Grooming Krekli

66 produkti

  • Artero Cordoba - classic grooming sweatshirt, unisex

    Artero Artero Cordoba - klasisks kopšanas džemperis, unisekss

    Melna frizēšanas blūze ar klasisku piegriezumu. Izgatavota no augstas kvalitātes, elpojoša materiāla, kas aizsargā un novērš matu pielipšanu. Īsroku modelim ir praktiska kabata aksesuāriem un V-veida izgriezums. Blūze ir ļoti ērta, ļauj brīvi kustēties un nodrošina augstu komfortu darba laikā. Paredzēta gan sievietēm, gan vīriešiem.

    €40,78 - €47,98

  • Artero Cordoba - grooming sweatshirt for dogs and cats Artero Cordoba - grooming sweatshirt for dogs and cats

    Artero Artero Cordoba - kopšanas džemperis suņiem un kaķiem

    Kopšanas džemperis ar klasisku piegriezumu un oriģinālu apdruku ar suņiem un kaķiem. Izgatavots no poliestera, kas novērš dzīvnieku spalvu pieķeršanos, to ir viegli tīrīt, tas ir viegls un ļoti ātri žūst. Šo modeli raksturo moderns dizains un komforts valkājot. Tam ir viena ietilpīga kabata ar izšūtu ražotāja logotipu, kurā var uzglabāt to, kas šobrīd ir visvairāk nepieciešams. Turklāt V-veida kakla izgriezums vizuāli slaidina siluetu. Tas lieliski darbojas kā aizsargapģērbs kopšanas salonā vai veterinārajā kabinetā. Džemperis nodrošinās jums profesionālu un stilīgu izskatu. Kopšanas džempera priekšrocības: - Klasisks piegriezums - Oriģināls, krāsains raksts - Izgatavots no viegla poliestera - Viegli tīrāms, ātri žūst - Nodrošina komfortu valkājot - Aprīkots ar ietilpīgu kabatu Artero kopšanas džempera izmēri: Izmērs | Kopējais Garums (A) | Platums Zem Padusēm (B) | Garums no Apkakles (C) | Piedurknes Garums (D) | Vidukļa Platums (E) XS | 70 | 52 | 40 | 10 | 52 S | 73 | 53 | 42 | 10 | 53 M | 74 | 56 | 43 | 10 | 56 L | 75 | 59 | 44 | 11 | 59 XL | 76 | 60 | 46 | 11 | 60 XXL | 77 | 62 | 47 | 11 | 62


  • Artero Cordoba Cartoons - Grooming Hoodie with Animal Drawings Artero Cordoba Cartoons - Grooming Hoodie with Animal Drawings

    Artero Artero Cordoba Cartoons - Kopšanas kapuce ar dzīvnieku zīmējumiem

    Kopšanas džemperis ar klasisku piegriezumu un oriģinālu apdruku ar suņiem un kaķiem. Izgatavots no poliestera, kas novērš dzīvnieku spalvu pieķeršanos, to ir viegli tīrīt, tas ir viegls un ļoti ātri žūst. Šo modeli raksturo moderns dizains un komforts valkājot. Tam ir viena ietilpīga kabata ar izšūtu ražotāja logotipu, kurā var uzglabāt to, kas šobrīd ir visvairāk nepieciešams. Turklāt V-veida kakla izgriezums vizuāli slaidina siluetu. Tas lieliski darbojas kā aizsargapģērbs kopšanas salonā vai veterinārajā kabinetā. Džemperis nodrošinās jums profesionālu un stilīgu izskatu. Kopšanas džempera priekšrocības: - Klasisks piegriezums - Oriģināls, krāsains raksts - Izgatavots no viegla poliestera - Viegli tīrāms, ātri žūst - Nodrošina komfortu valkājot - Aprīkots ar ietilpīgu kabatu Artero kopšanas džempera izmēri: Izmērs | Kopējais Garums (A) | Platums Zem Padusēm (B) | Garums no Apkakles (C) | Piedurknes Garums (D) | Vidukļa Platums (E) XS | 70 | 52 | 40 | 10 | 52 S | 73 | 53 | 42 | 10 | 53 M | 74 | 56 | 43 | 10 | 56 L | 75 | 59 | 44 | 11 | 59 XL | 76 | 60 | 46 | 11 | 60 XXL | 77 | 62 | 47 | 11 | 62


  • Artero Cordoba Fuchsia - women's grooming hoodie with finishes in Artero Cordoba Fuchsia - women's grooming hoodie with finishes in

    Artero Artero Cordoba Fuksija - sieviešu kopšanas džemperis ar apdari

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    Klasiska melna kopšanas blūze ar fuksijas akcentiem. Izgatavota no augstas kvalitātes, elpojoša materiāla, kas aizsargā un novērš matu pielipšanu. Īsroku modelis ar praktisku kabatu aksesuāriem un V veida izgriezumu. Blūze ir ļoti ērta, ļauj brīvi kustēties un nodrošina augstu komfortu darba laikā. Paredzēta sievietēm.

    Nav noliktavā


  • Pēdējie krājumi! Artero Cordoba Pistachio - women's grooming hoodie with pistachio-colored accents Artero Cordoba Pistachio - women's grooming hoodie with pistachio-colored accents

    Artero Artero Cordoba Pistachio - sieviešu kopšanas džemperis ar pistāciju krāsas akcentiem

    Klasiska melna kopšanas blūze ar pistāciju krāsas apdari. Izgatavota no augstas kvalitātes, elpojoša materiāla, kas aizsargā un novērš matu pielipšanu. Šis īsroku modelis ir aprīkots ar praktisku kabatu aksesuāriem un V veida izgriezumu. Blūze ir ļoti ērta, ļauj brīvi kustēties un nodrošina augstu komfortu darba laikā. Paredzēta sievietēm.

    €28,78 - €33,58

  • Artero Cordoba Teckle - Grooming Hoodie for Dachshunds Artero Cordoba Teckle - Grooming Hoodie for Dachshunds

    Artero Artero Cordoba Teckle - Kopšanas Džemperis Taksīšiem

    Kopšanas džemperis ar klasisku piegriezumu un oriģinālu apdruku ar suņiem un kaķiem. Izgatavots no poliestera, kas novērš dzīvnieku spalvu pieķeršanos, to ir viegli tīrīt, tas ir viegls un ļoti ātri žūst. Šo modeli raksturo moderns dizains un komforts valkājot. Tam ir viena ietilpīga kabata ar izšūtu ražotāja logotipu, kurā var uzglabāt to, kas šobrīd ir visvairāk nepieciešams. Turklāt V-veida kakla izgriezums vizuāli slaidina siluetu. Tas lieliski darbojas kā aizsargapģērbs kopšanas salonā vai veterinārajā kabinetā. Džemperis nodrošinās jums profesionālu un stilīgu izskatu. Kopšanas džempera priekšrocības: - Klasisks piegriezums - Oriģināls, krāsains raksts - Izgatavots no viegla poliestera - Viegli tīrāms, ātri žūst - Nodrošina komfortu valkājot - Aprīkots ar ietilpīgu kabatu Artero kopšanas džempera izmēri: Izmērs | Kopējais Garums (A) | Platums Zem Padusēm (B) | Garums no Apkakles (C) | Piedurknes Garums (D) | Vidukļa Platums (E) XS | 70 | 52 | 40 | 10 | 52 S | 73 | 53 | 42 | 10 | 53 M | 74 | 56 | 43 | 10 | 56 L | 75 | 59 | 44 | 11 | 59 XL | 76 | 60 | 46 | 11 | 60 XXL | 77 | 62 | 47 | 11 | 62


  • Artero Helsinki Jacket - men's grooming sweatshirt, with a pocket for scissors and original application Artero Helsinki Jacket - men's grooming sweatshirt, with a pocket for scissors and original application

    Artero Artero Helsinki jaka - vīriešu kopšanas džemperis ar kabatu šķērēm un oriģinālu aplikāciju

    Dizainera vīriešu kopšanas džemperis ar īsām piedurknēm Artero Helsinki Green Jacket, kas liks jums justies pilnīgi profesionāli un ērti. Džemperim ir oriģināla aplikācija ar pavadoņu suni, kas noteikti iepriecinās suņu mīļotājus. Krāsainais dizains piešķir modernu pieskārienu - tirkīza audums, rozā drukas fons un neona dzeltenie rāvējslēdzēji izceļas uz klasiskā melnā un tumši zilā darba apģērba fona. Ja jums patīk jautri akcenti apģērbā, šis džemperis ir ideāli piemērots jums. Apģērbs ir izstrādāts, lai nodrošinātu maksimālu funkcionalitāti un komfortu. Tam ir brīvs piegriezums, kas ļauj brīvi kustēties, vienlaikus lieliski pielāgojoties ķermeņa augšdaļai. Apakšējā daļā ir praktiska noņemama kabata šķērēm, kuru var noņemt, kad tā nav nepieciešama. Artero Helsinki Jacket ir izgatavots no izturīgām poliestera šķiedrām, kas ir izturīgas pret plīsumiem, samazina statisko pievilkšanos un novērš matu pielipšanu pie apģērba. Tajā pašā laikā šis materiāls ļauj ādai elpot, ir viegli kopjams, mazgājams veļas mašīnā, ātri žūst un neprasa gludināšanu. Artero Helsinki Green Jacket īpašības: - īsas piedurknes - moderns, dizainera raksts - krāsains dizains - ļauj brīvi kustēties - noņemama kabata šķērēm - izgatavots no izturīga poliestera - ļauj ādai elpot - izturīgs pret plīsumiem - novērš matu pielipšanu - ātri žūst - neprasa gludināšanu Padoms: Papildiniet savus salona aksesuārus ar tādu pašu pavadoņu suņa motīvu. Apskatiet Artero Dune Pink dvieli, Artero Yoga Mat kopšanas galdam un Artero Splash Mat vannai. Izmēra izvēle: Lai izvēlētos pareizo izmēru, skatiet informāciju tabulā zemāk. Grafika galerijā parāda, kur tika veikti dotie mērījumi. Tunika tika mērīta plakana. Artero Texas Abstract kopšanas kombinezona mērījumi: Izmērs | Iekšējās vīles garums (A) | Vidukļa platums (B) | Gurnu platums (C) | Augšstilba platums (D) | Kājas platums (E) | Pacelšanas augstums (F) | Jūga augstums (G) XS | 79cm | 30-41cm | 53cm | 26cm | 16cm | 27cm | 30cm S | 79cm | 32-44cm | 55cm | 28cm | 17cm | 27cm | 30cm M | 79cm | 36-48cm | 57cm | 30cm | 17cm | 28cm | 30cm L | 79cm | 38-50cm | 60cm | 31cm | 18cm | 30cm | 30cm XL | 79cm | 42-55cm | 64cm | 33cm | 19cm | 30cm | 31cm XXL | 79cm | 44-58cm | 68cm | 35cm | 20cm | 30cm | 31cm Izmērs | Kopējais garums (A) | Platums zem padusēm (B) | Piedurknes garums (C)* | Piedurknes garums (D)* | Vidukļa platums (E) XS | 74cm | 48cm | 23cm | 12cm | 50cm S | 75cm | 52cm | 24cm | 13cm | 52cm M | 76cm | 55cm | 25cm | 13cm | 55cm L | 76cm | 58cm | 26cm | 13.5cm | 58cm XL | 76cm | 60cm | 26cm | 13.5cm | 61cm XXL | 78cm | 62cm | 27cm | 14cm | 64cm * Piedurknes garums (C) tiek mērīts no pleca, piedurknes garums (D) tiek mērīts no paduses.


