GranataPet Natural Taste & Turkey - grain-free dog food with salmon and turkey


GranataPet Natural Taste Dry Food for Adult Dogs with Salmon and Turkey, produced from the finest ingredients in Austria. It consists of muscle meat and high-quality offal, along with health-beneficial ingredients such as pomegranate seeds, high-grade salmon oil, and green-lipped mussel. The recipe is complemented with herbs, including a mix sourced from the lush green meadows of the Allgäu Alps. The food is produced with full traceability of ingredients at every stage of the production process. Raw materials are sourced from trusted and verified suppliers, undergo complete veterinary control, and are tested by both internal and external laboratories. GranataPet food has been developed to retain as many nutritional values as possible in these small, aromatic kibbles. It is a protein-rich, easily digestible, and completely grain-free meal. The food also contains no sugar, artificial preservatives, colorants, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. GranataPet food is a recipe for: healthy skin and shiny coat, strong heart and muscles, proper kidney function, correct digestion and intestinal health, strong bones and flexible joints, energy for all-day activity. GranataPet Natural Taste Dry Food for Adult Dogs with Salmon and Turkey: - a complete meal for adult dogs - contains up to 70% meat - salmon is a delicate fish that provides valuable and easily digestible protein. The oil derived from it is rich in unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids, DHA, and EPA, essential for the proper functioning of the cardiovascular and immune systems, as well as for the health and beautiful appearance of the dog's skin and coat. - turkey is exceptionally easy to digest and contains high-quality protein, vitamins B12 and B6. It has significant amounts of potassium, magnesium, zinc, and iron. - pomegranate seeds contain a wide range of health-promoting components. They are rich in ellagic acid, a natural antioxidant and effective cell protector. Pomegranate seeds have beneficial effects on the immune, cardiovascular, and nervous systems. - New Zealand green-lipped mussel provides a dose of glucosamine and chondroitin, essential for the proper functioning of the dog's musculoskeletal system. - The herb mix from the Allgäu Alps (fenugreek, plantain, ribwort plantain, chamomile, dandelion, marigold) and garden herbs (peppermint, thyme, oregano, sage, parsley, marjoram, anise) enhances the nutritional value of the food, providing additional substances that support health and the beautiful appearance of the dog. They act as antioxidants, inhibit free radicals, support kidney function, and improve digestion. It contains no grains, meat by-products, sugar, artificial preservatives, colorants, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. Feeding Instructions and Dosage: The data provided in the table is indicative. Monitor your dog and adjust the amount of food as needed. It is recommended to feed your dog in two portions daily. Ensure your dog has constant access to fresh water. Nutritional Recommendations: Dog Weight | Daily Food Portion | Normal Activity | Increased Activity (up to 3 hours daily) 11kg | 175g | 200g 15kg | 220g | 250g 20kg | 275g | 310g 25kg | 325g | 370g 30kg | 370g | 420g 35kg | 415g | 475g 40kg | 460g | 525g 45kg | 500g | 570g 50kg | 545g | 620g 60kg | 625g | 710g 70kg | 700g | 795g 80kg | 775g | 880g Ingredients: Salmon, turkey, and poultry 70% (fresh salmon 20%, fresh turkey meat 20%, fresh poultry meat 10%, dried and finely ground salmon 8%, dried and finely ground poultry meat 8%, poultry fat 4%), Vegetables 20% (potato flakes, spinach, carrot), pomegranate seeds 4% (dried and finely ground), salmon oil 2%, minerals 1.5%, vitamins 0.5%, herbs from the Allgäu Alps 0.5% (fenugreek, plantain, ribwort plantain, chamomile, dandelion, marigold), chicory 0.5% (finely ground, with natural FOS and inulin), herbs 0.3% (peppermint, thyme, oregano, sage, parsley, marjoram, anise), Fruits 0.3% (cranberries, blueberries, apples), algae 0.2% (waterweed, spirulina), New Zealand green-lipped mussel 0.1% (finely ground, naturally rich in glucosamine and chondroitin), yucca schidigera 0.1%. Analytical components: Protein 35%, fat content 14%, crude fiber 3%, crude ash 6.5%, calcium to phosphorus ratio: calcium 1.4%, phosphorus 1%. Dietary additives: Vitamin D3 1200 IU, L-carnitine 600mg, copper (as pentahydrate copper(II) sulfate) 8mg, zinc (as zinc oxide) 110mg, manganese (as manganese(II) oxide) 11mg, iodine (as anhydrous calcium iodate) 3mg.
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GranataPet Natural Taste Dry Food for Adult Dogs with Salmon and Turkey, produced from the finest ingredients in Austria. It... Read more

