & Shrimps - 85g 4x GranataPet DeliCatessen Pheasant & Coney - 85g 4x GranataPet DeliCatessen Tuna & Duck - 85g 4x GranataPet DeliCatessen Lamb & Turkey - 85g 4x GranataPet DeliCatessen Veal & Coney - 85g 4x GranataPet DeliCatessen Turkey & Pheasant - 85g GranataPet DeliCatessen wet cat food is made from the highest quality ingredients. It uses only muscle meat and high-quality offal (e.g., hearts, liver, stomachs). No by-products such as blood, claws, bones, beaks, or feathers are used, and no fillers or meat substitutes are added. It is enriched with valuable additives such as pomegranate seeds, high-quality oils (flaxseed, salmon), green-lipped mussels, and taurine, which enhance the nutritional value and taste of the meal. The food is produced in Germany with full traceability of ingredients at every stage of the production process. Raw materials are sourced from trusted suppliers, undergo full veterinary control, and are tested by both internal and external laboratories. GranataPet food is prepared using a gentle steaming method to retain as many nutrients as possible. It is a protein-rich, easily digestible, and completely grain-free meal. The food also contains no sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. GranataPet DeliCatessen is a recipe for: - Healthy skin and shiny coat - Strong heart and muscles - Proper digestion and gut function - Strong bones and flexible joints Wet food is also a way to hydrate your cat. Maintaining the right water level in the body is essential for its health. Due to the high moisture content of wet food, cats do not need to drink as much as when fed dry kibble. Feeding wet food is also better for cats prone to urinary stone formation. By providing GranataPet food to your pet, you can be sure that you are offering a tasty, healthy, and well-balanced meal every day. Feeding instructions and dosage: The data provided in the table is indicative. Observe your pet and adjust the amount of food as needed. Do not leave wet food open for longer than a few hours. If your cat has not eaten it all before the next meal, discard the leftovers, thoroughly wash the bowl, and only then place fresh food in it. Opened packages of wet food should be stored in the refrigerator in an airtight container for no longer than three days. Before serving food from the refrigerator, it should be warmed up again, as cats often do not tolerate cold or cool food well. NUTRITIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS Cat Weight | Daily Portion of Food Sterilized/Indoor Cats | Active/Outdoor Cats 2-3kg | 105-140g | 170-225g 4-5kg | 175-200g | 270-315g 6-7kg | 225-250g | 355-390g 8-10kg | 275-320g | 430-500g Composition of GranataPet DeliCatessen Turkey & Shrimps: Turkey meat and shrimp 72% (turkey 65% consisting of muscle meat, hearts, liver, shrimp 7%), turkey and shrimp broth 24.9%, pomegranate seeds 1%, flaxseed oil 1%, minerals 1%, green-lipped mussel 0.1% Analytical components: protein 10.5%, fat content 5.6%, crude ash 2.5%, crude fiber 0.5%, moisture 79%, calcium to phosphorus ratio: calcium 0.32%, phosphorus 0.25% Dietary additives: vitamin D3 200 IU, taurine 1500 mg, zinc (as zinc sulfate, monohydrate) 25 mg, manganese (as manganese (II) sulfate, monohydrate) 1.4 mg, iodine (as calcium iodate, anhydrous) 0.75 mg, copper (as copper (II) sulfate, pentahydrate) 1 mg Composition of GranataPet DeliCatessen Pheasant & Coney: Pheasant meat, rabbit, and chicken 72% (pheasant 20% consisting of muscle meat, hearts, rabbit 12% consisting of muscle meat, hearts, liver, chicken 40% consisting of muscle meat, hearts, stomachs, liver), pheasant, rabbit, and chicken broth 24.9%, pomegranate seeds 1%, flaxseed oil 1%, minerals 1%, green-lipped mussel 0.1% Analytical components: protein 10.8%, fat content 5.2%, crude ash 2.5%, crude fiber 0.3%, moisture 80%, calcium to phosphorus ratio: calcium 0.33%, phosphorus 0.25% Dietary additives: vitamin D3 200 IU, taurine 1500 mg, zinc (as zinc sulfate, monohydrate) 25 mg Composition of GranataPet DeliCatessen Tuna & Duck: Tuna and duck meat 72% (tuna 20% and duck 52% consisting of meat, hearts, stomachs), tuna and duck broth 24.9%, pomegranate seeds 1%, salmon oil 1%, minerals 1%, green-lipped mussel 0.1% Analytical components: protein 10.3%, fat content 5.5%, crude ash 2.2%, crude fiber 0.5%, moisture 79%

