Dry Food

121 products

  • GranataPet Natural Taste Lamb - grain-free dog food with lamb GranataPet Natural Taste Lamb - grain-free dog food with lamb

    Granatapet GranataPet Natural Taste Lamb - grain-free dog food with lamb

    Dry food for adult dogs GranataPet Natural Taste with duck and trout, produced from the finest ingredients in Austria. It consists of muscle meat and high-quality offal, along with health-beneficial ingredients such as pomegranate seeds, high-grade salmon oil, and green-lipped mussel. The formula is complemented with herbs, including a blend sourced from the lush green meadows of the Algaw Alps. The food is produced with full traceability of ingredients at every stage of the production process. Raw materials are sourced from trusted and verified suppliers, undergo complete veterinary control, and are tested by both internal and external laboratories. GranataPet food is designed to retain as many nutritional values as possible in these small, aromatic kibbles. It is a protein-rich, easily digestible, and completely grain-free meal. The food also contains no sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. GranataPet food is a recipe for: healthy skin and a shiny coat, strong heart and muscles, proper kidney function, correct digestion and intestinal health, strong bones and flexible joints, energy for all-day activity. GranataPet Natural Taste dry food for adult dogs with lamb: a complete meal for adult dogs with sensitive stomachs, containing 70% lamb meat, which is a good source of energy and valuable protein, known for its excellent tolerance and very rarely causing food intolerances or allergies. Pomegranate seeds contain a wide range of health-promoting ingredients, including high amounts of ellagic acid, a natural antioxidant and effective cell protector. Pomegranate seeds have beneficial effects on the immune, cardiovascular, and nervous systems. New Zealand green-lipped mussel provides a dose of glucosamine and chondroitin, essential for the proper functioning of the dog's musculoskeletal system. Salmon oil supplies unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids, including DHA and EPA, necessary for the proper functioning of the cardiovascular and immune systems, as well as for the health and beautiful appearance of the dog's skin and coat. The herbal blend from the Algaw Alps (fenugreek, plantain, ribwort plantain, chamomile, dandelion, marigold) and garden herbs (peppermint, thyme, oregano, sage, parsley, marjoram, anise) enhances the nutritional value of the food, providing additional substances that support health and the beautiful appearance of the dog. They have antioxidant properties, inhibit the action of free radicals, support kidney function, and improve digestion. The food contains no grains, meat by-products, sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. Feeding instructions and dosage: The data provided in the table is indicative. Monitor your pet and adjust the amount of food as needed. It is recommended to feed the dog in two portions daily. Ensure your dog has constant access to fresh water. Nutritional recommendations: Dog weight | Daily food portion | Normal activity | Increased activity (up to 3 hours daily) 11kg | 175g | 200g 15kg | 220g | 250g 20kg | 275g | 310g 25kg | 325g | 370g 30kg | 370g | 420g 35kg | 415g | 475g 40kg | 460g | 525g 45kg | 500g | 570g 50kg | 545g | 620g 60kg | 625g | 710g 70kg | 700g | 795g 80kg | 775g | 880g Ingredients: lamb and poultry 70% (fresh lamb meat 30%, fresh poultry meat 20%, dried and finely ground poultry meat 10%, dried and finely ground lamb meat 7%, poultry fat 3%), vegetables 20% (potato flakes, spinach, carrot), pomegranate seeds 4% (dried and finely ground), salmon oil 2%, minerals 1.5%, vitamins 0.5%, herbs from mountain meadows 0.5% (fenugreek, psyllium, ribwort plantain, chamomile, dandelion, marigold), chicory 0.5% (finely ground, with natural FOS and inulin), herbs 0.3% (peppermint, thyme, oregano, sage, parsley, marjoram, anise), fruits 0.3% (cranberries, blueberries, apples), seaweed 0.2% (spirulina), New Zealand green-lipped mussel 0.1% (finely ground, naturally rich in glucosamine and chondroitin), yucca schidigera 0.1%. Analytical constituents: protein 34%, fat content 14%, crude fiber 3%, crude ash 7%, calcium phosphorus ratio: calcium 1.45%, phosphorus 1%. Dietary additives: vitamin D3 1200 IU, L-carnitine 600mg, copper (pentahydrate copper (II) sulfate) 8mg, zinc (zinc oxide) 110mg, manganese (manganese (II) oxide) 11mg, iodine (calcium iodate anhydrous) 3mg.

    €29,01 - €153,88

  • GranataPet Natural Taste Poultry - grain-free dog food with poultry GranataPet Natural Taste Poultry - grain-free dog food with poultry

    Granatapet GranataPet Natural Taste Poultry - grain-free dog food with poultry

    Dry food for adult dogs GranataPet Natural Taste with poultry, produced from the best ingredients in Austria. It consists of muscle meat and the highest quality offal, along with health-beneficial ingredients such as: pomegranate seeds, high-quality salmon oil, and green-lipped mussel. The formula is complemented with herbs, including a blend sourced from the lush green meadows of the Allgäu Alps. The food is produced with full traceability of ingredients at every stage of the production process. Raw materials are sourced from trusted and verified suppliers, undergo complete veterinary control, and are tested by both internal and external laboratories. GranataPet food has been formulated to retain as many nutritional values as possible in these small, aromatic kibbles. It is a protein-rich, easily digestible, and completely grain-free meal. The food also contains no sugar, artificial preservatives, colorants, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. GranataPet food is a recipe for: healthy skin and a shiny coat, strong heart and muscles, proper kidney function, correct digestion and intestinal health, strong bones and flexible joints, and energy for action throughout the day. Dry food for adult dogs GranataPet Natural Taste with poultry: is a complete meal for adult dogs containing 70% poultry meat, which provides a large amount of valuable and well-absorbed protein essential for the proper functioning of the dog. It is characterized by low fat content and high nutritional value. It is very well absorbed and gentle on the digestive system of your pet. It is a source of B vitamins and minerals such as iron, magnesium, zinc, selenium, phosphorus, and potassium. Pomegranate seeds contain a wide range of health-promoting components. They are rich in ellagic acid, a natural antioxidant and effective cell protector. Pomegranate seeds have a beneficial effect on the immune, cardiovascular, and nervous systems. New Zealand green-lipped mussel provides a dose of glucosamine and chondroitin, essential for the proper functioning of the dog's musculoskeletal system. Salmon oil supplies unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids, including DHA and EPA, necessary for the proper functioning of the cardiovascular and immune systems, as well as for the health and beautiful appearance of the dog's skin and coat. The blend of herbs from the Allgäu Alps (fenugreek, plantain, ribwort, chamomile, dandelion, marigold) and garden herbs (peppermint, thyme, oregano, sage, parsley, marjoram, anise) enhances the nutritional value of the food, providing additional substances that support health and the beautiful appearance of the dog. They act as antioxidants, inhibit the action of free radicals, support kidney function, and improve digestion. Feeding instructions and dosage: The data provided in the table is indicative. Observe your pet and adjust the amount of food given as needed. It is recommended to feed the dog in two portions per day. Ensure your dog has constant access to fresh water. Nutritional recommendations Dog weight | Daily food portion | Normal activity level | Increased activity level (up to 3 hours daily) 11kg | 175g | 200g 15kg | 220g | 250g 20kg | 275g | 310g 25kg | 325g | 370g 30kg | 370g | 420g 35kg | 415g | 475g 40kg | 460g | 525g 45kg | 500g | 570g 50kg | 545g | 620g 60kg | 625g | 710g 70kg | 700g | 795g 80kg | 775g | 880g Ingredients: poultry 70% (fresh poultry meat 33%, dried and finely ground poultry meat 32%, poultry fat 5%), vegetables 20% (potato flakes, spinach, carrot), pomegranate seeds 4% (dried and finely ground), salmon oil 2%, minerals 1.5%, vitamins 0.5%, herbs from the Allgäu Alps 0.5% (fenugreek, plantain, ribwort, chamomile, dandelion, marigold), chicory 0.5% (finely ground, with natural FOS and inulin), herbs 0.3% (peppermint, thyme, oregano, sage, parsley, marjoram, anise), fruits 0.3% (cranberries, blueberries, apples), algae 0.2% (duckweed, spirulina), New Zealand green-lipped mussel 0.1% (finely ground, naturally rich in glucosamine and chondroitin), yucca schidigera 0.1%. Analytical constituents: protein 35%, fat content 15%, crude fiber 3%, crude ash 6%, calcium to phosphorus ratio: calcium 1.25%, phosphorus 0.95%. Dietary additives: vitamin D3 1200 IU, L-carnitine 600 mg, copper (copper(II) sulfate pentahydrate) 8 mg, zinc (zinc oxide) 110mg, manganese (manganese(II) oxide) 11 mg, iodine (calcium iodate anhydrous) 3mg.

    €20,30 - €43,53

  • GranataPet Natural Taste Senior - grain-free food for senior dogs, with reduced fat content GranataPet Natural Taste Senior - grain-free food for senior dogs, with reduced fat content

    Granatapet GranataPet Natural Taste Senior - grain-free food for senior dogs, with reduced fat content

    Senior dog food GranataPet Natural Taste with poultry, produced from the best ingredients in Austria. It consists of muscle meat and high-quality offal, along with health-beneficial ingredients such as: pomegranate seeds, high-quality salmon oil, and green-lipped mussel. The recipe is complemented with herbs, including a blend sourced from the lush green meadows of the Algaw Alps. The food is produced with full traceability of ingredients at every stage of the production process. Raw materials are sourced from trusted and verified suppliers, undergo full veterinary control, and are tested by both internal and external laboratories. GranataPet food has been developed to retain as many nutritional values as possible in these small, aromatic kibbles. It is a protein-rich, easily digestible, and completely grain-free meal. The food also contains no sugar, artificial preservatives, colorants, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. Due to its lower fat content, it can be given to dogs prone to weight gain. GranataPet food is a recipe for: - Healthy skin and shiny coat - Strong heart and muscles - Proper kidney function - Correct digestion and intestinal health - Strong bones and flexible joints - Energy for activity throughout the day GranataPet Natural Taste dry food for senior dogs: a complete meal for older dogs and those with overweight, with reduced fat content, consisting of 70% poultry meat, which provides a large amount of valuable and well-absorbed protein essential for proper functioning. It is characterized by low fat content and high nutritional value. It is very well absorbed and gentle on the digestive system of your pet. It is a source of B vitamins and minerals such as iron, magnesium, zinc, selenium, phosphorus, and potassium. Pomegranate seeds contain a wide range of health-promoting components, including high amounts of ellagic acid, a natural antioxidant and effective cell protector. Pomegranate seeds have a beneficial effect on the immune, cardiovascular, and nervous systems. New Zealand green-lipped mussel provides a dose of glucosamine and chondroitin, essential for the proper functioning of the dog's musculoskeletal system. The blend of herbs from the Algaw Alps (fenugreek, plantain, ribwort, chamomile, dandelion, marigold) and garden herbs (peppermint, thyme, oregano, sage, parsley, marjoram, anise) enhances the nutritional value of the food, providing additional substances that support health and the beautiful appearance of your dog. They have antioxidant properties, inhibit the action of free radicals, support kidney function, and improve digestion. It contains no grains, meat by-products, sugar, artificial preservatives, colorants, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. Feeding instructions and dosage: The data provided in the table are approximate. Monitor your pet and adjust the amount of food as needed. It is recommended to feed the dog in two portions daily. Ensure your dog has constant access to fresh water. NUTRITIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS Dog weight | Daily food portion Normal activity | Increased activity (up to 3 hours daily) 11kg | 166g | 193g 15kg | 210g | 243g 20kg | 260g | 301g 25kg | 308g | 356g 30kg | 353g | 409g 35kg | 396g | 459g 40kg | 438g | 507g 45kg | 478g | 554g 50kg | 518g | 599g 60kg | 593g | 687g 70kg | 666g | 771g 80kg | 736g | 853g Ingredients: chicken and poultry 70% (fresh chicken meat 25%, fresh poultry meat 25%, dried and finely ground poultry meat 16%, poultry fat 4%), vegetables 20% (potato flakes, spinach, carrot), pomegranate seeds 4% (dried and finely ground), salmon oil 2%, minerals 1.5%, vitamins 0.5%, herbs from mountain meadows 0.5% (fenugreek, psyllium, common plantain, chamomile, dandelion, marigold), chicory 0.5% (finely ground, with natural FOS and inulin), herbs 0.3% (peppermint, thyme, oregano, sage, parsley, marjoram, anise), fruits 0.3% (cranberries, blueberries, apples), seaweed 0.2% (spirulina), New Zealand green-lipped mussel 0.1% (finely ground, naturally rich in glucosamine and chondroitin), yucca schidigera 0.1%. Analytical components: protein 32%, fat content 12%, crude fiber 6%, crude ash 6%, calcium to phosphorus ratio: calcium 1%, phosphorus 0.8%. Dietary additives: vitamin D3 1200 IU, L-carnitine 1200mg, copper (copper(II) sulfate pentahydrate) 8mg, zinc (zinc oxide) 110mg, manganese (manganese(II) oxide) 11mg, iodine (calcium iodate anhydrous) 3mg.


  • GranataPet Natural Taste Venison & Buffalo - grain-free dog food, venison and buffalo GranataPet Natural Taste Venison & Buffalo - grain-free dog food, venison and buffalo

    Granatapet GranataPet Natural Taste Venison & Buffalo - grain-free dog food, venison and buffalo

    Dry food for adult dogs GranataPet Natural Taste with game and buffalo, produced from the best ingredients in Austria. It consists of muscle meat and high-quality offal, along with health-beneficial ingredients such as: pomegranate seeds, high-grade salmon oil, and green-lipped mussel. The formula is complemented with herbs, including a blend sourced from lush green meadows in the Algaw Alps. The food is produced with full traceability of ingredients at every stage of the production process. Raw materials are sourced from trusted and verified suppliers, undergo full veterinary control, and are tested by both internal and external laboratories. GranataPet food has been developed to retain as many nutritional values as possible in these small, aromatic kibbles. It is a protein-rich, easily digestible, and completely grain-free meal. The food also contains no sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. GranataPet food is a recipe for: healthy skin and shiny coat strong heart and muscles proper kidney function correct digestion and intestinal health strong bones and flexible joints energy for action throughout the day. Dry food for adult dogs GranataPet Natural Taste with game and buffalo: it is a complete meal for adult dogs with 70% meat; game and buffalo meat provide an excellent source of protein, being highly nutritious and aromatic. Both types of meat are well tolerated by dogs. Buffalo is particularly easily digestible and contains high-quality protein, vitamins B12 and B6. It also contains significant amounts of potassium, magnesium, zinc, and iron. Pomegranate seeds contain a wide range of health-promoting ingredients. They are rich in ellagic acid, a natural antioxidant and effective cell protector. Pomegranate seeds have a beneficial effect on the immune, cardiovascular, and nervous systems. New Zealand green-lipped mussel provides a dose of glucosamine and chondroitin, essential for the proper functioning of the dog's musculoskeletal system. The blend of herbs from the Algaw Alps (fenugreek, plantain, ribwort, chamomile, dandelion, marigold) and garden herbs (peppermint, thyme, oregano, sage, parsley, marjoram, anise) enhances the nutritional value of the food, providing additional substances that support health and the beautiful appearance of the dog. They have antioxidant properties, inhibit the action of free radicals, support kidney function, and improve digestion. It contains no grains, meat by-products, sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. Feeding instructions and dosage: The data provided in the table is indicative. Monitor your pet and adjust the amount of food as needed. It is recommended to feed the dog in two portions daily. Ensure the dog has constant access to fresh water. NUTRITIONAL GUIDELINES Dog Weight | Daily Food Portion | Normal Activity Level | Increased Activity Level (up to 3 hours daily) 11kg | 175g | 200g 15kg | 220g | 250g 20kg | 275g | 310g 25kg | 325g | 370g 30kg | 370g | 420g 35kg | 415g | 475g 40kg | 460g | 525g 45kg | 500g | 570g 50kg | 545g | 620g 60kg | 625g | 710g 70kg | 700g | 795g 80kg | 775g | 880g Composition: game, buffalo, beef, and poultry meat 70% (fresh game meat 18%, fresh beef 17%, fresh poultry meat 15%, dried and finely ground buffalo meat 7%, dried and finely ground poultry meat 5%, poultry fat 5%, beef tallow 3%), vegetables 20% (potato flakes, spinach, carrot), pomegranate seeds 4% (dried and finely ground), salmon oil 2%, minerals 1.5%, vitamins 0.5%, mountain herbs 0.5% (fenugreek, plantain, ribwort, chamomile, dandelion, marigold), chicory 0.5% (finely ground, with natural FOS and inulin), herbs 0.3% (peppermint, thyme, oregano, sage, parsley, marjoram, anise), fruits 0.3% (cranberries, blueberries, apples), seaweed 0.2% (spirulina), New Zealand green-lipped mussel 0.1% (finely ground, naturally rich in glucosamine and chondroitin), yucca schidigera 0.1%. Analytical components: protein 36%, fat content 16%, crude fiber 3%, crude ash 6.5%, calcium to phosphorus ratio: calcium 1.2%, phosphorus 0.95%. Dietary additives: vitamin D3 1200 IU, L-carnitine 600mg, copper (pentahydrate copper (II) sulfate) 8mg, zinc (zinc oxide) 110mg, manganese (manganese (II) oxide) 11mg, iodine (anhydrous calcium iodate) 3mg.