  • Artero Miami Jacket - Grooming Blouse, Monster Pattern Artero Miami Jacket - Grooming Blouse, Monster Pattern

    Artero Artero Miami jaka - kopšanas blūze, briesmoņu raksts

    Kopšanas džemperis ar klasisku piegriezumu, elegantu melnu apkakli. Tam ir rāvējslēdzējs, kas nodrošina ātru un praktisku uzvilkšanu. Tas piesaista uzmanību ar oriģinālu, augu tematisku dizainu ar Monstera lapām. Izgatavots no poliestera, kas novērš dzīvnieku spalvu pieķeršanos, viegli tīrāms, viegls un ļoti ātri žūst. Šo modeli raksturo mūsdienīgs dizains un komforts valkājot. Tam ir viena ietilpīga kabata ar izšūtu ražotāja logotipu, kurā varat glabāt to, kas jums šobrīd visvairāk nepieciešams. Tas lieliski darbojas kā aizsargapģērbs kopšanas salonā vai veterinārajā kabinetā. Džemperis piešķirs jums profesionālu un stilīgu izskatu. Kopšanas džempera priekšrocības: - Klasisks piegriezums ar apkakli un rāvējslēdzēju - Oriģināls, krāsains raksts - Izgatavots no viegla poliestera - Viegli tīrāms, ātri žūst - Nodrošina komfortu valkājot - Ietilpīga kabata Artero kopšanas džempera izmēri: Izmērs | Kopējais Garums (A) | Platums Zem Rokām (B) | Garums no Apkakles (C) | Piedurknes Garums (D) | Vidukļa Platums (E) XS | 70 | 52 | 40 | 12 | 52 S | 71 | 54 | 44 | 12 | 54 M | 72 | 56 | 43 | 12 | 56 L | 74 | 58 | 44 | 12 | 58 XL | 75 | 60 | 46 | 12 | 60 XXL | 76 | 63 | 47 | 12 | 63


  • Artero Niza - zip-up grooming hoodie, navy blue

    Artero Artero Niza - rāvējslēdzēja kopšanas džemperis ar kapuci, tumši zils

    Pielāgotais, ar rāvējslēdzēju aprīkotais kopšanas džemperis Artero Niza zilā un rozā krāsā garantē komfortu un lietošanas ērtumu. Izgatavots no viegla poliestera, kas novērš dzīvnieku spalvu pielipšanu, tas ir viegli tīrāms, ātri žūst un neprasa gludināšanu. Ar rāvējslēdzēja klātbūtni jūs varat pielāgot valkāšanas veidu savām vēlmēm. Džemperim ir plaša atloka kabata, kurā droši varat uzglabāt savus noderīgos piederumus. Pielāgotais griezums smalki izceļ jūsu siluetu un liek jums justies lieliski. Tas ir ideāli piemērots kā aizsargapģērbs kopšanas salonā vai veterinārajā kabinetā. Artero Niza kopšanas džempera īpašības: - Pielāgots griezums - Ar rāvējslēdzēju - Plaša kabata, aptuveni 15x16cm - Izgatavots no viegla poliestera - Novērš spalvu pielipšanu - Viegli kopjams - Neprasa gludināšanu - Materiāls: ātri žūstošs poliesters Artero kopšanas džempera izmēri: Izmērs | Kopējais garums (A) | Platums zem padusēm (B) | Garums no apkakles (C) | Piedurknes garums (D) | Vidukļa platums (E) XS | 72cm | 47cm | 25cm | 10cm | 40cm S | 73cm | 50cm | 25cm | 10cm | 44cm M | 74cm | 52cm | 25cm | 10cm | 46cm XL | 78cm | 62cm | 27cm | 10cm | 55cm XXL | 79cm | 65cm | 28cm | 10cm | 59cm

    €43,18 - €52,78

  • Artero Paw Jacket - Grooming Hoodie with Dog Paws and Hearts Artero Paw Jacket - Grooming Hoodie with Dog Paws and Hearts

    Artero Artero Paw Jaka - Kopšanas Džemperis ar Suņu Pēdām un Sirdīm

    Šarmants kopšanas džemperis ar suņu ķepu un sirsniņu dizainu, kas uzlabos ikviena garastāvokli. Turklāt tas ir izgatavots no poliestera, kas neļauj dzīvnieku spalvām pielipt, ir viegli tīrāms, viegls un ļoti ātri žūst. Šo modeli raksturo mūsdienīgs dizains un komforts valkāšanas laikā, daļēji pateicoties rāvējslēdzēja izmantošanai. Tam ir viena ietilpīga kabata ar izšūtu ražotāja logotipu, kurā varat uzglabāt to, kas jums šobrīd visvairāk nepieciešams. Tas ir ideāli piemērots kā aizsargapģērbs kopšanas salonā vai veterinārajā kabinetā. Džemperis nodrošinās jums profesionālu un stilīgu izskatu. Kopšanas džempera priekšrocības: - Klasisks piegriezums - Oriģināls, krāsains raksts - Izgatavots no viegla poliestera - Viegli tīrāms, ātri žūst - Nodrošina komfortu valkāšanas laikā - Aprīkots ar ietilpīgu kabatu Artero kopšanas džempera izmēri: Izmērs | Kopējais garums (A) | Platums zem rokām (B) | Garums no apkakles (C) | Piedurknes garums (D) | Vidukļa platums (E) XS | 70 | 52 | 40 | 10 | 52 S | 73 | 53 | 42 | 10 | 53 M | 74 | 56 | 43 | 10 | 56 L | 75 | 59 | 44 | 11 | 59 XL | 76 | 60 | 46 | 11 | 60 XXL | 77 | 62 | 47 | 11 | 62


  • Artero Poodle Jacket - Grooming Blouse with Poodle Design Artero Poodle Jacket - Grooming Blouse with Poodle Design

    Artero Artero Pūdeļa Jaka - Kopšanas Blūze ar Pūdeļa Dizainu

    Unikāls kopšanas džemperis piparmētru krāsā ar jauku Pūdeļa motīvu. Šim modelim ir eleganta melna apkakle un rāvējslēdzējs. Izgatavots no poliestera, tas novērš mājdzīvnieku spalvu pielipšanu, ir viegli tīrāms, viegls un ļoti ātri žūst. Šo modeli raksturo moderns dizains un komforts valkājot. Tam ir viena ietilpīga kabata ar izšūtu ražotāja logotipu, kurā varat uzglabāt to, kas jums šobrīd visvairāk nepieciešams. Tas lieliski darbojas kā aizsargapģērbs kopšanas salonā vai veterinārajā kabinetā. Džemperis piešķirs jums profesionālu un stilīgu izskatu. Kopšanas džempera priekšrocības: - Klasisks griezums ar apkakli un rāvējslēdzēju - Oriģināls, krāsains raksts - Izgatavots no viegla poliestera - Viegli tīrāms, ātri žūst - Nodrošina komfortu valkājot - Aprīkots ar ietilpīgu kabatu Artero kopšanas džempera izmēri: Izmērs | Kopējais Garums (A) | Platums Zem Rokām (B) | Garums no Apkakles (C) | Piedurknes Garums (D) | Vidukļa Platums (E) XS | 70 | 52 | 40 | 12 | 52 S | 71 | 54 | 44 | 12 | 54 M | 72 | 56 | 43 | 12 | 56 L | 74 | 58 | 44 | 12 | 58 XL | 75 | 60 | 46 | 12 | 60 XXL | 76 | 63 | 47 | 12 | 63


  • Artero Tino Jacket - navy blue grooming hoodie with collar Artero Tino Jacket - navy blue grooming hoodie with collar

    Artero Artero Tino jaka - tumši zils kopšanas džemperis ar apkakli

    Klasisks friziera džemperis ar elegantu apkakli. Tam ir neona rāvējslēdzējs, kas piešķir tērpam raksturu un ekstravaganci. Viegli pieguļošs piegriezums un rāvējslēdzējs vizuāli slaidina siluetu. Džemperis ir izgatavots no poliestera, kas novērš dzīvnieku spalvu pielipšanu, ir viegli tīrāms, viegls un ļoti ātri žūst. Šis modelis raksturojas ar augstu komforta līmeni valkājot. Tam ir viena plaša kabata ar nelielu ražotāja logotipu, kur var uzglabāt to, kas šobrīd visvairāk nepieciešams. Tas lieliski darbojas kā aizsargapģērbs frizētavā vai veterinārajā kabinetā. Džemperis sniegs jums profesionālu un stilīgu izskatu. Friziera džempera priekšrocības: - klasisks piegriezums ar apkakli un neona rāvējslēdzēju - izgatavots no viegla poliestera - viegli tīrāms, ātri žūst - nodrošina komfortu valkājot - ir plaša kabata Artero friziera džempera izmēri: Izmērs | Kopējais Garums (A) | Platums Zem Rokām (B) | Garums no Apkakles (C) | Piedurknes Garums (D) | Vidukļa Platums (E) S | 73 | 53 | 42 | 11 | 50 M | 74 | 55 | 42 | 11 | 53 L | 76 | 58 | 45 | 13 | 57 XXL | 79 | 66 | 48 | 13 | 64