    €13,59 - €49,34

  • GranataPet DeliCatessen Food Set - Grain-Free Wet Cat Food, Mix of 3 Flavors, Set of 2 GranataPet DeliCatessen Food Set - Grain-Free Wet Cat Food, Mix of 3 Flavors, Set of 2

    Granatapet GranataPet DeliCatessen barības komplekts - bezgraudu mitrā kaķu barība, 3 garšu maisījums, komplekts ar 2

    The GranataPet DeliCatessen food set includes: 4x GranataPet DeliCatessen Duck & Poultry - 400g 4x GranataPet DeliCatessen Veal & Coney - 400g 4x GranataPet DeliCatessen Venison Pur - 400g GranataPet DeliCatessen wet food for cats is produced from the highest quality ingredients. It is made using only muscle meat and high-quality offal (e.g., hearts, liver, stomachs). No by-products such as blood, claws, bones, beaks, or feathers are used, and no fillers or meat substitutes are added. It is enriched with valuable additives such as pomegranate seeds, high-quality oils (flaxseed, salmon), green-lipped mussel, and taurine. These enhance the nutritional value and flavor of the meal. The food is produced in Germany with full traceability of ingredients at every stage of the production process. Raw materials are sourced from trusted and verified suppliers, undergo full veterinary control, and are tested by both internal and external laboratories. GranataPet food is prepared using a gentle steaming method to retain as many nutrients as possible. It is a protein-rich, easily digestible, and completely grain-free meal. The food also contains no sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. GranataPet DeliCatessen is a recipe for: - healthy skin and shiny coat - strong heart and muscles - proper digestion and intestinal function - strong bones and flexible joints Wet food is also a way to hydrate your cat. Proper hydration is essential for your cat's health. Thanks to the high moisture content of wet food, your cat does not need to drink as much as when fed dry kibble. Feeding wet food is also better for cats prone to urinary stone formation. By providing GranataPet food to your pet, you can be sure you are giving them a tasty, healthy, and well-balanced meal every day. Feeding instructions and dosage: The data provided in the table is indicative. Observe your pet and adjust the amount of food given as needed. Do not leave wet food open for longer than a few hours. If your cat has not finished it before the next meal, discard the leftovers, thoroughly rinse the bowl, and only then place fresh food in it. Opened packages of wet food should be stored in the refrigerator in an airtight container for no longer than three days. Before serving food from the refrigerator, it should be warmed up again, as cats often do not tolerate cold or cool food well. NUTRITIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS Cat Weight | Daily Portion of Food Sterilized/Indoor Cats | Active/Outdoor Cats 2-3kg | 105-140g | 170-225g 4-5kg | 175-200g | 270-315g 6-7kg | 225-250g | 355-390g 8-10kg | 275-320g | 430-500g Composition of GranataPet DeliCatessen Duck & Poultry: Duck meat and poultry meat 72% (duck 36% consisting of muscle meat, hearts, stomachs, and poultry 36% consisting of muscle meat, hearts, stomachs, liver), duck and poultry broth 24.9%, pomegranate seeds 1%, salmon oil 1%, mineral substances 1%, green-lipped mussel 0.1% Analytical components: protein 10.2%, fat content 5.2%, crude ash 2.4%, crude fiber 0.5%, moisture 80%, calcium to phosphorus ratio: calcium 0.32%, phosphorus 0.28% Dietary additives: vitamin D3 200 IU, taurine 1500 mg, zinc (as zinc sulfate, monohydrate) 25 mg, manganese (as manganese sulfate (II), monohydrate) 1.4 mg, iodine (as calcium iodate, anhydrous) 0.75 mg, copper (as copper sulfate (II), pentahydrate) 1 mg. Composition of GranataPet DeliCatessen Veal & Coney: Veal meat and rabbit meat 72% (veal 36% consisting of muscle meat, hearts, lungs, liver, and rabbit 36% consisting of muscle meat, hearts, liver), veal and rabbit broth 24.9%, pomegranate seeds 1%, salmon oil 1%, mineral nutrients 1%, green-lipped mussel 0.1% Analytical components: protein 10.7%, fat content 7.2%, crude ash 2.1%, crude fiber 0.5%, moisture content 77%, calcium to phosphorus ratio: calcium 0.3%, phosphorus 0.27% Dietary additives: vitamin D3 200 IU, taurine 1500 mg, zinc (as zinc sulfate, monohydrate) 25 mg, manganese (as manganese sulfate (II), monohydrate) 1.4 mg, iodine (as calcium iodate, anhydrous) 0.75 mg. Composition of GranataPet DeliCatessen Venison Pur: Venison meat 72% (consisting of muscle meat, hearts, lungs, liver), venison broth 24.9%, pomegranate seeds 1%, flaxseed oil 1%, mineral substances 1%, green-lipped mussel 0.1% Analytical components: protein 10.4%, fat content 6.8%, crude ash 2.3%, crude fiber 0.4%, moisture content 78%, calcium to phosphorus ratio: calcium 0.4%, phosphorus 0.3% Dietary additives: vitamin D3 200 IU, taurine 1500 mg, zinc (as zinc sulfate, monohydrate) 25 mg, manganese (as manganese sulfate (II), monohydrate) 1.4 mg, iodine (as calcium iodate, anhydrous) 0.75 mg, copper (as copper sulfate (II), pentahydrate) 1 mg.


