
144 produkti

  • GranataPet Filet à la carte Horse & Chicken - wet food for cats, fillets in their own sauce, horse meat and chicken GranataPet Filet à la carte Horse & Chicken - wet food for cats, fillets in their own sauce, horse meat and chicken

    Granatapet GranataPet Filet à la carte Zirgs un Vistas - mitrā barība kaķiem, filejas savā sulā, zirga gaļa un vistas gaļa

    Wet food for cats, GranataPet Filet à la carte with tuna and turkey, produced from the highest quality ingredients. Served in a convenient small tray, perfect for one meal. Only muscle meat and high-quality offal (e.g., hearts, liver, stomachs) are used in its production. No by-products such as blood, claws, bones, beaks, or feathers are used, and no fillers or meat substitutes are added. It is enriched with valuable additives such as pomegranate seeds, high-quality salmon oil, and taurine. These enhance the nutritional value and taste of the meal. The food is produced in Germany with full traceability of ingredients at every stage of the production process. Raw materials are sourced from trusted and verified suppliers, subjected to full veterinary control, and tested by internal and external laboratories. GranataPet food is prepared using a gentle steaming method to retain as many nutrients as possible. It is a protein-rich, easily digestible, and completely grain-free meal. The food also contains no sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. Serving wet food is a great way to hydrate your cat. Proper water levels in the body are essential for its health. Due to the high moisture content of wet food, cats do not need to drink as much as when fed dry kibble. Feeding wet food is also better for cats prone to urinary stone formation. By giving GranataPet food to your pet, you can be sure you are providing a tasty, healthy, and well-balanced meal every day. GranataPet Filet à la carte Tuna & Turkey: a protein-rich, easily digestible, and complete meal for adult cats served in a convenient tray, perfect for one meal. It contains muscle meat and high-quality offal, delicious meat fillets of tuna and turkey in their own sauce: tuna provides valuable protein, unsaturated fatty acids Omega 3 and Omega 6, iodine, zinc, and vitamin D3. Turkey is exceptionally easy to digest and contains high-quality protein, vitamins B12 and B6. It contains significant amounts of potassium, magnesium, zinc, and iron. Pomegranate seeds contain a wide range of health-promoting ingredients. They have high levels of ellagic acid, a natural antioxidant and effective cell protector. Pomegranate seeds have beneficial effects on the immune, cardiovascular, and nervous systems. Salmon oil provides unsaturated fatty acids omega-3, including DHA and EPA, essential for the proper functioning of the cardiovascular and immune systems, as well as for the health and beautiful appearance of the skin and coat of your pet. Taurine is a substance that a cat's body cannot produce in sufficient amounts, so it must be supplied through food. Taurine is responsible for proper vision, heart function, and the nervous and immune systems. Its deficiency in pregnant cats can lead to miscarriage. Feeding instructions: The data provided in the table is indicative. Monitor your pet and adjust the amount of food as necessary. Do not leave wet food open for more than a few hours. If the cat has not eaten it all before the next meal, discard the leftovers, thoroughly rinse the bowl, and then place fresh food in it. Serve at room temperature; if the food is taken from the refrigerator, it should be warmed up, as cats often do not tolerate cold or cool food well. NUTRITIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS Cat weight Daily portion of food 3-4kg 180-220g 5-6kg 250-280g 7-8kg 310-340g Tip: GranataPet Filet à la carte wet food is a complete meal containing all the nutrients necessary for the proper functioning of your pet's body and its beautiful appearance. You can feed your pet only these trays or diversify its menu by mixing them with GranataPet dry food or GranataPet wet food in cans or pouches. Ingredients: turkey fillet 40%, broth from tuna and turkey 37%, tuna 10%, turkey liver 5%, turkey fat 5%, pomegranate seeds 1%, salmon oil 1%, minerals 1%. Analytical components: protein 11.9%, fat content 5.2%, crude ash 2.6%, crude fiber 0.4%, moisture 78%, calcium to phosphorus ratio: calcium 0.25%, phosphorus 0.16%. Dietary additives: taurine 1500 mg, zinc (zinc sulfate, monohydrate) 25 mg, manganese (manganese sulfate (II), monohydrate) 1.4 mg, iodine (calcium iodate, anhydrous) 0.75 mg, copper (copper sulfate (II), pentahydrate) 1 mg.


  • GranataPet Filet à la carte Set - wet food for cats, chicken fillets in their own sauce, mix of 4 flavors GranataPet Filet à la carte Set - wet food for cats, chicken fillets in their own sauce, mix of 4 flavors

    Granatapet GranataPet Filet à la carte komplekts - mitrā barība kaķiem, vistas filejas savā sulā, 4 garšu sajaukums

    GranataPet Filet à la carte Kaķu barības komplekts, gardi filejas savā sulā: 1x GranataPet Filet à la carte Vistas gaļa & Truša gaļa - 85g 1x GranataPet Filet à la carte Vistas gaļa & Meža cūkas gaļa - 85g 1x GranataPet Filet à la carte Pīles gaļa & Vistas gaļa - 85g 1x GranataPet Filet à la carte Zirga gaļa & Vistas gaļa - 85g 1x GranataPet Filet à la carte Tuncis & Tītara gaļa - 85g 1x GranataPet Filet à la carte Vistas gaļa Pur - 85g Mitra kaķu barība, GranataPet Filet à la carte, ražota no augstākās kvalitātes sastāvdaļām. Pasniegta ērtā mazā traukā, ideāli piemērota vienai maltītei. Tās ražošanā tiek izmantota tikai muskuļu gaļa un augstas kvalitātes subprodukti (piemēram, sirdis, aknas, kuņģi). Netiek izmantoti blakusprodukti, piemēram, asinis, nagi, kauli, knābji vai spalvas, un netiek pievienoti pildvielas vai gaļas aizstājēji. Tā ir papildināta ar vērtīgiem piedevām, piemēram, granātābola sēklām, augstas kvalitātes laša eļļu un taurīnu. Šīs piedevas uzlabo maltītes uzturvērtību un garšu. Barība tiek ražota Vācijā ar pilnīgu sastāvdaļu izsekojamību katrā ražošanas procesa posmā. Izejvielas tiek iegūtas no uzticamiem un pārbaudītiem piegādātājiem, kas ir pakļauti pilnīgai veterinārajai kontrolei, un tās tiek pārbaudītas gan iekšējās, gan ārējās laboratorijās. GranataPet barība tiek gatavota, izmantojot maigu tvaicēšanas metodi, lai saglabātu pēc iespējas vairāk uzturvielu. Tā ir olbaltumvielām bagāta, viegli sagremojama un pilnīgi bez graudiem. Barība nesatur cukuru, mākslīgus konservantus, krāsvielas, garšas pastiprinātājus vai ĢMO. Mitras barības pasniegšana ir lielisks veids, kā nodrošināt kaķa hidratāciju. Pareiza hidratācija ir būtiska to veselībai. Pateicoties augstajam mitruma saturam mitrajā barībā, kaķiem nav nepieciešams dzert tik daudz kā tad, ja tos baro ar sauso barību. Mitras barības barošana ir arī labāka kaķiem, kuriem ir tendence uz urīnceļu akmeņu veidošanos. Nodrošinot savu mājdzīvnieku ar GranataPet barību, jūs varat būt pārliecināti, ka katru dienu dodat tiem garšīgu, veselīgu un labi sabalansētu maltīti. GranataPet Filet à la carte mitra kaķu barība: bagāta ar olbaltumvielām, viegli sagremojama un pilnīga maltīte pieaugušiem kaķiem, pasniegta ērtā traukā, ideāli piemērota vienai maltītei. Satur muskuļu gaļu un augstas kvalitātes subproduktus, garšīgas gaļas filejas savā sulā. Granātābola sēklas satur virkni veselību veicinošu sastāvdaļu. Tās ir bagātas ar ellagīnskābi, dabisku antioksidantu un efektīvu šūnu aizsargu. Granātābola sēklām ir labvēlīga ietekme uz imūnsistēmu, sirds un asinsvadu sistēmu un nervu sistēmu. Laša eļļa nodrošina nepiesātinātās omega-3 taukskābes, tostarp DHA un EPA, kas ir būtiskas sirds un asinsvadu un imūnsistēmas pareizai darbībai, kā arī jūsu mājdzīvnieka ādas un apmatojuma veselībai un izskatam. Taurīns ir viela, ko kaķa organisms nevar ražot pietiekamā daudzumā, tāpēc tas ir jānodrošina ar barību. Taurīns ir atbildīgs par pareizu redzi, sirds darbību, nervu un imūnsistēmu. Tā trūkums grūsnām kaķenēm var izraisīt spontānu abortu. Barība nesatur graudus, kaušanas blakusproduktus, cukuru, mākslīgus konservantus, krāsvielas, garšas pastiprinātājus vai ĢMO. Barošanas instrukcijas un devas: Tabulā norādītie dati ir aptuveni. Novērojiet savu mājdzīvnieku un pielāgojiet barības daudzumu pēc nepieciešamības. Neatstājiet mitro barību atvērtu ilgāk par dažām stundām. Ja jūsu kaķis nav apēdis visu pirms nākamās maltītes, izmetiet pārpalikumus, rūpīgi izskalojiet bļodu un tad ielieciet tajā svaigu barību. Pasniedziet istabas temperatūrā; ja barība tiek ņemta no ledusskapja, sasildiet to, jo kaķi bieži nepanes aukstu vai vēsu barību labi. UZTURA IETEIKUMI Kaķa svars Dienas barības porcija 3-4kg 180-220g 5-6kg 250-280g 7-8kg 310-340g Padoms: GranataPet Filet à la carte mitra kaķu barība ir pilnīga maltīte, kas satur visas uzturvielas, kas nepieciešamas jūsu mājdzīvnieka organisma pareizai darbībai un skaistam izskatam. Jūs varat barot savu mājdzīvnieku tikai ar šiem traukiem vai dažādot to ēdienkarti, sajaucot tos ar GranataPet sauso kaķu barību vai ar GranataPet mitro barību konservos vai paciņās. GranataPet Filet à la carte Vistas gaļa & Truša gaļa sastāvdaļas: vistas fileja 40%, vistas un truša buljons 37%, truša sirdis 8%, vistas aknas 5%, vistas tauki 5%, truša aknas 2%, granātābola sēklas 1%, laša eļļa 1%, minerāli 1% Analītiskie komponenti: olbaltumvielas 11.9%, tauku saturs 5%, neapstrādātas pelavas 2.1%, neapstrādātas šķiedras 0.4%, mitrums 78%, kalcija un fosfora attiecība: kalcijs 0.26%, fosfors 0.18% Diētiskās piedevas: vitamīns D3 200 SV, taurīns 1500 mg, cinks (cinka sulfāts, monohidrāts) 25 mg, mangāns (mangāna (II) sulfāts, monohidrāts) 1.4 mg, jods (kalcija jodāts, bezūdens) 0.75 mg, varš (vara (II) sulfāts, pentahidrāts) 1 mg GranataPet Filet à la carte Vistas gaļa & Meža cūkas gaļa sastāvdaļas: vistas fileja 40%, vistas un meža cūkas buljons 37%,


  • GranataPet Filet à la carte Set - wet food for cats, chicken fillets in their own sauce, mix of 6 flavors GranataPet Filet à la carte Set - wet food for cats, chicken fillets in their own sauce, mix of 6 flavors

    Granatapet GranataPet Filet à la carte komplekts - mitrā barība kaķiem, vistas filejas savā sulā, 6 garšu maisījums

