Grain-free cat food

8 produkti

  • GranataPet DeliCatessen Coney & Lamb - grain-free cat food, rabbit and lamb GranataPet DeliCatessen Coney & Lamb - grain-free cat food, rabbit and lamb

    Granatapet GranataPet DeliCatessen Konijs & Jērs - bezgraudu kaķu barība, trusis un jērs

    Dry cat food, GranataPet DeliCatessen Coney & Lamb with rabbit and lamb, produced from the finest ingredients. Only muscle meat and high-quality offal (e.g., hearts, liver, stomachs) are used in its production. No by-products such as blood, claws, bones, beaks, or feathers are used, and no fillers or meat substitutes are added. It is supplemented with valuable additives such as pomegranate seeds, high-quality green-lipped mussel, and taurine. These enhance the nutritional value and taste of the meal. The food is produced in Germany with full traceability of ingredients at every stage of the production process. Raw materials are sourced from trusted and verified suppliers, undergo full veterinary control, and are tested by internal and external laboratories. GranataPet food has been developed to retain as many nutrients as possible. It is a protein-rich, easily digestible, and completely grain-free meal. The food also contains no sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. GranataPet DeliCatessen food is a recipe for: - Healthy skin and shiny coat - Strong heart and muscles - Proper digestion and intestinal function - Strong bones and flexible joints - Energy for all-day activity - Healthy urinary system - High immunity Dry food with rabbit and lamb GranataPet DeliCatessen Coney & Lamb: is a complete meal for adult cats. Rabbit is a balanced source of energy and valuable protein, and its taste is very well accepted by animals. It contains even three times more iron than poultry. Lamb is tender and easily digestible, contains valuable protein, and rarely causes food intolerances or allergies. Pomegranate seeds contain a range of health-promoting ingredients. They are rich in ellagic acid, a natural antioxidant and effective cell protector. Pomegranate seeds have a beneficial effect on the immune, cardiovascular, and nervous systems. New Zealand green-lipped mussel provides a dose of glucosamine and chondroitin, essential for the proper functioning of the cat's musculoskeletal system. Salmon oil provides unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids, including DHA and EPA, essential for the proper functioning of the cardiovascular and immune systems, as well as for the health and beautiful appearance of the skin and coat of the pet. Taurine is a substance that a cat's body cannot produce in sufficient amounts, so it must be supplied through food. Taurine is responsible for proper vision, heart function, and the nervous and immune systems. Its deficiency in pregnant cats can lead to miscarriage. Catnip: its presence in the food encourages the cat to show interest in the meal. It is also a source of nutrients. It contains no grains, slaughterhouse waste, sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. Feeding instructions and dosage: The data provided in the table is indicative. Observe your pet and adjust the amount of food as needed. It is recommended to feed the cat in two portions a day. Ensure your cat has constant access to fresh water. NUTRITIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS Cat weight | Daily portion of food Sterilized/indoor cats | Active/outdoor cats 2-3 kg | 30-35 g | 45-60 g 4-5 kg | 45-50 g | 70-80 g 6-8 kg | 60-65 g | 90-100 g 9-10 kg | 70-80 g | 110-125 g Tip: To maintain the freshness of GranataPet dry cat food, the 9 kg package is divided. The carton contains 3 bags weighing 3 kg each. This ensures that your cat always enjoys a deliciously fragrant, fresh meal. Additionally, the carton can be used to create a cat house. Ingredients: Rabbit, lamb, and poultry meat 42% (rabbit 16%, lamb 16%, poultry 10% dried and finely ground), potato flakes (macerated), poultry fat, pomegranate seeds 3%, powdered cellulose, salmon oil 2%, minerals, catnip leaves (finely ground), FOS (fructooligosaccharides), New Zealand green-lipped mussel 0.1% (finely ground, naturally rich in glucosamine and chondroitin), yucca schidigera. Analytical constituents: Protein 28%, fat content 16%, crude fiber 3%, crude ash 8%, calcium to phosphorus ratio: calcium 1.75%, phosphorus 1.1%. Dietary additives: Vitamin A 15,000 IU, Vitamin D3 1,050 IU, Vitamin E 160 mg, L-carnitine 250 mg, taurine 800 mg, copper (copper (II) sulfate pentahydrate) 2.7 mg, zinc (zinc oxide) 85 mg, manganese (manganese (II) oxide) 10 mg, iodine (calcium iodate anhydrous) 0.95 mg.

    €23,23 - €66,76

  • GranataPet DeliCatessen Duck - grain-free cat food with duck GranataPet DeliCatessen Duck - grain-free cat food with duck