  • GranataPet DeliCatessen Food Set - Grain-Free Wet Cat Food, Mix of 6 Flavors, Set 1 GranataPet DeliCatessen Food Set - Grain-Free Wet Cat Food, Mix of 6 Flavors, Set 1

    Granatapet GranataPet DeliCatessen barības komplekts - graudu nesaturoša mitrā kaķu barība, 6 garšu maisījums, komplekts 1

    GranataPet DeliCatessen Food Set includes: 2x GranataPet DeliCatessen Venison & Tuna - 200g 2x GranataPet DeliCatessen Salmon & Turkey - 200g 2x GranataPet DeliCatessen Duck & Poultry - 200g 2x GranataPet DeliCatessen Lamb & Turkey - 200g 2x GranataPet DeliCatessen Salmon & Seafood - 200g 2x GranataPet DeliCatessen Veal & Coney - 200g GranataPet DeliCatessen wet cat food is made from the highest quality ingredients. Only muscle meat and high-quality offal (e.g., hearts, liver, stomachs) are used in its production. No by-products such as blood, claws, bones, beaks, or feathers are included, nor are any fillers or meat substitutes added. It is enriched with valuable additives such as pomegranate seeds, high-quality oils (flaxseed, salmon), green-lipped mussel, and taurine. These enhance the nutritional value and taste of the meal. The food is produced in Germany with full traceability of ingredients at every stage of the production process. Raw materials are sourced from trusted and verified suppliers, undergoing complete veterinary control and testing by internal and external laboratories. GranataPet food is prepared using a gentle steaming method to retain as many nutrients as possible. It is a protein-rich, easily digestible, and completely grain-free meal. The food also contains no sugar, artificial preservatives, colorants, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. GranataPet DeliCatessen is a recipe for: - Healthy skin and shiny coat - Strong heart and muscles - Proper digestion and intestinal function - Strong bones and flexible joints Wet food is also a way to keep your cat hydrated. The right level of water in the body is essential for its health. Thanks to the high moisture content of wet food, cats do not need to drink as much as when fed dry kibble. Feeding wet food is also better for cats prone to urinary stone formation. By providing GranataPet food to your pet, you can be sure that you are giving them a tasty, healthy, and well-balanced meal every day. Feeding instructions and dosage: The data provided in the table is indicative. Observe your pet and adjust the amount of food given as needed. Do not leave wet food open for longer than a few hours. If your cat has not eaten it all before the next meal, discard the leftovers, thoroughly rinse the bowl, and