    €37,72 - €87,09

  • GranataPet Poultry Puppy/Junior - grain-free dry food for puppies, with poultry GranataPet Poultry Puppy/Junior - grain-free dry food for puppies, with poultry

    Granatapet GranataPet Poultry Puppy/Junior - grain-free dry food for puppies, with poultry

    Such food for puppies, GranataPet Puppy/Junior Poultry with chicken, is produced from the highest quality ingredients. Only muscle meat and high-quality offal (e.g., hearts, liver, stomachs) are used in its production. No by-products such as blood, claws, bones, beaks, or feathers are used, and no fillers or meat substitutes are added. It is supplemented with valuable additives such as pomegranate seeds, high-quality salmon oil, and green-lipped mussel. These enhance the nutritional value and taste of the meal. The food is produced in Austria, ensuring full traceability of ingredients at every stage of the production process. Raw materials are sourced from trusted and verified suppliers, subject to full veterinary control, and are tested by internal and external laboratories. GranataPet food is designed to retain as many nutritional values as possible in these small, aromatic kibbles. It is a rich source of valuable protein, easily digestible, and completely grain-free meal that will provide your puppy with all the necessary components for proper body development and balanced growth. The food contains no sugars, artificial preservatives, colorants, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. GranataPet food is a recipe for: proper development of a young organism, balanced growth, healthy skin and shiny coat, strong heart and muscles, proper digestion and intestinal function, strong bones and flexible joints, energy for activity and play throughout the day. Wet food poultry GranataPet Liebling's Mahlzeit Puppy/Junior Poultry: is a complete meal for adult dogs. Poultry provides a large amount of valuable and well-absorbed protein, essential for the proper functioning of dogs. It is characterized by low fat content and high nutritional value. It is very well absorbed and gentle on the developing digestive system of puppies. It is a source of B vitamins and minerals such as iron, magnesium, zinc, selenium, phosphorus, and potassium. Pomegranate seeds contain a wide range of health-promoting ingredients. They are high in ellagic acid, a natural antioxidant and effective cell protection agent. Pomegranate seeds have a beneficial effect on the immune, cardiovascular, and nervous systems. New Zealand green-lipped mussel provides a dose of glucosamine and chondroitin, essential for the proper functioning of the dog's skeletal and joint system. Salmon oil provides unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids, including DHA and EPA, necessary for the proper functioning of the cardiovascular and immune systems, as well as for the health and beautiful appearance of the skin and coat of your pet. Spirulina contains a lot of easily digestible protein and is rich in valuable vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. Due to its health-promoting properties, it is classified as a superfood. It contains no grains, slaughterhouse waste, sugar, artificial preservatives, colorants, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. Feeding instructions and dosage: The data provided in the table is indicative. Observe your pet and adjust the amount of food as necessary. It is recommended to feed the dog in two portions per day. Ensure your dog has constant access to fresh water. Target weight of the dog: 10kg 20kg 30kg 40kg 50kg 60kg Current weight 2.5kg 3.5kg 6kg 7kg 10kg 15kg Daily food dose 115g 150g 220g 250g 320g 440g Current weight 4kg 6kg 10kg 15kg 20kg 25kg Daily food dose 160g 220g 325g 440g 540g 640g Current weight 6kg 11kg 7kg 25kg 28kg 35kg Daily food dose 180g 290g 400g 530g 580g 690g Current weight 8kg 16kg 25kg 35kg 40kg 50kg Daily food dose 185g 310g 430g 530g 605g 720g Ingredients: poultry meat 41% (dried and finely ground), potato flakes (macerated), potato starch (finely ground), poultry fat 8%, pomegranate seeds 7%, salmon oil 1%, lignocellulose, minerals, yeast, chicory 0.5% (finely ground, with natural FOS and inulin), spirulina 0.1% (finely ground), New Zealand green-lipped mussel 0.1% (finely ground, naturally rich in glucosamine and chondroitin), yucca schidigera. Analytical constituents: Vitamin A 15000 IU, Vitamin D3 1050 IU, Vitamin E 160 mg, L-carnitine 250 mg, taurine 800 mg, copper (copper(II) sulfate pentahydrate) 2.7 mg, zinc (zinc oxide) 85 mg, manganese (manganese(II) oxide) 10 mg, iodine (calcium iodate anhydrous) 0.95 mg. Dietary additives: Vitamin A 15000 IU, Vitamin D3 1050 IU, Vitamin E 160 mg, L-carnitine 250 mg, taurine 800 mg, copper (copper(II) sulfate pentahydrate) 2.7 mg, zinc (zinc oxide) 85 mg, manganese (manganese(II) oxide) 10 mg, iodine (calcium iodate anhydrous) 0.95 mg.


  • GranataPet Symphonie - grain-free dry cat food, tuna

    Granatapet GranataPet Symphonie - grain-free dry cat food, tuna

    Dry cat food, GranataPet Symphonie No.1 Tuna with tuna, produced from the finest ingredients. It is made using only muscle meat and high-quality offal (e.g., hearts, liver, stomachs). No by-products such as blood, claws, bones, beaks, feathers are used, and no fillers or meat substitutes are added. It is supplemented with valuable additives such as pomegranate seeds, high-quality salmon oil, green-lipped mussel, and taurine - enhancing the nutritional value and taste of the meal. It is a rich source of healthy Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids. The food is produced in Germany with full traceability of ingredients at every stage of the production process. Raw materials are sourced from trusted and verified suppliers, subject to full veterinary control, and are tested by internal and external laboratories. GranataPet food has been developed to retain as much nutritional value as possible. It is a protein-rich, easily digestible, and completely grain-free meal. The food also contains no sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. GranataPet Symphonie food is a recipe for: healthy skin and shiny fur, strong heart and muscles, proper digestion and bowel function, strong bones and flexible joints, energy for action throughout the day, a healthy urinary system, and high immunity. GranataPet Symphonie No.1 dry food with tuna: a complete meal for adult cats. Tuna provides valuable protein, unsaturated fatty acids Omega 3 and Omega 6, iodine, zinc, and vitamin D3. Pomegranate seeds contain a wide range of health-promoting ingredients. They are rich in ellagic acid, a natural antioxidant and effective cell protector. Pomegranate seeds have a beneficial effect on the immune, cardiovascular, and nervous systems. New Zealand green-lipped mussel provides a dose of glucosamine and chondroitin, essential for the proper functioning of the cat's musculoskeletal system. Salmon oil delivers unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids, including DHA and EPA, necessary for the proper functioning of the cardiovascular and immune systems, as well as for the health and beautiful appearance of the skin and fur of the pet. Taurine is a substance that a cat's body cannot produce in sufficient quantities, so it must be supplied through food. Taurine is responsible for proper vision, heart function, and the nervous and immune systems. Its deficiency in pregnant cats can lead to miscarriage. Catnip: its presence in the food encourages the cat to show interest in the meal. It is also a source of nutrients. Alfalfa (cat grass) prevents the formation of hairballs. It contains no grains, slaughterhouse waste, sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. Feeding instructions and dosage: The data provided in the table is indicative. Observe your pet and adjust the amount of food as needed. It is recommended to feed the cat in two portions per day. Ensure the cat has constant access to fresh water. NUTRITIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS Cat weight | Daily food portion 2-3kg | 25-35g 3-4kg | 50-65g 4-6kg | 65-80g 6-8kg | 80-100g 8-10kg | 100-115g Composition: Ingredients: tuna 15%, poultry meat 15% (dried and finely ground), poultry fat, potato flakes (macerated), potato starch (finely ground), sweet potato (macerated), peas, shrimp 5%, pomegranate seeds 5%, salmon oil 2%, powdered cellulose, catnip leaves 0.5% (finely ground), alfalfa (cat grass) 0.5%, cranberry 0.5%. Analytical components: protein 31%, fat content 20%, crude fiber 4.5%, crude ash 7.8%, calcium to phosphorus ratio: calcium 1.35%, phosphorus 1.1%. Dietary additives: vitamin A 20000 IU, vitamin D3 1000 IU, vitamin E 120 mg, L-carnitine 500 mg, taurine 2500 mg, copper (copper(II) sulfate pentahydrate) 5 mg, zinc (zinc oxide) 100 mg, iodine (calcium iodate anhydrous) 1.2 mg, manganese (manganese(II) oxide) 6 mg.


  • GranataPet Symphonie - grain-free dry food for cats, ostrich

    Granatapet GranataPet Symphonie - grain-free dry food for cats, ostrich

    Dry cat food, GranataPet Symphonie No.2 Salmon, made with salmon, produced from the finest ingredients. It is made using only muscle meat and high-quality offal (e.g., hearts, liver, stomachs). No by-products such as blood, claws, bones, beaks, or feathers are used, and no fillers or meat substitutes are added. It is enriched with valuable additives such as: pomegranate seeds, high-quality salmon oil, green-lipped mussels, and taurine - these enhance the nutritional value and flavor of the meal. It is a rich source of healthy Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids. The food is produced in Germany with full traceability of ingredients at every stage of the production process. Raw materials are sourced from trusted and verified suppliers, undergo full veterinary control, and are tested by both internal and external laboratories. GranataPet food has been developed to retain as many nutrients as possible. It is a protein-rich, easily digestible, and completely grain-free meal. The food also contains no sugar, artificial preservatives, colorants, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. GranataPet Symphonie is a recipe for: healthy skin and shiny fur, strong heart and muscles, proper digestion and intestinal function, strong bones and flexible joints, energy for all-day activity, healthy urinary system, and high immunity. Dry food with ostrich, GranataPet Symphonie No.3: a complete meal for adult cats. Ostrich is characterized by low fat content (less than chicken meat), is easily digestible, and rich in nutrients. It provides a significant dose of Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids. Ostrich meat is an excellent solution for four-legged allergy sufferers. Pomegranate seeds contain a wide range of health-promoting ingredients. They are high in ellagic acid, a natural antioxidant and effective cell protection agent. Pomegranate seeds have a beneficial effect on the immune, cardiovascular, and nervous systems. New Zealand green-lipped mussel provides a dose of glucosamine and chondroitin, essential for the proper functioning of the cat's musculoskeletal system. Salmon oil provides unsaturated Omega-3 fatty acids, including DHA and EPA, essential for the proper functioning of the cardiovascular and immune systems, as well as for the health and beautiful appearance of the skin and fur of the pet. Taurine is a substance that a cat's body cannot produce in sufficient quantities, so it must be supplied through food. Taurine is responsible for proper vision, heart function, and the nervous and immune systems. Its deficiency in pregnant cats can lead to miscarriage. Catnip: its presence in the food encourages the cat to show interest in the meal. It is also a source of nutrients. Alfalfa (cat grass) prevents the formation of hairballs. It contains no grains, meat by-products, sugar, artificial preservatives, colorants, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. Feeding instructions and dosage: The data provided in the table are approximate. Observe your pet and adjust the amount of food given as needed. It is recommended to feed the cat in two portions per day. Ensure the cat has constant access to fresh water. NUTRITIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS Cat weight Daily food portion 2-3kg 35-50g 3-4kg 50-65g 4-6kg 65-80g 6-8kg 80-100g 8-10kg 100-115g Ingredients: Ingredients: poultry meat 22% (dried and finely ground), ostrich meat 12% (dried and finely ground), poultry fat, potato flakes (macerated), potato starch (finely ground), sweet potato (macerated), peas, pomegranate seeds 5%, salmon oil 2%, powdered cellulose, catnip leaves 0.5% (finely ground), alfalfa (cat grass) 0.5%, cranberry 0.5%. Analytical components: protein 31%, fat content 21%, crude fiber 4%, crude ash 7.5%, calcium to phosphorus ratio: calcium 1.7%, phosphorus 1.35%. Dietary additives: vitamin A 20000 IU, vitamin D3 1000 IU, vitamin E 120 mg, L-carnitine 500 mg, taurine 2500 mg, copper (copper(II) sulfate pentahydrate) 6.5 mg, zinc (zinc oxide) 100 mg, iodine (calcium iodate anhydrous) 1.4 mg, manganese (manganese(II) oxide) 7.5 mg.


  • GranataPet Symphonie - grain-free dry food for cats, salmon

    Granatapet GranataPet Symphonie - grain-free dry food for cats, salmon

    Dry cat food, GranataPet Symphonie No.2 Salmon, made from the finest ingredients. It is produced using only muscle meat and high-quality offal (e.g., hearts, liver, stomachs). No by-products such as blood, claws, bones, beaks, or feathers are used, and no fillers or meat substitutes are added. It is enriched with valuable additives such as pomegranate seeds, high-quality salmon oil, green-lipped mussel, and taurine - these enhance the nutritional value and taste of the meal. It is a rich source of healthy Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids. The food is produced in Germany with full traceability of ingredients at every stage of the production process. Raw materials are sourced from trusted and verified suppliers, subjected to full veterinary control, and tested by both internal and external laboratories. GranataPet food has been developed to retain as many nutrients as possible. It is a protein-rich, easily digestible, and completely grain-free meal. The food also contains no sugar, artificial preservatives, colorants, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. GranataPet Symphonie is a recipe for: healthy skin and shiny fur, strong heart and muscles, proper digestion and intestinal function, strong bones and flexible joints, energy for all-day activity, healthy urinary system, and high immunity. GranataPet Symphonie No.2 Salmon dry food: a complete meal for adult cats. Salmon provides protein and unsaturated omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, essential for the proper functioning of the cardiovascular and immune systems, as well as for the health and beautiful appearance of the skin and fur of your pet. Pomegranate seeds contain a wide range of health-promoting ingredients. They are high in ellagic acid, a natural antioxidant and effective cell protector. Pomegranate seeds have beneficial effects on the immune, cardiovascular, and nervous systems. New Zealand green-lipped mussel provides a dose of glucosamine and chondroitin, essential for the proper functioning of the cat's skeletal and joint system. Salmon oil delivers unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids, including DHA and EPA, necessary for the proper functioning of the cardiovascular and immune systems, as well as for the health and beautiful appearance of the skin and fur of your pet. Taurine is a substance that a cat's body cannot produce in sufficient amounts, so it must be supplied through food. Taurine is responsible for proper vision, heart function, and the nervous and immune systems. Its deficiency in pregnant cats can lead to miscarriage. Catnip: its presence in the food encourages the cat to show interest in the meal. It is also a source of nutrients. Alfalfa (cat grass) prevents the formation of hairballs. It contains no grains, slaughterhouse by-products, sugar, artificial preservatives, colorants, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. Feeding instructions: The data provided in the table are approximate. Observe your pet and adjust the amount of food as needed. It is recommended to feed the cat in two portions per day. Ensure your cat has constant access to fresh water. Nutritional recommendations: Cat weight | Daily food portion 2-3 kg | 35-50 g 3-4 kg | 50-65 g 4-6 kg | 65-80 g 6-8 kg | 80-100 g 8-10 kg | 100-115 g Ingredients: salmon 20%, poultry meat 14% (dried and finely ground), poultry fat, potato flakes (macerated), potato starch (finely ground), sweet potato (macerated), peas, pomegranate seeds 5%, salmon oil 2%, cellulose powder, catnip leaves 0.5% (finely ground), alfalfa (cat grass) 0.5%, cranberry 0.5%. Analytical constituents: protein 32%, fat content 20%, crude fiber 4%, crude ash 7.5%, calcium to phosphorus ratio: calcium 1.2%, phosphorus 1%. Dietary additives: vitamin A 20000 IU, vitamin D3 1000 IU, vitamin E 120 mg, L-carnitine 500 mg, taurine 2500 mg, copper (copper(II) sulfate pentahydrate) 6.5 mg, zinc (zinc oxide) 100 mg, iodine (calcium iodate anhydrous) 1.2 mg, manganese (manganese(II) oxide) 7.5 mg.