    Granatapet GranataPet DeliCatessen Pīle - bezgraudu kaķu barība ar pīli

    Sausā kaķu barība, GranataPet DeliCatessen Pīle ar pīli, ražota no augstākās kvalitātes sastāvdaļām. Tās ražošanā tiek izmantota tikai muskuļu gaļa un augstas kvalitātes subprodukti (piemēram, sirdis, aknas, kuņģi). Netiek izmantoti blakusprodukti, piemēram, asinis, nagi, kauli, knābji vai spalvas, un netiek pievienoti pildvielas vai gaļas aizstājēji. Tā ir papildināta ar vērtīgām piedevām, piemēram, granātābola sēklām, augstas kvalitātes Jaunzēlandes zaļo gliemeņu un taurīnu. Šīs piedevas uzlabo maltītes uzturvērtību un garšu. Barība tiek ražota Vācijā, nodrošinot pilnīgu sastāvdaļu izsekojamību katrā ražošanas procesa posmā. Izejvielas tiek iegūtas no uzticamiem un pārbaudītiem piegādātājiem, pakļautas pilnīgai veterinārajai kontrolei un pārbaudītas gan iekšējās, gan ārējās laboratorijās. GranataPet barība ir izstrādāta tā, lai saglabātu pēc iespējas vairāk uzturvielu. Tā ir ar augstu olbaltumvielu saturu, viegli sagremojama un pilnīgi bez graudiem. Barība nesatur cukuru, mākslīgos konservantus, krāsvielas, garšas pastiprinātājus vai ĢMO. GranataPet DeliCatessen ir recepte: - Veselīgai ādai un spīdīgam kažokam - Spēcīgai sirdij un muskuļiem - Pareizai gremošanai un zarnu funkcijai - Spēcīgiem kauliem un elastīgām locītavām - Enerģijai visas dienas aktivitātēm - Veselīgai urīnceļu sistēmai - Augstai imunitātei Sausā barība ar pīli GranataPet DeliCatessen Pīle: pilnvērtīga maltīte pieaugušiem kaķiem. Pīlei raksturīgs salīdzinoši augsts tauku saturs un nozīmīgs magnija un B1 vitamīna (tiamīna) daudzums. Granātābola sēklas satur plašu veselību veicinošu sastāvdaļu klāstu. Tās ir bagātas ar ellagīnskābi, dabisku antioksidantu un efektīvu šūnu aizsargu. Granātābola sēklas labvēlīgi ietekmē imūnsistēmu, sirds un asinsvadu sistēmu un nervu sistēmu. Jaunzēlandes zaļā gliemene nodrošina glikozamīna un hondroitīna devu, kas ir būtiski kaķa skeleta un locītavu sistēmas pareizai darbībai. Laša eļļa nodrošina nepiesātinātās omega-3 taukskābes, tostarp DHA un EPA, kas ir nepieciešamas sirds un asinsvadu un imūnsistēmas pareizai darbībai, kā arī mājdzīvnieka ādas un kažoka veselībai un skaistam izskatam. Taurīns ir viela, ko kaķa organisms nespēj pietiekamā daudzumā ražot, tāpēc tas jānodrošina ar barību. Taurīns ir atbildīgs par pareizu redzi, sirds darbību, kā arī nervu un imūnsistēmu. Tā trūkums grūtniecēm kaķiem var izraisīt spontāno abortu. Kaķumētra: tās klātbūtne barībā mudina kaķi izrādīt interesi par maltīti. Tā ir arī uzturvielu avots. Tā nesatur graudus, kaušanas blakusproduktus, cukuru, mākslīgos konservantus, krāsvielas, garšas pastiprinātājus vai ĢMO. Barošanas instrukcijas un devas: Tabulā norādītie dati ir aptuveni. Novērojiet savu mājdzīvnieku un pielāgojiet barības daudzumu pēc nepieciešamības. Ieteicams kaķi barot divās porcijās dienā. Nodrošiniet kaķim pastāvīgu piekļuvi svaigam ūdenim. UZTURA IETEIKUMI Kaķa svars | Dienas barības porcija Sterilizēti/iekštelpu kaķi | Aktīvi/āra kaķi 2-3 kg | 25-35 g | 40-55 g 4-5 kg | 40-50 g | 65-75 g 6-7 kg | 55-60 g | 85-95 g 8-10 kg | 65-75 g | 105-120 g Padoms: Lai saglabātu GranataPet sausās kaķu barības svaigumu, 9 kg iepakojums ir sadalīts. Kartona kastē ir 3 maisiņi, katrs sver 3 kg. Tas nodrošina, ka jūsu kaķis vienmēr bauda gardu un smaržīgu, nesabojātu maltīti. Turklāt kartona kasti var izmantot, lai izveidotu kaķu māju. Sastāvdaļas: Pīles un mājputnu gaļa 44% (pīle 30%, mājputni 14% žāvēti un smalki samalti), kartupeļu pārslas (macerētas), mājputnu tauki, granātābola sēklas 3%, pulverveida celuloze, laša eļļa 2%, minerāli, kaķumētras lapas (smalki samaltas), FOS (fruktooligosaharīdi), Jaunzēlandes zaļā gliemene 0,1% (smalki samalta, dabiski bagāta ar glikozamīnu un hondroitīnu), juka šidigeras. Analītiskie komponenti: Olbaltumvielas 33%, tauku saturs 19%, neapstrādāta šķiedra 3%, neapstrādāti pelni 6,8%, kalcija un fosfora attiecība: kalcijs 1,5%, fosfors 1,2%. Diētiskās piedevas: A vitamīns 20 000 SV, D3 vitamīns 1 000 SV, E vitamīns 120 mg, L-karnitīns 500 mg, Taurīns 2 000 mg, Varš (vara (II) sulfāts, pentahidrāts) 4,5 mg, Cinks (cinka oksīds) 60 mg, Jods (kalcija jodāts, bezūdens) 1,6 mg, Mangāns (mangāna (II) oksīds) 6 mg.