only then place fresh food in it. Opened packages of wet food should be stored in the refrigerator in an airtight container for no longer than three days. Before serving food from the refrigerator, it should be warmed up again, as cats often do not tolerate cold or cool food well. NUTRITIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS Cat Weight | Daily Food Portion Sterilized/Indoor Cats | Active/Outdoor Cats 2-3kg | 105-140g | 170-225g 4-5kg | 175-200g | 270-315g 6-7kg | 225-250g | 355-390g 8-10kg | 275-320g | 430-500g Ingredients for GranataPet DeliCatessen Venison & Tuna: Venison, tuna, and chicken meat 72% (venison 22% consisting of muscle meat, heart, lungs, liver; tuna 20% and chicken 30% consisting of muscle meat, heart, stomach, liver), game, tuna, and chicken broth 24.9%, pomegranate seeds 1%, flaxseed oil 1%, mineral nutrients 1%, green-lipped mussel 0.1% Analytical constituents: protein 10.6%, fat content 5.8%, crude ash 2.6%, crude fiber 0.4%, moisture 78%, calcium to phosphorus ratio: calcium 0.33%, phosphorus 0.28% Dietary additives: taurine 1500 mg, zinc (as zinc sulfate, monohydrate) 25 mg, manganese (as manganese (II) sulfate, monohydrate) 1.4 mg, iodine (as calcium iodate, anhydrous) 0.75 mg, copper (as copper (II) sulfate, pentahydrate) 1 mg Ingredients for GranataPet DeliCatessen Salmon & Turkey: Salmon and turkey meat 72% (salmon 20%, turkey consisting of muscle meat, heart, liver), salmon and turkey broth 24.9%, pomegranate seeds 1%, salmon oil 1%, mineral ingredients 1%, green-lipped mussel 0.1% Analytical constituents: protein 10.3%, fat content 6.1%, crude ash 2.4%, crude fiber 0.5%, moisture 80%, calcium to phosphorus ratio: calcium 0.32%, phosphorus 0.27% Dietary additives: taurine 1500 mg, zinc (as zinc sulfate, monohydrate) 25 mg, manganese (as manganese (II) sulfate, monohydrate) 1.4 mg, iodine (as calcium iodate, anhydrous) 0.75 mg, copper (as copper (II) sulfate, pentahydrate) 1 mg Ingredients for GranataPet DeliCatessen Duck & Poultry: Duck meat and poultry meat 72% (duck 36% consisting of muscle meat, heart, stomach; poultry 36% consisting of muscle meat, heart, stomach, liver), duck and poultry broth 24.9%, pomegranate seeds 1%, salmon oil 1%, mineral ingredients 1%, green-lipped mussel 0.1% Analytical constituents: protein 10.2%, fat content 5.2%, crude ash 2.4%, crude fiber 0.5%, moisture 80%, calcium to phosphorus ratio: calcium 0.32%

    €13,07 - €49,34

  • GranataPet DeliCatessen Pouch Food Set - Grain-Free Wet Cat Food, Mix of 6 Flavors, Set 1 GranataPet DeliCatessen Pouch Food Set - Grain-Free Wet Cat Food, Mix of 6 Flavors, Set 1