  • GranataPet Turkey Senior - grain-free dry dog food for seniors, with turkey GranataPet Turkey Senior - grain-free dry dog food for seniors, with turkey

    Granatapet GranataPet Turkey Senior - grain-free dry dog food for seniors, with turkey

    Dry dog food, GranataPet Turkey Senior. Due to its lower fat content, it is suitable for older dogs, those with health issues, less active dogs, or those that are overweight. Made from the finest ingredients, it uses only muscle meat and high-quality offal (e.g., hearts, liver, stomachs). No by-products such as blood, claws, bones, beaks, or feathers are used, and no fillers or meat substitutes are added. It is enriched with valuable additives such as pomegranate seeds, high-quality salmon oil, and green-lipped mussel. These enhance the nutritional value and flavor of the meal. The food is produced in Austria, ensuring full traceability of ingredients at every stage of the production process. Raw materials are sourced from trusted and verified suppliers, subject to full veterinary control, and are tested by both internal and external laboratories. GranataPet food is designed to retain as many nutritional values as possible in these small, aromatic kibbles. It is a protein-rich, easily digestible, and completely grain-free meal. The food also contains no sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. GranataPet food is a recipe for: healthy skin and a shiny coat, strong heart and muscles, proper digestion and intestinal function, strong bones and flexible joints, energy for all-day activity. GranataPet Liebling's Mahlzeit Senior Turkey: a complete meal for senior dogs with reduced fat content. Turkey is exceptionally easy to digest and contains high-quality protein, vitamins B12 and B6. It contains significant amounts of potassium, magnesium, zinc, and iron. Pomegranate seeds contain a wide range of health-promoting ingredients. They are rich in ellagic acid, a natural antioxidant and effective cell protector. Pomegranate seeds have beneficial effects on the immune, cardiovascular, and nervous systems. New Zealand green-lipped mussel provides a dose of glucosamine and chondroitin, essential for the proper functioning of the dog's musculoskeletal system. Salmon oil supplies unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids, including DHA and EPA, necessary for the proper functioning of the cardiovascular and immune systems, as well as for the health and beautiful appearance of the dog's skin and coat. Spirulina contains a lot of easily digestible protein and is rich in valuable vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. Due to its health benefits, it is classified as a superfood. It contains no grains, slaughterhouse waste, sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. Feeding instructions and dosage: The data provided in the table is indicative. Observe your pet and adjust the amount of food as needed. It is recommended to feed the dog in two portions daily. Ensure your dog has constant access to fresh water. NUTRITIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS Dog weight | Daily food portion | Normal activity | Increased activity (up to 3 hours daily) 11kg | 165g | 195g 15kg | 210g | 245g 20kg | 260g | 305g 25kg | 310g | 360g 30kg | 355g | 410g 35kg | 400g | 460g 40kg | 440g | 510g 45kg | 480g | 555g 50kg | 520g | 600g 60kg | 595g | 690g Ingredients: poultry meat 38% (including turkey 70%, dried and finely ground), potato flakes (digested), potato starch (finely ground), pomegranate seeds 7%, poultry fat, salmon oil 1%, lignocellulose, minerals, brewer's yeast, chicory 0.5% (finely ground, with natural FOS and inulin), spirulina 0.1% (finely ground), New Zealand green-lipped mussel 0.1% (finely ground, naturally rich in glucosamine and chondroitin), Yucca schidigera. Analytical constituents: Protein 22%, fat content 11%, crude fiber 4.5%, crude ash 4.9%, Calcium to phosphorus ratio: Calcium 0.7%, phosphorus 0.55%. Dietary additives: Vitamin A 15000 IU, Vitamin D3 1050 IU, Vitamin E 160 mg, L-carnitine 250 mg, taurine 833 mg, copper (pentahydrate copper(II) sulfate) 2.7 mg, zinc (zinc oxide) 111 mg, manganese (manganese(II) oxide) 7.8 mg, iodine (calcium iodate anhydrous) 0.95 mg.

    €23,23 - €136,46

  • Julius - K9 Hypoallergenic Fish & Rice Adult - hypoallergenic dog food, fish with rice Julius - K9 Hypoallergenic Fish & Rice Adult - hypoallergenic dog food, fish with rice

    Julius-k9 Julius - K9 Hypoallergenic Fish & Rice Adult - hypoallergenic dog food, fish with rice

    As we know, dogs can offer their guardians unconditional love and devotion, expecting little in return. It doesn't matter whether the animal accompanies us in our daily home life, sports, or work. Each of them deserves to be rewarded for their attachment by providing them with a nutritious and tasty meal, such as Julius K-9 food. Developed by canine nutritionists with many years of experience. Julius-K9 Fish & Rice dry food has been specially prepared for adult dogs. It belongs to the hypoallergenic line, as it is made from easily digestible fish and does not contain chicken, which is often a cause of allergies in dogs. Additionally, it does not contain soy or artificial colors. Fish are rich in essential amino acids, vitamins, and minerals that support muscle development and maintain energy. They also contribute to healthy and shiny skin and coat. Besides animal-derived products, the food includes fruits and vegetables that help manage inflammation and joint pain, provide antioxidants, and support digestive health. Your pet will love Julius-K9 food, and you can be sure you are providing them with a healthy, easily digestible, and tasty meal. Julius-K9 Lamb & Rice Adult: - 26% highly digestible protein and 14% fat with tender fish and easily digestible rice - Free from soy and chicken - No artificial colors - Highly digestible without added sugar - Supports joint health with yucca extract for better digestion - Provides overall energy support for the body - Supports the dog's nervous and immune systems - For adult dogs Feeding instructions and dosage: The data provided in the table is indicative; observe your pet and adjust the amount of food given as necessary. Remember to provide your dog with access to fresh water. NUTRITIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS Dog weight | Daily food portion >5kg | >150g 5-10kg | 150-200g 10-20kg | 200-250g 20-30kg | 250-300g 30-40kg | 300-350g 40-50kg | 350-400g 50-60kg | 400-450g 60-70kg | 450-500g >70kg | >500g Ingredients: meat and animal by-products (meat meal: Fish 26.00%; beef fat 9.50%), corn, bran, wheat, rice, apple, carrot, glucosamine, chondroitin, F.O.S., yucca schidigera extract Analytical constituents: crude protein 26%, fat and oils 14%, crude ash 5.5%, crude fiber 2.6%, moisture 10.00% Dietary additives:

    €8,71 - €34,82

  • Julius - K9 Hypoallergenic Lamb & Rice Adult - hypoallergenic dog food, lamb with rice - PROMOTION due to best before date Julius - K9 Hypoallergenic Lamb & Rice Adult - hypoallergenic dog food, lamb with rice - PROMOTION due to best before date

    Julius-k9 Julius - K9 Hypoallergenic Lamb & Rice Adult - hypoallergenic dog food, lamb with rice - PROMOTION due to best before date

    As we know, dogs can give their guardians unconditional love and devotion, expecting little in return. It doesn't matter whether the animal accompanies us in our daily home life, sports, or work. Each of them deserves to be rewarded for their affection by providing them with a nutritious and tasty meal, such as Julius K-9 food. Developed by canine nutritionists with many years of experience. Julius-K9 Lamb & Rice dry food has been specially prepared for adult dogs. It is also suitable for puppies, juniors, pregnant and nursing dogs. It belongs to the hypoallergenic line, as it is made from easily digestible meat and does not contain chicken, which is often a cause of allergies in dogs. Additionally, it does not contain soy or artificial colors. Besides being rich in numerous vitamins and minerals from lamb, the food also contains fish, which, due to its high content of Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, helps maintain healthy and beautiful skin and coat. In addition to animal-derived products, it contains fruits, vegetables, bran, and yucca extract, which improves digestion. Your pet will love Julius-K9 food, and you can be sure that you are providing them with a healthy, easily digestible, and tasty meal. Julius-K9 Lamb & Rice Adult: - 25% highly digestible protein - 14% fat with tender lamb and easily digestible rice - No soy and chicken - No artificial colors - Easily digestible - No added sugar - Supports joint health with yucca extract for better digestion - Provides overall energy support for the body - Supports the dog's nervous and immune systems - For adult dogs Feeding instructions and dosage: The data provided in the table is indicative; observe your pet and adjust the amount of food given as necessary. Remember to provide your dog with access to fresh water. NUTRITIONAL GUIDELINES Dog Weight | Daily Food Portion >5kg | >150g 5-10kg | 150-200g 10-20kg | 200-250g 20-30kg | 250-300g 30-40kg | 300-350g 40-50kg | 350-400g 50-60kg | 400-450g 60-70kg | 450-500g >70kg | >500g Ingredients: meat and animal derivatives (lamb 25%, fish 5%; beef tallow 8.5%), corn, wheat, bran, rice, apple, carrot, glucosamine, chondroitin, F.O.S., yucca schidigera extract Analytical components: crude protein 25%, fat and oil 14%, crude ash 9.5%, crude fiber 3.4%, moisture 10.00% Dietary additives:

    €14,49 - €95,80

  • Julius - K9 Hypoallergenic Lamb & Rice Puppy & Junior - hypoallergenic food for puppies, lamb with rice Julius - K9 Hypoallergenic Lamb & Rice Puppy & Junior - hypoallergenic food for puppies, lamb with rice

    Julius-k9 Julius - K9 Hypoallergenic Lamb & Rice Puppy & Junior - hypoallergenic food for puppies, lamb with rice

    As we know, dogs can offer their guardians unconditional love and devotion, expecting little in return. It doesn't matter whether the animal accompanies us in our daily home life, sports, or work. Each of them deserves to be rewarded for their attachment by providing them with a complete and tasty meal, such as Julius K-9 food. Developed by canine nutritionists with many years of experience. The Julius-K9 Lamb & Rice dry food has been specially prepared for puppies, juniors, pregnant, and nursing dogs. It belongs to the hypoallergenic line, as it is made from easily digestible meat and does not contain chicken, which is often a cause of allergies in dogs. Additionally, it does not contain soy or artificial colors. Besides being rich in numerous vitamins and minerals from lamb, the food also includes fish, which, due to its high content of Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, helps maintain healthy and beautiful skin and coat. In addition to animal-derived products, it contains fruits, vegetables, bran, and yucca extract to improve digestion. Your pet will love Julius-K9 food, and you can be sure that you are providing them with a healthy, easily digestible, and tasty meal. Julius-K9 Lamb & Rice Puppy & Junior: - 26% well-absorbed protein - 14% fat with delicate lamb and easily digestible rice - free from soy and chicken - no artificial colors - well-absorbed without added sugar - supports joint health with yucca extract for better digestion - provides overall energy support for the body - supports the dog's nervous and immune systems - suitable for puppies, juniors, pregnant, and nursing dogs Feeding instructions and dosage: The data provided in the table is indicative; observe your pet and adjust the amount of food as necessary. Remember to provide your dog with access to fresh water. Nutritional recommendations: Dog weight | Daily food portion 1-4 months | 5-10g 5-12 months | >1kg | 100-210g | 30-210g 4-7kg | 210-295g | 210-270g 7-10kg | 259-385g | 295-385g 10-15kg | - | 295-310g 15-20kg | - | 310-355g 20-30kg | - | 355-380g 30-50kg | - | 380-480g 50-60kg | - | 480-600g >60kg | - | >600g Composition: Ingredients: meat and animal by-products (meat meal: lamb 24%, fish 5%, beef fat 8%), corn, wheat, bran, rice, apple, carrot, glucosamine, chondroitin, F.O.S., yucca schidigera extract. Analytical components: crude protein 26.00%, fat and oil 14.00%, crude ash 9.20%, crude fiber 3.60%, moisture 10.00%. Dietary additives:


  • Julius - K9 Hypoallergenic Lamb & Rice Puppy & Junior - hypoallergenic food for puppies, lamb with rice Julius - K9 Hypoallergenic Lamb & Rice Puppy & Junior - hypoallergenic food for puppies, lamb with rice

    Julius-k9 Julius - K9 Hypoallergenic Lamb & Rice Puppy & Junior - hypoallergenic food for puppies, lamb with rice

    As we know, dogs can offer their guardians unconditional love and devotion, expecting little in return. It doesn't matter whether the animal accompanies us in our daily home life, sports, or work. Each of them deserves to be rewarded for their affection by providing them with a nutritious and tasty meal, such as Julius K-9 food. Developed by canine nutritionists with many years of experience, the Julius-K9 Lamb & Rice dry food is specially prepared for puppies, juniors, pregnant and nursing dogs. It belongs to the hypoallergenic line, as it is made from easily digestible meat and does not contain chicken, which is often a cause of allergies in dogs. Additionally, it contains no soy or artificial colors. Besides being rich in numerous vitamins and minerals from lamb, the food also includes fish, which, thanks to its high content of Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, helps maintain healthy and beautiful skin and coat. In addition to animal-derived products, it contains fruits, vegetables, bran, and yucca extract, which improves digestion. Your pet will love Julius-K9 food, and you can be sure that you are providing them with a healthy, easily digestible, and tasty meal. Julius-K9 Lamb & Rice Puppy & Junior: - 26% highly digestible protein and 14% fat with tender lamb and easily digestible rice - No soy and chicken - No artificial colors - Easily digestible with no added sugar - Supports joint health with yucca extract for better digestion - Provides overall energy support for the body - Supports the dog's nervous and immune systems - Suitable for puppies, juniors, pregnant and nursing dogs Feeding instructions and dosage: The data provided in the table is approximate; observe your pet and adjust the amount of food given as necessary. Remember to always provide access to fresh water. NUTRITIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS Dog Weight | Daily Food Portion 1-4 months | 5-12 months | >1kg | 5-10g - 1-4kg | 100-210g | 30-210g 4-7kg | 210-295g | 210-270g 7-10kg | 259-385g | 295-385g 10-15kg | - | 295-310g 15-20kg | - | 310-355g 20-30kg | - | 355-380g 30-50kg | - | 380-480g 50-60kg | - | 480-600g >60kg | - | >600g Composition: Ingredients: meat and animal derivatives (lamb 25.00%, fish 5.00%; beef tallow 8.50%), corn, wheat, bran, rice, apple, carrot, glucosamine, chondroitin, F.O.S., yucca schidigera extract Analytical constituents: crude protein 26.00%, fat and oil 14.00%, crude ash 9.20%, crude fiber 3.60%, moisture 10.00% Dietary additives:

    €8,71 - €37,72

  • Julius - K9 Hypoallergenic Lamb & Rice Senior - hypoallergenic dog food for seniors, lamb with rice Julius - K9 Hypoallergenic Lamb & Rice Senior - hypoallergenic dog food for seniors, lamb with rice

    Julius-k9 Julius - K9 Hypoallergenic Lamb & Rice Senior - hypoallergenic dog food for seniors, lamb with rice

