Escapure Buffel Pur - wet food for dogs and cats, 100% buffalo


Escapure Buffel Pur is a high-quality wet food for dogs and cats. Its only ingredient is premium buffalo. Escapure food is made from specially selected, 100% natural ingredients sourced from regional suppliers. It does not contain artificial and unhealthy preservatives, colorings, or flavorings. The use of a single protein source makes this product particularly recommended for sensitive animals or those on an elimination diet, with a tendency to allergic reactions from the digestive system. Additionally, Escapure is grain-free and produced to Human Grade standards, meaning that all raw materials used in its composition are of a quality suitable for human consumption. Escapure Buffel Pur features delicious muscle meat from buffalo and its offal, in an aromatic broth. This type of meat not only provides exceptional flavor but also the right amount of protein and phosphorus, which contributes to the development of bones and teeth, and is also part of the structure of nucleic acids, namely DNA and RNA. By choosing Escapure food, you can be sure that you are providing your pet with a healthy and complete meal that they will love. Wet food Escapure Buffel Pur: - High-quality food made from natural, regional ingredients - Complete meal for adult dogs and cats - Particularly recommended for sensitive pets with allergies - Monoprotein - No added sugar - The only protein source is high-quality buffalo meat - 100% meat content - No preservatives or colorings - Gluten and grain-free - Human Grade ingredients - Buffalo is a rich source of vitamins, minerals, and flavors - Packaging: 400g can Feeding instructions and dosage: Ensure your pet has access to fresh drinking water. The values provided in the table are indicative. Monitor your pet and adjust the daily portion as needed. Dosage for dogs: Dog weight (kg): Daily intake (g): 5 - 260-470g 10 - 430-800g 20 - 710-1300g 30 - 950-1800g Dosage for cats: Cat weight (kg): Daily intake (g): 3 - 200g 5 - 280g 7 - 350g Ingredients: Ingredients: buffalo (meat, hearts, liver, lungs) 70.0%, broth 29.6%, powdered egg shells 0.4% Analytical constituents: Moisture 78%, protein 10.9%, fat 6.8%, ash 2.5%, crude fiber 0.3%, calcium 0.26%, phosphorus 0.17%
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Escapure Buffel Pur is a high-quality wet food for dogs and cats. Its only ingredient is premium buffalo. Escapure food... Read more

SKU: 591573
Barcode: 4260275591573

€5,51 Incl. VAT


    Escapure Buffel Pur is a high-quality wet food for dogs and cats. Its only ingredient is premium buffalo. Escapure food is made from specially selected, 100% natural ingredients sourced from regional suppliers. It does not contain artificial and unhealthy preservatives, colorings, or flavorings. The use of a single protein source makes this product particularly recommended for sensitive animals or those on an elimination diet, with a tendency to allergic reactions from the digestive system. Additionally, Escapure is grain-free and produced to Human Grade standards, meaning that all raw materials used in its composition are of a quality suitable for human consumption. Escapure Buffel Pur features delicious muscle meat from buffalo and its offal, in an aromatic broth. This type of meat not only provides exceptional flavor but also the right amount of protein and phosphorus, which contributes to the development of bones and teeth, and is also part of the structure of nucleic acids, namely DNA and RNA. By choosing Escapure food, you can be sure that you are providing your pet with a healthy and complete meal that they will love. Wet food Escapure Buffel Pur: - High-quality food made from natural, regional ingredients - Complete meal for adult dogs and cats - Particularly recommended for sensitive pets with allergies - Monoprotein - No added sugar - The only protein source is high-quality buffalo meat - 100% meat content - No preservatives or colorings - Gluten and grain-free - Human Grade ingredients - Buffalo is a rich source of vitamins, minerals, and flavors - Packaging: 400g can Feeding instructions and dosage: Ensure your pet has access to fresh drinking water. The values provided in the table are indicative. Monitor your pet and adjust the daily portion as needed. Dosage for dogs: Dog weight (kg): Daily intake (g): 5 - 260-470g 10 - 430-800g 20 - 710-1300g 30 - 950-1800g Dosage for cats: Cat weight (kg): Daily intake (g): 3 - 200g 5 - 280g 7 - 350g Ingredients: Ingredients: buffalo (meat, hearts, liver, lungs) 70.0%, broth 29.6%, powdered egg shells 0.4% Analytical constituents: Moisture 78%, protein 10.9%, fat 6.8%, ash 2.5%, crude fiber 0.3%, calcium 0.26%, phosphorus 0.17%


    Escapure Buffel Pur - wet food for dogs and cats, 100% buffalo

    Escapure Buffel Pur - wet food for dogs and cats, 100% buffalo

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