    €5,81 - €130,65

  • GranataPet DeliCatessen Poultry - grain-free cat food with poultry GranataPet DeliCatessen Poultry - grain-free cat food with poultry

    Granatapet GranataPet DeliCatessen Mājputni - bezgraudu kaķu barība ar mājputnu gaļu

    Sausā kaķu barība, GranataPet DeliCatessen Mājputni, izgatavota no augstākās kvalitātes sastāvdaļām. Tā tiek ražota, izmantojot tikai muskuļu gaļu un augstas kvalitātes iekšējos orgānus (piemēram, sirdis, aknas, kuņģus). Netiek izmantoti blakusprodukti, piemēram, asinis, nagi, kauli, knābji vai spalvas, un netiek pievienoti pildvielas vai gaļas aizstājēji. Tā ir bagātināta ar vērtīgiem piedevām, piemēram, granātābolu sēklām, augstas kvalitātes zaļo lūpu mīdiju un taurīnu. Šie uzlabo maltītes uzturvērtību un garšu. Barība tiek ražota Vācijā ar pilnu sastāvdaļu izsekojamību katrā ražošanas procesa posmā. Izejvielas tiek iegūtas no uzticamiem un pārbaudītiem piegādātājiem, pakļautas pilnai veterinārajai kontrolei un pārbaudītas gan iekšējos, gan ārējos laboratorijās. GranataPet barība tiek gatavota, izmantojot maigu tvaicēšanas metodi, lai saglabātu pēc iespējas vairāk uzturvielu. Tā ir olbaltumvielām bagāta, viegli sagremojama un pilnīgi bez graudiem. Barība nesatur cukuru, mākslīgos konservantus, krāsvielas, garšas pastiprinātājus vai ĢMO. GranataPet DeliCatessen kaķu barība ir recepte: - Veselīgai ādai un spīdīgam kažokam - Spēcīgai sirdij un muskuļiem - Pareizai gremošanai un zarnu funkcijai - Spēcīgiem kauliem un elastīgām locītavām - Enerģijai visas dienas aktivitātēm - Veselīgai urīnceļu sistēmai - Augstai imunitātei GranataPet DeliCatessen Mājputnu sausā barība: pilnvērtīga maltīte pieaugušiem kaķiem. Mājputnu gaļa nodrošina lielu daudzumu vērtīgu un viegli sagremojamu olbaltumvielu, kas ir būtiskas kaķu pareizai funkcionēšanai. To raksturo zems tauku saturs un augsta uzturvērtība. Tā ir ļoti labi uzsūcama un maiga jūsu mājdzīvnieka gremošanas sistēmai. Tā ir B vitamīnu un minerālvielu, piemēram, dzelzs, magnija, cinka, selēna, fosfora un kālija avots. Granātābolu sēklas satur plašu veselību veicinošu sastāvdaļu klāstu. Tās ir bagātas ar ellagīnskābi, dabisku antioksidantu un efektīvu šūnu aizsargu. Granātābolu sēklas labvēlīgi ietekmē imūnsistēmu, sirds un asinsvadu sistēmu un nervu sistēmu. Jaunzēlandes zaļo lūpu mīdija nodrošina glikozamīna un hondroitīna devu, kas ir būtiski kaķa skeleta un locītavu sistēmas pareizai funkcionēšanai. Laša eļļa nodrošina nepiesātinātās omega-3 taukskābes, tostarp DHA un EPA, kas ir nepieciešamas sirds un asinsvadu un imūnsistēmas pareizai funkcionēšanai, kā arī ādas un kažoka veselībai un skaistam izskatam. Taurīns ir viela, kuru kaķa organisms nevar ražot pietiekamā daudzumā, tāpēc tas jānodrošina ar barību. Taurīns ir atbildīgs par pareizu redzi, sirds funkciju un nervu un imūnsistēmu. Tā trūkums grūsnām kaķenēm var izraisīt spontānu abortu. Kaķumētra: tās klātbūtne barībā mudina kaķi izrādīt interesi par maltīti. Tā ir arī uzturvielu avots. Tā nesatur graudus, kautuves atkritumus, cukuru, mākslīgos konservantus, krāsvielas, garšas pastiprinātājus vai ĢMO. Barošanas instrukcijas un devas: Tabulā norādītie dati ir indikatīvi. Novērojiet savu mājdzīvnieku un pielāgojiet barības daudzumu pēc vajadzības. Ieteicams kaķi barot divās porcijās dienā. Nodrošiniet, lai jūsu kaķim būtu pastāvīga piekļuve svaigam ūdenim. UZTURA IETEIKUMI Kaķa svars | Dienas barības porcija Sterilizēti/iekštelpu kaķi | Aktīvi/ārpus telpām kaķi 2-3kg | 325-350g | 40-55g 4-5kg | 40-50g | 65-75g 6-7kg | 55-60g | 85-95g 8-10kg | 65-75g | 105-120g Padoms: Lai saglabātu GranataPet sausās kaķu barības svaigumu, 9kg iepakojums ir sadalīts. Kartona kastē ir 3 maisiņi, katrs sver 3kg. Tas nodrošina, ka jūsu kaķis vienmēr izbauda gardu, smaržīgu, nesabojātu maltīti. Papildus kartona kasti var izmantot, lai izveidotu kaķu māju. Sastāvdaļas: Mājputnu gaļa 44% (žāvēta un smalki malta), kartupeļu pārslas (sagremotas), mājputnu tauki 11%, granātābolu sēklas 3%, laša eļļa 2%, minerāli, pulverveida celuloze, kaķumētras lapas (smalki maltas), FOS (fruktooligosaharīdi), Jaunzēlandes zaļo lūpu mīdija 0.1% (smalki malta, dabiski bagāta ar glikozamīnu un hondroitīnu), Yucca schidigera. Analītiskās sastāvdaļas: Olbaltumvielas 33%, tauku saturs 19%, jēlšķiedra 3%, jēlpelni 6.5%, kalcija un fosfora attiecība: kalcijs 1.3%, fosfors 1.1%. Diētiskās piedevas: Vitamīns A 20000 IU, Vitamīns D3 1000 IU, Vitamīns E 120 mg, L-karnitīns 500 mg, taurīns 2000 mg, varš (pentahidrāts vara(II) sulfāts) 4.5 mg, cinks (cinka oksīds) 60 mg, jods (bezūdens kalcija jodāts) 1.6 mg, mangāns (mangāna(II) oksīds) 6 mg.