    As we know, dogs can offer their guardians unconditional love and devotion, expecting little in return. It doesn't matter whether the animal accompanies us in daily home life, sports, or work. Each of them deserves to be rewarded for their attachment by providing them with a nutritious and tasty meal, such as Julius K-9 food. Developed by canine nutritionists with many years of experience. The Julius-K9 Lamb & Rice dry food has been specially prepared for senior dogs. It is also suitable for puppies, juniors, pregnant, and nursing dogs. It belongs to the hypoallergenic line, as it is made from easily digestible meat and does not contain chicken, which is often a cause of allergies in dogs. Additionally, it does not contain soy or artificial colors. Besides being rich in numerous vitamins and minerals from lamb, the food also includes fish, which, due to its high content of Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, helps maintain healthy and beautiful skin and coat. In addition to animal-derived products, it contains fruits, vegetables, bran, and yucca extract, which improves digestion. Your pet will love Julius-K9 food, and you can be sure that you are providing them with a healthy, easily digestible, and tasty meal. Julius-K9 Lamb & Rice Senior: - 22% highly digestible protein - 9% fat with tender lamb and easily digestible rice - No soy or chicken - No artificial colors - Easily digestible with no added sugar - Supports joint health with yucca extract for better digestion - Provides overall energy support for the body - Supports the dog's nervous and immune systems - For seniors Feeding instructions and dosage: The data provided in the table is indicative; observe your pet and adjust the amount of food given if necessary. Remember to ensure your dog has access to fresh water. NUTRITIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS Dog weight | Daily food portion - Adult dog >5kg >150g - 5-10kg 150-200g - 10-20kg 200-250g - 20-30kg 250-300g - 30-40kg 300-350g - 40-50kg 350-400g - 60-70kg 450-500g - >70kg >500g Ingredients: Meat and animal derivatives (lamb 17.00%, fish 5.00%; beef tallow 3.00%), corn, wheat, bran, rice, apple, carrot, glucosamine, chondroitin, F.O.S., yucca schidigera extract. Analytical constituents: Crude protein 22.00%, fat and oil 9.00%, crude ash 8.00%, crude fiber 4.00%, moisture 10.00%. Dietary additives:

    €8,71 - €84,19

  • Julius - K9 Vital Essentials Beef & Rice Adult - complete dog food, beef with rice - PROMOTION due to best before date Julius - K9 Vital Essentials Beef & Rice Adult - complete dog food, beef with rice - PROMOTION due to best before date

    Julius-k9 Julius - K9 Vital Essentials Beef & Rice Adult - complete dog food, beef with rice - PROMOTION due to best before date

    As we know, dogs can offer their guardians unconditional love and devotion, expecting little in return. It doesn't matter whether the animal accompanies us in our daily home life, sports, or work. Each of them deserves to be rewarded for their attachment by providing a nutritious and tasty meal, such as Julius K-9 food. Developed by canine nutritionists with many years of experience. Julius-K9 Beef & Rice dry food has been specially prepared for adult dogs. It belongs to the vital essentials line, as it contains numerous nutrients that keep your dog healthy, active, and happy. It consists of 62% animal protein, and the presence of fish provides beneficial Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, which contribute to beautiful and healthy skin and coat. Additionally, besides animal-derived products, the food contains fruits and vegetables that help manage inflammation and joint pain, provide antioxidants, and support the digestive system. Your pet will love Julius-K9 food, and you can be sure you are providing a healthy, easily digestible, and tasty meal. Julius-K9 Beef & Rice Adult: - 25% highly digestible protein - 14% fat - multiple sources of protein - no artificial colors - easily digestible - contains Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids beneficial for your pet's skin and coat - no added sugar or artificial colors - enriched with numerous vitamins and minerals - with yucca extract for better digestion - provides overall energy support for the body - supports the dog's nervous and immune systems - for adult dogs Feeding instructions and dosage: The data provided in the table is approximate; observe your pet and adjust the amount of food given as necessary. Remember to provide your dog with access to fresh water. NUTRITIONAL GUIDELINES Dog Weight | Daily Food Portion >5kg | >150g 5-10kg | 150-200g 10-20kg | 200-250g 20-30kg | 250-300g 30-40kg | 300-350g 40-50kg | 350-400g 50-60kg | 400-450g 60-70kg | 450-500g >70kg | >500g Ingredients: meat and animal derivatives (meat meal: beef 12%, poultry 10%, fish 5%, fat 8%), corn flour, bran, rice, corn, wheat, apple, carrot, yucca schidigera extract Analytical constituents: crude protein 25%, fat and oils 14%, crude ash 7.8%, crude fiber 2.5%, moisture

    €10,16 - €81,28

  • Julius - K9 Vital Essentials Chicken & Rice Adult - complete dog food, chicken with rice Julius - K9 Vital Essentials Chicken & Rice Adult - complete dog food, chicken with rice

    Julius-k9 Julius - K9 Vital Essentials Chicken & Rice Adult - complete dog food, chicken with rice

    As we know, dogs can offer their guardians unconditional love and devotion, expecting little in return. It doesn't matter whether the animal accompanies us in our daily home life, sports, or work. Each of them deserves to be rewarded for their affection by providing them with a nutritious and tasty meal, such as Julius K-9 food. Developed by canine nutritionists with many years of experience. Julius-K9 Chicken & Rice dry food has been specially prepared for adult dogs. It belongs to the vital essentials line, as it contains numerous nutrients that ensure your dog is healthy, active, and happy. It consists of 77% animal protein, and the presence of fish provides beneficial Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, which contribute to beautiful and healthy skin and coat. Additionally, besides animal-derived products, the food contains fruits and vegetables that help manage inflammation and joint pain, provide antioxidants, and support the digestive system. Your pet will love Julius-K9 food, and you can be sure that you are giving them a healthy, easily digestible, and tasty meal. Julius-K9 Beef & Rice Adult: 25% highly digestible protein and 14% fat with multiple protein sources, free from artificial colors, easily digestible, contains Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids that positively affect your pet's skin and coat, without added sugar and artificial colors, enriched with numerous vitamins and minerals, with yucca extract for better digestion, provides overall energy support for the body, supports the dog's nervous and immune systems, suitable for adult dogs. Feeding instructions and dosage: The data provided in the table is indicative; observe your pet and adjust the amount of food given as necessary. Remember to provide your dog with access to fresh water. NUTRITIONAL GUIDELINES Dog weight Daily food portion Adult dog >5kg >150g 5-10kg 150-200g 10-20kg 200-250g 20-30kg 250-300g 30-40kg 300-350g 40-50kg 350-400g 50-60kg 400-450g 60-70kg 450-500g >70kg >500g Ingredients: meat and animal by-products (meat meal: poultry 17.5%, beef 15%, fish 1%, beef fat 8%), corn, bran, rice, apple, F.O.S., yucca schidigera Analytical components: crude protein 25%, fats and oils 14%, crude ash 9%, crude fiber 3%, moisture 10.00% Dietary additives:


  • Julius K - 9 & Spinach Adult - grain-free dog food, salmon with spinach

    Julius-k9 Julius K - 9 & Spinach Adult - grain-free dog food, salmon with spinach

    As we know, dogs can offer their guardians unconditional love and devotion, expecting little in return. It doesn't matter whether the animal accompanies us in everyday home life, sports, or work. Each of them deserves to be rewarded for their attachment by providing them with a nutritious and tasty meal, such as Julius K-9 food. Developed by canine nutritionists with many years of experience. The dry food for adult dogs, Julius K-9 Lamb & Herbals from the UtilityDog line, has been specially prepared for working dogs training in obedience. The ingredients of the food provide overall energy support for the body, the nervous system, and the immune system. Salmon provides highly digestible protein and is extremely rich in unsaturated fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6. Their presence in the dog's diet helps achieve a healthy and shiny coat, supports the dog's immune system, and promotes heart health. The grain-free formula makes it easy to digest and does not burden the digestive system. The food does not contain chicken, making it recommended for dogs with allergies to this type of meat. Julius K-9 Lamb & Herbals Adult: - 28% highly digestible protein - 14% fat - with aromatic spinach and nutritious spinach - grain-free - gluten-free - easily digestible - no added sugar - supports joint health with yucca extract for better digestion - provides overall energy support for the body - rich in unsaturated fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6 - for adult working dogs training in obedience Feeding instructions and dosage: The data provided in the table is indicative; observe the animal and adjust the amount of food given as necessary. Remember to provide the dog with access to fresh water. NUTRITIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS Dog weight | Daily food portion Adult dog 1 - 5kg | 44-118g 5-10kg | 118-178g 10-30kg | 178-440g 30-45kg | 440-595g 45-60kg | 595-745g 60-70kg | 745-840g >70kg | >840g Ingredients: Meat and animal derivatives (salmon min. 31%), potatoes, beef fat, peas, cranberry beans, common beans, broad beans, lentils (red, green, yellow), dried alfalfa, dietary fiber, apple, spinach, carrots, fructooligosaccharides, rosemary, brewer's yeast, chondroitin, glucosamine Analytical components: Crude protein 26.00%, crude fiber 7.00%, fat and oil 14.00%, crude ash 10.20%, moisture 10.00% Dietary additives:

    €8,71 - €37,72

  • Julius K - 9 Lamb & Herbals Junior & Puppy - grain-free food for puppies, lamb with herbs Julius K - 9 Lamb & Herbals Junior & Puppy - grain-free food for puppies, lamb with herbs

    Julius-k9 Julius K - 9 Lamb & Herbals Junior & Puppy - grain-free food for puppies, lamb with herbs

    As we know, dogs can offer their guardians unconditional love and devotion, expecting little in return. It doesn't matter whether the animal accompanies us in daily home life, sports, or work. Each of them deserves to be rewarded for their attachment by providing a nutritious and tasty meal, such as Julius K-9 food. Developed by canine nutritionists with many years of experience. The dry puppy food Julius K-9 Lamb & Herbals from the UtilityDog line has been specially prepared for the proper growth and development of working breed dogs training in obedience. The ingredients of the food provide overall energy support for the body, the nervous system, and the immune system. The grain-free formula makes it easily digestible and does not burden the digestive system. In addition to lamb, the food also contains beef and fish, which are sources of well-absorbed protein. The food does not contain chicken, making it recommended for dogs with an allergy to this type of meat. Julius K-9 Lamb & Herbals Puppy & Junior: - 30% well-absorbed protein - 16% fat - with tender lamb and aromatic herbs - grain-free - gluten-free - easily digestible - no added sugar - supports joint health with yucca extract for better digestion - provides overall energy support for the body - supports the dog's nervous and immune systems - for puppies of working dogs training in obedience Feeding instructions and dosage: The data provided in the table is indicative; observe the animal and adjust the amount of food given as necessary. Remember to provide the dog with access to fresh water. NUTRITIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS Dog weight | Daily food portion 1-4 months | 5-12 months >1kg | 50-100g - 1-4kg | 100-200g | 100-200g 4-7kg | 210-295g | 200-270g 7-10kg | 259-385g | 270-295g 10-15kg | - | 295-325g 15-20kg | - | 325-355g 20-30kg | - | 355-380g 30-50kg | - | 380-480g 50-60kg | - | >480g Ingredients: meat and animal derivatives (lamb min. 13%, beef min. 11%, fish min. 9%), potatoes, beef fat, peas, lentils (red, green, yellow), cranberry beans, broad beans, dietary fiber, fructooligosaccharides, dried spinach, dried alfalfa, carrots, rosemary, brewer's yeast, pear, yucca mojave extract, glucosamine, herbs (anise, elderflower, mint, lemon balm, common nettle, cinnamon, milk thistle) Analytical constituents: crude protein 30.00%, crude fiber 6.50%, fat and oil 16.00%, crude ash 11%, moisture 10.00% Dietary additives:

    €10,16 - €34,82

  • Julius K - 9 Lamb & Herbals Senior - grain-free food for senior dogs and overweight dogs, lamb with herbs Julius K - 9 Lamb & Herbals Senior - grain-free food for senior dogs and overweight dogs, lamb with herbs

    Julius-k9 Julius K - 9 Lamb & Herbals Senior - grain-free food for senior dogs and overweight dogs, lamb with herbs

    As we know, dogs can offer their guardians unconditional love and devotion, expecting little in return. It doesn't matter whether the animal accompanies us in daily home life, sports, or work. Each of them deserves to be rewarded for their affection by providing them with a nutritious and tasty meal, such as Julius K-9 food. Developed by canine nutritionists with many years of experience. The dry dog food Julius K-9 Lamb & Herbals from the UtilityDog line has been specially prepared for senior dogs and dogs with overweight. The ingredients of the food provide the dog with a dose of nutrients essential for the proper functioning of the body while reducing energy intake. The grain-free formula makes it easily digestible and does not burden the digestive system. In addition to lamb, the food also contains beef and fish, which are sources of well-absorbed protein. The food does not contain chicken, making it recommended for dogs with an allergy to this type of meat. Julius K-9 Lamb & Herbals Senior: - 24% well-absorbed protein - only 9% fat - with tender lamb and aromatic herbs - grain-free - gluten-free - easily digestible - no added sugar - supports joint health with yucca extract - for better digestion - for senior dogs and dogs with overweight Feeding instructions and dosage: The data provided in the table is indicative; observe the animal and adjust the amount of food given as necessary. Remember to leave fresh water available for the dog. NUTRITIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS Senior Dog | Overweight Dog Dog Weight | Daily Portion | Dog Weight | Daily Portion 1 - 5kg | 50-120g | 1 - 5kg | 45-110g 5-10kg | 120-200g | 5-10kg | 110-175g 10-20kg | 200-320g | 10-20kg | 175-275g 20-30kg | 320-440g | 20-30kg | 275-375g 30-40kg | 440-540g | 30-40kg | 375-460g 40-50kg | 540-650g | 40-50kg | 460-555g 50-60kg | 650-750g | 50-60kg | 555-640g 60-70kg | 750-840g | 60-70kg | 640-715g >70kg | >840g | >70kg | >715g Ingredients: Meat and animal derivatives (lamb min. 10%, beef min. 9%, & fish min. 8%), potatoes, beef fat, peas, lentils (red, green, yellow), cranberry beans, broad beans, dietary fiber, fructooligosaccharides, dried spinach, dried alfalfa, carrots, rosemary, brewer's yeast, pear, yucca mojave extract, glucosamine, herbs (anise, elderflower, mint, lemon balm, common nettle, cinnamon, milk thistle) Analytical components: Crude protein 24%, crude fiber 7%, fat and oil 9%, crude ash 9.5%, moisture 10.00% Dietary additives:

    €11,61 - €95,80

  • Julius K - 9 Wild Boar & Berry Adult - grain-free dog food, wild boar and berries Julius K - 9 Wild Boar & Berry Adult - grain-free dog food, wild boar and berries

    Julius-k9 Julius K - 9 Wild Boar & Berry Adult - grain-free dog food, wild boar and berries

    As we know, dogs can offer their guardians unconditional love and devotion, expecting little in return. It doesn't matter whether the animal accompanies us in daily home life, sports, or work. Each of them deserves to be rewarded for their attachment by providing them with a nutritious and tasty meal, such as Julius K-9 food. Developed by canine nutritionists with years of experience. The dry food for adult dogs, Julius K-9 Wild Boar & Berry from the UtilityDog line, has been specially prepared for working dogs training in obedience. The ingredients of the food provide overall energy support for the body, the functioning of the nervous system, and immunity. Wild boar provides highly digestible protein. Berries are a valuable source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. The grain-free formula makes the food easy to digest and does not burden the digestive system. The food does not contain chicken, making it recommended for dogs with allergies to this type of meat. Julius K-9 Wild Boar & Berry Adult: - 22% highly digestible protein - 12% fat - with wild boar and berries - grain-free - gluten-free - highly digestible - no added sugar - supports joint health with yucca extract for better digestion - provides overall energy support for the body - supports the functioning of the immune and nervous systems - for adult working dogs training in obedience Feeding instructions and dosage: The data provided in the table is indicative; observe your pet and adjust the amount of food given as necessary. Remember to provide your dog with access to fresh water. NUTRITIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS Dog weight | Daily food portion Adult dog 1 - 5kg | 44-118g 5-10kg | 118-178g 10-30kg | 178-440g 30-45kg | 440-595g 45-60kg | 595-745g 60-70kg | 745-840g >70kg | >840g Ingredients: Meat and animal derivatives (wild boar min. 4%, fish min. 7%, lamb min. 6%, beef min. 7%), peas, lentils (red, green, yellow), cranberry beans, fava beans, dietary fiber, fructooligosaccharides, dried spinach, dried alfalfa, carrot, rosemary, brewer's yeast, pear, yucca mojave extract, glucosamine, herbs (anise, elderflower, mint, lemon balm, common nettle, cinnamon, milk thistle) Analytical constituents: Crude protein 22%, crude fiber 8.00%, fat and oil 12.00%, crude ash 8%, moisture 10.00% Dietary additives:

    €14,52 - €110,32

  • Lovi Food - dog food samples, small breed set Lovi Food - dog food samples, small breed set

    Lovi Food Lovi Food - dog food samples, small breed set

    Don't know which Lovi Food pet food to choose? Buy a sample test kit and find out which of these aromatic and tasty kibbles your dog likes the most! Lovi Food offers super premium dry food designed for dogs. The composition of all products has been developed with the special nutritional needs of our pets in mind. Lovi Food formulas do not contain grains, artificial flavor enhancers, GMOs, colorings, or preservatives. Lovi Food is a complete, delicious meal with a high content of meat or fish, enriched with valuable ingredients such as vegetables, herbs, vitamins, and minerals. It is prepared according to the highest standards using a low-temperature slow-cooking method to preserve as many nutrients and the flavor of fresh ingredients as possible. It provides the animal with all the substances necessary for proper functioning and a beautiful appearance. They are grain-free and do not contain artificial preservatives. They are enriched with Omega-3 supplements and contain a complex that supports joints. They support the digestive system. The sample kit includes: Lovi Food Salmon with Bluefish and Pollock 100g - grain-free food for puppies of white breeds Lovi Food Salmon with Trout 100g - grain-free food for small white dogs, with sweet potatoes and asparagus Lovi Food Lamb with Sweet Potatoes and Mint 100g - grain-free food for small breed dogs with tear-staining issues.