    GranataPet Filet à la carte Kaķu barības komplekts, gardi filejas savā sulā: 1x GranataPet Filet à la carte Vistas gaļa & Truša gaļa - 85g 1x GranataPet Filet à la carte Vistas gaļa & Meža cūkas gaļa - 85g 1x GranataPet Filet à la carte Pīles gaļa & Vistas gaļa - 85g 1x GranataPet Filet à la carte Zirga gaļa & Vistas gaļa - 85g 1x GranataPet Filet à la carte Tuncis & Tītara gaļa - 85g 1x GranataPet Filet à la carte Vistas gaļa Pur - 85g Mitra kaķu barība, GranataPet Filet à la carte, ražota no augstākās kvalitātes sastāvdaļām. Pasniegta ērtā mazā traukā, ideāli piemērota vienai maltītei. Tās ražošanā tiek izmantota tikai muskuļu gaļa un augstas kvalitātes subprodukti (piemēram, sirdis, aknas, kuņģi). Netiek izmantoti blakusprodukti, piemēram, asinis, nagi, kauli, knābji vai spalvas, un netiek pievienoti pildvielas vai gaļas aizstājēji. Tā ir papildināta ar vērtīgiem piedevām, piemēram, granātābola sēklām, augstas kvalitātes laša eļļu un taurīnu. Šīs piedevas uzlabo maltītes uzturvērtību un garšu. Barība tiek ražota Vācijā ar pilnīgu sastāvdaļu izsekojamību katrā ražošanas procesa posmā. Izejvielas tiek iegūtas no uzticamiem un pārbaudītiem piegādātājiem, kas ir pakļauti pilnīgai veterinārajai kontrolei, un tās tiek pārbaudītas gan iekšējās, gan ārējās laboratorijās. GranataPet barība tiek gatavota, izmantojot maigu tvaicēšanas metodi, lai saglabātu pēc iespējas vairāk uzturvielu. Tā ir olbaltumvielām bagāta, viegli sagremojama un pilnīgi bez graudiem. Barība nesatur cukuru, mākslīgus konservantus, krāsvielas, garšas pastiprinātājus vai ĢMO. Mitras barības pasniegšana ir lielisks veids, kā nodrošināt kaķa hidratāciju. Pareiza hidratācija ir būtiska to veselībai. Pateicoties augstajam mitruma saturam mitrajā barībā, kaķiem nav nepieciešams dzert tik daudz kā tad, ja tos baro ar sauso barību. Mitras barības barošana ir arī labāka kaķiem, kuriem ir tendence uz urīnceļu akmeņu veidošanos. Nodrošinot savu mājdzīvnieku ar GranataPet barību, jūs varat būt pārliecināti, ka katru dienu dodat tiem garšīgu, veselīgu un labi sabalansētu maltīti. GranataPet Filet à la carte mitra kaķu barība: bagāta ar olbaltumvielām, viegli sagremojama un pilnīga maltīte pieaugušiem kaķiem, pasniegta ērtā traukā, ideāli piemērota vienai maltītei. Satur muskuļu gaļu un augstas kvalitātes subproduktus, garšīgas gaļas filejas savā sulā. Granātābola sēklas satur virkni veselību veicinošu sastāvdaļu. Tās ir bagātas ar ellagīnskābi, dabisku antioksidantu un efektīvu šūnu aizsargu. Granātābola sēklām ir labvēlīga ietekme uz imūnsistēmu, sirds un asinsvadu sistēmu un nervu sistēmu. Laša eļļa nodrošina nepiesātinātās omega-3 taukskābes, tostarp DHA un EPA, kas ir būtiskas sirds un asinsvadu un imūnsistēmas pareizai darbībai, kā arī jūsu mājdzīvnieka ādas un apmatojuma veselībai un izskatam. Taurīns ir viela, ko kaķa organisms nevar ražot pietiekamā daudzumā, tāpēc tas ir jānodrošina ar barību. Taurīns ir atbildīgs par pareizu redzi, sirds darbību, nervu un imūnsistēmu. Tā trūkums grūsnām kaķenēm var izraisīt spontānu abortu. Barība nesatur graudus, kaušanas blakusproduktus, cukuru, mākslīgus konservantus, krāsvielas, garšas pastiprinātājus vai ĢMO. Barošanas instrukcijas un devas: Tabulā norādītie dati ir aptuveni. Novērojiet savu mājdzīvnieku un pielāgojiet barības daudzumu pēc nepieciešamības. Neatstājiet mitro barību atvērtu ilgāk par dažām stundām. Ja jūsu kaķis nav apēdis visu pirms nākamās maltītes, izmetiet pārpalikumus, rūpīgi izskalojiet bļodu un tad ielieciet tajā svaigu barību. Pasniedziet istabas temperatūrā; ja barība tiek ņemta no ledusskapja, sasildiet to, jo kaķi bieži nepanes aukstu vai vēsu barību labi. UZTURA IETEIKUMI Kaķa svars Dienas barības porcija 3-4kg 180-220g 5-6kg 250-280g 7-8kg 310-340g Padoms: GranataPet Filet à la carte mitra kaķu barība ir pilnīga maltīte, kas satur visas uzturvielas, kas nepieciešamas jūsu mājdzīvnieka organisma pareizai darbībai un skaistam izskatam. Jūs varat barot savu mājdzīvnieku tikai ar šiem traukiem vai dažādot to ēdienkarti, sajaucot tos ar GranataPet sauso kaķu barību vai ar GranataPet mitro barību konservos vai paciņās. GranataPet Filet à la carte Vistas gaļa & Truša gaļa sastāvdaļas: vistas fileja 40%, vistas un truša buljons 37%, truša sirdis 8%, vistas aknas 5%, vistas tauki 5%, truša aknas 2%, granātābola sēklas 1%, laša eļļa 1%, minerāli 1% Analītiskie komponenti: olbaltumvielas 11.9%, tauku saturs 5%, neapstrādātas pelavas 2.1%, neapstrādātas šķiedras 0.4%, mitrums 78%, kalcija un fosfora attiecība: kalcijs 0.26%, fosfors 0.18% Diētiskās piedevas: vitamīns D3 200 SV, taurīns 1500 mg, cinks (cinka sulfāts, monohidrāts) 25 mg, mangāns (mangāna (II) sulfāts, monohidrāts) 1.4 mg, jods (kalcija jodāts, bezūdens) 0.75 mg, varš (vara (II) sulfāts, pentahidrāts) 1 mg GranataPet Filet à la carte Vistas gaļa & Meža cūkas gaļa sastāvdaļas: vistas fileja 40%, vistas un meža cūkas buljons 37%,


  • GranataPet Filet à la carte Tuna & Turkey - wet food for cats, fillets in their own sauce, tuna and turkey GranataPet Filet à la carte Tuna & Turkey - wet food for cats, fillets in their own sauce, tuna and turkey

    Granatapet GranataPet Filet à la carte tuncis un tītars - mitrā barība kaķiem, filejas savā sulā, tuncis un tītars

    Wet food for cats, GranataPet Filet à la carte with tuna and turkey, produced from the highest quality ingredients. Served in a convenient small tray, perfect for one meal. Only muscle meat and high-quality offal (e.g., hearts, liver, stomachs) are used in its production. No by-products such as blood, claws, bones, beaks, or feathers are used, and no fillers or meat substitutes are added. It is enriched with valuable additives such as pomegranate seeds, high-quality salmon oil, and taurine. These enhance the nutritional value and taste of the meal. The food is produced in Germany with full traceability of ingredients at every stage of the production process. Raw materials are sourced from trusted and verified suppliers, subjected to full veterinary control, and tested by internal and external laboratories. GranataPet food is prepared using a gentle steaming method to retain as many nutrients as possible. It is a protein-rich, easily digestible, and completely grain-free meal. The food also contains no sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. Serving wet food is a great way to hydrate your cat. Proper water levels in the body are essential for its health. Due to the high moisture content of wet food, cats do not need to drink as much as when fed dry kibble. Feeding wet food is also better for cats prone to urinary stone formation. By giving GranataPet food to your pet, you can be sure you are providing a tasty, healthy, and well-balanced meal every day. GranataPet Filet à la carte Tuna & Turkey: a protein-rich, easily digestible, and complete meal for adult cats served in a convenient tray, perfect for one meal. It contains muscle meat and high-quality offal, delicious meat fillets of tuna and turkey in their own sauce: tuna provides valuable protein, unsaturated fatty acids Omega 3 and Omega 6, iodine, zinc, and vitamin D3. Turkey is exceptionally easy to digest and contains high-quality protein, vitamins B12 and B6. It contains significant amounts of potassium, magnesium, zinc, and iron. Pomegranate seeds contain a wide range of health-promoting ingredients. They have high levels of ellagic acid, a natural antioxidant and effective cell protector. Pomegranate seeds have beneficial effects on the immune, cardiovascular, and nervous systems. Salmon oil provides unsaturated fatty acids omega-3, including DHA and EPA, essential for the proper functioning of the cardiovascular and immune systems, as well as for the health and beautiful appearance of the skin and coat of your pet. Taurine is a substance that a cat's body cannot produce in sufficient amounts, so it must be supplied through food. Taurine is responsible for proper vision, heart function, and the nervous and immune systems. Its deficiency in pregnant cats can lead to miscarriage. Feeding instructions: The data provided in the table is indicative. Monitor your pet and adjust the amount of food as necessary. Do not leave wet food open for more than a few hours. If the cat has not eaten it all before the next meal, discard the leftovers, thoroughly rinse the bowl, and then place fresh food in it. Serve at room temperature; if the food is taken from the refrigerator, it should be warmed up, as cats often do not tolerate cold or cool food well. NUTRITIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS Cat weight Daily portion of food 3-4kg 180-220g 5-6kg 250-280g 7-8kg 310-340g Tip: GranataPet Filet à la carte wet food is a complete meal containing all the nutrients necessary for the proper functioning of your pet's body and its beautiful appearance. You can feed your pet only these trays or diversify its menu by mixing them with GranataPet dry food or GranataPet wet food in cans or pouches. Ingredients: turkey fillet 40%, broth from tuna and turkey 37%, tuna 10%, turkey liver 5%, turkey fat 5%, pomegranate seeds 1%, salmon oil 1%, minerals 1%. Analytical components: protein 11.9%, fat content 5.2%, crude ash 2.6%, crude fiber 0.4%, moisture 78%, calcium to phosphorus ratio: calcium 0.25%, phosphorus 0.16%. Dietary additives: taurine 1500 mg, zinc (zinc sulfate, monohydrate) 25 mg, manganese (manganese sulfate (II), monohydrate) 1.4 mg, iodine (calcium iodate, anhydrous) 0.75 mg, copper (copper sulfate (II), pentahydrate) 1 mg.


  • GranataPet Lamb & Potato - grain-free wet dog food, lamb and potatoes GranataPet Lamb & Potato - grain-free wet dog food, lamb and potatoes

    Granatapet GranataPet Jērs un Kartupeļi - bezgraudu mitrā suņu barība, jērs un kartupeļi

    Mitrs suņu barība, GranataPet Jērs & Kartupeļi, ir izgatavota no jēra gaļas, kartupeļiem, fenheļa, biezpiena un olīveļļas, ražota no augstākās kvalitātes sastāvdaļām. Tā izmanto tikai muskuļu gaļu un augstas kvalitātes subproduktus (piemēram, sirdis, aknas, kuņģus). Netiek izmantoti atkritumprodukti, piemēram, asinis, nagi, kauli, knābji vai spalvas, un netiek pievienoti pildvielas vai gaļas aizstājēji. Tā ir bagātināta ar vērtīgiem piedevām, piemēram, granātābolu sēklām, augstas kvalitātes eļļām (piemēram, gurķu, linsēklu, vakara prīmulas) un zaļajām gliemenēm. Šīs piedevas uzlabo maltītes uzturvērtību un garšu. Barība tiek ražota Vācijā ar pilnīgu sastāvdaļu izsekojamību katrā ražošanas procesa posmā. Izejvielas tiek iegūtas no uzticamiem un pārbaudītiem piegādātājiem, tiek veikta pilnīga veterinārā kontrole un pārbaudes gan iekšējās, gan ārējās laboratorijās. GranataPet barība tiek gatavota, izmantojot maigu tvaicēšanas metodi, lai saglabātu pēc iespējas vairāk uzturvielu. Tā ir olbaltumvielām bagāta, viegli sagremojama un pilnīgi bez graudiem. Barība nesatur cukuru, mākslīgos konservantus, krāsvielas, garšas pastiprinātājus vai ĢMO. GranataPet barība ir recepte: - Veselīgai ādai un spīdīgam kažokam - Spēcīgai sirdij un muskuļiem - Pareizai gremošanai un zarnu funkcijai - Spēcīgiem kauliem un elastīgām locītavām Mitrs ēdiens ir arī veids, kā nodrošināt jūsu suni ar pietiekamu mitrumu. Pareiza hidratācija ir būtiska viņu veselībai. Sakarā ar augsto mitruma saturu mitrā barībā, suņiem nav nepieciešams dzert tik daudz kā barojot ar sauso barību. Mitrās barības barošana ir arī labāka suņiem, kuriem ir tendence uz urīnceļu akmeņiem. Barojot savu mājdzīvnieku ar GranataPet, jūs varat būt pārliecināti, ka nodrošināt garšīgu, veselīgu un labi sabalansētu maltīti katru dienu. GranataPet Liebling's Mahlzeit Jērs & Kartupeļi: pilnvērtīga maltīte pieaugušiem suņiem satur 65% muskuļu gaļas un subproduktu no jēra. Jērs ir labs enerģijas un vērtīgu olbaltumvielu avots, kas tiek uzskatīts par ļoti labi panesamu un reti izraisa pārtikas nepanesamību vai alerģijas. Granātābolu sēklas satur virkni veselību veicinošu sastāvdaļu, tostarp lielu daudzumu ellagīnskābes, dabīga antioksidanta un efektīva šūnu aizsarga. Granātābolu sēklas labvēlīgi ietekmē imūnsistēmu, sirds un asinsvadu, un nervu sistēmu. Olīveļļa ir bagāts antioksidantu un nepiesātināto taukskābju avots, kas atbalsta sirds veselību, pazemina slikto holesterīnu un asinsspiedienu. Jaunzēlandes zaļās gliemenes nodrošina glikozamīna un hondroitīna devu, kas ir būtiski jūsu suņa balsta un kustību sistēmas pareizai funkcionēšanai. Kartupeļi nodrošina enerģiju aktivitātēm, ir viegli sagremojami un satur ievērojamu daudzumu vitamīnu C, B1, B3, niacīna un minerālvielu. Interesanti, ka kartupeļiem ir pozitīva ietekme uz holesterīna līmeni. Fenhelis ir salds un aromātisks dārzenis. Tajā esošās ēteriskās eļļas pozitīvi ietekmē gremošanas procesus. Tas ir vērtīgs augu olbaltumvielu, beta-karotīna, vitamīnu C un B, un šķiedrvielu avots. Biezpiens nodrošina labu olbaltumvielu un kalcija daudzumu, vienlaikus esot ar zemu ogļhidrātu un tauku saturu. Biezpiens uzlabo barības garšu. Barība nesatur graudus, kautuves atkritumus, cukuru, mākslīgos konservantus, krāsvielas, garšas pastiprinātājus vai ĢMO. Barošanas instrukcijas un devas: Tabulā sniegtie dati ir aptuveni. Novērojiet savu suni un pielāgojiet barības daudzumu pēc nepieciešamības. Ieteicams suni barot divās porcijās dienā. Neatstājiet mitro barību atvērtu ilgāk par dažām stundām. Ja suns nav apēdis visu pirms nākamās maltītes, atlikumi ir jāizmet, bļoda rūpīgi jāizskalo un tikai tad jāpievieno svaiga barība. Atvērtās mitrās barības pakas jāuzglabā ledusskapī hermētiskā traukā ne ilgāk kā trīs dienas. Pirms barības pasniegšanas no ledusskapja, tā atkal jāuzsilda, jo suņi slikti panes aukstu vai vēsu barību. UZTURA IETEIKUMI Suņa svars | Dienas barības porcija | Normāla aktivitāte | Zema aktivitāte 5-10 kg | 320-540 g | 280-470 g 10-20 kg | 540-905 g | 470-785 g 20-30 kg | 905-1230 g | 785-1060 g 30-40 kg | 1230-1525 g | 1060-1315 g 40-50 kg | 1525-1800 g | 1315-1555 g Sastāvdaļas: jēra gaļa 65% (sastāv no muskuļu gaļas, sirds, aknām, plaušām, urīnpūšļa), jēra buljons 23.4%, kartupelis 5%, biezpiens 2%, fenhelis 2%, granātābolu sēklas 1% (žāvētas un smalki maltas), minerālvielas 1%, olīveļļa 0.5%, zaļā gliemene 0.1% (smalki malta, dabiski bagāta ar glikozamīnu un hondroitīnu). Analītiskie komponenti: olbaltumvielas 10.7%, tauku saturs 7.2%, neapstrādāti pelni 2.5%, neapstrādātas šķiedras 0.6%, mitrums 75%, kalcija un fosfora attiecība: kalcijs 0.18%, fosfors 0.14%. Diētiskās piedevas: vitamīns D3 200 SV, cinks (kā cinka sulfāts, monohidrāts) 25 mg, mangāns (kā mangāna (II) sulfāts, monohidrāts) 25 mg.