    Granatapet GranataPet DeliCatessen paciņu barības komplekts - bezgraudu mitrā kaķu barība, 6 garšu maisījums, komplekts 1

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    GranataPet DeliCatessen Cat Food Set includes: 2x GranataPet DeliCatessen Venison & Tuna - 85g 2x GranataPet DeliCatessen Salmon & Turkey - 85g 2x GranataPet DeliCatessen Duck & Poultry - 85g 2x GranataPet DeliCatessen Lamb & Turkey - 85g 2x GranataPet DeliCatessen Salmon & Seafood - 85g 2x GranataPet DeliCatessen Veal & Coney - 85g GranataPet DeliCatessen wet cat food is made from the highest quality ingredients. It uses only muscle meat and high-quality offal (e.g., hearts, liver, stomachs). No by-products such as blood, claws, bones, beaks, or feathers are used, and no fillers or meat substitutes are added. It is enriched with valuable additives such as pomegranate seeds, high-quality oils (flaxseed, salmon), green-lipped mussels, and taurine, which enhance the nutritional value and flavor of the meal. The food is produced in Germany with full traceability of ingredients at every stage of the production process. Raw materials are sourced from trusted and verified suppliers, subject to full veterinary control, and are tested by internal and external laboratories. GranataPet food is prepared using a gentle steaming method to retain as many nutrients as possible. It is a protein-rich, easily digestible, and completely grain-free meal. The food also contains no sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. GranataPet DeliCatessen is a recipe for: - Healthy skin and shiny fur - Strong heart and muscles - Proper digestion and intestinal function - Strong bones and flexible joints Wet food is also a way to hydrate your cat. Proper hydration is essential for your cat's health. Thanks to the high moisture content of wet food, your cat does not need to drink as much as when fed dry kibble. Feeding wet food is also better for cats prone to urinary stones. By providing GranataPet food to your pet, you can be sure that you are giving them a tasty, healthy, and well-balanced meal every day. Feeding instructions: The data provided in the table is indicative. Observe your pet and adjust the amount of food as needed. Do not leave wet food open for more than a few hours. If your cat has not eaten it all before the next meal, discard the leftovers, thoroughly rinse the bowl, and only then put fresh food in it. Opened packages of wet food should be stored in the refrigerator in an airtight container for no longer than three days. Before serving food from the refrigerator, it should be warmed up again, as cats often do not tolerate cold or cool food well. Nutritional recommendations Cat weight | Daily food portion Sterilized/indoor cats | Active/outdoor cats 2-3kg | 105-140g | 170-225g 4-5kg | 175-200g | 270-315g 6-7kg | 225-250g | 355-390g 8-10kg | 275-320g | 430-500g Ingredients GranataPet DeliCatessen Turkey & Duck: Turkey and duck meat 70% (turkey 65% consisting of muscle meat, hearts, liver, duck 5%), turkey and duck broth 25.9%, pumpkin 1%, pomegranate seeds 1%, salmon oil 1%, minerals 1%, green-lipped mussel 0.1% Analytical constituents: protein 10.2%, fat content 5.4%, crude ash 3%, crude fiber 0.4%, moisture 79% Dietary additives: vitamin D3 200 IU, taurine 1500 mg, zinc (as zinc sulfate, monohydrate) 25 mg, manganese (as manganese sulfate (II), monohydrate) 1.4 mg, iodine (as calcium iodate, anhydrous) 0.75 mg, copper (as copper sulfate (II), pentahydrate) 1 mg Ingredients GranataPet DeliCatessen Salmon & Turkey: Salmon and turkey meat 72% (salmon 20%, turkey consisting of muscle meat, hearts, liver), salmon and turkey broth 24.9%, pomegranate seeds 1%, salmon oil 1%, minerals 1%, edible mussel 0.1% Analytical constituents: protein 10.3%, fat content 6.1%, crude ash 2.4%, crude fiber 0.5%, moisture 80%, calcium to phosphorus ratio: calcium 0.32%, phosphorus 0.27% Dietary additives: taurine 1500 mg, zinc (as zinc sulfate, monohydrate) 25 mg, manganese (as manganese sulfate (II), monohydrate) 1.4 mg, iodine (as calcium iodate, anhydrous) 0.75 mg, copper (as copper sulfate (II), pentahydrate) 1 mg Ingredients GranataPet DeliCatessen Duck & Poultry: Duck meat and poultry meat 72% (duck 36% consisting of muscle meat, hearts, stomachs, and poultry 36% consisting of muscle meat, hearts, stomachs, liver), duck and poultry broth 24.9%, pomegranate seeds 1%, salmon oil 1%, minerals 1%, edible mussel 0.1% Analytical constituents: protein 10.2%, fat content 5.2%, crude ash 2.4%, crude fiber 0.5%, moisture 80%, calcium to phosphorus ratio: calcium 0.32%, phosphorus 0.28% Dietary additives: vitamin D3 200 IU, taurine 1500 mg, zinc (as zinc sulfate, monohydrate) 25 mg