    €43,42 - €47,98

  • Artero Tokio Abstract - grooming tunic with poodle motif

    Artero Artero Tokio Abstract - kopšanas tunika ar pūdeļa motīvu

    Moderna kopšanas tunika Artero Texas Abstract, kas ļaus jums justies pilnīgi profesionāli un ērti. Šim modelim ir dizainera raksts visā apģērbā, kas noteikti priecēs suņu mīļotājus, īpaši pūdeļu īpašniekus. Ja jums patīk jautri akcenti apģērbā, šī tunika ir ideāla jums. Tā ir izstrādāta, lai nodrošinātu maksimālu funkcionalitāti un komfortu. Tunika ir brīvi pieguļoša, kas ļauj kustību brīvību, vienlaikus labi pieguļot augšējai silueta daļai. Materiāls ir izgatavots no izturīgām poliestera šķiedrām, kas samazina statisko pievilkšanu un novērš matu pielipšanu apģērbam. Turklāt šis materiāls ir viegli kopjams, ātri žūst un neprasa gludināšanu. Artero Texas Abstract tunikas īpašības: - Ērta piegulšana - Mūsdienīgs dizains - Nodrošina kustību brīvību - Izgatavota no izturīga poliestera - Novērš matu pielipšanu - Ātri žūst - Neprasa gludināšanu Padoms: Pabeidziet tērpu ar Artero Trexas Abstract kombinezonu. Izmēra izvēle: Lai izvēlētos pareizo izmēru, skatiet informāciju tabulā zemāk. Galerijas grafikās parādīts, kur veikti mērījumi. Bikses tika mērītas plakani. Artero Texas Abstract kopšanas kombinezonu mērījumi: Izmērs | Iekšējās vīles garums (A) | Vidukļa platums (B) | Gurnu platums (C) | Augšstilba platums (D) | Kājas platums (E) | Augstums priekšā (F) | Jūga augstums (G) XS | 79cm | 30-41cm | 53cm | 26cm | 16cm | 27cm | 30cm S | 79cm | 32-44cm | 55cm | 28cm | 17cm | 27cm | 30cm M | 79cm | 36-48cm | 57cm | 30cm | 17cm | 28cm | 30cm L | 79cm | 38-50cm | 60cm | 31cm | 18cm | 30cm | 30cm XL | 79cm | 42-55cm | 64cm | 33cm | 19cm | 30cm | 31cm XXL | 79cm | 44-58cm | 68cm | 35cm | 20cm | 30cm | 31cm Izmērs | Kopējais garums priekšā (A) | Kopējais garums aizmugurē (B) | Platums zem padusēm (C) | Piedurknes garums (D) | Piedurknes garums (E) | Vidukļa platums (F) XS | 82cm | 103cm | 54cm | 50cm | 38cm | 64cm M | 87cm | 106cm | 60cm | 51cm | 38cm | 69cm L | 87cm | 106cm | 63cm | 52cm | 39cm | 72cm XL | 88cm | 108cm | 65cm | 52cm | 39cm | 73cm XXL | 88cm | 108cm | 68cm | 53cm | 39cm | 76cm * Piedurknes garums (D) tiek mērīts no pleca, piedurknes garums (E) tiek mērīts no paduses.


  • Artero Tokio OP - ART - grooming tunic with poodle motif

    Artero Artero Tokio OP - ART - kopšanas tunika ar pūdeļa motīvu

    Dizainera kopšanas tunika Artero Tokio OP-ART, kas ļaus jums justies pilnīgi profesionāli un ērti. Piedāvātais modelis izceļas ar pievilcīgu rakstu visā apģērbā, kas noteikti iepriecinās suņu mīļotājus, īpaši pūdeļu īpašniekus. Ja jums patīk jautri akcenti apģērbā, šī tunika ir ideāli piemērota jums. Tā ir izstrādāta, lai nodrošinātu maksimālu funkcionalitāti un komfortu. Tunika ir brīvā piegriezumā, kas ļauj brīvi kustēties, vienlaikus lieliski pielāgojoties jūsu augšdaļas siluetam. Izgatavota no izturīgām poliestera šķiedrām, kas samazina statisko pievilkšanos un novērš dzīvnieku spalvu pielipšanu audumam. Turklāt šis materiāls ir viegli kopjams, ātri žūst un neprasa gludināšanu. Artero Tokio Abstract tunikas īpašības: - Ērts piegriezums - Mūsdienīgs raksts - Ļauj brīvi kustēties - Izgatavota no izturīga poliestera - Novērš spalvu pielipšanu - Ātri žūst - Neprasa gludināšanu Padoms: Pabeidziet tērpu ar Artero Texas kombinezonu. Izmēra izvēle: Lai izvēlētos pareizo izmēru, skatiet informāciju tabulā zemāk. Galerijas grafikā ir parādīts, kur tika veikti mērījumi. Tunika tika mērīta plakani. Artero Texas Abstract kopšanas kombinezonu mērījumi: Izmērs | Iekšējās šuves garums (A) | Vidukļa platums (B) | Gurnu platums (C) | Augšstilba platums (D) | Kājas platums (E) | Priekšas augstums (F) | Muguras augstums (G) XS | 79cm | 30-41cm | 53cm | 26cm | 16cm | 27cm | 30cm S | 79cm | 32-44cm | 55cm | 28cm | 17cm | 27cm | 30cm M | 79cm | 36-48cm | 57cm | 30cm | 17cm | 28cm | 30cm L | 79cm | 38-50cm | 60cm | 31cm | 18cm | 30cm | 30cm XL | 79cm | 42-55cm | 64cm | 33cm | 19cm | 30cm | 31cm XXL | 79cm | 44-58cm | 68cm | 35cm | 20cm | 30cm | 31cm Izmērs | Kopējais priekšas garums (A) | Kopējais muguras garums (B) | Paduses platums (C) | Piedurknes garums (D) | Piedurknes garums (E) | Vidukļa platums (F) XS | 83cm | 103cm | 54cm | 50cm | 38cm | 63cm S | 83cm | 103cm | 57cm | 50cm | 38cm | 66cm M | 84cm | 106cm | 60cm | 51cm | 39cm | 69cm L | 87cm | 107cm | 62cm | 52cm | 39cm | 71cm XL | 88cm | 108cm | 65cm | 52cm | 39cm | 73cm XXL | 88cm | 108cm | 68cm | 54cm | 39cm | 76cm * Piedurknes garums (D) tiek mērīts no pleca, piedurknes garums (E) tiek mērīts no paduses.


  • Chadog Carina - grooming vest, sleeveless, finish

    Chadog Chadog Carina - kopšanas veste, bez piedurknēm, apdare

    Klasiska griezuma kopšanas blūze melnā krāsā ar rozā akcentiem. Izgatavota no augstas kvalitātes, elpojoša materiāla, kas aizsargā un novērš spalvu pielipšanu. Bezpiedurkņu modelis ir ideāli piemērots vasaras sezonai. Tai ir praktiska kabata aksesuāriem un dziļāks kakla izgriezums. Blūze ir ļoti ērta, ļauj brīvi kustēties un nodrošina augstu komfortu darba laikā. Izmērs S: krūtis: 94 cm - garums: 60 cm Izmērs M: krūtis: 98 cm - garums: 60 cm Izmērs L: krūtis: 110 cm - garums: 62 cm Izmērs XL: krūtis: 116 cm - garums: 62 cm Izmērs XXL: krūtis: 120 cm - garums: 65 cm Izmērs XXXL: krūtis: 126 cm - garums: 65 cm


  • Chadog Letizia - Grooming Hoodie with Finish

    Chadog Chadog Letizia - Kopšanas kapuce ar apdari

    Kopšanas džemperis ar modernu dizainu. Aizdarāms ar rāvējslēdzēju. Tam ir divas kabatas un dekoratīva izšuvuma. Izgatavots no ļoti augstas kvalitātes materiāla, kas novērš matu pielipšanu, vienlaikus ļaujot ādai brīvi elpot. Melna krāsa ar krāsainu suņa formas aplikāciju. Džempera izmēri Chadog Letizia Izmērs | Kopējais Garums (A) | Platums zem Padusēm (B) | Garums no Apkakles (C) | Piedurknes Garums (D) | Vidukļa Platums (E) S | 70 | 49 | 40 | 18 | 45 M | 72 | 52 | 41 | 20 | 49 L | 73 | 54 | 43 | 22 | 51 XL | 74 | 57 | 45 | 23 | 54 XXL | 75 | 60 | 46 | 24 | 56 3XL | 76 | 64 | 50 | 25 | 60

    €35,98 - €45,58

  • Groom Professional Biella - two-tone grooming hoodie, black

    Groom Professional Groom Professional Biella - divkrāsu kopšanas kapuce, melna

    Moderna un ērta kopšanas kapuce ar stāvkaklu un īsām piedurknēm. Tai ir rāvējslēdzēja aizdare, divas sānu kabatas un dekoratīva izšuvuma uz kreisā pleca. Izgatavota no matu izturīga materiāla. Krāsa: melna un rozā. Neaizstājama katram kopējam. Kapuces izmēri Biella cm Izmērs Krūšu apkārtmērs (A) Plecu platums (B) Garums no apkakles (C) Vidukļa apkārtmērs (D) XS 104 43 66 96.5 S 109 43 66 99 M 111.5 45.5 66 101.5 L 116.5 47 68.5 109 XL 119 47 68.5 111.5 2XL 124 48 71 114 3XL 127 50.5 71 119

    €24,00 - €34,56

  • Groom Professional Lucco - men's short-sleeve grooming sweatshirt, navy blue Groom Professional Lucco - men's short-sleeve grooming sweatshirt, navy blue

    Groom Professional Groom Professional Lucco - vīriešu īsroku kopšanas džemperis, tumši zils

    Stilīgs vīriešu kopšanas džemperis ar kapuci no Groom Professional. Izgatavots no augstas kvalitātes, pret spalvām izturīga materiāla. Tam ir eleganta apkakle un rāvējslēdzējs pie kakla vieglai uzvilkšanai un novilkšanai. Ļoti ērts, ļauj brīvi kustēties darba laikā. Ražotāja logotips ir izšūts uz muguras. Džempera izmēri cm Izmērs Krūšu apkārtmērs (A) Plecu platums (B) Garums no apkakles (C) Vidukļa apkārtmērs (D) S 109 45.5 69.5 101.5 M 111.5 47 73.5 106.5 L 116.5 48 74.5 111.5 XL 121.5 50.5 78.5 116.5 2XL 127 55.5 78.5 121.5 3XL 132 57 78.5 127 4XL 137 57 81 132 5XL 142 61 86 137

    €19,20 - €24,00

  • Groom Professional Milano - Grooming Hoodie with Finish Groom Professional Milano - Grooming Hoodie with Finish

    Groom Professional Groom Professional Milano - Kopšanas kapuce ar apdari

    Moderna, ļoti ērta kopšanas hūdija ar mūsdienīgu dizainu. Rāvējslēdzēja aizdare. Aprīkota ar kabatām un dekoratīvu izšuvumu. Izgatavota no augstas kvalitātes materiāla, kas novērš matu pielipšanu un ļauj ādai brīvi elpot. Melna krāsa ar rozā akcentiem. Milano modelis raksturojas ar nedaudz pieguļošu formu sievietes ķermenim. Groom Professional Milano hūdijas izmēri Izmērs Kopējais garums (A) Platums zem padusēm (B) Garums no apkakles (C) Piedurknes garums (D) Vidukļa platums (E) S 69 44 40 20 46 M 71 46 40 20 49 L 73 49 44 21 53 XL 75 53 45 22 57 XXL 77 55 46 24 58