SKU: 192651
Barcode: 4260165192651

€87,09 Incl. VAT


    GranataPet Natural Taste Dry Food for Adult Dogs with Salmon and Turkey, produced from the finest ingredients in Austria. It consists of muscle meat and high-quality offal, along with health-beneficial ingredients such as pomegranate seeds, high-grade salmon oil, and green-lipped mussel. The recipe is complemented with herbs, including a mix sourced from the lush green meadows of the Allgäu Alps. The food is produced with full traceability of ingredients at every stage of the production process. Raw materials are sourced from trusted and verified suppliers, undergo complete veterinary control, and are tested by both internal and external laboratories. GranataPet food has been developed to retain as many nutritional values as possible in these small, aromatic kibbles. It is a protein-rich, easily digestible, and completely grain-free meal. The food also contains no sugar, artificial preservatives, colorants, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. GranataPet food is a recipe for: healthy skin and shiny coat, strong heart and muscles, proper kidney function, correct digestion and intestinal health, strong bones and flexible joints, energy for all-day activity. GranataPet Natural Taste Dry Food for Adult Dogs with Salmon and Turkey: - a complete meal for adult dogs - contains up to 70% meat - salmon is a delicate fish that provides valuable and easily digestible protein. The oil derived from it is rich in unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids, DHA, and EPA, essential for the proper functioning of the cardiovascular and immune systems, as well as for the health and beautiful appearance of the dog's skin and coat. - turkey is exceptionally easy to digest and contains high-quality protein, vitamins B12 and B6. It has significant amounts of potassium, magnesium, zinc, and iron. - pomegranate seeds contain a wide range of health-promoting components. They are rich in ellagic acid, a natural antioxidant and effective cell protector. Pomegranate seeds have beneficial effects on the immune, cardiovascular, and nervous systems. - New Zealand green-lipped mussel provides a dose of glucosamine and chondroitin, essential for the proper functioning of the dog's musculoskeletal system. - The herb mix from the Allgäu Alps (fenugreek, plantain, ribwort plantain, chamomile, dandelion, marigold) and garden herbs (peppermint, thyme, oregano, sage, parsley, marjoram, anise) enhances the nutritional value of the food, providing additional substances that support health and the beautiful appearance of the dog. They act as antioxidants, inhibit free radicals, support kidney function, and improve digestion. It contains no grains, meat by-products, sugar, artificial preservatives, colorants, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. Feeding Instructions and Dosage: The data provided in the table is indicative. Monitor your dog and adjust the amount of food as needed. It is recommended to feed your dog in two portions daily. Ensure your dog has constant access to fresh water. Nutritional Recommendations: Dog Weight | Daily Food Portion | Normal Activity | Increased Activity (up to 3 hours daily) 11kg | 175g | 200g 15kg | 220g | 250g 20kg | 275g | 310g 25kg | 325g | 370g 30kg | 370g | 420g 35kg | 415g | 475g 40kg | 460g | 525g 45kg | 500g | 570g 50kg | 545g | 620g 60kg | 625g | 710g 70kg | 700g | 795g 80kg | 775g | 880g Ingredients: Salmon, turkey, and poultry 70% (fresh salmon 20%, fresh turkey meat 20%, fresh poultry meat 10%, dried and finely ground salmon 8%, dried and finely ground poultry meat 8%, poultry fat 4%), Vegetables 20% (potato flakes, spinach, carrot), pomegranate seeds 4% (dried and finely ground), salmon oil 2%, minerals 1.5%, vitamins 0.5%, herbs from the Allgäu Alps 0.5% (fenugreek, plantain, ribwort plantain, chamomile, dandelion, marigold), chicory 0.5% (finely ground, with natural FOS and inulin), herbs 0.3% (peppermint, thyme, oregano, sage, parsley, marjoram, anise), Fruits 0.3% (cranberries, blueberries, apples), algae 0.2% (waterweed, spirulina), New Zealand green-lipped mussel 0.1% (finely ground, naturally rich in glucosamine and chondroitin), yucca schidigera 0.1%. Analytical components: Protein 35%, fat content 14%, crude fiber 3%, crude ash 6.5%, calcium to phosphorus ratio: calcium 1.4%, phosphorus 1%. Dietary additives: Vitamin D3 1200 IU, L-carnitine 600mg, copper (as pentahydrate copper(II) sulfate) 8mg, zinc (as zinc oxide) 110mg, manganese (as manganese(II) oxide) 11mg, iodine (as anhydrous calcium iodate) 3mg.


    GranataPet Natural Taste & Turkey - grain-free dog food with salmon and turkey

    GranataPet Natural Taste & Turkey - grain-free dog food with salmon and turkey

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