  • Lovi Food Salmon with Pollock and White Fish - Sample Grain-Free Dog Food for White Breed Puppies Lovi Food Salmon with Pollock and White Fish - Sample Grain-Free Dog Food for White Breed Puppies

    Lovi Food Lovi Food Salmon with Pollock and White Fish - Sample Grain-Free Dog Food for White Breed Puppies

    Do you not know if your dog will like Lovi Food? Buy a small package and let him discover how tasty and aromatic these small pellets are! A well-balanced diet is key to maintaining your pet's health, well-being, and beautiful appearance. Lovi Food Salmon with Pollock and White Fish is a delicious, complete meal for puppies of white breeds up to 18 months old, based solely on the highest quality natural ingredients, selected to provide the animal with all the substances necessary for proper functioning and balanced development. What does food for white dogs actually mean? White breed dogs, such as Maltese, Bolognese, West Highland Terrier, Bichon Frise, Miniature Poodle, and Miniature Spitz, are prone to unsightly discoloration of their fur, particularly around the eyes, muzzle, and paws. One of the causes may be an improperly selected diet, leading to excessive tear production and disrupting the dog's microbiome. The growth of bacteria and yeast on moist fur is responsible for the occurrence of reddish and brownish discolorations of the hair. Another often underestimated cause of poor condition and discoloration of the coat is food allergies, which can manifest as itching. This fact, combined with the sensitive, irritation-prone skin of white dogs, creates a simple recipe for continuous scratching. This causes mechanical damage and opens the hair cuticles, leading to quick dulling, absorption of impurities, and susceptibility to yellowing. Poultry and grains often trigger allergies. The presence of synthetically sourced additives and artificial fillers in food is also not recommended in a healthy diet that contributes to your dog's immaculate appearance. Lovi Food Salmon with Pollock and White Fish is a hypoallergenic, super premium dry food designed for puppies of white breeds. It contains no grains, chicken or its derivatives, artificial flavor enhancers, GMOs, colorants, or preservatives. It is made up of 53% salmon, pollock, and white fish, which are sources of easily digestible protein. The remaining ingredients are valuable vegetables, herbs, vitamins, and minerals. Everything is prepared following the highest standards, using a low-temperature slow cooking method to preserve as many nutrients and the flavor of fresh ingredients as possible. Why is Lovi Food the best for your dog? Up to 60% of its composition is fish. Salmon, pollock, and white fish provide easily digestible protein. They are sources of omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids (including EPA and DHA), which are crucial for the development of a young organism. Fish are rich in vitamins A, D, and E, iodine, and selenium, ensuring proper functioning and a beautiful coat. It contains no grains or artificial preservatives. This hypoallergenic food has a simple composition containing only essential ingredients. Its grain-free formula makes it completely gluten-free, so you can give it to a puppy allergic to this ingredient or having trouble digesting it. You will not find any artificial fillers, GMOs, flavors, colorants, or chemical preservatives in Lovi Food. To maintain the freshness of the food for as long as possible, rosemary extract, known for its natural antioxidant properties, has been added. The primary source of carbohydrates is sweet potatoes. They are an excellent alternative to grains, providing a source of complex carbohydrates. Sweet potatoes have a low glycemic index, and the energy they contain is released slowly and evenly into the animal's bloodstream. This means your puppy will have the energy to play and explore the world all day long. With the addition of asparagus. Asparagus contains dietary fiber and is a source of valuable vitamins such as A, C, E, K, and folic acid. The rutin present in asparagus strengthens blood vessels, while asparagine supports your pet's muscle function and speeds up recovery after intense play. Antioxidants protect the dog's body. It is enriched with an Omega-3 supplement. Unsaturated fatty acids support the condition of the puppy's skin. When the skin is in excellent condition, the coat is too. The complex supports the proper development and functioning of the nervous and immune systems. It contains a complex that supports joints. Glucosamine and chondroitin are key components necessary for the proper development and functioning of your puppy's musculoskeletal system. They support and protect cartilage, positively influence bone structure and synovial fluid, and regulate collagen production. Their proper levels in the body reduce the risk of degenerative diseases. It supports the digestive system. Prebiotics MOS and FOS take care of the proper bacterial microflora in your little one's intestines, supporting the immature digestive system in its functioning. Flaxseed provides dietary fiber necessary for proper intestinal peristalsis and regular bowel movements.


  • Lovi Food Salmon with Trout - Dog Food Sample, Grain-Free for Small Breeds, with Sweet Potatoes and Asparagus Lovi Food Salmon with Trout - Dog Food Sample, Grain-Free for Small Breeds, with Sweet Potatoes and Asparagus

    Lovi Food Lovi Food Salmon with Trout - Dog Food Sample, Grain-Free for Small Breeds, with Sweet Potatoes and Asparagus

    Do you not know if your dog will like Lovi Food? Buy a small package and let him discover how tasty and aromatic these little pellets are! A well-balanced diet is the key to maintaining your pet's health, well-being, and beautiful appearance. Lovi Food Salmon with Trout is a delicious, complete meal for adult small breed dogs weighing 1-10kg, designed with white fur in mind, made exclusively from the highest quality natural ingredients. These ingredients are selected to provide the animal with all the substances necessary for proper functioning and a beautiful appearance, free from stains and discoloration. What does food for white dogs actually mean? As the owner of a white dog, you have probably noticed that it is difficult to keep their coat in perfect condition. White breed dogs, such as Maltese, Bolognese, West Highland Terrier, Bichon Frise, Miniature Poodle, and Miniature Spitz, are prone to unsightly discoloration of their fur, for example, around the eyes, muzzle, and paws. One of the causes may be an improperly balanced diet, leading to excessive tear production and disrupting the dog's microbiome. The growth of bacteria and yeast on moist fur is responsible for the occurrence of reddish and brownish discolorations. Another often underestimated cause of poor coat condition and discoloration is food allergies, which manifest as itching. This, combined with the sensitive, irritation-prone skin of white dogs, creates a simple recipe for continuous scratching. This causes mechanical damage and opens the hair cuticles, leading to quick dullness, absorption of impurities, and susceptibility to yellowing. Poultry and grains often cause allergies. The presence of synthetically derived additives and artificial fillers in food is also not recommended in a healthy diet that contributes to your dog's immaculate appearance. Lovi Food Salmon with Trout is a hypoallergenic, super premium dry food designed for puppies with white fur. It contains no grains, chicken or its derivatives, artificial flavor enhancers, GMOs, colorants, or preservatives. It consists of 53% salmon and trout, which are sources of easily digestible protein. The remaining ingredients include valuable vegetables, herbs, vitamins, and minerals. Everything is prepared according to the highest standards using low-temperature cooking methods to preserve as many nutrients and the flavor of fresh ingredients as possible. Why is Lovi Food the best for your dog? Up to 50% of its composition is salmon and trout. These are rich sources of easily digestible and highly absorbable protein. They provide the body with omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids. Rich in vitamins A, D, E, B vitamins, iodine, selenium, and niacin, salmon and trout meat contains a valuable substance for your pet: astaxanthin, which has strong antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-cancer properties. It contains no grains or artificial preservatives. This hypoallergenic food has a simple composition, containing only essential ingredients. Its grain-free formula makes it completely gluten-free, so you can give it to dogs allergic to this ingredient or those with digestive issues. In Lovi Food, you will not find any artificial fillers, GMOs, flavors, colorants, or chemical preservatives. To maintain the freshness of the food for as long as possible, rosemary extract, known for its natural antioxidant properties, has been added. The primary source of carbohydrates is sweet potatoes. They are an excellent alternative to grains, providing a source of complex carbohydrates. Sweet potatoes have a low glycemic index, and the energy they contain is released slowly and evenly into the dog's bloodstream. This way, your dog will have the energy to play and explore the world all day long. The high amount of vitamin A in sweet potatoes contributes to good eye health. With the addition of asparagus. Asparagus contains dietary fiber and is a source of valuable vitamins such as A, C, E, K, and folic acid. The rutin present in asparagus strengthens blood vessels, while asparagine supports muscle function and speeds up recovery after exercise. Antioxidants protect your pet's body. It is enriched with an Omega-3 supplement. Unsaturated fatty acids support your pet's skin condition. When the skin is in excellent condition, the coat will be too. The complex supports the proper functioning of the nervous and immune systems. It supports the digestive system. Prebiotics MOS and FOS care for your dog's gut microbiota, supporting the digestive system in its functioning. Flaxseed provides dietary fiber necessary for proper intestinal peristalsis and regular bowel movements. It contains a complex that supports joints. Glucosamine and chondroitin are key components necessary for the proper functioning of your dog's musculoskeletal system. They support and protect joint cartilage and positively influence bone structure.


  • Lovi Lamb with Sweet Potatoes and Mint - Dog Food Sample, Grain-Free for Small Breed Dogs with Tear Staining Issues Lovi Lamb with Sweet Potatoes and Mint - Dog Food Sample, Grain-Free for Small Breed Dogs with Tear Staining Issues

    Lovi Food Lovi Lamb with Sweet Potatoes and Mint - Dog Food Sample, Grain-Free for Small Breed Dogs with Tear Staining Issues

    Do you not know if your dog will like Lovi Food? Buy a small package and let him discover how tasty and aromatic these kibbles are! A well-balanced diet is key to maintaining your pet's health, well-being, and beautiful appearance. Lovi Food Lamb is a delicious, complete meal for adult small breed dogs weighing 1-10kg, designed for dogs struggling with tear staining issues, made exclusively from the highest quality natural ingredients, selected to provide the animal with all the necessary substances for proper functioning and a beautiful coat, free from stains and discoloration. Why is dog food for tear staining issues a good solution? Small breed dogs, such as Shih Tzus, Pekingese, Bolognese, Pugs, Maltese, Yorkies, or Miniature Spitz, are prone to coat discoloration around the eyes caused by excessive tearing. One of the causes is an inadequate diet. Poorly nourished dogs, fed low-quality food, often show a disruption in the microbiome balance. The overgrowth of bacteria and yeast around the eyes can lead to conjunctivitis, which in turn causes excessive tear production. Additionally, bacteria are responsible for coat discoloration and the presence of unsightly stains. Another often overlooked cause of eye irritation (as well as hay fever) is food intolerances and allergies, commonly triggered by poultry and grains. The presence of synthetically derived additives and artificial fillers in the food is also not advisable in a healthy diet that contributes to your dog's immaculate appearance. Lovi Food Lamb with sweet potatoes and mint is a hypoallergenic, super premium dry food designed for dogs with tear staining issues. It contains no grains, chicken or its derivatives, artificial flavor enhancers, GMOs, colorants, or preservatives. It consists of 50% lamb, which is a source of easily digestible protein. The remaining ingredients include valuable vegetables, herbs, vitamins, and minerals. Everything is prepared according to the highest standards using low-temperature cooking methods to retain as many nutrients and the flavor of fresh ingredients as possible. Why is Lovi Food the best for your dog? 50% of its composition is lamb meat, a source of easily digestible and well-absorbed protein, rich in essential amino acids. It is considered one of the healthier meats, providing the body with B vitamins, calcium, and iron. It supports the functioning of the nervous system and blood cells. Thanks to the presence of linoleic acid, it regulates blood glucose levels. It contains no grains or artificial preservatives. This hypoallergenic food has a simple composition, containing only essential ingredients. Its grain-free formula makes it completely gluten-free, so you can give it to dogs allergic to this ingredient or those with digestive issues. In Lovi Food, you will not find any artificial fillers, GMOs, flavorings, colorants, or chemical preservatives. To maintain the freshness of the food for as long as possible, rosemary extract, known for its natural antioxidant properties, has been added. The primary source of carbohydrates is sweet potatoes. The high amount of vitamin A in sweet potatoes contributes to good eye health. They are an excellent alternative to grains, serving as a source of complex carbohydrates. Sweet potatoes have a low glycemic index, and the energy they provide is released slowly and evenly into the dog's bloodstream. This ensures your dog has the energy to play and explore the world all day long. With the addition of herbs, the presence of tannins provides antibacterial and antifungal effects. Mint is an excellent source of vitamins A, C, and folic acid, supplying minerals such as magnesium, iron, potassium, and zinc. It has a relaxing effect on the muscles of the digestive system, supports digestive processes, and alleviates bloating and constipation. It is enriched with Omega-3 supplements. Unsaturated fatty acids support your pet's skin condition. When the skin is in excellent condition, so is the coat. The complex supports the proper functioning of the nervous and immune systems and aids the digestive system. Prebiotics MOS and FOS maintain the proper bacterial microflora in your dog's intestines, supporting the digestive system in its functioning. Flaxseed provides dietary fiber, essential for proper intestinal peristalsis and regular bowel movements. It contains a complex that supports joints. Glucosamine and chondroitin are key components necessary for the proper functioning of your dog's skeletal and joint system. They support and protect joint cartilage, positively influence bone structure and synovial fluid, and regulate collagen production. Their appropriate levels in the body reduce the risk of degenerative diseases. Method of administration and dosage: Administered in...