  • Groom Professional Milano - zip-up grooming hoodie with long sleeves Groom Professional Milano - zip-up grooming hoodie with long sleeves

    Groom Professional Groom Professional Milano - rāvējslēdzēja kopšanas džemperis ar garām piedurknēm

    Moderns un ērts garroku friziera džemperis. Ar rāvējslēdzēju, tam ir kabatas un dekoratīva izšuvuma. Izgatavots no ļoti augstas kvalitātes materiāla, kas novērš matu pielipšanu un ļauj ādai brīvi elpot. Melna krāsa ar rozā ielaidumu. Milano džempera izmēri cm: Izmērs | Krūšu apkārtmērs (A) | Plecu platums (B) | Garums no apkakles (C) | Vidukļa apkārtmērs (D) | Piedurknes garums (F) S | 92 | 40.5 | 71 | 83.5 | 59 M | 97 | 40.5 | 71 | 86 | 60 L | 101.5 | 44 | 71 | 91 | 61 XL | 106.5 | 45.5 | 76 | 94 | 62 2XL | 111.5 | 45.5 | 76 | 96.5 | 63 3XL | 116.5 | 47 | 76 | 104 | 64 4XL | 121.5 | 48 | 77 | 114 | 66


  • Groom Professional Modena - Grooming Hoodie with Finish Groom Professional Modena - Grooming Hoodie with Finish

    Groom Professional Groom Professional Modena - Kopšanas džemperis ar apdari

    Moderns, pielāgots un ļoti ērts kopšanas džemperis ar asimetrisku dizainu. Īsas piedurknes. Rāvējslēdzēja aizdare. Aprīkots ar kabatām un dekoratīvu izšuvumu. Izgatavots no augstas kvalitātes materiāla, kas novērš matu pielipšanu, vienlaikus ļaujot ādai brīvi elpot. Ražots Anglijā. Melna krāsa ar rozā akcentiem. Groom Professional Modena rozā džempera izmēri Izmērs Kopējais garums (A) Platums zem padusēm (B) Garums no apkakles (C) Piedurknes garums (D) Vidukļa platums (E) S 69 46 31 6 43 M 72 47 35 8 45 L 74 52 35 8 48 XL 77 54 37 9 50 XXL 80 56 38 9 52 3XL 84 60 40 11 55 4XL 86 62 43 12 57


  • Groom Professional Rimini - comfortable grooming hoodie with accessories Groom Professional Rimini - comfortable grooming hoodie with accessories

    Groom Professional Groom Professional Rimini - ērts kopšanas džemperis ar aksesuāriem

    Ērts kopšanas džemperis no Groom Professional, modelis Rimini. Izgatavots no 100% poliestera, kas novērš dzīvnieku spalvu pielipšanu un ir viegli tīrāms. Šim modelim ir nedaudz pieguļoša forma sieviešu ķermeņiem, moderns dizains un komforts valkājot. Džemperim ir viena kabata un izšūta aplikācija ar ražotāja logotipu uz pleca. Tas aizveras ar rāvējslēdzēju. Piedurkņu garums ir 1/2 - līdz elkonim. Džemperis ir melns ar zilām detaļām. Groom Professional Rimini džempera izmēri Izmērs Kopējais Garums (A) Platums zem padusēm (B) Garums no apkakles (C) Piedurkņu Garums (D) Vidukļa Platums (E) S 70 48 30 6 44 M 71 50 31 7 45 L 73 52 33 7 47 XL 76 54 35 9 50 XXXL 82 59 39 12 56


  • Groom Professional Treviso - Pink Grooming Jacket

    Groom Professional Groom Professional Treviso - Rozā kopšanas jaka

    Ērts kopšanas džemperis ar kapuci no Groom Professional, modelis Rimini. Izgatavots no 100% poliestera, kas novērš dzīvnieku spalvu pieķeršanos un ir viegli tīrāms. Šim modelim ir nedaudz pieguļoša forma sievietes ķermenim, moderns dizains un komforts valkāšanas laikā. Džemperim ir viena kabata un izšūts ražotāja logotips uz pleca. Tas ir ar rāvējslēdzēju. Piedurkņu garums ir 1/2 - līdz elkonim. Džemperis ir melns ar violetiem akcentiem. Groom Professional Rimini Džempera Izmēri Izmērs Kopējais Garums (A) Platums Zem Rokām (B) Garums no Apkakles (C) Piedurkņu Garums (D) Platums Viduklī (E) S 70 48 30 6 44 M 71 50 31 7 45 L 73 52 33 7 47 XL 76 54 35 9 50


  • Groom Professional Verona - comfortable grooming tunic, black

    Groom Professional Groom Professional Verona - ērts kopšanas tunika, melna

    Modes un ērta tunika no Groom Professional ar modernu dizainu. Rāvējslēdzēja aizdare. Aprīkota ar kabatu, kas aizveras ar atloku. Izgatavota no ļoti augstas kvalitātes ūdensnecaurlaidīga materiāla, kas novērš matu pielipšanu un ļauj ādai brīvi elpot. Melna krāsa ar rozā elementiem. Garums: 94 cm. Krūšu apkārtmērs: izmērs S - 85 cm, izmērs M - 90 cm, izmērs L - 95 cm, izmērs XL - 100 cm, izmērs XXL - 105 cm, izmērs XXXL - 110 cm.


  • Hurtta Razzle Dazzle Midlayer Beetroot - Reversible Fleece for Dogs

    Hurtta Hurtta Razzle Dazzle Vidējais Slānis Biešu Krāsā - Abpusējs Flīss Suņiem

    Vai jums patīk pavadīt aktīvu laiku ārā, un vai jūsu suns ir īpaši jutīgs pret aukstumu, drebot pat pie vismazākā vēja? Ja tā, uzdāviniet viņiem mīksto un ērti aptverošo Hurtta Midlayer Overall. Tas lieliski darbojas kā viegls pārejas jaka pavasarim vai rudenim, pārklājs vēsākām vasaras vakariem vai papildu izolācijas slānis zem lietus vai ziemas jakas. Tas ir lieliska izvēle augošiem kucēniem un suņiem ar neparastām ķermeņa formām. Kombinezons arī iepriecinās mūžīgi salstošos vecākus suņus. Ideāli piemērots aktīviem suņiem pirms un pēc izstādēm, sporta aktivitātēm un citām intensīvām nodarbēm. Mūsdienīgais dizains un ļoti augstas kvalitātes izpildījums apmierinās pat visprasīgāko lietotāju prasības un gaidas. Midlayer Overall ir izgatavots no mīksta, patīkami pieskarama un elastīga materiāla. Tā ārējais slānis ir gluds, tehnisks adījums, savukārt iekšpusē ir silts, žakarda flīss. Tā piegriezums ir veidots, lai nodrošinātu maksimālu komfortu dzīvniekam un neierobežotu kustības pastaigu vai rotaļu laikā. Regulējamais muguras garums, vidukļa apkārtmērs un apkakle ļauj ideāli pielāgoties suņa ķermeņa formai un aizsardzībai pret aukstumu. Elastīgās, ar spiedpogām regulējamās aproces cieši aptver suņa kājas. Viegli uzvelkams un noņemams, tas aizveras ar ērtu rāvējslēdzēju. Apakšējā atloka aizsargā pret caurvēju. Atstarojošā, noņemamā 3M tehnoloģijā izgatavotā birka atstaro gaismu un nodrošina labu redzamību. Kombinezons pārklāj lielu daļu suņa ķermeņa un nodrošina komfortablu siltumu vēsās rīta un vakara pastaigās. Kombinezons ir izgatavots ar uzmanību uz katru detaļu: viegls, mīksts un elastīgs, tas neierobežo suņa kustības, nodrošinot maksimālu valkāšanas komfortu; atstarojošie 3M elementi nodrošina redzamību; regulējams muguras garums; augsta, regulējama apkakle; vidukļa regulēšana ar spiedpogām; piedurknes ideāli piemērotas valkāšanai zem iejūga; pārklāj aptuveni 70% suņa ķermeņa; atstarojošie elementi ar gaismas intensitāti 400-450 lx/m2; temperatūras diapazons: no +10 līdz -15°C; kvalitāte un izturība gadiem; viegli tīrāms; ar vietu parakstīšanai; krāsa: pelēka. Padoms: Izveidojiet perfektu komplektu, savienojot kombinezonu ar Hurtta Mudventure Overall Eco lietus jaku. Par zīmolu: Hurtta ir līderis starp augstas kvalitātes iejūgu, pavadu, apkakļu un apģērbu ražotājiem aktīviem suņiem. Labi pazīstams un cienīts uzņēmums, kas dibināts 2002. gadā Somijā. Tā ergonomiskie un neticami noderīgie treniņu un sporta aksesuāri ir mīlēti cilvēku visā pasaulē. Oriģinālais stils, mūsdienīgais dizains un unikālais Haundtex® materiāls, ko izmanto viņu produktos un patentējis šis ražotājs, nodrošina komfortu, ērtumu un stilīgu izskatu suņiem. Šī zīmola produkti izceļas ar izcilu kvalitāti, izturību un funkcionalitāti. Fiziski aktīvi suņu īpašnieki novērtē iespēju izmantot Hurtta aksesuārus pastaigu, sporta aktivitāšu, piemēram, skriešanas vai suņu trekinga laikā.