    €20,27 - €54,24

  • GranataPet Mini Royal & Turkey - grain-free wet food for small breed dogs, salmon and turkey GranataPet Mini Royal & Turkey - grain-free wet food for small breed dogs, salmon and turkey

    Granatapet GranataPet Mini Royal & Turkey - bezgraudu mitrā barība mazo šķirņu suņiem, lasis un tītars

    Wet food for small breed dogs, GranataPet Mini Royal Duck & Goose, with duck, goose, parsnip, cranberry, spinach, and borage oil. Made from the highest quality ingredients. Presented in a convenient small tray, just right for one meal. Only muscle meat and high-quality offal (e.g., hearts, liver, stomachs) are used in its production. No by-products such as blood, claws, bones, beaks, or feathers are used, and no fillers or meat substitutes are added. It is enriched with valuable additives such as pomegranate seeds, borage oil, and green-lipped mussel. These enhance the nutritional value and flavor of the meal. The food is produced in Germany with full traceability of ingredients at every stage of the production process. Raw materials are sourced from trusted and verified suppliers, undergo full veterinary control, and are tested by internal and external laboratories. GranataPet food is prepared using a gentle steaming method to retain as many nutrients as possible. It is a protein-rich, easily digestible, and completely grain-free meal. The food also contains no sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. Serving wet food is a great way to hydrate your dog. Proper hydration is essential for their health. With the high moisture content of wet food, dogs do not need to drink as much as when fed dry kibble. Feeding wet food is also better for dogs prone to urinary stones. By giving GranataPet food to your pet, you can be sure that you are providing a tasty, healthy, and well-balanced meal every day. GranataPet Mini Royal Duck & Goose wet food: a complete meal for adult small breed dogs. Rich in valuable protein, easily digestible. Presented in a convenient tray, just right for one meal. High content of muscle meat and offal: poultry provides a large amount of valuable and well-absorbed protein, essential for the proper functioning of the dog. Characterized by low fat content and high nutritional value. A source of B vitamins and minerals such as iron, magnesium, zinc, selenium, phosphorus, and potassium. Pomegranate seeds contain a range of health-promoting ingredients. They are high in ellagic acid, a natural antioxidant and effective cell protector. Pomegranate seeds have beneficial effects on the immune, cardiovascular, and nervous systems. Borage oil is a rich source of Omega-6 fatty acids (GLA). It regulates cholesterol levels, prevents inflammation, and contributes to improving the condition of atopic and irritation-prone skin. Green-lipped mussel provides a dose of glucosamine and chondroitin, essential for the proper functioning of the dog's musculoskeletal system. The food contains no grains, slaughterhouse waste, sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. Feeding instructions: The data provided in the table is indicative. Monitor your pet and adjust the amount of food given as needed. Do not leave wet food open for longer than a few hours. If the dog has not eaten it all before the next meal, dispose of the leftovers, thoroughly rinse the bowl, and only then place fresh food in it. Serve at room temperature; if the food is from the refrigerator, warm it up, as dogs often do not tolerate cold or cool food well. NUTRITIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS Dog weight Daily portion of food normal activity level low activity level 2-5kg 165-320g 140-280g 5-7.5kg 320-435g 280-375g 7.5-10kg 435-540g 375-465g Tip: GranataPet Mini Royal wet food is a complete meal containing all the nutrients necessary for the proper functioning of your pet's body and a beautiful appearance. You can feed your pet only these trays or diversify their menu by mixing them with GranataPet dry dog food or GranataPet wet food in cans. Ingredients: chicken meat, duck meat, and goose meat 65% (chicken 35% consisting of muscle meat, heart, liver, stomach; duck 15% consisting of muscle meat, heart; goose 15% consisting of muscle meat, heart), chicken, duck, and goose broth 24.4%, parsnip 5%, cranberry 2%, pomegranate seeds 1% (dried and finely ground), spinach 1%, minerals 1%, borage oil 0.5%, green-lipped mussel 0.1% (finely ground, naturally rich in glucosamine and chondroitin) Analytical constituents: protein 10.2%, fat content 5.2%, crude ash 2.6%, crude fiber 0.5%, moisture 80%, calcium to phosphorus ratio: calcium 0.19%, phosphorus 0.15% Dietary additives: vitamin D3 200 IU, zinc (zinc sulfate, monohydrate) 25 mg, manganese (manganese sulfate (II), monohydrate) 1.4 mg, iodine (calcium iodate, anhydrous) 0.75 mg, copper (copper sulfate (II), pentahydrate) 1 mg.


  • GranataPet Mini Royal Chicken & Prawns - grain-free wet food for small breed dogs, chicken and prawns GranataPet Mini Royal Chicken & Prawns - grain-free wet food for small breed dogs, chicken and prawns

    Granatapet GranataPet Mini Royal Vistas un Garneles - graudaugu nesaturoša mitrā barība mazo šķirņu suņiem, vistas gaļa un garneles

    Wet food for small breed dogs, GranataPet Mini Royal Duck & Goose, with duck, goose, parsnip, cranberry, spinach, and borage oil. Made from the highest quality ingredients. Presented in a convenient small tray, just right for one meal. Only muscle meat and high-quality offal (e.g., hearts, liver, stomachs) are used in its production. No by-products such as blood, claws, bones, beaks, or feathers are used, and no fillers or meat substitutes are added. It is enriched with valuable additives such as pomegranate seeds, borage oil, and green-lipped mussel. These enhance the nutritional value and flavor of the meal. The food is produced in Germany with full traceability of ingredients at every stage of the production process. Raw materials are sourced from trusted and verified suppliers, undergo full veterinary control, and are tested by internal and external laboratories. GranataPet food is prepared using a gentle steaming method to retain as many nutrients as possible. It is a protein-rich, easily digestible, and completely grain-free meal. The food also contains no sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. Serving wet food is a great way to hydrate your dog. Proper hydration is essential for their health. With the high moisture content of wet food, dogs do not need to drink as much as when fed dry kibble. Feeding wet food is also better for dogs prone to urinary stones. By giving GranataPet food to your pet, you can be sure that you are providing a tasty, healthy, and well-balanced meal every day. GranataPet Mini Royal Duck & Goose wet food: a complete meal for adult small breed dogs. Rich in valuable protein, easily digestible. Presented in a convenient tray, just right for one meal. High content of muscle meat and offal: poultry provides a large amount of valuable and well-absorbed protein, essential for the proper functioning of the dog. Characterized by low fat content and high nutritional value. A source of B vitamins and minerals such as iron, magnesium, zinc, selenium, phosphorus, and potassium. Pomegranate seeds contain a range of health-promoting ingredients. They are high in ellagic acid, a natural antioxidant and effective cell protector. Pomegranate seeds have beneficial effects on the immune, cardiovascular, and nervous systems. Borage oil is a rich source of Omega-6 fatty acids (GLA). It regulates cholesterol levels, prevents inflammation, and contributes to improving the condition of atopic and irritation-prone skin. Green-lipped mussel provides a dose of glucosamine and chondroitin, essential for the proper functioning of the dog's musculoskeletal system. The food contains no grains, slaughterhouse waste, sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. Feeding instructions: The data provided in the table is indicative. Monitor your pet and adjust the amount of food given as needed. Do not leave wet food open for longer than a few hours. If the dog has not eaten it all before the next meal, dispose of the leftovers, thoroughly rinse the bowl, and only then place fresh food in it. Serve at room temperature; if the food is from the refrigerator, warm it up, as dogs often do not tolerate cold or cool food well. NUTRITIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS Dog weight Daily portion of food normal activity level low activity level 2-5kg 165-320g 140-280g 5-7.5kg 320-435g 280-375g 7.5-10kg 435-540g 375-465g Tip: GranataPet Mini Royal wet food is a complete meal containing all the nutrients necessary for the proper functioning of your pet's body and a beautiful appearance. You can feed your pet only these trays or diversify their menu by mixing them with GranataPet dry dog food or GranataPet wet food in cans. Ingredients: chicken meat, duck meat, and goose meat 65% (chicken 35% consisting of muscle meat, heart, liver, stomach; duck 15% consisting of muscle meat, heart; goose 15% consisting of muscle meat, heart), chicken, duck, and goose broth 24.4%, parsnip 5%, cranberry 2%, pomegranate seeds 1% (dried and finely ground), spinach 1%, minerals 1%, borage oil 0.5%, green-lipped mussel 0.1% (finely ground, naturally rich in glucosamine and chondroitin) Analytical constituents: protein 10.2%, fat content 5.2%, crude ash 2.6%, crude fiber 0.5%, moisture 80%, calcium to phosphorus ratio: calcium 0.19%, phosphorus 0.15% Dietary additives: vitamin D3 200 IU, zinc (zinc sulfate, monohydrate) 25 mg, manganese (manganese sulfate (II), monohydrate) 1.4 mg, iodine (calcium iodate, anhydrous) 0.75 mg, copper (copper sulfate (II), pentahydrate) 1 mg.


  • GranataPet Mini Royal Duck & Goose - grain-free wet food for small breed dogs, duck and goose GranataPet Mini Royal Duck & Goose - grain-free wet food for small breed dogs, duck and goose

    Granatapet GranataPet Mini Royal Pīle un Zoss - bezgraudu mitrā barība mazo šķirņu suņiem, pīle un zoss

    Wet food for small breed dogs, GranataPet Mini Royal Duck & Goose, with duck, goose, parsnip, cranberry, spinach, and borage oil. Made from the highest quality ingredients. Presented in a convenient small tray, just right for one meal. Only muscle meat and high-quality offal (e.g., hearts, liver, stomachs) are used in its production. No by-products such as blood, claws, bones, beaks, or feathers are used, and no fillers or meat substitutes are added. It is enriched with valuable additives such as pomegranate seeds, borage oil, and green-lipped mussel. These enhance the nutritional value and flavor of the meal. The food is produced in Germany with full traceability of ingredients at every stage of the production process. Raw materials are sourced from trusted and verified suppliers, undergo full veterinary control, and are tested by internal and external laboratories. GranataPet food is prepared using a gentle steaming method to retain as many nutrients as possible. It is a protein-rich, easily digestible, and completely grain-free meal. The food also contains no sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. Serving wet food is a great way to hydrate your dog. Proper hydration is essential for their health. With the high moisture content of wet food, dogs do not need to drink as much as when fed dry kibble. Feeding wet food is also better for dogs prone to urinary stones. By giving GranataPet food to your pet, you can be sure that you are providing a tasty, healthy, and well-balanced meal every day. GranataPet Mini Royal Duck & Goose wet food: a complete meal for adult small breed dogs. Rich in valuable protein, easily digestible. Presented in a convenient tray, just right for one meal. High content of muscle meat and offal: poultry provides a large amount of valuable and well-absorbed protein, essential for the proper functioning of the dog. Characterized by low fat content and high nutritional value. A source of B vitamins and minerals such as iron, magnesium, zinc, selenium, phosphorus, and potassium. Pomegranate seeds contain a range of health-promoting ingredients. They are high in ellagic acid, a natural antioxidant and effective cell protector. Pomegranate seeds have beneficial effects on the immune, cardiovascular, and nervous systems. Borage oil is a rich source of Omega-6 fatty acids (GLA). It regulates cholesterol levels, prevents inflammation, and contributes to improving the condition of atopic and irritation-prone skin. Green-lipped mussel provides a dose of glucosamine and chondroitin, essential for the proper functioning of the dog's musculoskeletal system. The food contains no grains, slaughterhouse waste, sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. Feeding instructions: The data provided in the table is indicative. Monitor your pet and adjust the amount of food given as needed. Do not leave wet food open for longer than a few hours. If the dog has not eaten it all before the next meal, dispose of the leftovers, thoroughly rinse the bowl, and only then place fresh food in it. Serve at room temperature; if the food is from the refrigerator, warm it up, as dogs often do not tolerate cold or cool food well. NUTRITIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS Dog weight Daily portion of food normal activity level low activity level 2-5kg 165-320g 140-280g 5-7.5kg 320-435g 280-375g 7.5-10kg 435-540g 375-465g Tip: GranataPet Mini Royal wet food is a complete meal containing all the nutrients necessary for the proper functioning of your pet's body and a beautiful appearance. You can feed your pet only these trays or diversify their menu by mixing them with GranataPet dry dog food or GranataPet wet food in cans. Ingredients: chicken meat, duck meat, and goose meat 65% (chicken 35% consisting of muscle meat, heart, liver, stomach; duck 15% consisting of muscle meat, heart; goose 15% consisting of muscle meat, heart), chicken, duck, and goose broth 24.4%, parsnip 5%, cranberry 2%, pomegranate seeds 1% (dried and finely ground), spinach 1%, minerals 1%, borage oil 0.5%, green-lipped mussel 0.1% (finely ground, naturally rich in glucosamine and chondroitin) Analytical constituents: protein 10.2%, fat content 5.2%, crude ash 2.6%, crude fiber 0.5%, moisture 80%, calcium to phosphorus ratio: calcium 0.19%, phosphorus 0.15% Dietary additives: vitamin D3 200 IU, zinc (zinc sulfate, monohydrate) 25 mg, manganese (manganese sulfate (II), monohydrate) 1.4 mg, iodine (calcium iodate, anhydrous) 0.75 mg, copper (copper sulfate (II), pentahydrate) 1 mg.