  • Lovi Lamb with Sweet Potatoes and Mint - Grain-Free Dog Food for Small Breeds with Tear Staining Issues Lovi Lamb with Sweet Potatoes and Mint - Grain-Free Dog Food for Small Breeds with Tear Staining Issues

    Lovi Food Lovi Lamb with Sweet Potatoes and Mint - Grain-Free Dog Food for Small Breeds with Tear Staining Issues

    A well-balanced diet is key to maintaining your pet's health, well-being, and beautiful appearance. Lovi Food Lamb is a delicious, complete meal for adult dogs of small breeds weighing 1-10kg, designed for dogs struggling with tearing eyes, made exclusively from the highest quality natural ingredients. These ingredients are selected to provide the animal with all the substances necessary for proper functioning and a beautiful coat, free from stains and discoloration. Why is dog food for tearing eyes a good solution? Small breed dogs, such as Shih Tzus, Pekingese, Bolognese, Pugs, Maltese, Yorkies, or Miniature Spitz, are prone to discoloration of the fur around the eyes caused by excessive tearing. One cause is an inadequate diet. A poorly nourished dog, fed low-quality food, often shows an imbalance in the microbiome. The growth of bacteria and yeast colonies around the eyes can lead to conjunctivitis, which in turn causes excessive tear production. Additionally, bacteria are responsible for fur discoloration and the presence of unsightly stains and streaks. Another often overlooked cause of eye irritation (as well as hay fever) is food intolerances and allergies. Poultry and grains often trigger allergies. The presence of synthetically sourced additives and artificial fillers in food is also not recommended in a healthy diet that contributes to your dog's immaculate appearance. Lovi Food Lamb with sweet potatoes and mint is a hypoallergenic, super premium dry food designed for dogs with tearing eye problems. It contains no grains, chicken or its derivatives, artificial flavor enhancers, GMOs, colorants, or preservatives. It consists of 50% lamb, which is a source of easily digestible protein. The remaining ingredients include valuable vegetables, herbs, vitamins, and minerals. Everything is prepared according to the highest standards, using low-temperature cooking methods to preserve as many nutrients and the flavor of fresh ingredients as possible. Why is Lovi Food the best for your dog? 50% of its composition is lamb meat, a source of easily digestible and well-absorbed protein, rich in essential amino acids. It is considered one of the healthier meats. It provides the body with B vitamins, calcium, and iron. It supports the functioning of the nervous system and blood cells. Thanks to the presence of linoleic acid, it regulates blood glucose levels. It contains no grains or artificial preservatives: it is a hypoallergenic food with a simple composition, containing only essential ingredients. Its grain-free formula makes it completely gluten-free, so you can give it to dogs allergic to this ingredient or those with digestion issues. In Lovi Food, you won’t find any artificial fillers, GMOs, flavors, colorants, or chemical preservatives. To maintain the freshness of the food for as long as possible, rosemary extract, known for its natural antioxidant properties, has been added. The primary source of carbohydrates is sweet potatoes: The high vitamin A content in sweet potatoes contributes to good eye health. They are an excellent alternative to grains, providing a source of complex carbohydrates. Sweet potatoes have a low glycemic index, and the energy they contain is released slowly and evenly into the dog's bloodstream. This way, your dog will have the energy to play and explore the world all day long. With the addition of herbs: Thanks to the presence of tannins, it has antibacterial and antifungal properties. Mint is an excellent source of vitamins A, C, and folic acid, providing the body with minerals such as magnesium, iron, potassium, and zinc. It has a relaxing effect on the muscles of the digestive system, supports digestive processes, and alleviates bloating and constipation. It is enriched with Omega-3 supplement: unsaturated fatty acids support your pet's skin condition. When the skin is in excellent condition, the coat is too. The complex supports the proper functioning of the nervous and immune systems. Supports the digestive system: Prebiotics MOS and FOS maintain the proper bacterial flora in your dog's intestines, supporting the digestive system in its functioning. Flaxseed provides dietary fiber, essential for proper intestinal peristalsis and regular bowel movements. Contains a joint support complex: Glucosamine and chondroitin are key components necessary for the proper development and functioning of your dog's musculoskeletal system. They support and protect joint cartilage, positively influence bone structure and synovial fluid, and regulate collagen production. Their proper levels in the body reduce the risk of degenerative diseases. Ingredients: lamb 50% (including freshly prepared lamb 30%, dried lamb 18%, lamb broth 2%), sweet potatoes (23%), peas (9%), pea protein,

    €18,87 - €49,34

  • Lovi Lamb with Sweet Potatoes and Mint - Grain-Free Food for Small Breed Dogs with Tear Staining Issues - 2x

    Lovi Food Lovi Lamb with Sweet Potatoes and Mint - Grain-Free Food for Small Breed Dogs with Tear Staining Issues - 2x

    A well-balanced diet is the key to maintaining your pet's health, well-being, and beautiful appearance. Lovi Food Lamb is a delicious, complete meal for adult small breed dogs weighing 1-10kg, designed for dogs struggling with tear-stained eyes. It is made exclusively from the highest quality natural ingredients, selected to provide your pet with all the nutrients necessary for proper functioning and a beautiful coat, free from stains and discoloration. Why is dog food for tear-stained eyes a good solution? Small breed dogs, such as Shih Tzus, Pekingese, Bolognese, Pugs, Maltese, Yorkies, or Miniature Spitz, are prone to coat discoloration around the eyes caused by excessive tearing. One cause is an inadequate diet. Poorly nourished dogs fed low-quality food often show an imbalance in their microbiome. The overgrowth of bacteria and yeast around the eyes can lead to conjunctivitis, which in turn causes excessive tear production. Additionally, bacteria are responsible for hair discoloration and the presence of unsightly stains. Another often overlooked cause of eye irritation (as well as hay fever) is food intolerances and allergies, commonly triggered by poultry and grains. The presence of synthetically sourced additives and artificial fillers in food is also not recommended in a healthy diet that contributes to a dog's immaculate appearance. Lovi Food Lamb with sweet potatoes and mint is a hypoallergenic, super premium dry food designed for dogs with tear-stained eyes. It contains no grains, chicken or its derivatives, artificial flavor enhancers, GMOs, colorants, or preservatives. It consists of 50% lamb, which is a source of easily digestible protein. The remaining ingredients include valuable vegetables, herbs, vitamins, and minerals. Everything is prepared according to the highest standards using low-temperature cooking methods to retain as many nutrients and the flavor of fresh ingredients as possible. The size of the kibble is optimal for adult small breed dogs: diameter: 8mm, thickness: 4mm. Why is Lovi Food the best for your dog? 50% of its composition is lamb meat, a source of easily digestible and well-absorbed protein, rich in essential amino acids. It is considered one of the healthier meats, providing the body with B vitamins, calcium, and iron. It supports the functioning of the nervous system and blood cells. Thanks to the presence of linoleic acid, it regulates blood glucose levels. It contains no grains or artificial preservatives. This hypoallergenic food has a simple composition, containing only essential ingredients. Its grain-free formula makes it completely gluten-free, suitable for dogs allergic to this ingredient or having trouble digesting it. In Lovi Food, you won't find any artificial fillers, GMOs, flavors, colorants, or chemical preservatives. To maintain the freshness of the food for as long as possible, rosemary extract, known for its natural antioxidant properties, has been added. The primary source of carbohydrates is sweet potatoes. The high vitamin A content in sweet potatoes contributes to good eye health. They are an excellent alternative to grains, providing a source of complex carbohydrates. Sweet potatoes have a low glycemic index, and the energy they contain is released slowly and evenly into the dog's bloodstream. This ensures your dog has the energy to play and explore the world all day long. With added herbs. The presence of tannins provides antibacterial and antifungal effects. Mint is an excellent source of vitamins A, C, and folic acid, supplying minerals such as magnesium, iron, potassium, and zinc. It has a relaxing effect on the muscles of the digestive system, supports digestive processes, and alleviates bloating and constipation. It is enriched with Omega-3 supplements. Unsaturated fatty acids support your pet's skin condition. When the skin is in excellent condition, the coat will be too. The complex supports the proper functioning of the nervous and immune systems and aids the digestive system. Prebiotics MOS and FOS maintain the proper bacterial flora in your dog's intestines, supporting digestive function. Flaxseed provides dietary fiber, essential for proper intestinal peristalsis and regular bowel movements. It contains a complex that supports joints. Glucosamine and chondroitin are key components necessary for the proper functioning of your dog's musculoskeletal system. They support and protect cartilage, positively influence bone structure and synovial fluid, and regulate collagen production. Their appropriate levels in the body reduce the risk of degenerative diseases. Did you know that... Lovi Food packaging is sealed with a wide Velcro closure for convenience?


  • McAdams Cat Freeze Dried & Sole - freeze-dried cat food with salmon and salt

    Mcadams McAdams Cat Freeze Dried & Sole - freeze-dried cat food with salmon and salt

    McAdams Cat Freeze Dried Salmon & Sole is an exclusive, freeze-dried cat food. What sets it apart from other foods is the combination of excellent, certified quality ingredients, a unique production process, and exceptional aroma. McAdams Freeze Dried food is a ready-to-serve, complete meal of the quality of freshly prepared dishes, served as easily as dry food. It consists of gently steamed salmon and sole, which are then freeze-dried. This process involves deep freezing the products and removing their water. The dehydrated food can be safely stored for a long time without the need for preservatives. Most importantly, freeze-dried food retains the taste, color, and nutritional value of fresh products. By removing moisture from a freshly prepared meal, you can fit up to 500g of raw meat into 150g of finished food. McAdams freeze-dried food contains no grains, meat meal, animal by-products, colorings, preservatives, artificial fillers, or flavor enhancers. It is an ultra-nutritious, complete meal that provides pets with all the essential ingredients for proper functioning and a beautiful appearance. At the same time, it is very digestible, easy on sensitive stomachs, and ideal for cats with digestive issues, skin allergies (manifesting as itching), and picky eaters who have trouble chewing hard kibble. This is a super healthy, well-balanced food. McAdams Cat Freeze Dried Salmon & Sole is made up of 80% salmon and sole, sourced sustainably. The rest consists of carefully selected garden vegetables and herbs, along with hand-harvested Irish seaweed. All ingredients are mixed together and prepared into delicious kibble that no cat can resist. In McAdams Cat Freeze Dried Salmon & Sole, 80% of the food is salmon and sole, consisting of high-quality juicy pieces, with no added dried meal or by-products from the human food chain. Fish is an excellent source of easily digestible protein. They are rich in unsaturated fatty acids omega 3 and omega 6, which benefit skin and coat health, improve immune system function, and support heart health. Pumpkin is a digestible, nutrient-rich vegetable. It contains fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Due to its properties, it is a component of an anti-inflammatory diet. Slowly released carbohydrates provide energy for activity. Cranberries are full of antioxidants, vitamins A, C, and E, and support the functioning of the pet's urinary system. Yucca extract helps remove toxins from the body, reducing unpleasant odors from urine and feces. Glucosamine and chondroitin, along with MSM, are essential for the development and functioning of the pet's skeletal system. The food contains up to 3000 mg/kg of this ingredient blend, making it particularly recommended for cats with joint issues, older cats, or those recovering from injuries. Irish seaweed is a true superfood for cats, naturally rich in omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids, including DHA, which is essential for brain function. Seaweed also provides a significant dose of iodine for proper thyroid function. Green tea contains polyphenols, vitamins, and amino acids, has antioxidant properties, and inhibits the action of free radicals. Feeding instructions: Before serving freeze-dried food to your cat, add water: mix one part food with two parts warm water. The daily feeding amounts provided in the table are approximate. Monitor your pet and adjust the amount of food as needed. Divide the given amount of food into two meals. Ensure your pet has constant access to fresh water. NUTRITIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS Cat Weight | Daily Food Portion 1kg | 10-15g 2kg | 25-30g 3kg | 35-40g 4kg | 45-50g 5kg | 55-60g 6kg | 65-70g Did you know that... McAdams food is the first and only cat food in the world made from ethically sourced meat? The farms from which the meat comes promote good practices with animal welfare in mind. All sources of raw materials needed to produce the food are strictly controlled to offer your cat the highest quality healthy and complete meal. The Irish seaweed found in the food has been hand-harvested from the coastal waters of Ireland for generations. Ingredients: Salmon MSC from sustainable sources 60%, yellowfin sole MSC from sustainable sources 20%, pumpkin 5%, potato starch 4.6%, modified tapioca starch 4.4%, cranberry 2%, powdered chicory root 0.8%, glucosamine sulfate 1500 mg/kg, chondroitin sulfate 1500 mg/kg, seaweed 0.1%, yucca 0.1%, green tea extract 0.01%, vitamins, minerals. Analytical constituents: crude protein 31%, crude fat 35%, crude fiber...

    €20,33 - €63,89

  • McAdams Cats & Kittens Free Range Chicken & Turkey - baked cat food, free-range chicken and turkey

    Mcadams McAdams Cats & Kittens Free Range Chicken & Turkey - baked cat food, free-range chicken and turkey

    McAdams Cats & Kittens Free Range Chicken & Turkey is an exclusive dry food for kittens and adult cats. What sets it apart from other foods is the combination of excellent, certified quality ingredients, a unique production process, and exceptional aroma. The recipe has been developed to meet the nutritional needs of cats, regardless of their breed or age. Its consumption helps reduce the formation of hairballs in the stomach and associated discomfort. The size of the kibble is tailored to the size of cats' mouths. You won't find grains, meat meal, animal by-products, colorants, preservatives, artificial fillers, or flavor enhancers in its composition. It is an ultra-nutritious, complete meal that provides pets with all the essential ingredients for proper functioning and a beautiful appearance. At the same time, it is very well absorbed, easily digestible, and gentle on sensitive stomachs. Ideal for cats with digestive issues, allergies, and picky eaters. This super healthy, well-balanced food is a great alternative to a raw diet. McAdams Cats & Kittens Free Range Chicken & Turkey is entirely produced in the United Kingdom from fresh muscle meat of free-range chicken and turkey, with the addition of carefully selected garden vegetables, fruits, and herbs, sustainably sourced algae oil, and hand-harvested Irish seaweed. All ingredients are mixed together and slowly baked at low temperatures. As a result, crunchy kibbles full of delicious flavor are created, which no kitten can resist. In McAdams cat food, you will find: fresh chicken and turkey. These are high-quality juicy pieces, without the addition of dried poultry meal or by-products from the human food chain. The meat from these animals is a source of protein, very tender, well absorbed, and easy to digest. It is great for food for cats with sensitive stomachs. Potatoes are easily digestible, nutrient-rich vegetables. They contain fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. They are a good source of carbohydrates providing energy for activity. Peas contain fiber, helping to combat constipation, and are rich in vitamins A and C. Yeasts provide a dose of natural probiotics, essential for the proper development of the cat's gut flora. As we know, health begins primarily in the gut. Yucca extract helps remove toxins from the body. It reduces the unpleasant smell of the pet's urine and feces. New Zealand green-lipped mussels are an excellent source of glucosamine and chondroitin, substances essential for the proper functioning of the musculoskeletal system of the pet. Irish seaweed is a true superfood for cats, naturally rich in omega-3 fatty acids, including DHA, which is essential for brain function. Seaweed also provides a significant dose of iodine for proper thyroid function. The Joint Care complex provides an additional portion of glucosamine and chondroitin to support the joints of growing kittens. In adult cats, it supports the functioning of the musculoskeletal system. Atlantic algae prevent plaque buildup and the formation of tartar, reducing the risk of gum disease. Cranberries and tomatoes are full of antioxidants. Cranberries support the urinary tract, while potassium-rich tomatoes aid muscle and heart function. The addition of lavender in the food helps reduce itching of allergy-irritated skin. Rosemary has anti-inflammatory properties, protecting the delicate stomach and intestines of the cat. Chamomile is known for its calming properties and reducing bloating, making it excellent for sensitive tummies. Feeding instructions and dosage: The information provided in the table regarding the daily portion of food is indicative. Observe your pet and adjust the amount of food given as needed. Divide the given amount of food into two meals. Ensure the pet has constant access to fresh water. NUTRITIONAL GUIDELINES FOR KITTENS Cat Weight * Daily Food Portion 2 - 4 months 4-6 months 6-8 months 8-12 months 2-3 kg 40-55g 55-60g 60-55g 55g-adult 3-4 kg 40-65g 65-75g 75-65g 65g-adult 4-5 kg 45-75g 75-90g 90-75g 75g-adult 5-6 kg 45-80g 80-95g 95-80g 80g-adult *Estimated weight of an adult cat NUTRITIONAL GUIDELINES FOR ADULT CATS Cat Weight: Daily Intake: 1-2 kg 15-30g 2-3 kg 30-40g 3-4 kg 40-45g 4-5 kg 45-55g 5-6 +55g Did you know that... McAdams food is the first and only cat food in the world that uses meat from whole chickens and turkeys, not just their parts? All meat farms from which the meat for the food is sourced are RSPCA certified, the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, an organization operating in England and Wales that promotes good practices considering the welfare of farm animals. The Irish seaweed in the cat food has been used for generations.