    €4,35 - €47,98

  • GranataPet DeliCatessen Rabbit & Lamb - grain-free cat food, rabbit and lamb GranataPet DeliCatessen Rabbit & Lamb - grain-free cat food, rabbit and lamb

    Granatapet GranataPet DeliCatessen Trusis & Jērs - bezgraudu kaķu barība, trusis un jērs

    Dry cat food, GranataPet DeliCatessen Coney & Lamb with rabbit and lamb, produced from the finest ingredients. Only muscle meat and high-quality offal (e.g., hearts, liver, stomachs) are used in its production. No by-products such as blood, claws, bones, beaks, or feathers are used, and no fillers or meat substitutes are added. It is supplemented with valuable additives such as pomegranate seeds, high-quality green-lipped mussel, and taurine. These enhance the nutritional value and taste of the meal. The food is produced in Germany with full traceability of ingredients at every stage of the production process. Raw materials are sourced from trusted and verified suppliers, undergo full veterinary control, and are tested by internal and external laboratories. GranataPet food has been developed to retain as many nutrients as possible. It is a protein-rich, easily digestible, and completely grain-free meal. The food also contains no sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. GranataPet DeliCatessen food is a recipe for: - Healthy skin and shiny coat - Strong heart and muscles - Proper digestion and intestinal function - Strong bones and flexible joints - Energy for all-day activity - Healthy urinary system - High immunity Dry food with rabbit and lamb GranataPet DeliCatessen Coney & Lamb: is a complete meal for adult cats. Rabbit is a balanced source of energy and valuable protein, and its taste is very well accepted by animals. It contains even three times more iron than poultry. Lamb is tender and easily digestible, contains valuable protein, and rarely causes food intolerances or allergies. Pomegranate seeds contain a range of health-promoting ingredients. They are rich in ellagic acid, a natural antioxidant and effective cell protector. Pomegranate seeds have a beneficial effect on the immune, cardiovascular, and nervous systems. New Zealand green-lipped mussel provides a dose of glucosamine and chondroitin, essential for the proper functioning of the cat's musculoskeletal system. Salmon oil provides unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids, including DHA and EPA, essential for the proper functioning of the cardiovascular and immune systems, as well as for the health and beautiful appearance of the skin and coat of the pet. Taurine is a substance that a cat's body cannot produce in sufficient amounts, so it must be supplied through food. Taurine is responsible for proper vision, heart function, and the nervous and immune systems. Its deficiency in pregnant cats can lead to miscarriage. Catnip: its presence in the food encourages the cat to show interest in the meal. It is also a source of nutrients. It contains no grains, slaughterhouse waste, sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. Feeding instructions and dosage: The data provided in the table is indicative. Observe your pet and adjust the amount of food as needed. It is recommended to feed the cat in two portions a day. Ensure your cat has constant access to fresh water. NUTRITIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS Cat weight | Daily portion of food Sterilized/indoor cats | Active/outdoor cats 2-3 kg | 30-35 g | 45-60 g 4-5 kg | 45-50 g | 70-80 g 6-8 kg | 60-65 g | 90-100 g 9-10 kg | 70-80 g | 110-125 g Tip: To maintain the freshness of GranataPet dry cat food, the 9 kg package is divided. The carton contains 3 bags weighing 3 kg each. This ensures that your cat always enjoys a deliciously fragrant, fresh meal. Additionally, the carton can be used to create a cat house. Ingredients: Rabbit, lamb, and poultry meat 42% (rabbit 16%, lamb 16%, poultry 10% dried and finely ground), potato flakes (macerated), poultry fat, pomegranate seeds 3%, powdered cellulose, salmon oil 2%, minerals, catnip leaves (finely ground), FOS (fructooligosaccharides), New Zealand green-lipped mussel 0.1% (finely ground, naturally rich in glucosamine and chondroitin), yucca schidigera. Analytical constituents: Protein 28%, fat content 16%, crude fiber 3%, crude ash 8%, calcium to phosphorus ratio: calcium 1.75%, phosphorus 1.1%. Dietary additives: Vitamin A 15,000 IU, Vitamin D3 1,050 IU, Vitamin E 160 mg, L-carnitine 250 mg, taurine 800 mg, copper (copper (II) sulfate pentahydrate) 2.7 mg, zinc (zinc oxide) 85 mg, manganese (manganese (II) oxide) 10 mg, iodine (calcium iodate anhydrous) 0.95 mg.