    €57,60 - €67,20

  • Hurtta Razzle Dazzle Midlayer Blackberry - reversible fleece for dogs

    Hurtta Hurtta Razzle Dazzle Midlayer Blackberry - abpusējs flīss suņiem

    Vai jums patīk pavadīt aktīvu laiku ārā, un vai jūsu suns ir īpaši jutīgs pret aukstumu, drebot pat pie vismazākā vēja? Ja tā, uzdāviniet viņiem mīksto un ērti aptverošo Hurtta Midlayer Overall. Tas lieliski darbojas kā viegls pārejas jaka pavasarim vai rudenim, pārklājs vēsākām vasaras vakariem vai papildu izolācijas slānis zem lietus vai ziemas jakas. Tas ir lieliska izvēle augošiem kucēniem un suņiem ar neparastām ķermeņa formām. Kombinezons arī iepriecinās mūžīgi salstošos vecākus suņus. Ideāli piemērots aktīviem suņiem pirms un pēc izstādēm, sporta aktivitātēm un citām intensīvām nodarbēm. Mūsdienīgais dizains un ļoti augstas kvalitātes izpildījums apmierinās pat visprasīgāko lietotāju prasības un gaidas. Midlayer Overall ir izgatavots no mīksta, patīkami pieskarama un elastīga materiāla. Tā ārējais slānis ir gluds, tehnisks adījums, savukārt iekšpusē ir silts, žakarda flīss. Tā piegriezums ir veidots, lai nodrošinātu maksimālu komfortu dzīvniekam un neierobežotu kustības pastaigu vai rotaļu laikā. Regulējamais muguras garums, vidukļa apkārtmērs un apkakle ļauj ideāli pielāgoties suņa ķermeņa formai un aizsardzībai pret aukstumu. Elastīgās, ar spiedpogām regulējamās aproces cieši aptver suņa kājas. Viegli uzvelkams un noņemams, tas aizveras ar ērtu rāvējslēdzēju. Apakšējā atloka aizsargā pret caurvēju. Atstarojošā, noņemamā 3M tehnoloģijā izgatavotā birka atstaro gaismu un nodrošina labu redzamību. Kombinezons pārklāj lielu daļu suņa ķermeņa un nodrošina komfortablu siltumu vēsās rīta un vakara pastaigās. Kombinezons ir izgatavots ar uzmanību uz katru detaļu: viegls, mīksts un elastīgs, tas neierobežo suņa kustības, nodrošinot maksimālu valkāšanas komfortu; atstarojošie 3M elementi nodrošina redzamību; regulējams muguras garums; augsta, regulējama apkakle; vidukļa regulēšana ar spiedpogām; piedurknes ideāli piemērotas valkāšanai zem iejūga; pārklāj aptuveni 70% suņa ķermeņa; atstarojošie elementi ar gaismas intensitāti 400-450 lx/m2; temperatūras diapazons: no +10 līdz -15°C; kvalitāte un izturība gadiem; viegli tīrāms; ar vietu parakstīšanai; krāsa: pelēka. Padoms: Izveidojiet perfektu komplektu, savienojot kombinezonu ar Hurtta Mudventure Overall Eco lietus jaku. Par zīmolu: Hurtta ir līderis starp augstas kvalitātes iejūgu, pavadu, apkakļu un apģērbu ražotājiem aktīviem suņiem. Labi pazīstams un cienīts uzņēmums, kas dibināts 2002. gadā Somijā. Tā ergonomiskie un neticami noderīgie treniņu un sporta aksesuāri ir mīlēti cilvēku visā pasaulē. Oriģinālais stils, mūsdienīgais dizains un unikālais Haundtex® materiāls, ko izmanto viņu produktos un patentējis šis ražotājs, nodrošina komfortu, ērtumu un stilīgu izskatu suņiem. Šī zīmola produkti izceļas ar izcilu kvalitāti, izturību un funkcionalitāti. Fiziski aktīvi suņu īpašnieki novērtē iespēju izmantot Hurtta aksesuārus pastaigu, sporta aktivitāšu, piemēram, skriešanas vai suņu trekinga laikā.

    €57,60 - €67,20

  • Hurtta Warming Midlayer Eco Desert - thermal jacket for dogs with heat-reflective lining

    Hurtta Hurtta Warming Midlayer Eco Desert - termojaka suņiem ar siltumu atstarojošu oderi

    Ir kļuvis vēsāks, laiks doties pastaigā, un jūsu siltumu mīlošais suns skatās uz jums ar seju, it kā sakot: vai jūs jokojat? Vai esat suņa īpašnieks, kurš trenējas veiklībā vai paklausībā? Vai varbūt jums mājās ir vecāks suns, kurš slēpjas zem segas, tiklīdz caur nedaudz atvērtu logu ieplūst neliels vējš? Ja uz kādu no šiem jautājumiem atbildējāt ar "jā", mums ir jūsu mājdzīvniekam īpaši silts apģērbs ar izcilām īpašībām. Tas ir mīkstais, ķermenim pieguļošais Hurrta Warming Midlayer flīss. Tā unikālā īpašība ir inovatīvu risinājumu izmantošana, lai uzturētu suņa ķermeņa temperatūru pareizajā līmenī un aizsargātu pret atdzišanu. Tas ir modernās tehnoloģijas pielietojums apģērba iekšējā slāņa konstrukcijā. Tas ir pārklāts ar īpašu alumīnija folijas druku, kas darbojas kā termiskā sega sportistiem. Šis risinājums nodrošina termisko komfortu suņiem, kuri ir jutīgi pret aukstumu, piemēram, vecākiem suņiem vai šķirnēm ar plāniem un retiem apmatojumiem. Šis flīss ir lieliski piemērots sporta suņiem, lai sagatavotu viņu ķermeni slodzei, kā arī pēc tam, lai nodrošinātu ērtu atpūtu. To var izmantot kā vieglu pārejas jaku pavasarim vai rudenim, pārsegu vēsākām vasaras vakariem vai papildu izolācijas slāni zem jakas ziemā. Mūsdienīgais dizains un ļoti augstā izgatavošanas kvalitāte, bez kompromisiem, atbildīs pat visprasīgāko lietotāju prasībām un gaidām. Warming Midlayer džemperis ir izgatavots no mīksta, patīkami pieskarama un elastīga materiāla. Tā piegriezums ir veidots, lai nodrošinātu maksimālu komfortu dzīvniekam un neierobežotu kustības pastaigu, treniņu vai rotaļu laikā. Pārklājošā, divslāņu priekšpuse burtiski aptver suni, ļaujot veikt augstākus lēcienus un ātrākas kustības bez traucējumiem. Muguras garuma, vidukļa apkārtmēra un apkakles regulēšana ļauj perfekti pielāgoties suņa ķermeņa struktūrai un aizsardzībai pret aukstumu. Rāvējslēdzēju un sprādžu trūkums padara to ārkārtīgi viegli uzvelkamu un noņemamu, un tas ir ideāli piemērots valkāšanai zem iejūgiem. Atstarojošās šuves, kas izgatavotas ar 3M tehnoloģiju, atstaro gaismu un nodrošina labu redzamību. Džemperis aptver apmēram 70% suņa ķermeņa un nodrošina ērtu siltumu. Turklāt materiāli, kas izmantoti flīsa ražošanā, nāk no pārstrādes. Tajā pašā laikā tie atbilst stingriem Bluedesign® standartiem, kas koncentrējas uz ilgtspējīgu ķīmiju, lai nodrošinātu visaugstāko drošības līmeni cilvēkiem, dzīvniekiem un videi. Džemperis ir izgatavots ar uzmanību katrai detaļai: nodrošina termisko komfortu suņiem ar plānu apmatojumu, vecākiem suņiem un sporta suņiem, izgatavots no pārstrādāta poliestera, viegls un elastīgs, ērts, neierobežo suņa kustības, elpojošs audums, atstarojoši 3M elementi, kas nodrošina redzamību, ar regulējamu muguras garumu, augstu regulējamu apkakli, vidukļa piegulumu, ideāli piemērots valkāšanai zem iejūgiem, suņa pārklājums: apmēram 70%, temperatūra: no 15°C līdz +10°C, kvalitāte un izturība gadiem, ar vietu parakstam, krāsa: medus.

    €64,80 - €96,00

  • Jumppa Pomppa - polar for dogs

    Pomppa Jumppa Pomppa - polārais apģērbs suņiem

    JumppaPomppa is a warm fleece sweatshirt for dogs, designed for year-round use. Its unique construction allows full freedom of movement for your pet while providing comfortable thermal conditions. Ideal for daily walks and more active outings for all dogs. It is perfect as a warmer for chilly dogs and seniors. It helps maintain muscle temperature at the right level during movement and moments of rest, which is why the JumppaPomppa sweatshirt is highly valued and often used for various sports activities and training. The JumppaPomppa sweatshirt is made from two types of material: highly elastic and anti-static fleece on the back and waterproof and stretchy thermal jersey on the belly, often used in sportswear production. The high collar protects the dog's neck and is made of fleece, while the jersey insert at the front ensures comfort and full mobility for your pet. The sweatshirt covers the most important parts of the animal's body and protects against cold. The back part reaches down to the lower back, while the bottom covers the chest and belly. Despite not having any fasteners, straps, or rubber bands on the hind legs, it stays in place during any activity. It is easy to put on and take off. It is very lightweight and does not take up much space when folded, making it easy to take on any adventures without adding weight to your luggage. Reflective elements on the sides of the sweatshirt ensure the dog's safety in poor lighting conditions. Advantages of the JumppaPomppa fleece for dogs: - Thermal protection without restricting the animal's movements - Highly elastic materials in the upper part - Stays in place and does not shift during movement - Reflective elements for safety - The bottom is made of thermal and waterproof jersey - No zippers, straps, or buckles - Lightweight, easy to fold and store - Machine washable - Durable for years of everyday use Tip: JumppaPomppa is designed for year-round use. Dogs with short hair, without an undercoat, and senior dogs may need additional thermal protection during colder periods. By combining the sweatshirt with a rain jacket (Kevyt or Sade) or a winter jacket (Perus, Toppa), treat it as an insulating layer. Long-haired dogs with a thick, double undercoat naturally tolerate low temperatures better. By pairing the JumppaPomppa with a thin rain jacket SadePomppa, you can create a 3-in-1 set that provides comfort for your pet throughout the year. The JumppaPomppa fleece is designed to fit with other Pomppa products. How to care for Pomppa dog clothing: - Avoid unnecessary washing. Frequent washing causes fabric wear and tear. If there are no visible stains or dirt, try airing the product in a well-ventilated area or placing it in the freezer to eliminate any odors. - If necessary, wash the garment in the washing machine on a delicate cycle at 30°C. - Do not use aggressive detergents, stain removers, bleach, or fabric softeners. - After washing, hang the garment to dry. - Do not tumble dry, iron, or dry clean. Choosing the right size: A well-chosen size ensures the best possible thermal protection and allows full freedom of movement for the dog. The right size protects the most important muscle groups and guarantees that the clothing stays in place even during sprints or wild jumps. Pomppa jackets and sweatshirts are designed to fit various dog body types: slim, with a wide chest, or with pronounced and developed musculature. When selecting a size, it is important that the sweatshirt does not restrict the dog's mobility or cause discomfort in any way. The key factor in choosing the right size for the JumppaPomppa sweatshirt is the length of the dog's back. It is recommended to avoid choosing a smaller size than indicated by the length of the animal's back. Depending on the dog's proportions and coat type, the appropriate size may be larger than the size indicated by the back length. Another factor to consider is the main purpose of the sweatshirt. For active dogs, the sweatshirt should fit snugly to the body. Less active dogs, who have breaks during training or generally lead a calm lifestyle, can wear a slightly looser sweatshirt. About the brand: The first Pomppa products were created by the brand's founder, Meri Alku. Participating in many agility competitions with her dogs, she searched for suitable clothing for her pets that would meet the requirement of combining proper thermal protection with full freedom of movement, especially during intense activity. With knowledge of textiles, Meri Alku decided to sew clothes for her dogs herself. They were received with such enthusiasm by other dog owners that the designer decided to expand the collection.