    €11,61 - €37,75

  • Last stock! McAdams Cats & Kittens Free Range Chicken & Turkey - baked cat food, free-range chicken and turkey - PROMOTION due to expiration date

    Mcadams McAdams Cats & Kittens Free Range Chicken & Turkey - baked cat food, free-range chicken and turkey - PROMOTION due to expiration date

    McAdams Cats & Kittens Free Range Chicken & Turkey is an exclusive dry food for kittens and adult cats. What sets it apart from other foods is the combination of excellent, certified quality ingredients, a unique production process, and exceptional aroma. The recipe has been developed to meet the nutritional needs of cats, regardless of their breed or age. Its consumption by cats reduces the formation of hairballs in the stomach and related discomfort. The size of the kibble has been adjusted to the size of cats' mouths. You won't find grains, meat meal, by-products, colorings, preservatives, artificial fillers, or flavor enhancers in its composition. It is an ultra-nutritious, complete meal that provides pets with all the essential ingredients for proper functioning and a beautiful appearance. At the same time, it is very digestible, easy to digest, and gentle on sensitive stomachs. Ideal for cats with digestive issues, allergies, and picky eaters. This super healthy, well-balanced food is a great alternative to a raw diet. McAdams Cats & Kittens Free Range Chicken & Turkey is entirely produced in the United Kingdom from fresh muscle meat of free-range chicken and turkey, supplemented with carefully selected garden vegetables, fruits, and herbs, sustainably sourced algae oil, and hand-harvested Irish seaweed. All ingredients are mixed together and slowly baked at low temperatures. The result is crunchy kibbles full of delicious flavor that no kitten can resist. In McAdams cat food, you will find: fresh chicken and turkey. These are high-quality, juicy pieces, without the addition of dried poultry meal or by-products from the human food chain. The meat from these animals is a source of protein, very tender, easily digestible, and suitable for cats with sensitive stomachs. Potatoes are easily digestible, nutrient-rich vegetables. They contain fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. They are a good source of carbohydrates, providing energy for activity. Peas contain fiber, helping to combat constipation, and are rich in vitamins A and C. Yeast provides a dose of natural probiotics, essential for the proper development of the cat's gut flora. As we know, health begins primarily in the gut. Yucca extract helps remove toxins from the body. It reduces the unpleasant odor of the pet's urine and feces. New Zealand green-lipped mussels are an excellent source of glucosamine and chondroitin, substances essential for the development and functioning of the musculoskeletal system of the pet. Irish seaweed is a true superfood for cats, naturally rich in omega-3 fatty acids, including DHA, which is essential for brain function. Seaweed also provides a significant dose of iodine for proper thyroid function. The Joint Care complex provides an additional portion of glucosamine and chondroitin to support the joints of growing kittens. In adult cats, it supports the functioning of the musculoskeletal system. Atlantic algae prevent plaque buildup and the formation of tartar, reducing the risk of gum disease. Cranberries and tomatoes are full of antioxidants. Cranberries support the urinary tract, while potassium-rich tomatoes aid muscle and heart function. The addition of lavender in the food helps reduce itching from irritated skin due to allergies. Rosemary has anti-inflammatory properties, protecting the delicate stomach and intestines of the cat. Chamomile is known for its calming properties and reducing bloating, making it excellent for sensitive tummies. Feeding instructions and dosage: The information provided in the table regarding the daily portion of food is indicative. Observe your pet and adjust the amount of food given as needed. Divide the indicated amount of food into two meals. Ensure your pet has constant access to fresh water. Nutritional recommendations for kittens: Cat weight * Daily food portion 2 - 4 months: 2-3kg 40-55g, 3-4kg 40-65g, 4-5kg 45-75g, 5-6kg 45-80g 6 - 8 months: 2-3kg 55-60g, 3-4kg 65-75g, 4-5kg 75-90g, 5-6kg 80-95g 8 - 12 months: 2-3kg 55g-adult, 3-4kg 65g-adult, 4-5kg 75g-adult, 5-6kg 80g-adult Nutritional recommendations for adult cats: Cat weight: Daily intake: 1-2kg 15-30g, 2-3kg 30-40g, 3-4kg 40-45g, 4-5kg 45-55g, 5-6kg +55g Did you know that... McAdams food is the first and only cat food in the world that uses meat from whole chickens and turkeys, not just their parts? All meat farms supplying meat for the production of this food have RSPCA certification, the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, an organization operating in England and Wales that promotes good practices with animal welfare in mind. The Irish seaweed found in the cat food has been used for generations.


  • McAdams Freeze Dried & Sole - freeze-dried food for adult dogs, with salmon and salt McAdams Freeze Dried & Sole - freeze-dried food for adult dogs, with salmon and salt

    Mcadams McAdams Freeze Dried & Sole - freeze-dried food for adult dogs, with salmon and salt

    McAdams Freeze Dried MSM Salmon & Sole is an exclusive, freeze-dried food for adult dogs. What sets it apart from other foods is the combination of excellent, certified quality ingredients, a unique production process, and exceptional aroma. McAdams Freeze Dried food is a ready-to-eat, complete meal of the quality of freshly prepared dishes, served as easily as dry food. Just open the bag and serve this delicious complete meal to your dog. It consists of gently steamed salmon and sole, which are then freeze-dried. This process involves deep freezing the products and removing their water. The dehydrated food can be safely stored for a long time without the need for preservatives. Most importantly, freeze-dried food retains the flavor, color, and nutritional value of fresh products. By removing moisture from the freshly prepared meal, you can fit up to 500g of raw meat into 150g of the finished product. The unique texture of the food is the perfect option for dogs that do not prefer wet food but need something softer than traditional kibble. McAdams freeze-dried food contains no grains, meat meal, by-products, colorings, preservatives, artificial fillers, or flavor enhancers. It is an ultra-nutritious, complete meal that provides pets with all the essential nutrients for proper functioning and a beautiful appearance. At the same time, it is highly digestible, easy on the stomach, and gentle for sensitive digestive systems. Ideal for dogs with digestive issues, skin allergies (manifesting as itching), and picky eaters who have trouble chewing hard kibbles. This super healthy, well-balanced food can be consumed by dogs on a raw diet. McAdams Freeze Dried Salmon & Sole is made up of 80% salmon and sole, sourced sustainably. The rest consists of carefully selected garden vegetables and herbs, as well as hand-harvested Irish seaweed. All ingredients are mixed together and prepared into delicious kibble that no dog can resist. In McAdams Freeze Dried New Zealand Lamb dog food, you will find: 80% of the food is salmon and sole, which are high-quality juicy pieces, without the addition of dried meal or by-products from the human food chain. Fish are an excellent source of highly digestible protein. They are rich in unsaturated fatty acids omega 3 and omega 6, which positively affect skin and coat health, improve immune system function, and support heart health. Pumpkin is a easily digestible, nutrient-rich vegetable. It contains fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Due to its properties, it is part of an anti-inflammatory diet. Slowly released carbohydrates provide energy for activity. Cranberries are full of antioxidants, vitamins A, C, and E, and support the functioning of the pet's urinary system. Yucca extract helps remove toxins from the body. It reduces unpleasant odors from the pet's urine and feces. Glucosamine and chondroitin, along with MSM, are essential substances for the development of the musculoskeletal system in dogs. The food contains as much as 3000 mg/kg of this mixture, making it particularly recommended for dogs with joint problems, older dogs, those recovering from injuries, or large breeds. Irish seaweed is a true superfood for dogs, naturally rich in omega-3 fatty acids, including DHA, which is essential for brain function. Seaweed also provides a significant dose of iodine for proper thyroid function. Green tea contains polyphenols, vitamins, and amino acids, has antioxidant properties, and inhibits the action of free radicals. Feeding instructions and dosage: The information provided in the table regarding the daily food portion is approximate. Observe your pet and adjust the amount of food given as needed. Divide the given amount of food and serve it in two meals. Ensure your pet has constant access to fresh water. Nutritional recommendations: Dog weight - Daily food portion 5kg - 50-75g 10kg - 70-100g 15kg - 100-140g 20kg - 150-200g 30kg - 220-280g 40kg - 315-355g Did you know that... McAdams food is the first and only dog food in the world made from ethically sourced meat? The farms from which the meat comes promote good practices that consider the welfare of farm animals. All sources of raw materials needed to produce the food are strictly controlled to offer your dog the highest quality healthy and complete meal. The Irish seaweed found in dog food has been hand-harvested for generations in the coastal waters of Ireland. Ingredients: Ingredients: 60% MSC certified sustainably caught salmon, 20% MSC yellowfin sole, 5% pumpkin, 4.7% potato starch, 4.6% modified tapioca starch, 2% cranberry, 0.8% powdered chicory root, 0.2% yucca, glucosamine sulfate 1500 mg/kg, chondroitin sulfate 1...

    €34,85 - €116,13

  • McAdams Freeze Dried New Zealand Lamb - freeze-dried food for adult dogs, lamb with vegetables McAdams Freeze Dried New Zealand Lamb - freeze-dried food for adult dogs, lamb with vegetables

    Mcadams McAdams Freeze Dried New Zealand Lamb - freeze-dried food for adult dogs, lamb with vegetables

    McAdams Freeze Dried New Zealand Lamb is an exclusive, freeze-dried food for adult dogs. What sets it apart from other foods is the combination of excellent, certified quality ingredients, a unique production process, and exceptional aroma. McAdams Freeze Dried food is a ready-to-eat, complete meal of the quality of freshly prepared dishes, served with the same ease as dry food. Simply open the bag and serve this delicious complete meal to your dog. It features gently steamed lamb, which is then freeze-dried. This process involves deep-freezing the products and removing their water content. The dehydrated food can be safely stored for a long time without the need for preservatives. Most importantly, freeze-dried food retains the flavor, color, and nutritional value of fresh products. The unique texture of the food is an ideal option for dogs that do not prefer wet food but need something softer than traditional kibble. McAdams Freeze Dried food contains no grains, meat meal, by-products, colorings, preservatives, artificial fillers, or flavor enhancers. It is an ultra-nutritious, complete meal that provides pets with all the essential nutrients needed for proper functioning and a beautiful appearance. At the same time, it is very digestible, easy on the stomach, and gentle for sensitive digestive systems. Ideal for dogs with digestive issues, allergies, and picky eaters who have trouble chewing hard kibbles. This super healthy, well-balanced food can be consumed by dogs on a raw diet. McAdams Freeze Dried New Zealand Lamb is made up of 80% lamb, raised freely on lush green pastures in New Zealand. The rest consists of carefully selected garden vegetables and herbs, sustainably sourced algae oil, and hand-harvested Irish seaweed. All ingredients are mixed together and prepared into delicious kibble that no dog can resist. In McAdams Freeze Dried New Zealand Lamb dog food, you will find: 80% lamb, which consists of high-quality juicy pieces, with no added dried meal or by-products from the human food chain. It is rich in EPA fatty acids and omega-3, which positively affect the condition of the pet's skin and coat. Pumpkin is a light, nutrient-rich vegetable. It contains fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Due to its properties, it is part of an anti-inflammatory diet. Slowly released carbohydrates provide energy for activity. Carrots are easily digestible, providing fiber, beta-carotene, vitamin C, and B vitamins. Cranberries are full of antioxidants, vitamins A, C, and E, supporting the functioning of the pet's urinary system. Yucca extract helps remove toxins from the body, reducing unpleasant odors from urine and feces. Glucosamine and chondroitin are essential substances for the development of the musculoskeletal system in dogs. Irish seaweed is a true superfood for dogs, naturally rich in omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids, including DHA, which is essential for brain function. Seaweed also provides a significant dose of iodine for proper thyroid function. Green tea contains polyphenols, vitamins, and amino acids, has antioxidant properties, and inhibits the action of free radicals. Feeding instructions and dosage: The daily feeding amounts provided in the table are approximate. Monitor your pet and adjust the amount of food as needed. Divide the given amount of food into two meals. Ensure your pet has constant access to fresh water. Nutritional recommendations: Dog weight - Daily food portion 5kg - 65-95g 10kg - 90-140g 15kg - 130-180g 20kg - 190-255g 30kg - 280-355g 40kg - 400-450g Did you know that... McAdams food is the first and only dog food in the world made from ethically sourced meat? The farms from which the meat comes promote good practices that prioritize the welfare of farm animals. All sources of raw materials needed to produce the food are strictly controlled to offer the highest quality healthy and complete meal for your dog. The Irish seaweed in dog food has been hand-harvested for generations in the coastal waters of Ireland. Ingredients: Ingredients: New Zealand free-range lamb 80%, pumpkin 4.2%, potato starch 3.9%, modified tapioca starch 3.5%, carrot 3%, cranberry 2%, powdered chicory root 0.8%, yucca 0.2%, glucosamine sulfate 800mg/kg, chondroitin sulfate 800mg/kg, seaweed 0.1%, green tea extract 0.01%, vitamins, minerals. Analytical components: crude protein 35%, crude fat 18%, crude fiber 1%, crude ash 14%, moisture 9%, Omega 3 0.3%, Omega 6 0.4%. Metabolizable energy 355 kcal/100g. Additives: Vitamins: Vitamin A 20,000 IU/kg, Vitamin D3 450.

    €29,04 - €104,51

  • McAdams Medium Breed Free Range Chicken - baked food for medium dogs, free-range chicken - sample McAdams Medium Breed Free Range Chicken - baked food for medium dogs, free-range chicken - sample

    Mcadams McAdams Medium Breed Free Range Chicken - baked food for medium dogs, free-range chicken - sample

    Not sure if McAdams food will appeal to your dog? Purchasing a sample will allow them to discover how unique and full of delicious flavor these crunchy kibbles are. McAdams Medium Breed Free Range Chicken is an exclusive dry dog food for medium breeds. What sets it apart from other foods is the combination of excellent, certified quality ingredients, a unique production process, and exceptional aroma. Its formula has been developed to meet the nutritional needs of medium breed dogs. The size of the kibble is also tailored to fit their mouths. The food contains no grains, meat meal, animal by-products, colorings, preservatives, artificial fillers, or flavor enhancers. It is an ultra-nutritious, complete meal that provides pets with all the essential nutrients for proper functioning and a beautiful appearance. At the same time, it is highly digestible, easy on sensitive stomachs, and ideal for dogs with digestive issues, allergies, and picky eaters. This super healthy, well-balanced food is a great alternative to a raw diet. McAdams Medium Breed Free Range Chicken is entirely produced in the UK from fresh, free-range chicken meat, complemented by carefully selected vegetables, fruits, and herbs, sustainably sourced algae oil, and hand-harvested Irish seaweed. All ingredients are mixed to form a dough similar to cookies, then slowly roasted at low temperatures (40-110°C). As a result, crunchy kibbles full of delicious flavor are created, which no dog can resist. In McAdams food for medium dogs, you will find: in every kilogram of food, there is meat from one fresh chicken. These are high-quality, juicy pieces, without the addition of dried chicken meal or by-products from the human food chain. Chicken is very tender, highly digestible, and easy to digest, making it ideal for dogs with sensitive stomachs. Sweet potatoes are easily digestible, nutrient-rich vegetables. They contain fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Due to their properties, they are part of an anti-inflammatory diet. Slowly released carbohydrates provide energy for activity. Tapioca is a hypoallergenic source of carbohydrates. It is gentle on the stomach and can be consumed by dogs with gastrointestinal diseases. Yeast provides a dose of natural probiotics, essential for the proper development of the dog's gut flora. As we know, health begins primarily in the gut. Yucca extract helps remove toxins from the body and reduces unpleasant odors from urine and feces. New Zealand green-lipped mussels are an excellent source of glucosamine and chondroitin, substances essential for the proper functioning of the musculoskeletal system in dogs. Salmon oil and Irish seaweed are true superfoods for dogs, naturally rich in omega-3 fatty acids, including DHA, which is essential for brain function. Seaweed also provides a significant dose of iodine for proper thyroid function. Cranberries and tomatoes are full of antioxidants. Cranberries support the urinary tract, while potassium-rich tomatoes aid muscle and heart function. The addition of lavender in the food helps reduce itching from irritated allergy-prone skin. Rosemary has anti-inflammatory properties, protecting the dog's delicate stomach and intestines. Chamomile is known for its calming properties and reducing bloating, making it excellent for sensitive tummies. Feeding instructions and dosage: The information provided in the table regarding daily food intake is approximate. Observe your pet and adjust the amount of food as needed. Divide the given amount of food into two meals. Ensure your pet has constant access to fresh water. Dosage: Dog weight: Daily intake: 5kg 75-100g 10kg 125-165g 15kg 170-230g 20kg 210-285g 30kg 280-385g 35kg 320-430g Did you know that... McAdams food is the first and only dog food in the world that uses meat from the whole chicken, not just its parts? Ingredients: Free-range chicken from the UK (50%), sweet potato (23%), tapioca, pea protein, chicken fat, yeast, vitamins and minerals, chicken broth, lentils, salmon oil, cellulose, prebiotics (FOS (0.2%), MOS (0.15%), dried marigold, yucca extract, hand-harvested Irish seaweed (0.03%), dried orange, New Zealand green-lipped mussel (0.01%), chamomile, carrot (0.01%), cranberry (0.01%), dried rosemary, spinach, tomatoes, lavender. Analytical components: Crude protein 20.0%, Crude fat 13.5%, Crude fiber 3.5%, Crude ash 8.5%, Moisture 8%, Omega 6 2.7%, Omega 3 0.4%, Calcium 1.2%, Phosphorus 0.6%. Energy kcal/100g 361.5kcal. Additives: Vitamins: Vitamin A 14,500IU, Vitamin D3 2,000IU, Vitamin E 100IU.