  • GranataPet Mini Royal Junior/Puppy - grain-free dry food for small breed puppies, 70% poultry with salmon and 20% vegetables GranataPet Mini Royal Junior/Puppy - grain-free dry food for small breed puppies, 70% poultry with salmon and 20% vegetables

    Granatapet GranataPet Mini Royal Junior/Kucēns - bezgraudu sausā barība mazo šķirņu kucēniem, 70% mājputnu gaļa ar lasi un 20% dārzeņi

    GranataPet Mini Royal Mājputnu Sausā Barība Kucēniem un Jaunajiem Mazās Šķirnes Suņiem, pagatavota no mājputniem, laša un dārzeņiem, ražota no augstākās kvalitātes sastāvdaļām Austrijā. Tā satur līdz 70% mājputnu un laša, kā arī virkni veselībai labvēlīgu sastāvdaļu, piemēram, granātābola sēklas, augstas kvalitātes laša eļļu un zaļo gliemežvāku. Recepti papildina garšaugi, tostarp maisījums, kas iegūts no zaļajām Alpu pļavām. Barība tiek ražota ar pilnu sastāvdaļu izsekojamību katrā ražošanas procesa posmā. Izejvielas tiek iegūtas no uzticamiem un pārbaudītiem piegādātājiem, tiek veiktas pilnīgas veterinārās kontroles un pārbaudītas gan iekšējās, gan ārējās laboratorijās. GranataPet barība ir izstrādāta, lai saglabātu pēc iespējas vairāk uzturvērtību šajās mazajās, aromātiskajās granulās. Tā ir olbaltumvielām bagāta, viegli sagremojama un pilnīgi bez graudiem. Barība nesatur cukuru, mākslīgos konservantus, krāsvielas, garšas pastiprinātājus vai ĢMO. GranataPet barība ir recepte: veselīgai ādai un spīdīgam kažokam, stiprai sirdij un muskuļiem, pareizai nieru darbībai, pareizai gremošanai un zarnu veselībai, stipriem kauliem un elastīgām locītavām, un enerģijai visas dienas aktivitātēm. GranataPet Mini Royal Junior/Puppy Sausā Barība: pilnvērtīga maltīte pieaugušiem suņiem, kas satur 70% mājputnu un laša. Mājasputni nodrošina lielu daudzumu vērtīgu un viegli sagremojamu olbaltumvielu, kas ir būtiskas suņa pareizai funkcionēšanai. To raksturo zems tauku saturs un augsta uzturvērtība. Tas ļoti labi uzsūcas un ir saudzīgs pret mājdzīvnieka gremošanas sistēmu. Tas ir B vitamīnu un minerālvielu, piemēram, dzelzs, magnija, cinka, selēna, fosfora un kālija avots. Lasis ir delikāts zivs, kas nodrošina vērtīgas un viegli sagremojamas olbaltumvielas. No tā iegūtā eļļa ir bagāta ar nepiesātinātajām omega-3 taukskābēm, DHA un EPA, kas ir būtiskas sirds un asinsvadu un imūnsistēmas pareizai funkcionēšanai, kā arī suņa ādas un kažoka veselībai un skaistam izskatam. Granātābola sēklas satur plašu veselību veicinošu sastāvdaļu klāstu. Tās ir bagātas ar ellagīnskābi, dabīgu antioksidantu un efektīvu šūnu aizsardzības līdzekli. Granātābola sēklām ir labvēlīga ietekme uz imūnsistēmu, sirds un asinsvadu un nervu sistēmu. Jaunzēlandes zaļo gliemežvāku nodrošina glikozamīna un hondroitīna devu, kas ir būtiska suņa muskuļu un skeleta sistēmas pareizai funkcionēšanai. Laša eļļa nodrošina nepiesātinātās omega-3 taukskābes, DHA un EPA, kas ir būtiskas sirds un asinsvadu un imūnsistēmas pareizai funkcionēšanai, kā arī suņa ādas un kažoka veselībai un skaistam izskatam. Garšaugu maisījums no Alpu pļavām (grieķu sēklas, ceļmallapu, ceļmallapu, kumelītes, pienenes, kliņģerītes) un dārza garšaugi (piparmētra, timiāns, oregano, salvija, pētersīļi, majorāns, anīss) uzlabo barības uzturvērtību, nodrošinot papildu vielas, kas atbalsta veselību un suņa skaistu izskatu. Tām ir antioksidantu īpašības, tās kavē brīvo radikāļu darbību, atbalsta nieru funkciju un uzlabo gremošanu. Barošanas instrukcijas un devas: Tabulā norādītie dati ir indikatīvi. Novērojiet savu mājdzīvnieku un pielāgojiet barības daudzumu pēc vajadzības. Ieteicams suni barot divās porcijās dienā. Nodrošiniet sunim pastāvīgu piekļuvi svaigam ūdenim. Mērķa suņa svars: 2kg 4kg 6kg 8kg 10kg Pašreizējais svars 0.5kg 1 kg 1.5kg 2kg 2.5kg Dienas barības deva 30g 60g 95g 120g 150g Pašreizējais svars 0.8kg 1.5kg 2.2kg 2.8kg 3.8kg Dienas barības deva 50g 90g 135g 150g 230g Pašreizējais svars 1kg 2kg 3.4kg 4kg 5kg Dienas barības deva 55g 95g 140g 155g 185g Pašreizējais svars 1.2kg 2.6kg 3.8kg 5.5kg 7kg Dienas barības deva 55g 100g 155g 165g 200g Pašreizējais svars 1.6kg 3.2kg 4.5kg 6.4kg 8kg Dienas barības deva 55g 110g 150g 185g 220g Pašreizējais svars 1.8kg 3.6kg 5.4kg 7.2kg 9kg Dienas barības deva 50g 95g 135g 160g 195g Sastāvdaļas: Sastāvdaļas: mājputni un lasis 70% (svaiga mājputnu gaļa 30%, svaigs lasis 20%, žāvēta un smalki malta mājputnu gaļa 7%, žāvēts un smalki malts lasis 7%, mājputnu tauki 6%), dārzeņi 20% (kartupeļu pārslas, spināti, burkāni), granātābola sēklas 4% (žāvētas un smalki maltas), laša eļļa 2%, minerālvielas 1.5%, vitamīni 0.5%, garšaugi no Alpu kalnu pļavām 0.5% (grieķu sēklas, ceļmallapu, ceļmallapu, kumelītes, pienenes, kliņģerītes), cigoriņi 0.5% (smalki malti, ar dabīgo FOS un inulīnu), garšaugi 0.3% (piparmētra, timiāns, oregano, salvija, pētersīļi, majorāns, anīss), augļi 0.3% (dzērvenes, mellenes, āboli), jūraszāles 0.2% (spirulīna), Jaunzēlandes zaļo gliemežvāku 0.1% (smalki malts, dabiski bagāts ar glikozamīnu un hondroitīnu), juka šidigera 0.1% Analītiskie komponenti: olbaltumvielas 36%, tauku saturs 18%, neapstrādātas šķiedras 3%, neapstrādāti pelni 7%, kalcija un fosfora attiecība.


  • GranataPet Mini Royal Junior/Puppy Turkey & Rabbit - grain-free wet food for puppies and young small breed dogs, turkey and rabbit GranataPet Mini Royal Junior/Puppy Turkey & Rabbit - grain-free wet food for puppies and young small breed dogs, turkey and rabbit

    Granatapet GranataPet Mini Royal Junior/Kucēns Tītars un Trusis - bezgraudu mitrā barība kucēniem un mazo šķirņu jauniem suņiem, tītars un trusis

    Mitrs ēdiens kucēniem un jauniem mazo šķirņu suņiem, GranataPet Mini Royal Junior/Puppy Turkey & Coney, ar tītaru, trusi, kartupeļiem, pastinaku, burkānu un laša eļļu, ražots no augstākās kvalitātes sastāvdaļām. Pasniegts ērtā mazā traukā, ideāli piemērots vienai maltītei. Atbalsta jauna suņa ķermeņa pareizu attīstību. Tā ražošanā tiek izmantota tikai muskuļu gaļa un augstas kvalitātes subprodukti (piemēram, sirdis, aknas, kuņģi). Netiek izmantoti blakusprodukti, piemēram, asinis, nagi, kauli, knābji vai spalvas, kā arī netiek pievienoti pildvielas vai gaļas aizstājēji. Tas ir bagātināts ar vērtīgiem piedevām, piemēram, granātābolu sēklām, laša eļļu un zaļo lūpu gliemežvāku. Šie uzlabo maltītes uzturvērtību un garšu. Ēdiens tiek ražots Vācijā ar pilnīgu sastāvdaļu izsekojamību katrā ražošanas procesa posmā. Izejvielas tiek iegūtas no uzticamiem un pārbaudītiem piegādātājiem, pakļautas pilnīgai veterinārajai kontrolei un tiek testētas gan iekšējās, gan ārējās laboratorijās. GranataPet ēdiens tiek gatavots, izmantojot maigu tvaicēšanas metodi, lai saglabātu pēc iespējas vairāk uzturvielu. Šī maltīte ir bagāta ar vērtīgu proteīnu, viegli sagremojama un pilnīgi bez graudiem. Ēdiens nesatur cukuru, mākslīgos konservantus, krāsvielas, garšas pastiprinātājus vai ĢMO. Mitrā ēdiena barošana ir lielisks veids, kā hidratēt savu suni. Pareiza hidratācija ir būtiska viņu veselībai. Pateicoties augstajam mitruma saturam mitrajā ēdienā, suņiem nav nepieciešams dzert tik daudz kā barojot ar sauso barību. Mitrā ēdiena barošana ir arī labāka suņiem, kuriem ir nosliece uz urīnakmeņiem. Barojot savu mājdzīvnieku ar GranataPet, jūs varat būt pārliecināti, ka nodrošināt viņiem garšīgu, veselīgu un labi sabalansētu maltīti katru dienu. GranataPet Mini Royal Junior/Puppy Turkey & Coney: pilnvērtīga maltīte kucēniem un jauniem mazo šķirņu suņiem. Bagāts ar vērtīgu proteīnu, viegli sagremojams. Pasniegts ērtā traukā, ideāli piemērots vienai maltītei. Augsts muskuļu gaļas un subproduktu saturs: tītars ir ārkārtīgi viegli sagremojams un satur augstas kvalitātes proteīnu, B12 un B6 vitamīnus. Tas satur ievērojamu daudzumu kālija, magnija, cinka un dzelzs. Trusis ir līdzsvarots enerģijas un vērtīga proteīna avots, un tā garša ir ļoti labi pieņemta dzīvniekiem. Tas satur pat trīs reizes vairāk dzelzs nekā mājputni. Granātābolu sēklas satur plašu veselību veicinošu sastāvdaļu klāstu. Tās ir bagātas ar ellagīnskābi, dabisku antioksidantu un efektīvu šūnu aizsargu. Granātābolu sēklām ir labvēlīga ietekme uz imūnsistēmu, sirds un asinsvadu sistēmu un nervu sistēmu. Laša eļļa nodrošina organismu ar nepiesātinātām taukskābēm Omega 3 un Omega 6, kas ir būtiskas sirds un asinsvadu un imūnsistēmas pareizai darbībai, kā arī suņa ādas un apmatojuma skaistam izskatam. Zaļo lūpu gliemežvāks nodrošina glikozamīna un hondroitīna devu, kas nepieciešama suņa muskuļu un skeleta sistēmas pareizai darbībai. Ēdiens nesatur graudus, gaļas blakusproduktus, cukuru, mākslīgos konservantus, krāsvielas, garšas pastiprinātājus vai ĢMO. Barošanas instrukcijas un devas: Tabulā norādītie dati ir aptuveni. Novērojiet savu suni un pielāgojiet ēdiena daudzumu pēc nepieciešamības. Neatstājiet mitro ēdienu atvērtu ilgāk par dažām stundām. Ja suns to visu nav apēdis pirms nākamās maltītes, izmetiet atlikumus, rūpīgi izskalojiet bļodu un tikai tad ievietojiet tajā svaigu ēdienu. Pasniedziet istabas temperatūrā; pirms pasniegšanas no ledusskapja, sasildiet to, jo suņi bieži nepanes aukstu vai vēsu ēdienu labi. Mērķa suņa svars: 2kg 5kg 7.5kg 10kg pašreizējais svars 0.5kg 0.8kg 1.4kg 1.6kg ikdienas ēdiena deva 110g 156g 198g 175g pašreizējais svars 1kg 2kg 3kg 4kg ikdienas ēdiena deva 185g 310g 351g 348g pašreizējais svars 2kg 3.5kg 5kg 6kg ikdienas ēdiena deva 310g 472g 514g 472g pašreizējais svars 2.5kg 4kg 6kg 8kg ikdienas ēdiena deva 367g 522g 590g 585g Padoms: GranataPet Mini Royal mitrais ēdiens ir pilnvērtīga maltīte, kas satur visas uzturvielas, kas nepieciešamas jūsu mājdzīvnieka ķermeņa pareizai darbībai un skaistam izskatam. Jūs varat barot savu mājdzīvnieku tikai ar šiem traukiem vai dažādot viņu ēdienkarti, sajaucot tos ar GranataPet sauso suņu barību vai GranataPet konservēto mitro ēdienu. Sastāvdaļas: sastāvdaļas: tītaru gaļa un trušu gaļa 65% (tītaru gaļa 50%, kas sastāv no muskuļu gaļas, sirdīm, aknām; trušu gaļa 15%, kas sastāv no muskuļu gaļas, sirdīm, aknām), tītaru un trušu buljons 26.4%, kartupeļi 2%, pastinaks 2%, burkāns 2%, granātābolu sēklas 1% (žāvētas un smalki maltas), minerāli 1%, laša eļļa 0.5%, zaļo lūpu gliemežvāks 0.1% (smalki malts, dabiski bagāts ar glikozamīnu un hondroitīnu) Analītiskie komponenti: proteīns 10.4%, tauku saturs 5.3%, neapstrādāti pelni 2.2%, neapstrādātas šķiedras 0.5%, mitrums 80%, kalcija un fosfora attiecība.