    €36,00 - €60,00

  • Jumppa Pomppa Aurora - polar for dogs, multicolor

    Pomppa Jumppa Pomppa Aurora - polārais apģērbs suņiem, daudzkrāsains

    JumppaPomppa is a warm fleece sweatshirt for dogs, designed for year-round use. Its unique construction allows full freedom of movement for your pet while providing comfortable thermal conditions. Ideal for daily walks and more active outings for all dogs. It is perfect as a warmer for chilly dogs and seniors. It helps maintain muscle temperature at the right level during movement and moments of rest, which is why the JumppaPomppa sweatshirt is highly valued and often used for various sports activities and training. The JumppaPomppa sweatshirt is made from two types of material: highly elastic and anti-static fleece on the back and waterproof and stretchy thermal jersey on the belly, often used in sportswear production. The high collar protects the dog's neck and is made of fleece, while the jersey insert at the front ensures comfort and full mobility for your pet. The sweatshirt covers the most important parts of the animal's body and protects against cold. The back part reaches down to the lower back, while the bottom covers the chest and belly. Despite not having any fasteners, straps, or rubber bands on the hind legs, it stays in place during any activity. It is easy to put on and take off. It is very lightweight and does not take up much space when folded, making it easy to take on any adventures without adding weight to your luggage. Reflective elements on the sides of the sweatshirt ensure the dog's safety in poor lighting conditions. Advantages of the JumppaPomppa fleece for dogs: - Thermal protection without restricting the animal's movements - Highly elastic materials in the upper part - Stays in place and does not shift during movement - Reflective elements for safety - The bottom is made of thermal and waterproof jersey - No zippers, straps, or buckles - Lightweight, easy to fold and store - Machine washable - Durable for years of everyday use Tip: JumppaPomppa is designed for year-round use. Dogs with short hair, without an undercoat, and senior dogs may need additional thermal protection during colder periods. By combining the sweatshirt with a rain jacket (Kevyt or Sade) or a winter jacket (Perus, Toppa), treat it as an insulating layer. Long-haired dogs with a thick, double undercoat naturally tolerate low temperatures better. By pairing the JumppaPomppa with a thin rain jacket SadePomppa, you can create a 3-in-1 set that provides comfort for your pet throughout the year. The JumppaPomppa fleece is designed to fit with other Pomppa products. How to care for Pomppa dog clothing: - Avoid unnecessary washing. Frequent washing causes fabric wear and tear. If there are no visible stains or dirt, try airing the product in a well-ventilated area or placing it in the freezer to eliminate any odors. - If necessary, wash the garment in the washing machine on a delicate cycle at 30°C. - Do not use aggressive detergents, stain removers, bleach, or fabric softeners. - After washing, hang the garment to dry. - Do not tumble dry, iron, or dry clean. Choosing the right size: A well-chosen size ensures the best possible thermal protection and allows full freedom of movement for the dog. The right size protects the most important muscle groups and guarantees that the clothing stays in place even during sprints or wild jumps. Pomppa jackets and sweatshirts are designed to fit various dog body types: slim, with a wide chest, or with pronounced and developed musculature. When selecting a size, it is important that the sweatshirt does not restrict the dog's mobility or cause discomfort in any way. The key factor in choosing the right size for the JumppaPomppa sweatshirt is the length of the dog's back. It is recommended to avoid choosing a smaller size than indicated by the length of the animal's back. Depending on the dog's proportions and coat type, the appropriate size may be larger than the size indicated by the back length. Another factor to consider is the main purpose of the sweatshirt. For active dogs, the sweatshirt should fit snugly to the body. Less active dogs, who have breaks during training or generally lead a calm lifestyle, can wear a slightly looser sweatshirt. About the brand: The first Pomppa products were created by the brand's founder, Meri Alku. Participating in many agility competitions with her dogs, she searched for suitable clothing for her pets that would meet the requirement of combining proper thermal protection with full freedom of movement, especially during intense activity. With knowledge of textiles, Meri Alku decided to sew clothes for her dogs herself. They were received with such enthusiasm by other dog owners that the designer decided to expand the collection.

    €36,00 - €60,00

  • Jumppa Pomppa Chocko - polar for dogs

    Pomppa Jumppa Pomppa Chocko - polārais apģērbs suņiem

    JumppaPomppa is a warm fleece sweatshirt for dogs, designed for year-round use. Its unique construction allows full freedom of movement for your pet while providing comfortable thermal conditions. Ideal for daily walks and more active outings for all dogs. It is perfect as a warmer for chilly dogs and seniors. It helps maintain muscle temperature at the right level during movement and moments of rest, which is why the JumppaPomppa sweatshirt is highly valued and often used for various sports activities and training. The JumppaPomppa sweatshirt is made from two types of material: highly elastic and anti-static fleece on the back and waterproof and stretchy thermal jersey on the belly, often used in sportswear production. The high collar protects the dog's neck and is made of fleece, while the jersey insert at the front ensures comfort and full mobility for your pet. The sweatshirt covers the most important parts of the animal's body and protects against cold. The back part reaches down to the lower back, while the bottom covers the chest and belly. Despite not having any fasteners, straps, or rubber bands on the hind legs, it stays in place during any activity. It is easy to put on and take off. It is very lightweight and does not take up much space when folded, making it easy to take on any adventures without adding weight to your luggage. Reflective elements on the sides of the sweatshirt ensure the dog's safety in poor lighting conditions. Advantages of the JumppaPomppa fleece for dogs: - Thermal protection without restricting the animal's movements - Highly elastic materials in the upper part - Stays in place and does not shift during movement - Reflective elements for safety - The bottom is made of thermal and waterproof jersey - No zippers, straps, or buckles - Lightweight, easy to fold and store - Machine washable - Durable for years of everyday use Tip: JumppaPomppa is designed for year-round use. Dogs with short hair, without an undercoat, and senior dogs may need additional thermal protection during colder periods. By combining the sweatshirt with a rain jacket (Kevyt or Sade) or a winter jacket (Perus, Toppa), treat it as an insulating layer. Long-haired dogs with a thick, double undercoat naturally tolerate low temperatures better. By pairing the JumppaPomppa with a thin rain jacket SadePomppa, you can create a 3-in-1 set that provides comfort for your pet throughout the year. The JumppaPomppa fleece is designed to fit with other Pomppa products. How to care for Pomppa dog clothing: - Avoid unnecessary washing. Frequent washing causes fabric wear and tear. If there are no visible stains or dirt, try airing the product in a well-ventilated area or placing it in the freezer to eliminate any odors. - If necessary, wash the garment in the washing machine on a delicate cycle at 30°C. - Do not use aggressive detergents, stain removers, bleach, or fabric softeners. - After washing, hang the garment to dry. - Do not tumble dry, iron, or dry clean. Choosing the right size: A well-chosen size ensures the best possible thermal protection and allows full freedom of movement for the dog. The right size protects the most important muscle groups and guarantees that the clothing stays in place even during sprints or wild jumps. Pomppa jackets and sweatshirts are designed to fit various dog body types: slim, with a wide chest, or with pronounced and developed musculature. When selecting a size, it is important that the sweatshirt does not restrict the dog's mobility or cause discomfort in any way. The key factor in choosing the right size for the JumppaPomppa sweatshirt is the length of the dog's back. It is recommended to avoid choosing a smaller size than indicated by the length of the animal's back. Depending on the dog's proportions and coat type, the appropriate size may be larger than the size indicated by the back length. Another factor to consider is the main purpose of the sweatshirt. For active dogs, the sweatshirt should fit snugly to the body. Less active dogs, who have breaks during training or generally lead a calm lifestyle, can wear a slightly looser sweatshirt. About the brand: The first Pomppa products were created by the brand's founder, Meri Alku. Participating in many agility competitions with her dogs, she searched for suitable clothing for her pets that would meet the requirement of combining proper thermal protection with full freedom of movement, especially during intense activity. With knowledge of textiles, Meri Alku decided to sew clothes for her dogs herself. They were received with such enthusiasm by other dog owners that the designer decided to expand the collection.

    €36,00 - €60,00

  • Jumppa Pomppa Curry - polar for dogs, honey

    Pomppa Jumppa Pomppa Curry - polārais apģērbs suņiem, medus krāsā

    JumppaPomppa is a warm fleece sweatshirt for dogs, designed for year-round use. Its unique construction allows full freedom of movement for your pet while providing comfortable thermal conditions. Ideal for daily walks and more active outings for all dogs. It is perfect as a warmer for chilly dogs and seniors. It helps maintain muscle temperature at the right level during movement and moments of rest, which is why the JumppaPomppa sweatshirt is highly valued and often used for various sports activities and training. The JumppaPomppa sweatshirt is made from two types of material: highly elastic and anti-static fleece on the back and waterproof and stretchy thermal jersey on the belly, often used in sportswear production. The high collar protects the dog's neck and is made of fleece, while the jersey insert at the front ensures comfort and full mobility for your pet. The sweatshirt covers the most important parts of the animal's body and protects against cold. The back part reaches down to the lower back, while the bottom covers the chest and belly. Despite not having any fasteners, straps, or rubber bands on the hind legs, it stays in place during any activity. It is easy to put on and take off. It is very lightweight and does not take up much space when folded, making it easy to take on any adventures without adding weight to your luggage. Reflective elements on the sides of the sweatshirt ensure the dog's safety in poor lighting conditions. Advantages of the JumppaPomppa fleece for dogs: - Thermal protection without restricting the animal's movements - Highly elastic materials in the upper part - Stays in place and does not shift during movement - Reflective elements for safety - The bottom is made of thermal and waterproof jersey - No zippers, straps, or buckles - Lightweight, easy to fold and store - Machine washable - Durable for years of everyday use Tip: JumppaPomppa is designed for year-round use. Dogs with short hair, without an undercoat, and senior dogs may need additional thermal protection during colder periods. By combining the sweatshirt with a rain jacket (Kevyt or Sade) or a winter jacket (Perus, Toppa), treat it as an insulating layer. Long-haired dogs with a thick, double undercoat naturally tolerate low temperatures better. By pairing the JumppaPomppa with a thin rain jacket SadePomppa, you can create a 3-in-1 set that provides comfort for your pet throughout the year. The JumppaPomppa fleece is designed to fit with other Pomppa products. How to care for Pomppa dog clothing: - Avoid unnecessary washing. Frequent washing causes fabric wear and tear. If there are no visible stains or dirt, try airing the product in a well-ventilated area or placing it in the freezer to eliminate any odors. - If necessary, wash the garment in the washing machine on a delicate cycle at 30°C. - Do not use aggressive detergents, stain removers, bleach, or fabric softeners. - After washing, hang the garment to dry. - Do not tumble dry, iron, or dry clean. Choosing the right size: A well-chosen size ensures the best possible thermal protection and allows full freedom of movement for the dog. The right size protects the most important muscle groups and guarantees that the clothing stays in place even during sprints or wild jumps. Pomppa jackets and sweatshirts are designed to fit various dog body types: slim, with a wide chest, or with pronounced and developed musculature. When selecting a size, it is important that the sweatshirt does not restrict the dog's mobility or cause discomfort in any way. The key factor in choosing the right size for the JumppaPomppa sweatshirt is the length of the dog's back. It is recommended to avoid choosing a smaller size than indicated by the length of the animal's back. Depending on the dog's proportions and coat type, the appropriate size may be larger than the size indicated by the back length. Another factor to consider is the main purpose of the sweatshirt. For active dogs, the sweatshirt should fit snugly to the body. Less active dogs, who have breaks during training or generally lead a calm lifestyle, can wear a slightly looser sweatshirt. About the brand: The first Pomppa products were created by the brand's founder, Meri Alku. Participating in many agility competitions with her dogs, she searched for suitable clothing for her pets that would meet the requirement of combining proper thermal protection with full freedom of movement, especially during intense activity. With knowledge of textiles, Meri Alku decided to sew clothes for her dogs herself. They were received with such enthusiasm by other dog owners that the designer decided to expand the collection.