    €5,81 - €130,65

  • GranataPet DeliCatessen Sea Fish & Prawn - grain-free cat food, fish and prawns GranataPet DeliCatessen Sea Fish & Prawn - grain-free cat food, fish and prawns

    Granatapet GranataPet DeliCatessen Jūras Zivis un Garneles - bezgraudu kaķu barība, zivis un garneles

    Dry food for cats, GranataPet DeliCatessen Venison & Chicken, with sea fish and shrimp, produced from the finest ingredients. Only muscle meat is used in its production. No by-products such as blood, claws, bones, beaks, or feathers are used, and no fillers or meat substitutes are added. It is supplemented with valuable additives such as pomegranate seeds, high-quality green-lipped mussel, and taurine. These enhance the nutritional value and taste of the meal. The food is produced in Germany with full traceability of ingredients at every stage of the production process. Raw materials are sourced from trusted and verified suppliers, subject to full veterinary control, and are tested by internal and external laboratories. GranataPet food is prepared using a gentle steaming method to retain as many nutrients as possible. It is a protein-rich, easily digestible, and completely grain-free meal. The food also contains no sugar, artificial preservatives, colorants, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. GranataPet DeliCatessen is a recipe for: healthy skin and shiny fur, strong heart and muscles, proper digestion and intestinal function, strong bones and flexible joints, energy for all-day activity, healthy urinary system, and high immunity. Dry food with fish and shrimp, GranataPet DeliCatessen Sea Fish & Prawns: a complete meal for adult cats. Fish and shrimp: shrimp contain a lot of easily digestible protein and are low in calories. They provide the body with a significant amount of unsaturated Omega fatty acids and are rich in calcium, iodine, selenium, and zinc. Sea fish provide a large amount of valuable and easily digestible protein, essential for the proper functioning of cats. They are characterized by low fat content and high nutritional value. They are easily digestible and gentle on the digestive system, making them ideal for cats with sensitive stomachs. The unsaturated fatty acids they contain regulate blood pressure and counteract silent inflammation in the body. Pomegranate seeds contain a wide range of health-promoting ingredients. They are rich in ellagic acid, a natural antioxidant and effective cell protector. Pomegranate seeds have a beneficial effect on the immune, cardiovascular, and nervous systems. New Zealand green-lipped mussel provides a dose of glucosamine and chondroitin, essential for the proper functioning of the cat's musculoskeletal system. Salmon oil supplies unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids, including DHA and EPA, necessary for the proper functioning of the cardiovascular and immune systems, as well as for the health and beautiful appearance of the skin and fur of the pet. Taurine is a substance that a cat's body cannot produce in sufficient amounts, so it must be supplied through food. Taurine is responsible for proper vision, heart function, and the nervous and immune systems. Its deficiency in pregnant cats can lead to miscarriage. Catnip: its presence in the food encourages the cat to take an interest in the meal. It is also a source of nutrients. Contains no grains, meat by-products, sugar, artificial preservatives, colorants, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. Fish and shrimp-shaped pellets. Feeding instructions and dosage: The data provided in the table is approximate. Observe your pet and adjust the amount of food given as needed. It is recommended to feed the cat in two portions daily. Ensure the cat has constant access to fresh water. NUTRITIONAL GUIDELINES Cat Weight | Daily Portion of Food Sterilized/Indoor Cats | Active/Outdoor Cats 2-3kg | 30-35g | 45-60g 4-5kg | 45-50g | 70-80g 6-7kg | 60-65g | 90-100g 8-10kg | 70-80g | 110-125g Tip: To maintain the freshness of GranataPet dry cat food, the 9kg package is divided. The carton contains 3 bags weighing 3kg each. This ensures that your cat always enjoys a deliciously fragrant, fresh meal. Additionally, the carton can be repurposed to create a cat house. Ingredients: sea fish, shrimp, and poultry meat 42% (sea fish 18%, shrimp 12%, poultry 12% dried and finely ground), potato flakes (macerated), poultry fat, pomegranate seeds 3%, powdered cellulose, salmon oil 2%, minerals, nip leaves (finely ground), FOS (fructooligosaccharides), New Zealand green-lipped mussel 0.1% (finely ground, naturally rich in glucosamine and chondroitin), yucca schidigera. Analytical constituents: protein 28.5%, fat content 17%, crude fiber 3%, crude ash 7.5%, calcium to phosphorus ratio: calcium 1.7%, phosphorus 1.1%. Dietary additives: vitamin A 20000 IU, vitamin D3 1000 IU, vitamin E 120 mg, L-carnitine 500 mg, taurine 2000 mg, copper (copper(II) sulfate, pentahydrate) 4.5 mg, zinc (zinc oxide) 60 mg, iodine (calcium iodate, anhydrous) 1.6 mg, manganese (manganese(II) oxide) 6 mg.