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    €19,69 - €37,40

  • GranataPet DeliCatessen Pouch Food Set - Grain-Free Wet Cat Food, Mix of 6 Flavors, Set of 2 GranataPet DeliCatessen Pouch Food Set - Grain-Free Wet Cat Food, Mix of 6 Flavors, Set of 2

    Granatapet GranataPet DeliCatessen paciņu barības komplekts - bezgraudu mitrā kaķu barība, 6 garšu maisījums, 2 komplekti

    GranataPet DeliCatessen Food Set includes: 2x GranataPet DeliCatessen Venison & Tuna - 200g 2x GranataPet DeliCatessen Salmon & Turkey - 200g 2x GranataPet DeliCatessen Duck & Poultry - 200g 2x GranataPet DeliCatessen Lamb & Turkey - 200g 2x GranataPet DeliCatessen Salmon & Seafood - 200g 2x GranataPet DeliCatessen Veal & Coney - 200g GranataPet DeliCatessen wet cat food is made from the highest quality ingredients. Only muscle meat and high-quality offal (e.g., hearts, liver, stomachs) are used in its production. No by-products such as blood, claws, bones, beaks, or feathers are included, nor are any fillers or meat substitutes added. It is enriched with valuable additives such as pomegranate seeds, high-quality oils (flaxseed, salmon), green-lipped mussel, and taurine. These enhance the nutritional value and taste of the meal. The food is produced in Germany with full traceability of ingredients at every stage of the production process. Raw materials are sourced from trusted and verified suppliers, undergoing complete veterinary control and testing by internal and external laboratories. GranataPet food is prepared using a gentle steaming method to retain as many nutrients as possible. It is a protein-rich, easily digestible, and completely grain-free meal. The food also contains no sugar, artificial preservatives, colorants, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. GranataPet DeliCatessen is a recipe for: - Healthy skin and shiny coat - Strong heart and muscles - Proper digestion and intestinal function - Strong bones and flexible joints Wet food is also a way to keep your cat hydrated. The right level of water in the body is essential for its health. Thanks to the high moisture content of wet food, cats do not need to drink as much as when fed dry kibble. Feeding wet food is also better for cats prone to urinary stone formation. By providing GranataPet food to your pet, you can be sure that you are giving them a tasty, healthy, and well-balanced meal every day. Feeding instructions and dosage: The data provided in the table is indicative. Observe your pet and adjust the amount of food given as needed. Do not leave wet food open for longer than a few hours. If your cat has not eaten it all before the next meal, discard the leftovers, thoroughly rinse the bowl, and only then place