  • GranataPet Mini Royal Lamb & Potato - grain-free wet food for small breed dogs, lamb and potatoes GranataPet Mini Royal Lamb & Potato - grain-free wet food for small breed dogs, lamb and potatoes

    Granatapet GranataPet Mini Royal Jērs un Kartupeļi - bezgraudu mitrā barība mazo šķirņu suņiem, jērs un kartupeļi

    Wet food for small breed dogs, GranataPet Mini Royal Duck & Goose, with duck, goose, parsnip, cranberry, spinach, and borage oil. Made from the highest quality ingredients. Presented in a convenient small tray, just right for one meal. Only muscle meat and high-quality offal (e.g., hearts, liver, stomachs) are used in its production. No by-products such as blood, claws, bones, beaks, or feathers are used, and no fillers or meat substitutes are added. It is enriched with valuable additives such as pomegranate seeds, borage oil, and green-lipped mussel. These enhance the nutritional value and flavor of the meal. The food is produced in Germany with full traceability of ingredients at every stage of the production process. Raw materials are sourced from trusted and verified suppliers, undergo full veterinary control, and are tested by internal and external laboratories. GranataPet food is prepared using a gentle steaming method to retain as many nutrients as possible. It is a protein-rich, easily digestible, and completely grain-free meal. The food also contains no sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. Serving wet food is a great way to hydrate your dog. Proper hydration is essential for their health. With the high moisture content of wet food, dogs do not need to drink as much as when fed dry kibble. Feeding wet food is also better for dogs prone to urinary stones. By giving GranataPet food to your pet, you can be sure that you are providing a tasty, healthy, and well-balanced meal every day. GranataPet Mini Royal Duck & Goose wet food: a complete meal for adult small breed dogs. Rich in valuable protein, easily digestible. Presented in a convenient tray, just right for one meal. High content of muscle meat and offal: poultry provides a large amount of valuable and well-absorbed protein, essential for the proper functioning of the dog. Characterized by low fat content and high nutritional value. A source of B vitamins and minerals such as iron, magnesium, zinc, selenium, phosphorus, and potassium. Pomegranate seeds contain a range of health-promoting ingredients. They are high in ellagic acid, a natural antioxidant and effective cell protector. Pomegranate seeds have beneficial effects on the immune, cardiovascular, and nervous systems. Borage oil is a rich source of Omega-6 fatty acids (GLA). It regulates cholesterol levels, prevents inflammation, and contributes to improving the condition of atopic and irritation-prone skin. Green-lipped mussel provides a dose of glucosamine and chondroitin, essential for the proper functioning of the dog's musculoskeletal system. The food contains no grains, slaughterhouse waste, sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. Feeding instructions: The data provided in the table is indicative. Monitor your pet and adjust the amount of food given as needed. Do not leave wet food open for longer than a few hours. If the dog has not eaten it all before the next meal, dispose of the leftovers, thoroughly rinse the bowl, and only then place fresh food in it. Serve at room temperature; if the food is from the refrigerator, warm it up, as dogs often do not tolerate cold or cool food well. NUTRITIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS Dog weight Daily portion of food normal activity level low activity level 2-5kg 165-320g 140-280g 5-7.5kg 320-435g 280-375g 7.5-10kg 435-540g 375-465g Tip: GranataPet Mini Royal wet food is a complete meal containing all the nutrients necessary for the proper functioning of your pet's body and a beautiful appearance. You can feed your pet only these trays or diversify their menu by mixing them with GranataPet dry dog food or GranataPet wet food in cans. Ingredients: chicken meat, duck meat, and goose meat 65% (chicken 35% consisting of muscle meat, heart, liver, stomach; duck 15% consisting of muscle meat, heart; goose 15% consisting of muscle meat, heart), chicken, duck, and goose broth 24.4%, parsnip 5%, cranberry 2%, pomegranate seeds 1% (dried and finely ground), spinach 1%, minerals 1%, borage oil 0.5%, green-lipped mussel 0.1% (finely ground, naturally rich in glucosamine and chondroitin) Analytical constituents: protein 10.2%, fat content 5.2%, crude ash 2.6%, crude fiber 0.5%, moisture 80%, calcium to phosphorus ratio: calcium 0.19%, phosphorus 0.15% Dietary additives: vitamin D3 200 IU, zinc (zinc sulfate, monohydrate) 25 mg, manganese (manganese sulfate (II), monohydrate) 1.4 mg, iodine (calcium iodate, anhydrous) 0.75 mg, copper (copper sulfate (II), pentahydrate) 1 mg.


  • GranataPet Mini Royal Lamb - grain-free dry food for small breed dogs, 70% lamb with poultry and 20% vegetables GranataPet Mini Royal Lamb - grain-free dry food for small breed dogs, 70% lamb with poultry and 20% vegetables

    Granatapet GranataPet Mini Royal Jērs - bezgraudu sausā barība mazo šķirņu suņiem, 70% jērs ar mājputniem un 20% dārzeņi

    GranataPet Mini Royal Poultry dry food for adult small breed dogs, with lamb, poultry, and vegetables, produced from the finest ingredients in Austria. It contains as much as 70% lamb and poultry, along with a range of health-beneficial ingredients such as pomegranate seeds, high-quality salmon oil, and green-lipped mussels. The recipe is complemented with herbs, including a blend sourced from the lush green meadows of the Allgäu Alps. The food is produced with full traceability of ingredients at every stage of the production process. Raw materials are sourced from trusted and verified suppliers, undergo complete veterinary control, and are tested by both internal and external laboratories. GranataPet food is designed to retain as many nutritional values as possible in these small, aromatic kibbles. It is a protein-rich, easily digestible, and completely grain-free meal. The food also contains no sugar, artificial preservatives, colorants, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. GranataPet food is a recipe for: healthy skin and shiny coat, strong heart and muscles, proper kidney function, correct digestion and gut health, strong bones and flexible joints, and energy for action throughout the day. GranataPet Mini Royal Lamb dry food: a complete meal for adult dogs with 70% lamb and poultry meat. Lamb is a good source of energy and valuable protein, considered to be very well tolerated and rarely causes food intolerances or allergies. Poultry provides a large amount of valuable and easily digestible protein, essential for the proper functioning of dogs. It is characterized by low-fat content and high nutritional value. It is very well absorbed and gentle on the digestive system of your pet. It is a source of B vitamins and minerals such as iron, magnesium, zinc, selenium, phosphorus, and potassium. Pomegranate seeds contain a whole range of health-promoting ingredients. They are rich in ellagic acid, a natural antioxidant and an effective cell protector. Pomegranate seeds have a beneficial effect on the immune, cardiovascular, and nervous systems. New Zealand green-lipped mussel provides a dose of glucosamine and chondroitin, essential for the proper functioning of the dog's musculoskeletal system. Salmon oil supplies unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids, including DHA and EPA, necessary for the proper functioning of the cardiovascular and immune systems, as well as for the health and beautiful appearance of the skin and coat of your pet. The herb blend from the Allgäu Alps (fenugreek, plantain, ribwort plantain, chamomile, dandelion, marigold) and garden herbs (peppermint, thyme, oregano, sage, parsley, marjoram, anise) enhances the nutritional value of the food, providing additional substances that support health and the beautiful appearance of your dog. They have antioxidant properties, inhibit the action of free radicals, support kidney function, and improve digestion. Feeding instructions and dosage: The data provided in the table is indicative. Monitor your pet and adjust the amount of food given as needed. It is recommended to feed your dog in two portions per day. Ensure your dog has constant access to fresh water. NUTRITIONAL GUIDELINES Dog weight | Daily food portion | Normal activity | Increased activity (up to 3 hours daily) 2kg | 45g | 55g 5kg | 95g | 110g 7kg | 120g | 140g 10kg | 160g | 180g Ingredients: Ingredients: lamb and poultry 70% (fresh lamb meat 30%, fresh poultry meat 20%, dried and finely ground poultry meat 10%, dried and finely ground lamb meat 7%, poultry fat 3%), vegetables 20% (potato flakes, spinach, carrot), pomegranate seeds 4% (dried and finely ground), salmon oil 2%, mineral substances 1.5%, vitamins 0.5%, herbs from the Allgäu mountain meadows 0.5% (fenugreek, psyllium, ribwort plantain, chamomile, dandelion, marigold), chicory 0.5% (finely ground, with natural FOS and inulin), herbs 0.3% (peppermint, thyme, oregano, sage, parsley, marjoram, anise), fruits 0.3% (cranberries, blueberries, apples), seaweed 0.2% (spirulina), New Zealand green-lipped mussel 0.1% (finely ground, naturally rich in glucosamine and chondroitin), yucca schidigera 0.1%. Analytical constituents: protein 34%, fat content 14%, crude fiber 3%, crude ash 7%, calcium to phosphorus ratio: calcium 1.45%, phosphorus 1%. Dietary additives: vitamin D3 1200 IU, L-carnitine 600 mg, copper (copper(II) sulfate pentahydrate) 8 mg, zinc (zinc oxide) 110 mg, manganese (manganese(II) oxide) 11 mg, iodine (calcium iodate anhydrous) 3 mg.


  • GranataPet Mini Royal Poultry - grain-free dry food for small breed dogs, 70% poultry and 20% vegetables GranataPet Mini Royal Poultry - grain-free dry food for small breed dogs, 70% poultry and 20% vegetables

    Granatapet GranataPet Mini Royal Mājputni - bezgraudu sausā barība mazo šķirņu suņiem, 70% mājputni un 20% dārzeņi

    GranataPet Mini Royal Poultry dry food for adult small breed dogs, with lamb, poultry, and vegetables, produced from the finest ingredients in Austria. It contains as much as 70% lamb and poultry, along with a range of health-beneficial ingredients such as pomegranate seeds, high-quality salmon oil, and green-lipped mussels. The recipe is complemented with herbs, including a blend sourced from the lush green meadows of the Allgäu Alps. The food is produced with full traceability of ingredients at every stage of the production process. Raw materials are sourced from trusted and verified suppliers, undergo complete veterinary control, and are tested by both internal and external laboratories. GranataPet food is designed to retain as many nutritional values as possible in these small, aromatic kibbles. It is a protein-rich, easily digestible, and completely grain-free meal. The food also contains no sugar, artificial preservatives, colorants, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. GranataPet food is a recipe for: healthy skin and shiny coat, strong heart and muscles, proper kidney function, correct digestion and gut health, strong bones and flexible joints, and energy for action throughout the day. GranataPet Mini Royal Lamb dry food: a complete meal for adult dogs with 70% lamb and poultry meat. Lamb is a good source of energy and valuable protein, considered to be very well tolerated and rarely causes food intolerances or allergies. Poultry provides a large amount of valuable and easily digestible protein, essential for the proper functioning of dogs. It is characterized by low-fat content and high nutritional value. It is very well absorbed and gentle on the digestive system of your pet. It is a source of B vitamins and minerals such as iron, magnesium, zinc, selenium, phosphorus, and potassium. Pomegranate seeds contain a whole range of health-promoting ingredients. They are rich in ellagic acid, a natural antioxidant and an effective cell protector. Pomegranate seeds have a beneficial effect on the immune, cardiovascular, and nervous systems. New Zealand green-lipped mussel provides a dose of glucosamine and chondroitin, essential for the proper functioning of the dog's musculoskeletal system. Salmon oil supplies unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids, including DHA and EPA, necessary for the proper functioning of the cardiovascular and immune systems, as well as for the health and beautiful appearance of the skin and coat of your pet. The herb blend from the Allgäu Alps (fenugreek, plantain, ribwort plantain, chamomile, dandelion, marigold) and garden herbs (peppermint, thyme, oregano, sage, parsley, marjoram, anise) enhances the nutritional value of the food, providing additional substances that support health and the beautiful appearance of your dog. They have antioxidant properties, inhibit the action of free radicals, support kidney function, and improve digestion. Feeding instructions and dosage: The data provided in the table is indicative. Monitor your pet and adjust the amount of food given as needed. It is recommended to feed your dog in two portions per day. Ensure your dog has constant access to fresh water. NUTRITIONAL GUIDELINES Dog weight | Daily food portion | Normal activity | Increased activity (up to 3 hours daily) 2kg | 45g | 55g 5kg | 95g | 110g 7kg | 120g | 140g 10kg | 160g | 180g Ingredients: Ingredients: lamb and poultry 70% (fresh lamb meat 30%, fresh poultry meat 20%, dried and finely ground poultry meat 10%, dried and finely ground lamb meat 7%, poultry fat 3%), vegetables 20% (potato flakes, spinach, carrot), pomegranate seeds 4% (dried and finely ground), salmon oil 2%, mineral substances 1.5%, vitamins 0.5%, herbs from the Allgäu mountain meadows 0.5% (fenugreek, psyllium, ribwort plantain, chamomile, dandelion, marigold), chicory 0.5% (finely ground, with natural FOS and inulin), herbs 0.3% (peppermint, thyme, oregano, sage, parsley, marjoram, anise), fruits 0.3% (cranberries, blueberries, apples), seaweed 0.2% (spirulina), New Zealand green-lipped mussel 0.1% (finely ground, naturally rich in glucosamine and chondroitin), yucca schidigera 0.1%. Analytical constituents: protein 34%, fat content 14%, crude fiber 3%, crude ash 7%, calcium to phosphorus ratio: calcium 1.45%, phosphorus 1%. Dietary additives: vitamin D3 1200 IU, L-carnitine 600 mg, copper (copper(II) sulfate pentahydrate) 8 mg, zinc (zinc oxide) 110 mg, manganese (manganese(II) oxide) 11 mg, iodine (calcium iodate anhydrous) 3 mg.