    €23,23 - €66,76

  • GranataPet DeliCatessen Sea Fish & Prawn - grain-free cat food, fish and shrimp GranataPet DeliCatessen Sea Fish & Prawn - grain-free cat food, fish and shrimp

    Granatapet GranataPet DeliCatessen Jūras Zivis un Garneles - bezgraudu kaķu barība, zivis un garneles

    Dry cat food, GranataPet DeliCatessen Sea Fish & Prawn, made with sea fish and prawns, produced from the finest ingredients. It is made using only muscle meat. No by-products such as blood, claws, bones, beaks, or feathers are used, and no fillers or meat substitutes are added. It is supplemented with valuable additives such as pomegranate seeds, high-quality green-lipped mussels, and taurine. These enhance the nutritional value and flavor profile of the meal. The food is produced in Germany with full traceability of ingredients at every stage of the production process. Raw materials are sourced from trusted and verified suppliers, subject to full veterinary control, and are tested by both internal and external laboratories. GranataPet food is prepared using a gentle steaming method to retain as many nutrients as possible. It is a protein-rich, easily digestible, and completely grain-free meal. The food also contains no sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. GranataPet DeliCatessen is a recipe for: - Healthy skin and shiny coat - Strong heart and muscles - Proper digestion and intestinal function - Strong bones and flexible joints - Energy for all-day activity - Healthy urinary system - High immunity GranataPet DeliCatessen Sea Fish & Prawns dry food: a complete meal for adult cats. Fish and prawns: prawns contain a lot of easily digestible protein and are low in calories. They provide the body with a significant amount of unsaturated Omega fatty acids and are rich in calcium, iodine, selenium, and zinc. Sea fish provide a large amount of valuable and easily digestible protein, essential for the proper functioning of the cat. They are low in fat and highly nutritious. They are easily digestible and gentle on the digestive system, making them ideal for cats with sensitive stomachs. The unsaturated fatty acids they contain regulate blood pressure and counteract silent inflammation in the body. Pomegranate seeds contain a wide range of health-promoting ingredients. They are high in ellagic acid, a natural antioxidant and effective cell protector. Pomegranate seeds have a beneficial effect on the immune, cardiovascular, and nervous systems. New Zealand green-lipped mussels provide a dose of glucosamine and chondroitin, essential for the proper functioning of the cat's musculoskeletal system. Salmon oil provides unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids, including DHA and EPA, necessary for the proper functioning of the cardiovascular and immune systems, as well as for the health and beautiful appearance of the skin and coat. Taurine is a substance that a cat's body cannot produce in sufficient amounts, so it must be supplied through food. Taurine is responsible for proper vision, heart function, and the nervous and immune systems. Its deficiency in pregnant cats can lead to miscarriage. Catnip: its presence in the food encourages the cat to show interest in the meal. It is also a source of nutrients. Contains no grains, slaughterhouse by-products, sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. Pellets shaped like fish and prawns. Feeding instructions and dosage: The data provided in the table are indicative. Observe your pet and adjust the amount of food as needed. It is recommended to feed the cat in two portions per day. Ensure your cat has constant access to fresh water. Nutritional recommendations: Cat weight | Daily portion of food Sterilized/indoor cats | Active/outdoor cats 2-3kg | 30-35g | 45-60g 4-5kg | 45-50g | 70-80g 6-7kg | 60-65g | 90-100g 8-10kg | 70-80g | 110-125g Tip: To maintain the freshness of GranataPet dry cat food, the 9kg package has been divided. The carton contains 3 bags weighing 3kg each. This ensures that your cat always enjoys a deliciously fragrant, fresh meal. Additionally, the carton can be repurposed into a cat house. Ingredients: sea fish, prawns, and poultry meat 42% (sea fish 18%, prawns 12%, poultry 12% dried and finely ground), potato flakes (macerated), poultry fat, pomegranate seeds 3%, powdered cellulose, salmon oil 2%, minerals, nip leaves (finely ground), FOS (fructooligosaccharides), New Zealand green-lipped mussel 0.1% (finely ground, naturally rich in glucosamine and chondroitin), yucca schidigera. Analytical components: protein 28.5%, fat content 17%, crude fiber 3%, crude ash 7.5%, calcium to phosphorus ratio: calcium 1.7%, phosphorus 1.1%. Dietary additives: vitamin A 20000 IU, vitamin D3 1000 IU, vitamin E 120 mg, L-carnitine 500 mg, taurine 2000 mg, copper (copper(II) sulfate pentahydrate) 4.5 mg, zinc (zinc oxide) 60 mg, iodine (calcium iodate, anhydrous) 1.6 mg, manganese (manganese(II) oxide) 6 mg.