  • McAdams Medium/Large Breed Free Range Chicken & Salmon - baked food for medium and large dogs, free-range chicken and salmon

    Mcadams McAdams Medium/Large Breed Free Range Chicken & Salmon - baked food for medium and large dogs, free-range chicken and salmon

    McAdams Medium & Large Breed Free Range Chicken & Scottish Salmon is an exclusive dry food for medium breed dogs. What sets it apart from other dog foods is the combination of excellent, certified quality ingredients, a unique production process, and exceptional aroma. The size of the kibble is tailored to the needs of larger dogs. It contains no grains, meat meal, animal by-products, colorings, preservatives, artificial fillers, or flavor enhancers. This ultra-nutritious, complete meal provides pets with all the essential ingredients needed for proper functioning and a beautiful appearance. It is also highly digestible, easy on the stomach, and gentle for sensitive digestive systems. Ideal for dogs with digestive issues, allergies, and picky eaters. This super healthy, well-balanced food is a great alternative to a raw diet. McAdams Medium/Large Breed Free Range Chicken & Scottish Salmon is entirely produced in the UK from fresh, free-range chicken meat and daily supplied from trusted and verified Scottish salmon producers, combined with carefully selected garden vegetables, fruits, and herbs, sustainably sourced algae oil, and hand-harvested Irish seaweed. All ingredients are mixed together and slowly baked at low temperatures. As a result, crunchy kibbles full of delicious flavor are created, which no dog can resist. In McAdams Free Range Chicken & Salmon for medium and large dogs, you will find: fresh chicken and salmon. Chicken is high-quality, juicy pieces, with no added dried chicken meal or by-products from the human food chain. Chicken is very tender, easily digestible, and gentle on the stomach, making it great for dogs with sensitive stomachs. Salmon is rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids and vitamins A, B, and D. Its consumption is beneficial for immunity and contributes to the beautiful appearance of the dog's skin and coat. Sweet potatoes are easily digestible, nutrient-rich vegetables. They contain fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Due to their properties, they are part of an anti-inflammatory diet. Slowly released carbohydrates provide energy for activity. Tapioca is a hypoallergenic source of carbohydrates. It is gentle on the stomach and can be consumed by dogs with gastrointestinal diseases. Yeast provides a dose of natural probiotics, essential for the proper development of the dog's gut flora. As we know, health starts primarily in the gut. Yucca extract helps remove toxins from the body and reduces unpleasant odors from the pet's urine and feces. New Zealand green-lipped mussels are an excellent source of glucosamine and chondroitin, substances essential for the proper functioning of the dog's skeletal and joint system. Irish seaweed is a true superfood for dogs, naturally rich in omega-3 fatty acids, including DHA, which is essential for brain function. Seaweed also provides a significant dose of iodine for proper thyroid function. Cranberries and tomatoes are full of antioxidants. Cranberries support the urinary tract, while potassium-rich tomatoes aid muscle and heart function. The addition of lavender in the food helps reduce itching of irritated allergy-prone skin. Rosemary has anti-inflammatory properties, protecting the dog's sensitive stomach and intestines. Chamomile is known for its calming properties and reduces bloating, making it excellent for sensitive tummies. Feeding guidelines and dosage: The information provided in the table regarding the daily feeding amount is approximate. Monitor your pet and adjust the amount of food as needed. Divide the given amount of food into two meals. Ensure your pet has constant access to fresh water. Dosage: Dog weight: Daily intake: 10-20kg 145-240g 20-30kg 240-330g 30-40kg 330-405g +40kg +405g Did you know that... McAdams is the first and only dog food in the world made from whole turkey meat, not just parts? All meat farms supplying the meat for the food are RSPCA certified, an organization promoting good practices for the welfare of farm animals in England and Wales. The whole Scottish salmon included in the food also comes from strictly controlled, responsible farms. It is delivered daily for production, ensuring that only fresh ingredients with the highest nutritional value are used. The Irish seaweed found in the dog food has been hand-harvested for generations in the coastal waters of Ireland. Ingredients: Whole British free-range chicken (40%), sweet potato (25%), sustainably sourced Scottish salmon (10%), tapioca, yeast.

    €87,09 - €174,21

  • McAdams Medium/Large Breed Free Range Chicken & Salmon - baked food for medium and large dogs, free-range chicken and salmon McAdams Medium/Large Breed Free Range Chicken & Salmon - baked food for medium and large dogs, free-range chicken and salmon

    Mcadams McAdams Medium/Large Breed Free Range Chicken & Salmon - baked food for medium and large dogs, free-range chicken and salmon

    McAdams Medium & Large Breed Free Range Chicken & Scottish Salmon is an exclusive dry food for medium breed dogs. What sets it apart from other dog foods is the combination of excellent, certified quality ingredients, a unique production process, and exceptional aroma. The size of the kibble is tailored for larger dogs. You won't find grains, meat meal, animal by-products, colorings, preservatives, artificial fillers, or flavor enhancers in its composition. It is an ultra-nutritious, complete meal that provides your pet with all the essential nutrients for proper functioning and a beautiful appearance. At the same time, it is highly digestible, easy on sensitive stomachs, and ideal for dogs with digestive issues, allergies, and picky eaters. This super healthy, well-balanced food is a great alternative to a raw diet. McAdams Medium/Large Breed Free Range Chicken & Scottish Salmon is entirely produced in the UK using fresh, free-range chicken meat and daily sourced Scottish salmon from trusted suppliers, complemented by carefully selected garden vegetables, fruits, herbs, sustainably sourced algae oil, and hand-harvested Irish seaweed. All ingredients are mixed together and slowly baked at low temperatures. The result is crunchy kibbles full of delicious flavor that no dog can resist. In McAdams Free Range Chicken & Salmon for medium and large dogs, you will find: fresh chicken and salmon. Chicken is high-quality, juicy pieces, without any added dried chicken meal or by-products from the human food chain. Chicken is very tender, easily digestible, and great for dogs with sensitive stomachs. Salmon is rich in unsaturated omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, as well as vitamins A, B, and D. Its consumption is beneficial for immunity and contributes to the beautiful appearance of your dog's skin and coat. Sweet potatoes are easily digestible, nutrient-rich vegetables. They contain fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Due to their properties, they are part of an anti-inflammatory diet. Slowly released carbohydrates provide energy for activity. Tapioca is a hypoallergenic source of carbohydrates. It is gentle on the stomach and can be consumed by dogs with digestive disorders. Yeast provides a dose of natural probiotics essential for the proper development of your dog's gut flora. As we know, health starts primarily in the gut. Yucca extract helps remove toxins from the body and reduces unpleasant odors from your pet's urine and feces. New Zealand green-lipped mussels are an excellent source of glucosamine and chondroitin, essential substances for the development of your dog's skeletal and joint system. Irish seaweed is a true superfood for dogs, naturally rich in unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids, including DHA, which is essential for brain function. Seaweed also provides a significant dose of iodine for proper thyroid function. Cranberries and tomatoes are full of antioxidants. Cranberries support the urinary tract, while potassium-rich tomatoes aid muscle and heart function. The addition of lavender in the food helps reduce itching in allergy-irritated skin. Rosemary has anti-inflammatory properties, protecting your dog's delicate stomach and intestines. Chamomile is known for its calming properties and reducing bloating, making it excellent for sensitive tummies. Feeding instructions and dosage: The information provided in the table regarding daily feeding amounts is indicative. Monitor your pet and adjust the amount of food as needed. Divide the recommended amount of food into two meals. Ensure your pet has constant access to fresh water. Dosage: Dog weight: Daily intake: 10-20kg 145-240g 20-30kg 240-330g 30-40kg 330-405g +40kg +405g Did you know that... McAdams is the first and only dog food in the world made using meat from the whole turkey, not just parts? All meat farms supplying the meat for the food are RSPCA certified, an organization promoting good practices for the welfare of farm animals in England and Wales. The whole Scottish salmon included in the food also comes from strictly controlled, responsible farms. It is delivered daily for production, ensuring that only fresh ingredients with the highest nutritional value are used. The Irish seaweed found in the dog food has been hand-harvested for generations in the coastal waters of Ireland. Ingredients: whole British free-range chicken (40%), sweet potato (25%), sustainably sourced Scottish salmon (10%), tapioca, yeast.


  • McAdams Medium/Large Breed Free Range Chicken & Salmon - baked food for medium and large dogs, free-range chicken and salmon - sample McAdams Medium/Large Breed Free Range Chicken & Salmon - baked food for medium and large dogs, free-range chicken and salmon - sample

    Mcadams McAdams Medium/Large Breed Free Range Chicken & Salmon - baked food for medium and large dogs, free-range chicken and salmon - sample

    Are you unsure if McAdams food will appeal to your dog? Purchasing a sample will allow them to discover how unique and full of delicious flavor these crunchy kibbles are. McAdams Medium & Large Breed Free Range Chicken & Scottish Salmon is an exclusive dry food for medium and large breed dogs. What sets it apart from other foods is the combination of excellent, certified quality ingredients, a unique production process, and exceptional aroma. The kibble size is tailored to the needs of larger dogs. You won't find grains, meat meal, by-products, colorings, preservatives, artificial fillers, or flavor enhancers in its composition. It is an ultra-nutritious, complete meal that provides your pet with all the essential ingredients for proper functioning and a beautiful appearance. At the same time, it is highly digestible, easy to digest, and gentle on sensitive stomachs. Ideal for dogs with digestive issues, allergies, and picky eaters. This super healthy, well-balanced food is a great alternative to a raw diet. McAdams Medium/Large Breed Free Range Chicken & Scottish Salmon is entirely produced in the UK from fresh, free-range chicken meat and daily supplied from trusted and verified producers of Scottish salmon, along with carefully selected garden vegetables, fruits, and herbs, sustainably sourced algae oil, and hand-harvested Irish seaweed. All ingredients are mixed together and slowly baked at low temperatures. The result is crunchy kibbles full of delicious flavor that no dog can resist. In McAdams food for medium and large dogs Free Range Chicken & Salmon, you will find: fresh chicken and salmon. Chicken is high-quality, juicy pieces, without added dried chicken meal or by-products from the human food chain. Chicken is very tender, easily digestible, and suitable for dogs with sensitive stomachs. Salmon is rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids and vitamins A, B, and D. Its consumption is beneficial for immunity and the beautiful appearance of your pet's skin and coat. Sweet potatoes are easily digestible, nutrient-rich vegetables. They contain fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Due to their properties, they are part of an anti-inflammatory diet. Slowly released carbohydrates provide energy for activity. Tapioca is a hypoallergenic source of carbohydrates. It is gentle on the stomach and can be consumed by dogs with digestive disorders. Yeast provides a dose of natural probiotics essential for the proper development of your dog's gut flora. As we know, health begins primarily in the gut. Yucca extract helps remove toxins from the body. It reduces unpleasant odors from your pet's urine and feces. New Zealand green-lipped mussels are an excellent source of glucosamine and chondroitin, substances essential for the development and functioning of your pet's skeletal system. Irish seaweed is a true superfood for dogs, naturally rich in omega-3 fatty acids, including DHA, which is essential for brain function. Seaweed also provides a significant dose of iodine for proper thyroid function. Cranberries and tomatoes are full of antioxidants. Cranberries support the urinary tract, while potassium-rich tomatoes aid muscle and heart function. The addition of lavender in the food helps reduce itching of allergy-irritated skin. Rosemary has anti-inflammatory properties, protecting your dog's delicate stomach and intestines. Chamomile is known for its calming properties and reducing bloating, making it excellent for sensitive tummies. Feeding instructions and dosage: The information provided in the table regarding the daily feeding amount is indicative. Observe your pet and adjust the amount of food as needed. Divide the given amount of food into two meals. Ensure your pet has constant access to fresh water. Dosage: Dog weight: Daily intake: 10-20kg 145-240g 20-30kg 240-330g 30-40kg 330-405g +40kg +405g Did you know that... McAdams is the first and only dog food in the world made from whole chicken rather than just parts? All meat farms supplying the meat for the food have RSPCA certification, the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, an organization operating in England and Wales that promotes good practices for the welfare of farm animals. The whole Scottish salmon added to the food also comes from strictly controlled, responsible farms. It is supplied daily, ensuring that only fresh ingredients with the highest nutritional value are included in the food. The Irish seaweed in the dog food has been hand-harvested for generations.


  • McAdams Medium/Large Breed Free Range Chicken - baked food for medium and large dogs, free-range chicken McAdams Medium/Large Breed Free Range Chicken - baked food for medium and large dogs, free-range chicken

    Mcadams McAdams Medium/Large Breed Free Range Chicken - baked food for medium and large dogs, free-range chicken

    McAdams Medium Breed Free Range Chicken is an exclusive dry food for small breed dogs. What sets it apart from other foods is the combination of excellent, certified quality ingredients, a unique production process, and exceptional aroma. Its formula has been developed to meet the nutritional needs of medium breed dogs. The size of the kibble is also tailored to the size of their mouths. The food contains no grains, meat meal, animal by-products, colorings, preservatives, artificial fillers, or flavor enhancers. It is an ultra-nutritious, complete meal that provides pets with all the essential nutrients for proper functioning and a beautiful appearance. At the same time, it is highly digestible, easy on the stomach, and gentle for sensitive digestive systems. Ideal for dogs with digestive issues, allergies, and picky eaters. This super healthy, well-balanced food is a great alternative to a raw diet. McAdams Small Breed Free Range Chicken is entirely produced in the United Kingdom from fresh organic free-range chicken meat, supplemented with carefully selected vegetables, fruits, and herbs, sustainably sourced algae oil, and hand-harvested Irish seaweed. All ingredients are mixed together and slowly baked at low temperatures. The result is crunchy kibbles full of delicious flavor that no dog can resist. In McAdams food for medium dogs, you will find: in every kilogram of food, there is meat from one fresh chicken. These are high-quality, juicy pieces, without the addition of dried chicken meal or by-products from the human food chain. Chicken is very tender, well-digestible, and easy to digest. It is great for dogs with sensitive stomachs. Sweet potatoes are easily digestible, nutrient-rich vegetables. They contain fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Due to their properties, they are part of an anti-inflammatory diet. Slowly released carbohydrates provide energy for activity. Tapioca is a hypoallergenic source of carbohydrates. It is gentle on the stomach and can be consumed by dogs with digestive diseases. Yeast provides a dose of natural probiotics, essential for the proper development of the gut flora in puppies. As we know, health starts primarily in the gut. Yucca extract helps remove toxins from the body. It reduces unpleasant odors from the pet's urine and feces. New Zealand green-lipped mussels are an excellent source of glucosamine and chondroitin, substances essential for the development and functioning of the dog's skeletal and joint system. Salmon oil and Irish seaweed are true superfoods for dogs, naturally rich in omega-3 fatty acids, including DHA, which is essential for brain function. Seaweed also provides a significant dose of iodine for proper thyroid function. Cranberries and tomatoes are full of antioxidants. Cranberries support the urinary tract, while potassium-rich tomatoes aid muscle and heart function. The addition of lavender in the food helps reduce itching of allergy-irritated skin. Rosemary has anti-inflammatory properties, protecting the dog's delicate stomach and intestines. Chamomile is known for its calming properties and reducing bloating, making it excellent for sensitive tummies. Feeding instructions and dosage: The information provided in the table regarding the daily dosage of food is indicative. Observe your pet and adjust the amount of food as needed. Divide the given amount of food into two meals. Ensure your pet has constant access to fresh water. Dosage: Dog weight: Daily intake: 5kg 75-100g 10kg 125-165g 15kg 170-230g 20kg 210-285g 30kg 280-385g 40kg 320-430g Did you know that... McAdams food is the first and only dog food in the world made using meat from the whole turkey, not just its parts? All the farms that supply meat for the production of this food are RSPCA certified, an organization promoting good practices for the welfare of farm animals in England and Wales. The Irish seaweed added to the food has been hand-harvested in the coastal waters of Ireland for generations. Ingredients: Chicken from free-range UK farms (50%), sweet potato (24%), tapioca, pea protein, chicken fat, brewer's yeast, chicken broth, pea fiber, minerals, lentils, salmon oil, plant fiber, prebiotics (FOS (0.2%), MOS (0.15%), dried marigold, yucca extract, hand-harvested Irish seaweed (0.03%), dried orange, New Zealand green-lipped mussel (0.02%), chamomile, carrot (0.01%), cranberry (0.01%), dried rosemary, spinach, tomatoes, lavender. Analytical constituents: Crude protein 20.0%, Crude fat 13.5%, Crude fiber 3.5%, Crude ash 8.5%, Omega.

    €31,94 - €145,17

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