    €36,00 - €60,00

  • Jumppa Pomppa Forest - polar for dogs Jumppa Pomppa Forest - polar for dogs

    Pomppa Jumppa Pomppa Forest - polārais apģērbs suņiem

    JumppaPomppa is a warm fleece sweatshirt for dogs, designed for year-round use. Its unique construction allows full freedom of movement for your pet while providing comfortable thermal conditions. Ideal for daily walks and more active outings for all dogs. It is perfect as a warmer for chilly dogs and seniors. It helps maintain muscle temperature at the right level during movement and moments of rest, which is why the JumppaPomppa sweatshirt is highly valued and often used for various sports activities and training. The JumppaPomppa sweatshirt is made from two types of material: highly elastic and anti-static fleece on the back and waterproof and stretchy thermal jersey on the belly, often used in sportswear production. The high collar protects the dog's neck and is made of fleece, while the jersey insert at the front ensures comfort and full mobility for your pet. The sweatshirt covers the most important parts of the animal's body and protects against cold. The back part reaches down to the lower back, while the bottom covers the chest and belly. Despite not having any fasteners, straps, or rubber bands on the hind legs, it stays in place during any activity. It is easy to put on and take off. It is very lightweight and does not take up much space when folded, making it easy to take on any adventures without adding weight to your luggage. Reflective elements on the sides of the sweatshirt ensure the dog's safety in poor lighting conditions. Advantages of the JumppaPomppa fleece for dogs: - Thermal protection without restricting the animal's movements - Highly elastic materials in the upper part - Stays in place and does not shift during movement - Reflective elements for safety - The bottom is made of thermal and waterproof jersey - No zippers, straps, or buckles - Lightweight, easy to fold and store - Machine washable - Durable for years of everyday use Tip: JumppaPomppa is designed for year-round use. Dogs with short hair, without an undercoat, and senior dogs may need additional thermal protection during colder periods. By combining the sweatshirt with a rain jacket (Kevyt or Sade) or a winter jacket (Perus, Toppa), treat it as an insulating layer. Long-haired dogs with a thick, double undercoat naturally tolerate low temperatures better. By pairing the JumppaPomppa with a thin rain jacket SadePomppa, you can create a 3-in-1 set that provides comfort for your pet throughout the year. The JumppaPomppa fleece is designed to fit with other Pomppa products. How to care for Pomppa dog clothing: - Avoid unnecessary washing. Frequent washing causes fabric wear and tear. If there are no visible stains or dirt, try airing the product in a well-ventilated area or placing it in the freezer to eliminate any odors. - If necessary, wash the garment in the washing machine on a delicate cycle at 30°C. - Do not use aggressive detergents, stain removers, bleach, or fabric softeners. - After washing, hang the garment to dry. - Do not tumble dry, iron, or dry clean. Choosing the right size: A well-chosen size ensures the best possible thermal protection and allows full freedom of movement for the dog. The right size protects the most important muscle groups and guarantees that the clothing stays in place even during sprints or wild jumps. Pomppa jackets and sweatshirts are designed to fit various dog body types: slim, with a wide chest, or with pronounced and developed musculature. When selecting a size, it is important that the sweatshirt does not restrict the dog's mobility or cause discomfort in any way. The key factor in choosing the right size for the JumppaPomppa sweatshirt is the length of the dog's back. It is recommended to avoid choosing a smaller size than indicated by the length of the animal's back. Depending on the dog's proportions and coat type, the appropriate size may be larger than the size indicated by the back length. Another factor to consider is the main purpose of the sweatshirt. For active dogs, the sweatshirt should fit snugly to the body. Less active dogs, who have breaks during training or generally lead a calm lifestyle, can wear a slightly looser sweatshirt. About the brand: The first Pomppa products were created by the brand's founder, Meri Alku. Participating in many agility competitions with her dogs, she searched for suitable clothing for her pets that would meet the requirement of combining proper thermal protection with full freedom of movement, especially during intense activity. With knowledge of textiles, Meri Alku decided to sew clothes for her dogs herself. They were received with such enthusiasm by other dog owners that the designer decided to expand the collection.

    €36,96 - €60,00

  • Jumppa Pomppa Graphite - polar for dogs, gray

    Pomppa Jumppa Pomppa Grafīts - polārais apģērbs suņiem, pelēks

    JumppaPomppa is a warm fleece sweatshirt for dogs, designed for year-round use. Its unique construction allows full freedom of movement for your pet while providing comfortable thermal conditions. Ideal for daily walks and more active outings for all dogs. It is perfect as a warmer for chilly dogs and seniors. It helps maintain muscle temperature at the right level during movement and moments of rest, which is why the JumppaPomppa sweatshirt is highly valued and often used for various sports activities and training. The JumppaPomppa sweatshirt is made from two types of material: highly elastic and anti-static fleece on the back and waterproof and stretchy thermal jersey on the belly, often used in sportswear production. The high collar protects the dog's neck and is made of fleece, while the jersey insert at the front ensures comfort and full mobility for your pet. The sweatshirt covers the most important parts of the animal's body and protects against cold. The back part reaches down to the lower back, while the bottom covers the chest and belly. Despite not having any fasteners, straps, or rubber bands on the hind legs, it stays in place during any activity. It is easy to put on and take off. It is very lightweight and does not take up much space when folded, making it easy to take on any adventures without adding weight to your luggage. Reflective elements on the sides of the sweatshirt ensure the dog's safety in poor lighting conditions. Advantages of the JumppaPomppa fleece for dogs: - Thermal protection without restricting the animal's movements - Highly elastic materials in the upper part - Stays in place and does not shift during movement - Reflective elements for safety - The bottom is made of thermal and waterproof jersey - No zippers, straps, or buckles - Lightweight, easy to fold and store - Machine washable - Durable for years of everyday use Tip: JumppaPomppa is designed for year-round use. Dogs with short hair, without an undercoat, and senior dogs may need additional thermal protection during colder periods. By combining the sweatshirt with a rain jacket (Kevyt or Sade) or a winter jacket (Perus, Toppa), treat it as an insulating layer. Long-haired dogs with a thick, double undercoat naturally tolerate low temperatures better. By pairing the JumppaPomppa with a thin rain jacket SadePomppa, you can create a 3-in-1 set that provides comfort for your pet throughout the year. The JumppaPomppa fleece is designed to fit with other Pomppa products. How to care for Pomppa dog clothing: - Avoid unnecessary washing. Frequent washing causes fabric wear and tear. If there are no visible stains or dirt, try airing the product in a well-ventilated area or placing it in the freezer to eliminate any odors. - If necessary, wash the garment in the washing machine on a delicate cycle at 30°C. - Do not use aggressive detergents, stain removers, bleach, or fabric softeners. - After washing, hang the garment to dry. - Do not tumble dry, iron, or dry clean. Choosing the right size: A well-chosen size ensures the best possible thermal protection and allows full freedom of movement for the dog. The right size protects the most important muscle groups and guarantees that the clothing stays in place even during sprints or wild jumps. Pomppa jackets and sweatshirts are designed to fit various dog body types: slim, with a wide chest, or with pronounced and developed musculature. When selecting a size, it is important that the sweatshirt does not restrict the dog's mobility or cause discomfort in any way. The key factor in choosing the right size for the JumppaPomppa sweatshirt is the length of the dog's back. It is recommended to avoid choosing a smaller size than indicated by the length of the animal's back. Depending on the dog's proportions and coat type, the appropriate size may be larger than the size indicated by the back length. Another factor to consider is the main purpose of the sweatshirt. For active dogs, the sweatshirt should fit snugly to the body. Less active dogs, who have breaks during training or generally lead a calm lifestyle, can wear a slightly looser sweatshirt. About the brand: The first Pomppa products were created by the brand's founder, Meri Alku. Participating in many agility competitions with her dogs, she searched for suitable clothing for her pets that would meet the requirement of combining proper thermal protection with full freedom of movement, especially during intense activity. With knowledge of textiles, Meri Alku decided to sew clothes for her dogs herself. They were received with such enthusiasm by other dog owners that the designer decided to expand the collection.