    €5,81 - €130,65

  • GranataPet DeliCatessen Shrimps - grain-free cat food with shrimp GranataPet DeliCatessen Shrimps - grain-free cat food with shrimp

    Granatapet GranataPet DeliCatessen Garneles - bezgraudu kaķu barība ar garnelēm

    Dry food for cats, GranataPet DeliCatessen Shrimps with shrimp, produced from the finest ingredients. Only muscle meat and high-quality offal (e.g., hearts, liver, stomachs) are used in its production. No by-products such as blood, claws, bones, beaks, or feathers are used, nor are any fillers or meat substitutes added. It is enriched with valuable additives such as pomegranate seeds, high-quality green-lipped mussel, and taurine. These enhance the nutritional value and taste of the meal. The food is produced in Germany with full traceability of ingredients at every stage of the production process. Raw materials are sourced from trusted and verified suppliers, subject to full veterinary control, and are tested by both internal and external laboratories. GranataPet food is prepared using a gentle steaming method to retain as many nutrients as possible. It is a protein-rich, easily digestible, and completely grain-free meal. The food also contains no sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. GranataPet DeliCatessen food is a recipe for: - Healthy skin and shiny coat - Strong heart and muscles - Proper digestion and intestinal function - Strong bones and flexible joints - Energy for all-day activity - Healthy urinary system - High immunity GranataPet DeliCatessen Shrimps dry food: a complete meal for adult cats. Shrimp contains a lot of easily digestible protein and is low in calories. It provides the body with a good amount of unsaturated Omega fatty acids and is rich in calcium, iodine, selenium, and zinc. Pomegranate seeds contain a wide range of health-promoting ingredients. They are high in ellagic acid, a natural antioxidant and effective cell protector. Pomegranate seeds have a beneficial effect on the immune, cardiovascular, and nervous systems. New Zealand green-lipped mussel provides a dose of glucosamine and chondroitin, essential for the proper functioning of the cat's musculoskeletal system. Salmon oil supplies unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids, including DHA and EPA, which are necessary for the proper functioning of the cardiovascular and immune systems, as well as for the health and beautiful appearance of the skin and coat of the pet. Taurine is a substance that the cat's body cannot produce in sufficient amounts, so it must be supplied through food. Taurine is responsible for proper vision, heart function, and the nervous and immune systems. Its deficiency in pregnant cats can lead to miscarriage. Catnip: its presence in the food encourages the cat to show interest in the meal. It is also a source of nutrients. It contains no grains, slaughterhouse by-products, sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. Feeding instructions and dosage: The data provided in the table is approximate. Observe your pet and adjust the amount of food given as needed. It is recommended to feed the cat in two portions per day. Ensure your cat has constant access to fresh water. NUTRITIONAL GUIDELINES Cat weight | Daily portion of food Sterilized/indoor cats | Active/outdoor cats 2-3kg | 325-350g | 40-55g 4-5kg | 400-450g | 65-75g 6-7kg | 550-600g | 85-95g 8-10kg | 650-750g | 105-120g Tip: To maintain the freshness of GranataPet dry cat food, the 9kg package has been divided. The carton contains 3 bags weighing 3kg each. This ensures that your cat always enjoys a deliciously fragrant, fresh meal. Additionally, the carton can be repurposed to create a cat house. Ingredients: shrimp and turkey meat 42% (shrimp 2%, turkey 19% dried and finely ground), potato flakes (digested), poultry fat, pomegranate seeds 3%, powdered cellulose, salmon oil 2%, minerals, catnip leaves (finely ground), FOS (fructooligosaccharides), New Zealand green-lipped mussel 0.1% (finely ground, naturally rich in glucosamine and chondroitin), Yucca schidigera. Analytical constituents: protein 30%, fat content 18%, crude fiber 3%, crude ash 7.9%, calcium to phosphorus ratio: calcium 1.8%, phosphorus 1.2%. Dietary additives: vitamin A 20000 IU, vitamin D3 1000 IU, vitamin E 120 mg, L-carnitine 500 mg, taurine 2000 mg, copper (copper(II) sulfate pentahydrate) 4.5 mg, zinc (zinc oxide) 60 mg, iodine (calcium iodate anhydrous) 1.6 mg, manganese (manganese(II) oxide) 6 mg.

    €5,81 - €130,65

  • GranataPet DeliCatessen Venison & Chicken - grain-free cat food, venison and chicken GranataPet DeliCatessen Venison & Chicken - grain-free cat food, venison and chicken

    Granatapet GranataPet DeliCatessen Brieža gaļa un vistas gaļa - bezgraudu kaķu barība, brieža gaļa un vistas gaļa