fresh food in it. Opened packages of wet food should be stored in the refrigerator in an airtight container for no longer than three days. Before serving food from the refrigerator, it should be warmed up again, as cats often do not tolerate cold or cool food well. NUTRITIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS Cat Weight | Daily Food Portion Sterilized/Indoor Cats | Active/Outdoor Cats 2-3kg | 105-140g | 170-225g 4-5kg | 175-200g | 270-315g 6-7kg | 225-250g | 355-390g 8-10kg | 275-320g | 430-500g Ingredients for GranataPet DeliCatessen Venison & Tuna: Venison, tuna, and chicken meat 72% (venison 22% consisting of muscle meat, heart, lungs, liver; tuna 20% and chicken 30% consisting of muscle meat, heart, stomach, liver), game, tuna, and chicken broth 24.9%, pomegranate seeds 1%, flaxseed oil 1%, mineral nutrients 1%, green-lipped mussel 0.1% Analytical constituents: protein 10.6%, fat content 5.8%, crude ash 2.6%, crude fiber 0.4%, moisture 78%, calcium to phosphorus ratio: calcium 0.33%, phosphorus 0.28% Dietary additives: taurine 1500 mg, zinc (as zinc sulfate, monohydrate) 25 mg, manganese (as manganese (II) sulfate, monohydrate) 1.4 mg, iodine (as calcium iodate, anhydrous) 0.75 mg, copper (as copper (II) sulfate, pentahydrate) 1 mg Ingredients for GranataPet DeliCatessen Salmon & Turkey: Salmon and turkey meat 72% (salmon 20%, turkey consisting of muscle meat, heart, liver), salmon and turkey broth 24.9%, pomegranate seeds 1%, salmon oil 1%, mineral ingredients 1%, green-lipped mussel 0.1% Analytical constituents: protein 10.3%, fat content 6.1%, crude ash 2.4%, crude fiber 0.5%, moisture 80%, calcium to phosphorus ratio: calcium 0.32%, phosphorus 0.27% Dietary additives: taurine 1500 mg, zinc (as zinc sulfate, monohydrate) 25 mg, manganese (as manganese (II) sulfate, monohydrate) 1.4 mg, iodine (as calcium iodate, anhydrous) 0.75 mg, copper (as copper (II) sulfate, pentahydrate) 1 mg Ingredients for GranataPet DeliCatessen Duck & Poultry: Duck meat and poultry meat 72% (duck 36% consisting of muscle meat, heart, stomach; poultry 36% consisting of muscle meat, heart, stomach, liver), duck and poultry broth 24.9%, pomegranate seeds 1%, salmon oil 1%, mineral ingredients 1%, green-lipped mussel 0.1% Analytical constituents: protein 10.2%, fat content 5.2%, crude ash 2.4%, crude fiber 0.5%, moisture 80%, calcium to phosphorus ratio: calcium 0.32%

    €19,98 - €37,69

  • GranataPet DeliCatessen Pur Pouch Food Set - Grain-Free Wet Cat Food, Mix of 3 Flavors GranataPet DeliCatessen Pur Pouch Food Set - Grain-Free Wet Cat Food, Mix of 3 Flavors

    Granatapet GranataPet DeliCatessen Pur Pouch barības komplekts - graudaugu nesaturoša mitrā kaķu barība, 3 garšu maisījums