  • GranataPet Mini Royal Set 6x - Grain-free wet food for small breed dogs, mix of 6 flavors GranataPet Mini Royal Set 6x - Grain-free wet food for small breed dogs, mix of 6 flavors

    Granatapet GranataPet Mini Royal komplekts 6x - Graudu nesaturoša mitrā barība mazo šķirņu suņiem, 6 garšu maisījums

    GranataPet Mini Royal Small Breed Dog Food Set, mix of 6 flavors: 1x GranataPet Mini Royal Lamb & Potato - 150g 1x GranataPet Mini Royal Veal & Coney - 150g 1x GranataPet Mini Royal Duck & Goose - 150g 1x GranataPet Mini Royal Salmon & Turkey - 150g 1x GranataPet Mini Royal Chicken & Prawns - 150g 1x GranataPet Mini Royal Venison & Angus Beef - 150g GranataPet Mini Royal wet dog food is produced from the highest quality ingredients. Served in a convenient small tray, perfect for one meal. Only muscle meat and high-quality offal (e.g., hearts, liver, stomachs) are used in its production. No by-products such as blood, claws, bones, beaks, or feathers are used, and no fillers or meat substitutes are added. It is supplemented with valuable additions such as pomegranate seeds, high-quality oils, and green-lipped mussels. These enhance the nutritional value and flavor of the meal. The food is produced in Germany with full traceability of ingredients at every stage of the production process. Raw materials are sourced from trusted and verified suppliers, subject to full veterinary control, and are tested by both internal and external laboratories. GranataPet food is prepared using a gentle steaming method to retain as many nutrients as possible. It is a protein-rich, easily digestible, and completely grain-free meal. The food also contains no sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. Feeding wet food is a great way to hydrate your dog. Proper hydration is essential for their health. Thanks to the high moisture content of wet food, dogs do not need to drink as much as when fed dry kibble. Feeding wet food is also better for dogs prone to urinary stones. By feeding GranataPet to your pet, you can be sure that you are providing them with a tasty, healthy, and well-balanced meal every day. GranataPet Mini Royal wet dog food: a complete meal for adult small breed dogs. - Rich in valuable protein, easily digestible. - Served in a convenient tray, perfect for one meal. - High content of muscle meat and offal. - Pomegranate seeds contain a range of health-promoting ingredients. They are high in ellagic acid, a natural antioxidant and effective cell protector. Pomegranate seeds have beneficial effects on the immune, cardiovascular, and nervous systems. - High-quality oils. - Green-lipped mussels provide a dose of glucosamine and chondroitin, essential for the proper functioning of the dog's musculoskeletal system. The food contains no grains, slaughterhouse waste, sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. Feeding instructions and dosage: The data provided in the table is indicative. Observe your dog and adjust the amount of food as needed. Do not leave wet food open for more than a few hours. If the dog has not eaten it all before the next meal, discard the leftovers, thoroughly rinse the bowl, and then place fresh food in it. Serve at room temperature; if the food is taken from the fridge, it should be warmed up, as dogs often do not tolerate cold or cool food well. NUTRITIONAL GUIDELINES Dog Weight | Daily Portion of Food Normal Activity | Low Activity 2-5kg | 165-320g | 140-280g 5-7.5kg | 320-435g | 280-375g 7.5-10kg | 435-540g | 375-465g Tip: GranataPet Mini Royal wet dog food is a complete meal containing all the nutrients necessary for the proper functioning of your pet's body and a beautiful appearance. You can feed your pet only these trays or diversify their menu by mixing them with GranataPet dry dog food or GranataPet canned wet food. Ingredients GranataPet Mini Royal Lamb & Potato: Ingredients: lamb meat 65% (consisting of muscle meat, heart, liver, lungs, esophagus), lamb broth 23.4%, potato 5%, cottage cheese 2%, fennel 2%, pomegranate seeds 1% (dried and finely ground), minerals 1%, olive oil 0.5%, green-lipped mussel 0.1% (finely ground, naturally rich in glucosamine and chondroitin) Analytical constituents: protein 10.7%, fat content 8.5%, crude ash 3%, crude fiber 0.6%, moisture 75%, calcium to phosphorus ratio: calcium 0.2%, phosphorus 0.17% Dietary additives: vitamin D3 200 IU, zinc (zinc sulfate, monohydrate) 25 mg, manganese (manganese sulfate (II), monohydrate) 1.4 mg, iodine (calcium iodate, anhydrous) 0.75 mg Ingredients GranataPet Mini Royal Veal & Coney: Ingredients: veal and rabbit meat 65% (veal 40% consisting of muscle meat, heart, liver, lung, esophagus; rabbit 25% consisting of muscle meat, heart, liver), veal and rabbit broth 24.4%, zucchini 5%, pumpkin 3%, pomegranate seeds 1% (dried and finely ground), minerals 1%, flaxseed oil 0.5%, green-lipped mussel 0.1% (finely ground, naturally rich in glucosamine and chondroitin).


  • GranataPet Mini Royal Veal & Rabbit - grain-free wet food for small breed dogs, veal and rabbit GranataPet Mini Royal Veal & Rabbit - grain-free wet food for small breed dogs, veal and rabbit

    Granatapet GranataPet Mini Royal teļa gaļa un trusis - bezgraudu mitrā barība mazo šķirņu suņiem, teļa gaļa un trusis

    Wet food for small breed dogs, GranataPet Mini Royal Duck & Goose, with duck, goose, parsnip, cranberry, spinach, and borage oil. Made from the highest quality ingredients. Presented in a convenient small tray, just right for one meal. Only muscle meat and high-quality offal (e.g., hearts, liver, stomachs) are used in its production. No by-products such as blood, claws, bones, beaks, or feathers are used, and no fillers or meat substitutes are added. It is enriched with valuable additives such as pomegranate seeds, borage oil, and green-lipped mussel. These enhance the nutritional value and flavor of the meal. The food is produced in Germany with full traceability of ingredients at every stage of the production process. Raw materials are sourced from trusted and verified suppliers, undergo full veterinary control, and are tested by internal and external laboratories. GranataPet food is prepared using a gentle steaming method to retain as many nutrients as possible. It is a protein-rich, easily digestible, and completely grain-free meal. The food also contains no sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. Serving wet food is a great way to hydrate your dog. Proper hydration is essential for their health. With the high moisture content of wet food, dogs do not need to drink as much as when fed dry kibble. Feeding wet food is also better for dogs prone to urinary stones. By giving GranataPet food to your pet, you can be sure that you are providing a tasty, healthy, and well-balanced meal every day. GranataPet Mini Royal Duck & Goose wet food: a complete meal for adult small breed dogs. Rich in valuable protein, easily digestible. Presented in a convenient tray, just right for one meal. High content of muscle meat and offal: poultry provides a large amount of valuable and well-absorbed protein, essential for the proper functioning of the dog. Characterized by low fat content and high nutritional value. A source of B vitamins and minerals such as iron, magnesium, zinc, selenium, phosphorus, and potassium. Pomegranate seeds contain a range of health-promoting ingredients. They are high in ellagic acid, a natural antioxidant and effective cell protector. Pomegranate seeds have beneficial effects on the immune, cardiovascular, and nervous systems. Borage oil is a rich source of Omega-6 fatty acids (GLA). It regulates cholesterol levels, prevents inflammation, and contributes to improving the condition of atopic and irritation-prone skin. Green-lipped mussel provides a dose of glucosamine and chondroitin, essential for the proper functioning of the dog's musculoskeletal system. The food contains no grains, slaughterhouse waste, sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. Feeding instructions: The data provided in the table is indicative. Monitor your pet and adjust the amount of food given as needed. Do not leave wet food open for longer than a few hours. If the dog has not eaten it all before the next meal, dispose of the leftovers, thoroughly rinse the bowl, and only then place fresh food in it. Serve at room temperature; if the food is from the refrigerator, warm it up, as dogs often do not tolerate cold or cool food well. NUTRITIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS Dog weight Daily portion of food normal activity level low activity level 2-5kg 165-320g 140-280g 5-7.5kg 320-435g 280-375g 7.5-10kg 435-540g 375-465g Tip: GranataPet Mini Royal wet food is a complete meal containing all the nutrients necessary for the proper functioning of your pet's body and a beautiful appearance. You can feed your pet only these trays or diversify their menu by mixing them with GranataPet dry dog food or GranataPet wet food in cans. Ingredients: chicken meat, duck meat, and goose meat 65% (chicken 35% consisting of muscle meat, heart, liver, stomach; duck 15% consisting of muscle meat, heart; goose 15% consisting of muscle meat, heart), chicken, duck, and goose broth 24.4%, parsnip 5%, cranberry 2%, pomegranate seeds 1% (dried and finely ground), spinach 1%, minerals 1%, borage oil 0.5%, green-lipped mussel 0.1% (finely ground, naturally rich in glucosamine and chondroitin) Analytical constituents: protein 10.2%, fat content 5.2%, crude ash 2.6%, crude fiber 0.5%, moisture 80%, calcium to phosphorus ratio: calcium 0.19%, phosphorus 0.15% Dietary additives: vitamin D3 200 IU, zinc (zinc sulfate, monohydrate) 25 mg, manganese (manganese sulfate (II), monohydrate) 1.4 mg, iodine (calcium iodate, anhydrous) 0.75 mg, copper (copper sulfate (II), pentahydrate) 1 mg.


  • GranataPet Mini Royal Venison & Angus Beef - grain-free wet food for small breed dogs, venison and beef GranataPet Mini Royal Venison & Angus Beef - grain-free wet food for small breed dogs, venison and beef

    Granatapet GranataPet Mini Royal Brieža gaļa un Angus liellopa gaļa - bezgraudu mitrā barība mazo šķirņu suņiem, brieža gaļa un liellopa gaļa

    Wet food for small breed dogs, GranataPet Mini Royal Duck & Goose, with duck, goose, parsnip, cranberry, spinach, and borage oil. Made from the highest quality ingredients. Presented in a convenient small tray, just right for one meal. Only muscle meat and high-quality offal (e.g., hearts, liver, stomachs) are used in its production. No by-products such as blood, claws, bones, beaks, or feathers are used, and no fillers or meat substitutes are added. It is enriched with valuable additives such as pomegranate seeds, borage oil, and green-lipped mussel. These enhance the nutritional value and flavor of the meal. The food is produced in Germany with full traceability of ingredients at every stage of the production process. Raw materials are sourced from trusted and verified suppliers, undergo full veterinary control, and are tested by internal and external laboratories. GranataPet food is prepared using a gentle steaming method to retain as many nutrients as possible. It is a protein-rich, easily digestible, and completely grain-free meal. The food also contains no sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. Serving wet food is a great way to hydrate your dog. Proper hydration is essential for their health. With the high moisture content of wet food, dogs do not need to drink as much as when fed dry kibble. Feeding wet food is also better for dogs prone to urinary stones. By giving GranataPet food to your pet, you can be sure that you are providing a tasty, healthy, and well-balanced meal every day. GranataPet Mini Royal Duck & Goose wet food: a complete meal for adult small breed dogs. Rich in valuable protein, easily digestible. Presented in a convenient tray, just right for one meal. High content of muscle meat and offal: poultry provides a large amount of valuable and well-absorbed protein, essential for the proper functioning of the dog. Characterized by low fat content and high nutritional value. A source of B vitamins and minerals such as iron, magnesium, zinc, selenium, phosphorus, and potassium. Pomegranate seeds contain a range of health-promoting ingredients. They are high in ellagic acid, a natural antioxidant and effective cell protector. Pomegranate seeds have beneficial effects on the immune, cardiovascular, and nervous systems. Borage oil is a rich source of Omega-6 fatty acids (GLA). It regulates cholesterol levels, prevents inflammation, and contributes to improving the condition of atopic and irritation-prone skin. Green-lipped mussel provides a dose of glucosamine and chondroitin, essential for the proper functioning of the dog's musculoskeletal system. The food contains no grains, slaughterhouse waste, sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. Feeding instructions: The data provided in the table is indicative. Monitor your pet and adjust the amount of food given as needed. Do not leave wet food open for longer than a few hours. If the dog has not eaten it all before the next meal, dispose of the leftovers, thoroughly rinse the bowl, and only then place fresh food in it. Serve at room temperature; if the food is from the refrigerator, warm it up, as dogs often do not tolerate cold or cool food well. NUTRITIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS Dog weight Daily portion of food normal activity level low activity level 2-5kg 165-320g 140-280g 5-7.5kg 320-435g 280-375g 7.5-10kg 435-540g 375-465g Tip: GranataPet Mini Royal wet food is a complete meal containing all the nutrients necessary for the proper functioning of your pet's body and a beautiful appearance. You can feed your pet only these trays or diversify their menu by mixing them with GranataPet dry dog food or GranataPet wet food in cans. Ingredients: chicken meat, duck meat, and goose meat 65% (chicken 35% consisting of muscle meat, heart, liver, stomach; duck 15% consisting of muscle meat, heart; goose 15% consisting of muscle meat, heart), chicken, duck, and goose broth 24.4%, parsnip 5%, cranberry 2%, pomegranate seeds 1% (dried and finely ground), spinach 1%, minerals 1%, borage oil 0.5%, green-lipped mussel 0.1% (finely ground, naturally rich in glucosamine and chondroitin) Analytical constituents: protein 10.2%, fat content 5.2%, crude ash 2.6%, crude fiber 0.5%, moisture 80%, calcium to phosphorus ratio: calcium 0.19%, phosphorus 0.15% Dietary additives: vitamin D3 200 IU, zinc (zinc sulfate, monohydrate) 25 mg, manganese (manganese sulfate (II), monohydrate) 1.4 mg, iodine (calcium iodate, anhydrous) 0.75 mg, copper (copper sulfate (II), pentahydrate) 1 mg.