    Sausā kaķu barība, GranataPet DeliCatessen Venison & Chicken, pagatavota no brieža un vistas gaļas, ražota no augstākās kvalitātes sastāvdaļām. Tā ir izgatavota, izmantojot tikai muskuļu gaļu un augstas kvalitātes subproduktus (piemēram, sirdis, aknas, kuņģus). Netiek izmantoti blakusprodukti, piemēram, asinis, nagi, kauli, knābji vai spalvas, un netiek pievienoti pildvielas vai gaļas aizstājēji. Tā ir bagātināta ar vērtīgiem piedevām, piemēram, granātābola sēklām, augstas kvalitātes zaļo lūpu mīdijām un taurīnu. Šīs sastāvdaļas uzlabo maltītes uzturvērtību un garšu. Barība tiek ražota Vācijā ar pilnīgu sastāvdaļu izsekojamību katrā ražošanas procesa posmā. Izejvielas tiek iegūtas no uzticamiem un pārbaudītiem piegādātājiem, tiek veikta pilnīga veterinārā kontrole un tās tiek pārbaudītas gan iekšējās, gan ārējās laboratorijās. GranataPet barība ir izstrādāta, lai saglabātu pēc iespējas vairāk uzturvielu. Tā ir proteīniem bagāta, viegli sagremojama un pilnīgi bez graudiem. Barība nesatur cukuru, mākslīgos konservantus, krāsvielas, garšas pastiprinātājus vai ĢMO. GranataPet DeliCatessen barība ir recepte: veselīgai ādai un spīdīgam kažokam, stiprai sirdij un muskuļiem, pareizai gremošanai un zarnu funkcijai, stipriem kauliem un elastīgām locītavām, enerģijai visas dienas aktivitātēm, veselīgai urīnceļu sistēmai un augstai imunitātei. Sausā barība ar garnelēm, GranataPet DeliCatessen Shrimps: tā ir pilnvērtīga maltīte pieaugušiem kaķiem. Salīdzinot ar mājdzīvnieku gaļu, brieža gaļai ir līdz pat četras reizes lielāka uzturvērtība, tā ir ar zemu tauku saturu un satur lielu daudzumu viegli sagremojamu proteīnu. Putnu gaļa parasti tiek iegūta no muskuļiem, padarot to par viegli sagremojamu un labi uzsūcošu proteīnu avotu. Granātābola sēklas satur virkni veselību veicinošu sastāvdaļu, tostarp lielu daudzumu ellagīnskābes, dabīga antioksidanta un efektīva šūnu aizsarga. Granātābola sēklām ir labvēlīga ietekme uz imūnsistēmu, sirds un asinsvadu sistēmu un nervu sistēmu. Jaunzēlandes zaļo lūpu mīdija nodrošina glikozamīna un hondroitīna devu, kas ir būtiski kaķa muskuļu un skeleta sistēmas pareizai funkcionēšanai. Laša eļļa nodrošina nepiesātinātās omega-3 taukskābes, tostarp DHA un EPA, kas ir būtiskas sirds un asinsvadu un imūnsistēmas pareizai funkcionēšanai, kā arī ādas un kažoka veselībai un skaistam izskatam. Taurīns ir viela, ko kaķa organisms nespēj ražot pietiekamā daudzumā, tāpēc tas jānodrošina ar barību. Taurīns ir atbildīgs par pareizu redzi, sirds funkciju, kā arī nervu un imūnsistēmu. Tā trūkums grūtniecēm kaķenēm var izraisīt spontāno abortu. Kaķumētra: tās klātbūtne barībā mudina kaķi interesēties par maltīti. Tā ir arī uzturvērtības avots. Tā nesatur graudus, gaļas blakusproduktus, cukuru, mākslīgos konservantus, krāsvielas, garšas pastiprinātājus vai ĢMO. Sirsniņformas granulas. Barošanas instrukcijas un devas: Tabulā norādītie dati ir aptuveni. Novērojiet savu mājdzīvnieku un pielāgojiet barības daudzumu pēc vajadzības. Ieteicams barot kaķi divās porcijās dienā. Nodrošiniet, lai jūsu kaķim būtu pastāvīga piekļuve svaigam ūdenim. Uztura ieteikumi: Kaķa svars | Dienas barības porcija Sterilizēti/iekštelpu kaķi | Aktīvi/āra kaķi 2-3kg | 25-35g | 40-55g 4-5kg | 40-50g | 65-75g 6-7kg | 55-60g | 85-95g 8-10kg | 65-75g | 105-120g Padoms: Lai saglabātu GranataPet sausās kaķu barības svaigumu, 9kg iepakojums ir sadalīts. Kastē ir 3 maisiņi, katrs sver 3kg. Tas nodrošina, ka jūsu kaķis vienmēr bauda gardu, aromātisku, svaigu maltīti. Turklāt kasti var pārveidot par kaķu māju. Sastāvdaļas: brieža un vistas gaļa 42% (brieža gaļa 12%, vistas gaļa 30% žāvēta un smalki malta), kartupeļu pārslas (macerētas), putnu tauki, granātābola sēklas 3%, pulverveida celuloze, laša eļļa 2%, minerāli, kaķumētras lapas (smalki maltas), FOS (fruktooligosaharīdi), Jaunzēlandes zaļo lūpu mīdija 0.1% (smalki malta, dabiski bagāta ar glikozamīnu un hondroitīnu), juka šidigera. Analītiskie komponenti: proteīns 30%, tauku saturs 18%, neapstrādātas šķiedras 3%, neapstrādāti pelni 7.5%, kalcija un fosfora attiecība: kalcijs 1.8%, fosfors 1.2%. Diētiskās piedevas: vitamīns A 20000 SV, vitamīns D3 1000 SV, vitamīns E 120 mg, L-karnitīns 500 mg, taurīns 2000 mg, varš (vara (II) sulfāts, pentahidrāts) 4.5 mg, cinks (cinka oksīds) 60 mg, jods (kalcija jodāts, bezūdens) 1.6 mg, mangāns (mangāna (II) oksīds) 6 mg.

    €5,81 - €130,65


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