    €36,00 - €60,00

  • Jumppa Pomppa Orange - polar for dogs, orange

    Pomppa Jumppa Pomppa Oranžs - polārais apģērbs suņiem, oranžs

    JumppaPomppa is a warm fleece sweatshirt for dogs, designed for year-round use. Its unique construction allows full freedom of movement for your pet while providing comfortable thermal conditions. Ideal for daily walks and more active outings for all dogs. It is perfect as a warmer for chilly dogs and seniors. It helps maintain muscle temperature at the right level during movement and moments of rest, which is why the JumppaPomppa sweatshirt is highly valued and often used for various sports activities and training. The JumppaPomppa sweatshirt is made from two types of material: highly elastic and anti-static fleece on the back and waterproof and stretchy thermal jersey on the belly, often used in sportswear production. The high collar protects the dog's neck and is made of fleece, while the jersey insert at the front ensures comfort and full mobility for your pet. The sweatshirt covers the most important parts of the animal's body and protects against cold. The back part reaches down to the lower back, while the bottom covers the chest and belly. Despite not having any fasteners, straps, or rubber bands on the hind legs, it stays in place during any activity. It is easy to put on and take off. It is very lightweight and does not take up much space when folded, making it easy to take on any adventures without adding weight to your luggage. Reflective elements on the sides of the sweatshirt ensure the dog's safety in poor lighting conditions. Advantages of the JumppaPomppa fleece for dogs: - Thermal protection without restricting the animal's movements - Highly elastic materials in the upper part - Stays in place and does not shift during movement - Reflective elements for safety - The bottom is made of thermal and waterproof jersey - No zippers, straps, or buckles - Lightweight, easy to fold and store - Machine washable - Durable for years of everyday use Tip: JumppaPomppa is designed for year-round use. Dogs with short hair, without an undercoat, and senior dogs may need additional thermal protection during colder periods. By combining the sweatshirt with a rain jacket (Kevyt or Sade) or a winter jacket (Perus, Toppa), treat it as an insulating layer. Long-haired dogs with a thick, double undercoat naturally tolerate low temperatures better. By pairing the JumppaPomppa with a thin rain jacket SadePomppa, you can create a 3-in-1 set that provides comfort for your pet throughout the year. The JumppaPomppa fleece is designed to fit with other Pomppa products. How to care for Pomppa dog clothing: - Avoid unnecessary washing. Frequent washing causes fabric wear and tear. If there are no visible stains or dirt, try airing the product in a well-ventilated area or placing it in the freezer to eliminate any odors. - If necessary, wash the garment in the washing machine on a delicate cycle at 30°C. - Do not use aggressive detergents, stain removers, bleach, or fabric softeners. - After washing, hang the garment to dry. - Do not tumble dry, iron, or dry clean. Choosing the right size: A well-chosen size ensures the best possible thermal protection and allows full freedom of movement for the dog. The right size protects the most important muscle groups and guarantees that the clothing stays in place even during sprints or wild jumps. Pomppa jackets and sweatshirts are designed to fit various dog body types: slim, with a wide chest, or with pronounced and developed musculature. When selecting a size, it is important that the sweatshirt does not restrict the dog's mobility or cause discomfort in any way. The key factor in choosing the right size for the JumppaPomppa sweatshirt is the length of the dog's back. It is recommended to avoid choosing a smaller size than indicated by the length of the animal's back. Depending on the dog's proportions and coat type, the appropriate size may be larger than the size indicated by the back length. Another factor to consider is the main purpose of the sweatshirt. For active dogs, the sweatshirt should fit snugly to the body. Less active dogs, who have breaks during training or generally lead a calm lifestyle, can wear a slightly looser sweatshirt. About the brand: The first Pomppa products were created by the brand's founder, Meri Alku. Participating in many agility competitions with her dogs, she searched for suitable clothing for her pets that would meet the requirement of combining proper thermal protection with full freedom of movement, especially during intense activity. With knowledge of textiles, Meri Alku decided to sew clothes for her dogs herself. They were received with such enthusiasm by other dog owners that the designer decided to expand the collection.

    €36,00 - €60,00

  • Jumppa Pomppa Petrol - polar for dogs, marine

    Pomppa Jumppa Pomppa Petrol - polārais apģērbs suņiem, jūras krāsā

    JumppaPomppa is a warm fleece sweatshirt for dogs, designed for year-round use. Its unique construction allows full freedom of movement for your pet while providing comfortable thermal conditions. Ideal for daily walks and more active outings for all dogs. It is perfect as a warmer for chilly dogs and seniors. It helps maintain muscle temperature at the right level during movement and moments of rest, which is why the JumppaPomppa sweatshirt is highly valued and often used for various sports activities and training. The JumppaPomppa sweatshirt is made from two types of material: highly elastic and anti-static fleece on the back and waterproof and stretchy thermal jersey on the belly, often used in sportswear production. The high collar protects the dog's neck and is made of fleece, while the jersey insert at the front ensures comfort and full mobility for your pet. The sweatshirt covers the most important parts of the animal's body and protects against cold. The back part reaches down to the lower back, while the bottom covers the chest and belly. Despite not having any fasteners, straps, or rubber bands on the hind legs, it stays in place during any activity. It is easy to put on and take off. It is very lightweight and does not take up much space when folded, making it easy to take on any adventures without adding weight to your luggage. Reflective elements on the sides of the sweatshirt ensure the dog's safety in poor lighting conditions. Advantages of the JumppaPomppa fleece for dogs: - Thermal protection without restricting the animal's movements - Highly elastic materials in the upper part - Stays in place and does not shift during movement - Reflective elements for safety - The bottom is made of thermal and waterproof jersey - No zippers, straps, or buckles - Lightweight, easy to fold and store - Machine washable - Durable for years of everyday use Tip: JumppaPomppa is designed for year-round use. Dogs with short hair, without an undercoat, and senior dogs may need additional thermal protection during colder periods. By combining the sweatshirt with a rain jacket (Kevyt or Sade) or a winter jacket (Perus, Toppa), treat it as an insulating layer. Long-haired dogs with a thick, double undercoat naturally tolerate low temperatures better. By pairing the JumppaPomppa with a thin rain jacket SadePomppa, you can create a 3-in-1 set that provides comfort for your pet throughout the year. The JumppaPomppa fleece is designed to fit with other Pomppa products. How to care for Pomppa dog clothing: - Avoid unnecessary washing. Frequent washing causes fabric wear and tear. If there are no visible stains or dirt, try airing the product in a well-ventilated area or placing it in the freezer to eliminate any odors. - If necessary, wash the garment in the washing machine on a delicate cycle at 30°C. - Do not use aggressive detergents, stain removers, bleach, or fabric softeners. - After washing, hang the garment to dry. - Do not tumble dry, iron, or dry clean. Choosing the right size: A well-chosen size ensures the best possible thermal protection and allows full freedom of movement for the dog. The right size protects the most important muscle groups and guarantees that the clothing stays in place even during sprints or wild jumps. Pomppa jackets and sweatshirts are designed to fit various dog body types: slim, with a wide chest, or with pronounced and developed musculature. When selecting a size, it is important that the sweatshirt does not restrict the dog's mobility or cause discomfort in any way. The key factor in choosing the right size for the JumppaPomppa sweatshirt is the length of the dog's back. It is recommended to avoid choosing a smaller size than indicated by the length of the animal's back. Depending on the dog's proportions and coat type, the appropriate size may be larger than the size indicated by the back length. Another factor to consider is the main purpose of the sweatshirt. For active dogs, the sweatshirt should fit snugly to the body. Less active dogs, who have breaks during training or generally lead a calm lifestyle, can wear a slightly looser sweatshirt. About the brand: The first Pomppa products were created by the brand's founder, Meri Alku. Participating in many agility competitions with her dogs, she searched for suitable clothing for her pets that would meet the requirement of combining proper thermal protection with full freedom of movement, especially during intense activity. With knowledge of textiles, Meri Alku decided to sew clothes for her dogs herself. They were received with such enthusiasm by other dog owners that the designer decided to expand the collection.

    €36,00 - €60,00

  • Jumppa Pomppa Petrol - polar for dogs, sea

    Pomppa Jumppa Pomppa Petrol - polārais apģērbs suņiem, jūras krāsas

    JumppaPomppa is a warm fleece sweatshirt for dogs, designed for year-round use. Its unique construction allows full freedom of movement for your pet while providing comfortable thermal conditions. Ideal for daily walks and more active outings for all dogs. It is perfect as a warmer for chilly dogs and seniors. It helps maintain muscle temperature at the right level during movement and moments of rest, which is why the JumppaPomppa sweatshirt is highly valued and often used for various sports activities and training. The JumppaPomppa sweatshirt is made from two types of material: highly elastic and anti-static fleece on the back and waterproof and stretchy thermal jersey on the belly, often used in sportswear production. The high collar protects the dog's neck and is made of fleece, while the jersey insert at the front ensures comfort and full mobility for your pet. The sweatshirt covers the most important parts of the animal's body and protects against cold. The back part reaches down to the lower back, while the bottom covers the chest and belly. Despite not having any fasteners, straps, or rubber bands on the hind legs, it stays in place during any activity. It is easy to put on and take off. It is very lightweight and does not take up much space when folded, making it easy to take on any adventures without adding weight to your luggage. Reflective elements on the sides of the sweatshirt ensure the dog's safety in poor lighting conditions. Advantages of the JumppaPomppa fleece for dogs: - Thermal protection without restricting the animal's movements - Highly elastic materials in the upper part - Stays in place and does not shift during movement - Reflective elements for safety - The bottom is made of thermal and waterproof jersey - No zippers, straps, or buckles - Lightweight, easy to fold and store - Machine washable - Durable for years of everyday use Tip: JumppaPomppa is designed for year-round use. Dogs with short hair, without an undercoat, and senior dogs may need additional thermal protection during colder periods. By combining the sweatshirt with a rain jacket (Kevyt or Sade) or a winter jacket (Perus, Toppa), treat it as an insulating layer. Long-haired dogs with a thick, double undercoat naturally tolerate low temperatures better. By pairing the JumppaPomppa with a thin rain jacket SadePomppa, you can create a 3-in-1 set that provides comfort for your pet throughout the year. The JumppaPomppa fleece is designed to fit with other Pomppa products. How to care for Pomppa dog clothing: - Avoid unnecessary washing. Frequent washing causes fabric wear and tear. If there are no visible stains or dirt, try airing the product in a well-ventilated area or placing it in the freezer to eliminate any odors. - If necessary, wash the garment in the washing machine on a delicate cycle at 30°C. - Do not use aggressive detergents, stain removers, bleach, or fabric softeners. - After washing, hang the garment to dry. - Do not tumble dry, iron, or dry clean. Choosing the right size: A well-chosen size ensures the best possible thermal protection and allows full freedom of movement for the dog. The right size protects the most important muscle groups and guarantees that the clothing stays in place even during sprints or wild jumps. Pomppa jackets and sweatshirts are designed to fit various dog body types: slim, with a wide chest, or with pronounced and developed musculature. When selecting a size, it is important that the sweatshirt does not restrict the dog's mobility or cause discomfort in any way. The key factor in choosing the right size for the JumppaPomppa sweatshirt is the length of the dog's back. It is recommended to avoid choosing a smaller size than indicated by the length of the animal's back. Depending on the dog's proportions and coat type, the appropriate size may be larger than the size indicated by the back length. Another factor to consider is the main purpose of the sweatshirt. For active dogs, the sweatshirt should fit snugly to the body. Less active dogs, who have breaks during training or generally lead a calm lifestyle, can wear a slightly looser sweatshirt. About the brand: The first Pomppa products were created by the brand's founder, Meri Alku. Participating in many agility competitions with her dogs, she searched for suitable clothing for her pets that would meet the requirement of combining proper thermal protection with full freedom of movement, especially during intense activity. With knowledge of textiles, Meri Alku decided to sew clothes for her dogs herself. They were received with such enthusiasm by other dog owners that the designer decided to expand the collection.


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