  • GranataPet Natural Taste & Turkey - grain-free dog food with salmon and turkey GranataPet Natural Taste & Turkey - grain-free dog food with salmon and turkey

    Granatapet GranataPet Natural Taste & Turkey - bezgraudu suņu barība ar lasi un tītaru

    GranataPet Natural Taste sausā barība pieaugušiem suņiem ar lasi un tītaru, ražota no augstākās kvalitātes sastāvdaļām Austrijā. Tā sastāv no muskuļu gaļas un augstvērtīgiem subproduktiem, kā arī veselībai labvēlīgām sastāvdaļām, piemēram, granātābola sēklām, augstvērtīgas laša eļļas un zaļo gliemeņu. Formula ir papildināta ar garšaugiem, tostarp maisījumu, kas iegūts no zaļajiem Alpu Allgäu pļavām. Barība tiek ražota ar pilnu sastāvdaļu izsekojamību katrā ražošanas procesa posmā. Izejvielas tiek iegūtas no uzticamiem un pārbaudītiem piegādātājiem, pakļautas pilnai veterinārajai kontrolei un testētas gan iekšējās, gan ārējās laboratorijās. GranataPet barība ir izstrādāta, lai saglabātu pēc iespējas vairāk uzturvielu vērtību šajās mazajās, aromātiskajās granulās. Tā ir olbaltumvielām bagāta, viegli sagremojama un pilnīgi bez graudiem. Barība nesatur cukuru, mākslīgās konservantus, krāsvielas, garšas pastiprinātājus vai ĢMO. GranataPet barība ir recepte: - Veselīgai ādai un spīdīgam kažokam - Spēcīgai sirdij un muskuļiem - Pareizai nieru funkcijai - Pareizai gremošanai un zarnu veselībai - Spēcīgiem kauliem un elastīgām locītavām - Enerģijai visas dienas aktivitātēm GranataPet Natural Taste sausā barība ar lasi un tītaru: - Pilnvērtīga maltīte pieaugušiem suņiem - Satur 70% gaļas - Lasis ir delikāts zivs, kas nodrošina vērtīgas un viegli sagremojamas olbaltumvielas. No tā iegūtā eļļa ir bagāta ar nepiesātinātām omega-3 taukskābēm, DHA un EPA, kas ir būtiskas sirds un asinsvadu un imūnsistēmas pareizai darbībai, kā arī suņa ādas un kažoka veselībai un skaistam izskatam. - Tītars ir ārkārtīgi viegli sagremojams un satur augstvērtīgas olbaltumvielas, B12 un B6 vitamīnus. Tas ir bagāts ar kāliju, magniju, cinku un dzelzi. - Granātābola sēklas satur plašu veselību veicinošu sastāvdaļu klāstu. Tās ir bagātas ar ellagīnskābi, dabīgu antioksidantu un efektīvu šūnu aizsargu. Granātābola sēklām ir labvēlīga ietekme uz imūnsistēmu, sirds un asinsvadu un nervu sistēmu. - Jaunzēlandes zaļā gliemene nodrošina glikozamīna un hondroitīna devu, kas ir būtiski suņa muskuļu un skeleta sistēmas pareizai darbībai. - Garšaugu maisījums no Alpu Allgäu (grieķu sēklas, ceļmallapas, ribwort, kumelītes, pienenes, kliņģerītes) un dārza garšaugi (piparmētra, timiāns, oregano, salvija, pētersīļi, majorāns, anīss) uzlabo barības uzturvērtību, nodrošinot papildu vielas, kas atbalsta veselību un suņa skaisto izskatu. Tiem ir antioksidanta īpašības, tie kavē brīvo radikāļu aktivitāti, atbalsta nieru funkciju un uzlabo gremošanu. - Nesatur graudus, gaļas blakusproduktus, cukuru, mākslīgos konservantus, krāsvielas, garšas pastiprinātājus vai ĢMO. Barošanas instrukcijas un devas: Tabulā norādītie dati ir indikatīvi. Novērojiet savu suni un pielāgojiet barības daudzumu pēc nepieciešamības. Ieteicams barot suni divās porcijās dienā. Nodrošiniet, lai jūsu sunim vienmēr būtu pieejams svaigs ūdens. Uztura ieteikumi: Suņa svars | Dienas barības porcija | Normāla aktivitāte | Paaugstināta aktivitāte (līdz 3 stundām dienā) 11kg | 175g | 200g 15kg | 220g | 250g 20kg | 275g | 310g 25kg | 325g | 370g 30kg | 370g | 420g 35kg | 415g | 475g 40kg | 460g | 525g 45kg | 500g | 570g 50kg | 545g | 620g 60kg | 625g | 710g 70kg | 700g | 795g 80kg | 775g | 880g Sastāvdaļas: Lasis, tītars un mājputni 70% (svaigs lasis 20%, svaiga tītara gaļa 20%, svaiga mājputnu gaļa 10%, žāvēts un smalki maltas laša 8%, žāvēts un smalki maltas mājputnu gaļa 8%, mājputnu tauki 4%), Dārzeņi 20% (kartupeļu pārslas, spināti, burkāni), granātābola sēklas 4% (žāvētas un smalki maltas), laša eļļa 2%, minerāli 1.5%, vitamīni 0.5%, garšaugi no Alpu Allgäu 0.5% (grieķu sēklas, ceļmallapas, ribwort, kumelītes, pienenes, kliņģerītes), cigoriņi 0.5% (smalki malti, ar dabīgu FOS un inulīnu), garšaugi 0.3% (piparmētra, timiāns, oregano, salvija, pētersīļi, majorāns, anīss), Augļi 0.3% (dzērvenes, mellenes, āboli), aļģes 0.2% (ūdens lēpes, spirulīna), Jaunzēlandes zaļā gliemene 0.1% (smalki malta, dabiski bagāta ar glikozamīnu un hondroitīnu), juka šidigera 0.1%. Analītiskie komponenti: Olbaltumvielas 35%, tauku saturs 14%, jēlšķiedra 3%, jēlpelni 6.5%, kalcija un fosfora attiecība: kalcijs 1.4%, fosfors 1%. Diētiskās piedevas: Vitamīns D3 1200 IU, L-karnitīns 600mg, varš (kā vara(II) sulfāta pentahidrāts) 8mg, cinks (kā cinka oksīds) 110mg, mangāns (kā mangāna(II) oksīds) 11mg, jods (kā bezūdens kalcija jodāts) 3mg.


  • GranataPet Natural Taste & Turkey - grain-free dog food with salmon and turkey GranataPet Natural Taste & Turkey - grain-free dog food with salmon and turkey

    Granatapet GranataPet Natural Taste & Turkey - bezgraudu suņu barība ar lasi un tītaru

    GranataPet Natural Taste sausā barība pieaugušiem suņiem ar lasi un tītaru, ražota no augstākās kvalitātes sastāvdaļām Austrijā. Tā sastāv no muskuļu gaļas un augstvērtīgiem subproduktiem, kā arī veselībai labvēlīgām sastāvdaļām, piemēram, granātābola sēklām, augstvērtīgas laša eļļas un zaļo gliemeņu. Formula ir papildināta ar garšaugiem, tostarp maisījumu, kas iegūts no zaļajiem Alpu Allgäu pļavām. Barība tiek ražota ar pilnu sastāvdaļu izsekojamību katrā ražošanas procesa posmā. Izejvielas tiek iegūtas no uzticamiem un pārbaudītiem piegādātājiem, pakļautas pilnai veterinārajai kontrolei un testētas gan iekšējās, gan ārējās laboratorijās. GranataPet barība ir izstrādāta, lai saglabātu pēc iespējas vairāk uzturvielu vērtību šajās mazajās, aromātiskajās granulās. Tā ir olbaltumvielām bagāta, viegli sagremojama un pilnīgi bez graudiem. Barība nesatur cukuru, mākslīgās konservantus, krāsvielas, garšas pastiprinātājus vai ĢMO. GranataPet barība ir recepte: - Veselīgai ādai un spīdīgam kažokam - Spēcīgai sirdij un muskuļiem - Pareizai nieru funkcijai - Pareizai gremošanai un zarnu veselībai - Spēcīgiem kauliem un elastīgām locītavām - Enerģijai visas dienas aktivitātēm GranataPet Natural Taste sausā barība ar lasi un tītaru: - Pilnvērtīga maltīte pieaugušiem suņiem - Satur 70% gaļas - Lasis ir delikāts zivs, kas nodrošina vērtīgas un viegli sagremojamas olbaltumvielas. No tā iegūtā eļļa ir bagāta ar nepiesātinātām omega-3 taukskābēm, DHA un EPA, kas ir būtiskas sirds un asinsvadu un imūnsistēmas pareizai darbībai, kā arī suņa ādas un kažoka veselībai un skaistam izskatam. - Tītars ir ārkārtīgi viegli sagremojams un satur augstvērtīgas olbaltumvielas, B12 un B6 vitamīnus. Tas ir bagāts ar kāliju, magniju, cinku un dzelzi. - Granātābola sēklas satur plašu veselību veicinošu sastāvdaļu klāstu. Tās ir bagātas ar ellagīnskābi, dabīgu antioksidantu un efektīvu šūnu aizsargu. Granātābola sēklām ir labvēlīga ietekme uz imūnsistēmu, sirds un asinsvadu un nervu sistēmu. - Jaunzēlandes zaļā gliemene nodrošina glikozamīna un hondroitīna devu, kas ir būtiski suņa muskuļu un skeleta sistēmas pareizai darbībai. - Garšaugu maisījums no Alpu Allgäu (grieķu sēklas, ceļmallapas, ribwort, kumelītes, pienenes, kliņģerītes) un dārza garšaugi (piparmētra, timiāns, oregano, salvija, pētersīļi, majorāns, anīss) uzlabo barības uzturvērtību, nodrošinot papildu vielas, kas atbalsta veselību un suņa skaisto izskatu. Tiem ir antioksidanta īpašības, tie kavē brīvo radikāļu aktivitāti, atbalsta nieru funkciju un uzlabo gremošanu. - Nesatur graudus, gaļas blakusproduktus, cukuru, mākslīgos konservantus, krāsvielas, garšas pastiprinātājus vai ĢMO. Barošanas instrukcijas un devas: Tabulā norādītie dati ir indikatīvi. Novērojiet savu suni un pielāgojiet barības daudzumu pēc nepieciešamības. Ieteicams barot suni divās porcijās dienā. Nodrošiniet, lai jūsu sunim vienmēr būtu pieejams svaigs ūdens. Uztura ieteikumi: Suņa svars | Dienas barības porcija | Normāla aktivitāte | Paaugstināta aktivitāte (līdz 3 stundām dienā) 11kg | 175g | 200g 15kg | 220g | 250g 20kg | 275g | 310g 25kg | 325g | 370g 30kg | 370g | 420g 35kg | 415g | 475g 40kg | 460g | 525g 45kg | 500g | 570g 50kg | 545g | 620g 60kg | 625g | 710g 70kg | 700g | 795g 80kg | 775g | 880g Sastāvdaļas: Lasis, tītars un mājputni 70% (svaigs lasis 20%, svaiga tītara gaļa 20%, svaiga mājputnu gaļa 10%, žāvēts un smalki maltas laša 8%, žāvēts un smalki maltas mājputnu gaļa 8%, mājputnu tauki 4%), Dārzeņi 20% (kartupeļu pārslas, spināti, burkāni), granātābola sēklas 4% (žāvētas un smalki maltas), laša eļļa 2%, minerāli 1.5%, vitamīni 0.5%, garšaugi no Alpu Allgäu 0.5% (grieķu sēklas, ceļmallapas, ribwort, kumelītes, pienenes, kliņģerītes), cigoriņi 0.5% (smalki malti, ar dabīgu FOS un inulīnu), garšaugi 0.3% (piparmētra, timiāns, oregano, salvija, pētersīļi, majorāns, anīss), Augļi 0.3% (dzērvenes, mellenes, āboli), aļģes 0.2% (ūdens lēpes, spirulīna), Jaunzēlandes zaļā gliemene 0.1% (smalki malta, dabiski bagāta ar glikozamīnu un hondroitīnu), juka šidigera 0.1%. Analītiskie komponenti: Olbaltumvielas 35%, tauku saturs 14%, jēlšķiedra 3%, jēlpelni 6.5%, kalcija un fosfora attiecība: kalcijs 1.4%, fosfors 1%. Diētiskās piedevas: Vitamīns D3 1200 IU, L-karnitīns 600mg, varš (kā vara(II) sulfāta pentahidrāts) 8mg, cinks (kā cinka oksīds) 110mg, mangāns (kā mangāna(II) oksīds) 11mg, jods (kā bezūdens kalcija jodāts) 3mg.

    €37,72 - €87,09

  • GranataPet Natural Taste Dental Care Snack Beef - natural meat dental treats for dogs, beef strips GranataPet Natural Taste Dental Care Snack Beef - natural meat dental treats for dogs, beef strips

    Granatapet GranataPet Natural Taste Zobu Kopšanas Uzkoda Liellopu Gaļa - dabīgas gaļas zobu uzkodas suņiem, liellopu gaļas strēmeles

    GranataPet Natural Taste Dental Care Snack Beef 70g ir unikāla zobu uzkoda suņiem, veidota kā trīsstūrveida strēmeles. Tā satur līdz pat 86,5% augstas kvalitātes brieža gaļas. Bagātināta ar granātābola sēklām, kas ir bagāts vitamīnu, minerālvielu, taukskābju un dabisko antioksidantu avots. Pateicoties tās formai, tā vienlaikus tīra un masē suņa zobus un smaganas. Tas palīdz samazināt aplikuma veidošanās risku, kas var novest pie zobakmens veidošanās, kariesa un smaganu slimībām. Raugu un beta-1,3/1,6-glukānu (Macrogard®) pievienošana veicina imūnsistēmas stiprināšanu un iekaisuma novēršanu mutes dobumā. GranataPet Natural Taste Dental Care Snack Deer ir arī lielisks veids, kā uzturēt jūsu mājdzīvnieka svaigu elpu. Gardumi tiek ražoti Šveicē, nodrošinot pilnīgu sastāvdaļu izsekojamību katrā ražošanas procesa posmā. Izejvielas tiek iegūtas no uzticamiem un pārbaudītiem piegādātājiem, iziet pilnu veterināro kontroli un tiek testētas gan iekšējās, gan ārējās laboratorijās. Maigais gaisa žāvēšanas process nodrošina, ka sastāvdaļas saglabā savus dabiskos vitamīnus un uzturvielas. Uzkodas ir vienproteīna, viegli sagremojamas un pilnīgi bez graudiem, padarot tās piemērotas suņiem ar alerģijām, gremošanas sistēmas disfunkcijām vai tiem, kas ievēro eliminācijas diētu. Tās nesatur cukuru, mākslīgus konservantus, krāsvielas, garšas pastiprinātājus vai ĢMO. Turklāt tās apmierina suņu dabisko košļāšanas instinktu. Tās ir lieliski piemērotas kā balva treniņu laikā, pastaigās vai vienkārši kā veselīga uzkoda starp galvenajām ēdienreizēm. Jūs varat viegli sadalīt tās mazākos gabaliņos. Ērtais zip-lock iepakojums palīdz saglabāt svaigumu un aromātu ilgāk. GranataPet Natural Taste Dental Care Snack Deer: satur 86,5% brieža gaļas, bagātināta ar granātābola sēklām, bagāta ar vitamīniem, minerālvielām, taukskābēm, antioksidantiem tīra un masē zobus un smaganas novērš aplikuma veidošanos stiprina imunitāti novērš iekaisumu mutes dobumā palīdz uzturēt svaigu elpu viegli sagremojama un bez graudiem vienproteīna bez neveselīgiem piedevām un ĢMO ieteicama alerģiskiem suņiem izejvielas no pārbaudītiem piegādātājiem laboratoriski pārbaudītas maigi gaisa žāvētas veselīga uzkoda starp galvenajām ēdienreizēm apmierina dabisko košļāšanas instinktu viegli sadalāma mazākos gabaliņos iepakojums, kas saglabā svaigumu ilgāk viena garduma izmēri ir aptuveni 11x2cm Pasniegšanas ieteikums: Pasniedziet kā uzkodu starp ēdienreizēm. Sastāvdaļas: brieža gaļa 86,5%, augu izcelsmes blakusprodukti 11%, minerālvielas 1,3%, granātābola sēklas 1%, raugs 0,2% (Macrogard®) analītiskais sastāvs: proteīns 36,6%, tauku saturs 17,2%, neapstrādāts pelns 4,9%, neapstrādātas šķiedras 11,1%, kalcija un fosfora attiecība: kalcijs 1,06%, fosfors 0,93%