    The GranataPet DeliCatessen food set includes: 8x GranataPet DeliCatessen Venison Pur - 85g 8x GranataPet DeliCatessen Chicken Pur - 85g 8x GranataPet DeliCatessen Veal Pur - 85g GranataPet DeliCatessen wet cat food is made from the highest quality ingredients. It uses only muscle meat and high-quality offal (e.g., hearts, liver, stomachs). No by-products such as blood, claws, bones, beaks, or feathers are used, and no fillers or meat substitutes are added. It is enriched with valuable additives such as pomegranate seeds, high-quality oils (flaxseed, salmon), green-lipped mussel, and taurine. These enhance the nutritional value and taste of the meal. The food is produced in Germany with full traceability of ingredients at every stage of the production process. Raw materials are sourced from trusted and verified suppliers, undergo complete veterinary control, and are tested by internal and external laboratories. GranataPet food is prepared using a gentle steaming method to retain as many nutrients as possible. It is a protein-rich, easily digestible, and completely grain-free meal. The food also contains no sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. GranataPet DeliCatessen is the recipe for: healthy skin and a shiny coat strong heart and muscles proper digestion and gut function strong bones and flexible joints. Wet food is also a way to hydrate your cat. The right level of water in the body is essential for its health. Due to the high moisture content of wet food, the cat does not need to drink as much as when fed dry kibble. Feeding wet food is also better for cats prone to urinary stones. By giving GranataPet food to your pet, you can be sure that you are providing a tasty, healthy, and well-balanced meal every day. Feeding instructions: The data provided in the table is indicative. Observe your pet and adjust the amount of food as needed. Do not leave wet food open for more than a few hours. If the cat has not eaten it all before the next meal, the leftovers should be discarded, the bowl thoroughly rinsed, and only then should fresh food be added. Opened packages of wet food should be stored in the refrigerator in a sealed container for no longer than three days. Before serving food from the refrigerator, it should be warmed up again, as cats often do not tolerate cold or cool food well. NUTRITIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS Cat Weight Daily Portion of Food Sterilized/Indoor Cats Active/Outdoor Cats 2-3kg 105-140g 170-225g 4-5kg 175-200g 270-315g 6-7kg 225-250g 355-390g 8-10kg 275-320g 430-500g Ingredients for GranataPet DeliCatessen Venison Pur: venison meat 72% (consisting of muscle meat, heart, lungs, liver), venison broth 24.9%, pomegranate seeds 1%, flaxseed oil 1%, minerals 1%, green-lipped mussel 0.1% Analytical components: protein 10.4%, fat content 6.8%, crude ash 2.3%, crude fiber 0.4%, moisture content 78%, calcium phosphorus ratio: calcium 0.4%, phosphorus 0.3% Dietary additives: vitamin D3 200 IU, taurine 1500 mg, zinc (as zinc sulfate, monohydrate) 25 mg, manganese (as manganese sulfate (II), monohydrate) 1.4 mg, iodine (as calcium iodate, anhydrous) 0.75 mg, copper (as copper sulfate (II), pentahydrate) 1 mg Ingredients for GranataPet DeliCatessen Chicken Pur: chicken meat 72% (consisting of muscle meat, heart, stomach, liver), chicken broth 24.9%, pomegranate seeds 1%, salmon oil 1%, minerals 1%, green-lipped mussel 0.1% Analytical components: protein 10.2%, fat content 5.3%, crude ash 2.2%, crude fiber 0.5%, moisture 80%, calcium 0.28%, phosphorus 0.25% Dietary additives: vitamin D3 200 IU, taurine 1500 mg, zinc (as zinc sulfate, monohydrate) 25 mg, manganese (as manganese sulfate (II), monohydrate) 1.4 mg, iodine (as calcium iodate, anhydrous) 0.75 mg, copper (as copper sulfate (II), pentahydrate) 1 mg Ingredients for GranataPet DeliCatessen Veal Pur: veal meat 72% (consisting of muscle meat, heart, lungs, liver), veal broth 24.9%, pomegranate seeds 1%, salmon oil 1%, minerals 1%, green-lipped mussel 0.1% Analytical components: protein 10.8%, fat content 7.3%, crude ash 2.1%, crude fiber 0.5%, moisture 76%, calcium 0.24%, phosphorus 0.21% Dietary additives: vitamin D3 200 IU, taurine 1500 mg, zinc (as zinc sulfate, monohydrate) 25 mg, manganese (as manganese sulfate (II), monohydrate) 1.4 mg, iodine (as calcium iodate, anhydrous) 0.75 mg

    €19,98 - €37,69


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