Escapure Hupferl Buffalo - meat treats for dogs, buffalo


Escapure Hupferl Buffalo are unique, natural dog treats. They stand out with a very high buffalo meat content of premium quality (98%), sourced exclusively from trusted suppliers. They will be a special addition to your pet's diet. Their composition does not include artificial and unhealthy preservatives, colorings, or flavorings. The only additive is apple fiber, which supports intestinal function and positively affects peristalsis. Additionally, the treats are grain-free and single-protein, meaning they can be consumed by dogs suffering from allergies, sensitive digestive systems, and those on an elimination diet. Escapure treats are made by gently drying the meat and then smoking it with beech wood smoke. They will become a sought-after and healthy reward during intense training, schooling, walks, or travel. You can fill educational toys or sniffing mats with them. Your dog will love them, and you can be sure you are giving them a healthy snack that diversifies their menu. The treats are packaged in a convenient resealable bag that helps maintain their freshness and aroma for longer. Escapure Hupferl Buffalo treats: - Contain 98% buffalo meat - Are a source of many valuable nutrients and flavors - Feature a natural, simple composition - Their only additive is apple fiber - Free from artificial and unhealthy preservatives, colorings, and flavorings - Grain-free and single-protein - Do not contain allergens - Recommended for dogs with allergies and sensitive digestive systems - Gently dried and smoked with beech wood smoke - Ideal rewards during training, walks, and travel - Can be used to fill educational toys and sniffing mats - Greatly diversify your dog's diet - Each treat is approximately 1.5 cm long - Have a hard consistency to satisfy chewing and biting needs - Packaged in a convenient resealable bag Feeding instructions and dosage: Treats are a supplement to the daily diet. Ensure your pet has access to fresh drinking water. It is recommended to give 10-15 treats per day. Ingredients: Ingredients: 98% dried buffalo meat, 1.5% apple fiber, 0.5% sea salt Analytical components: protein 51.6%, fat 29.9%, moisture 7.7%, ash 7.9%, crude fiber 2.9% Energy value per 100g: 1.75 MJ
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Escapure Hupferl Buffalo are unique, natural dog treats. They stand out with a very high buffalo meat content of premium... Read more

SKU: 921864
Barcode: 4260422921864

€8,71 Incl. VAT


    Escapure Hupferl Buffalo are unique, natural dog treats. They stand out with a very high buffalo meat content of premium quality (98%), sourced exclusively from trusted suppliers. They will be a special addition to your pet's diet. Their composition does not include artificial and unhealthy preservatives, colorings, or flavorings. The only additive is apple fiber, which supports intestinal function and positively affects peristalsis. Additionally, the treats are grain-free and single-protein, meaning they can be consumed by dogs suffering from allergies, sensitive digestive systems, and those on an elimination diet. Escapure treats are made by gently drying the meat and then smoking it with beech wood smoke. They will become a sought-after and healthy reward during intense training, schooling, walks, or travel. You can fill educational toys or sniffing mats with them. Your dog will love them, and you can be sure you are giving them a healthy snack that diversifies their menu. The treats are packaged in a convenient resealable bag that helps maintain their freshness and aroma for longer. Escapure Hupferl Buffalo treats: - Contain 98% buffalo meat - Are a source of many valuable nutrients and flavors - Feature a natural, simple composition - Their only additive is apple fiber - Free from artificial and unhealthy preservatives, colorings, and flavorings - Grain-free and single-protein - Do not contain allergens - Recommended for dogs with allergies and sensitive digestive systems - Gently dried and smoked with beech wood smoke - Ideal rewards during training, walks, and travel - Can be used to fill educational toys and sniffing mats - Greatly diversify your dog's diet - Each treat is approximately 1.5 cm long - Have a hard consistency to satisfy chewing and biting needs - Packaged in a convenient resealable bag Feeding instructions and dosage: Treats are a supplement to the daily diet. Ensure your pet has access to fresh drinking water. It is recommended to give 10-15 treats per day. Ingredients: Ingredients: 98% dried buffalo meat, 1.5% apple fiber, 0.5% sea salt Analytical components: protein 51.6%, fat 29.9%, moisture 7.7%, ash 7.9%, crude fiber 2.9% Energy value per 100g: 1.75 MJ


    Escapure Hupferl Buffalo - meat treats for dogs, buffalo

    Escapure Hupferl Buffalo - meat treats for dogs, buffalo

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