  • GranataPet Natural Taste Dental Care Snack Deer - natural meat dental treats for dogs, deer strips GranataPet Natural Taste Dental Care Snack Deer - natural meat dental treats for dogs, deer strips

    Granatapet GranataPet Natural Taste Zobu Kopšanas Uzkoda Ar Brieža Gaļu - dabīgas gaļas zobu kārumi suņiem, brieža gaļas strēmeles

    GranataPet Natural Taste Dental Care Snack Beef 70g ir unikāla zobu uzkoda suņiem, veidota kā trīsstūrveida strēmeles. Tā satur līdz pat 86,5% augstas kvalitātes brieža gaļas. Bagātināta ar granātābola sēklām, kas ir bagāts vitamīnu, minerālvielu, taukskābju un dabisko antioksidantu avots. Pateicoties tās formai, tā vienlaikus tīra un masē suņa zobus un smaganas. Tas palīdz samazināt aplikuma veidošanās risku, kas var novest pie zobakmens veidošanās, kariesa un smaganu slimībām. Raugu un beta-1,3/1,6-glukānu (Macrogard®) pievienošana veicina imūnsistēmas stiprināšanu un iekaisuma novēršanu mutes dobumā. GranataPet Natural Taste Dental Care Snack Deer ir arī lielisks veids, kā uzturēt jūsu mājdzīvnieka svaigu elpu. Gardumi tiek ražoti Šveicē, nodrošinot pilnīgu sastāvdaļu izsekojamību katrā ražošanas procesa posmā. Izejvielas tiek iegūtas no uzticamiem un pārbaudītiem piegādātājiem, iziet pilnu veterināro kontroli un tiek testētas gan iekšējās, gan ārējās laboratorijās. Maigais gaisa žāvēšanas process nodrošina, ka sastāvdaļas saglabā savus dabiskos vitamīnus un uzturvielas. Uzkodas ir vienproteīna, viegli sagremojamas un pilnīgi bez graudiem, padarot tās piemērotas suņiem ar alerģijām, gremošanas sistēmas disfunkcijām vai tiem, kas ievēro eliminācijas diētu. Tās nesatur cukuru, mākslīgus konservantus, krāsvielas, garšas pastiprinātājus vai ĢMO. Turklāt tās apmierina suņu dabisko košļāšanas instinktu. Tās ir lieliski piemērotas kā balva treniņu laikā, pastaigās vai vienkārši kā veselīga uzkoda starp galvenajām ēdienreizēm. Jūs varat viegli sadalīt tās mazākos gabaliņos. Ērtais zip-lock iepakojums palīdz saglabāt svaigumu un aromātu ilgāk. GranataPet Natural Taste Dental Care Snack Deer: satur 86,5% brieža gaļas, bagātināta ar granātābola sēklām, bagāta ar vitamīniem, minerālvielām, taukskābēm, antioksidantiem tīra un masē zobus un smaganas novērš aplikuma veidošanos stiprina imunitāti novērš iekaisumu mutes dobumā palīdz uzturēt svaigu elpu viegli sagremojama un bez graudiem vienproteīna bez neveselīgiem piedevām un ĢMO ieteicama alerģiskiem suņiem izejvielas no pārbaudītiem piegādātājiem laboratoriski pārbaudītas maigi gaisa žāvētas veselīga uzkoda starp galvenajām ēdienreizēm apmierina dabisko košļāšanas instinktu viegli sadalāma mazākos gabaliņos iepakojums, kas saglabā svaigumu ilgāk viena garduma izmēri ir aptuveni 11x2cm Pasniegšanas ieteikums: Pasniedziet kā uzkodu starp ēdienreizēm. Sastāvdaļas: brieža gaļa 86,5%, augu izcelsmes blakusprodukti 11%, minerālvielas 1,3%, granātābola sēklas 1%, raugs 0,2% (Macrogard®) analītiskais sastāvs: proteīns 36,6%, tauku saturs 17,2%, neapstrādāts pelns 4,9%, neapstrādātas šķiedras 11,1%, kalcija un fosfora attiecība: kalcijs 1,06%, fosfors 0,93%


  • GranataPet Natural Taste Duck & Trout - grain-free dog food, duck and trout GranataPet Natural Taste Duck & Trout - grain-free dog food, duck and trout

    Granatapet GranataPet Natural Taste Pīle & Forele - bezgraudu suņu barība, pīle un forele

    Dry food for adult dogs GranataPet Natural Taste with game and buffalo, produced from the best ingredients in Austria. It consists of muscle meat and high-quality offal, along with health-beneficial ingredients such as: pomegranate seeds, high-grade salmon oil, and green-lipped mussel. The formula is complemented with herbs, including a blend sourced from lush green meadows in the Algaw Alps. The food is produced with full traceability of ingredients at every stage of the production process. Raw materials are sourced from trusted and verified suppliers, undergo full veterinary control, and are tested by both internal and external laboratories. GranataPet food has been developed to retain as many nutritional values as possible in these small, aromatic kibbles. It is a protein-rich, easily digestible, and completely grain-free meal. The food also contains no sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. GranataPet food is a recipe for: healthy skin and shiny coat strong heart and muscles proper kidney function correct digestion and intestinal health strong bones and flexible joints energy for action throughout the day. Dry food for adult dogs GranataPet Natural Taste with game and buffalo: it is a complete meal for adult dogs with 70% meat; game and buffalo meat provide an excellent source of protein, being highly nutritious and aromatic. Both types of meat are well tolerated by dogs. Buffalo is particularly easily digestible and contains high-quality protein, vitamins B12 and B6. It also contains significant amounts of potassium, magnesium, zinc, and iron. Pomegranate seeds contain a wide range of health-promoting ingredients. They are rich in ellagic acid, a natural antioxidant and effective cell protector. Pomegranate seeds have a beneficial effect on the immune, cardiovascular, and nervous systems. New Zealand green-lipped mussel provides a dose of glucosamine and chondroitin, essential for the proper functioning of the dog's musculoskeletal system. The blend of herbs from the Algaw Alps (fenugreek, plantain, ribwort, chamomile, dandelion, marigold) and garden herbs (peppermint, thyme, oregano, sage, parsley, marjoram, anise) enhances the nutritional value of the food, providing additional substances that support health and the beautiful appearance of the dog. They have antioxidant properties, inhibit the action of free radicals, support kidney function, and improve digestion. It contains no grains, meat by-products, sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. Feeding instructions and dosage: The data provided in the table is indicative. Monitor your pet and adjust the amount of food as needed. It is recommended to feed the dog in two portions daily. Ensure the dog has constant access to fresh water. NUTRITIONAL GUIDELINES Dog Weight | Daily Food Portion | Normal Activity Level | Increased Activity Level (up to 3 hours daily) 11kg | 175g | 200g 15kg | 220g | 250g 20kg | 275g | 310g 25kg | 325g | 370g 30kg | 370g | 420g 35kg | 415g | 475g 40kg | 460g | 525g 45kg | 500g | 570g 50kg | 545g | 620g 60kg | 625g | 710g 70kg | 700g | 795g 80kg | 775g | 880g Composition: game, buffalo, beef, and poultry meat 70% (fresh game meat 18%, fresh beef 17%, fresh poultry meat 15%, dried and finely ground buffalo meat 7%, dried and finely ground poultry meat 5%, poultry fat 5%, beef tallow 3%), vegetables 20% (potato flakes, spinach, carrot), pomegranate seeds 4% (dried and finely ground), salmon oil 2%, minerals 1.5%, vitamins 0.5%, mountain herbs 0.5% (fenugreek, plantain, ribwort, chamomile, dandelion, marigold), chicory 0.5% (finely ground, with natural FOS and inulin), herbs 0.3% (peppermint, thyme, oregano, sage, parsley, marjoram, anise), fruits 0.3% (cranberries, blueberries, apples), seaweed 0.2% (spirulina), New Zealand green-lipped mussel 0.1% (finely ground, naturally rich in glucosamine and chondroitin), yucca schidigera 0.1%. Analytical components: protein 36%, fat content 16%, crude fiber 3%, crude ash 6.5%, calcium to phosphorus ratio: calcium 1.2%, phosphorus 0.95%. Dietary additives: vitamin D3 1200 IU, L-carnitine 600mg, copper (pentahydrate copper (II) sulfate) 8mg, zinc (zinc oxide) 110mg, manganese (manganese (II) oxide) 11mg, iodine (anhydrous calcium iodate) 3mg.

    €29,01 - €87,09

  • GranataPet Natural Taste Duck & Trout - grain-free dog food, duck and trout GranataPet Natural Taste Duck & Trout - grain-free dog food, duck and trout

    Granatapet GranataPet Natural Taste Pīle & Forele - bezgraudu suņu barība, pīle un forele

    Dry food for adult dogs GranataPet Natural Taste with game and buffalo, produced from the best ingredients in Austria. It consists of muscle meat and high-quality offal, along with health-beneficial ingredients such as: pomegranate seeds, high-grade salmon oil, and green-lipped mussel. The formula is complemented with herbs, including a blend sourced from lush green meadows in the Algaw Alps. The food is produced with full traceability of ingredients at every stage of the production process. Raw materials are sourced from trusted and verified suppliers, undergo full veterinary control, and are tested by both internal and external laboratories. GranataPet food has been developed to retain as many nutritional values as possible in these small, aromatic kibbles. It is a protein-rich, easily digestible, and completely grain-free meal. The food also contains no sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. GranataPet food is a recipe for: healthy skin and shiny coat strong heart and muscles proper kidney function correct digestion and intestinal health strong bones and flexible joints energy for action throughout the day. Dry food for adult dogs GranataPet Natural Taste with game and buffalo: it is a complete meal for adult dogs with 70% meat; game and buffalo meat provide an excellent source of protein, being highly nutritious and aromatic. Both types of meat are well tolerated by dogs. Buffalo is particularly easily digestible and contains high-quality protein, vitamins B12 and B6. It also contains significant amounts of potassium, magnesium, zinc, and iron. Pomegranate seeds contain a wide range of health-promoting ingredients. They are rich in ellagic acid, a natural antioxidant and effective cell protector. Pomegranate seeds have a beneficial effect on the immune, cardiovascular, and nervous systems. New Zealand green-lipped mussel provides a dose of glucosamine and chondroitin, essential for the proper functioning of the dog's musculoskeletal system. The blend of herbs from the Algaw Alps (fenugreek, plantain, ribwort, chamomile, dandelion, marigold) and garden herbs (peppermint, thyme, oregano, sage, parsley, marjoram, anise) enhances the nutritional value of the food, providing additional substances that support health and the beautiful appearance of the dog. They have antioxidant properties, inhibit the action of free radicals, support kidney function, and improve digestion. It contains no grains, meat by-products, sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. Feeding instructions and dosage: The data provided in the table is indicative. Monitor your pet and adjust the amount of food as needed. It is recommended to feed the dog in two portions daily. Ensure the dog has constant access to fresh water. NUTRITIONAL GUIDELINES Dog Weight | Daily Food Portion | Normal Activity Level | Increased Activity Level (up to 3 hours daily) 11kg | 175g | 200g 15kg | 220g | 250g 20kg | 275g | 310g 25kg | 325g | 370g 30kg | 370g | 420g 35kg | 415g | 475g 40kg | 460g | 525g 45kg | 500g | 570g 50kg | 545g | 620g 60kg | 625g | 710g 70kg | 700g | 795g 80kg | 775g | 880g Composition: game, buffalo, beef, and poultry meat 70% (fresh game meat 18%, fresh beef 17%, fresh poultry meat 15%, dried and finely ground buffalo meat 7%, dried and finely ground poultry meat 5%, poultry fat 5%, beef tallow 3%), vegetables 20% (potato flakes, spinach, carrot), pomegranate seeds 4% (dried and finely ground), salmon oil 2%, minerals 1.5%, vitamins 0.5%, mountain herbs 0.5% (fenugreek, plantain, ribwort, chamomile, dandelion, marigold), chicory 0.5% (finely ground, with natural FOS and inulin), herbs 0.3% (peppermint, thyme, oregano, sage, parsley, marjoram, anise), fruits 0.3% (cranberries, blueberries, apples), seaweed 0.2% (spirulina), New Zealand green-lipped mussel 0.1% (finely ground, naturally rich in glucosamine and chondroitin), yucca schidigera 0.1%. Analytical components: protein 36%, fat content 16%, crude fiber 3%, crude ash 6.5%, calcium to phosphorus ratio: calcium 1.2%, phosphorus 0.95%. Dietary additives: vitamin D3 1200 IU, L-carnitine 600mg, copper (pentahydrate copper (II) sulfate) 8mg, zinc (zinc oxide) 110mg, manganese (manganese (II) oxide) 11mg, iodine (anhydrous calcium iodate) 3mg.


  • GranataPet Natural Taste Junior/Puppy Poultry & - grain-free food for puppies, with poultry and salmon GranataPet Natural Taste Junior/Puppy Poultry & - grain-free food for puppies, with poultry and salmon

    Granatapet GranataPet Natural Taste Junior/Kucēnu Mājputnu & - bezgraudu barība kucēniem, ar mājputniem un lasi

    GranataPet Natural Taste Dry Food for Puppies with Chicken and Salmon, produced from the finest ingredients in Austria. It consists of muscle meat and high-quality offal, along with health-beneficial ingredients such as pomegranate seeds, high-grade salmon oil, and green-lipped mussel. The recipe is complemented with herbs, including a blend sourced from the lush green meadows of the Algaw Alps. The food is produced with full traceability of ingredients at every stage of the production process. Raw materials are sourced from trusted and verified suppliers, undergo complete veterinary control, and are tested by both internal and external laboratories. GranataPet food is formulated to retain as many nutritional values as possible in these small, aromatic kibbles. It is a protein-rich, easily digestible, and completely grain-free meal. The food also contains no sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. GranataPet food is a recipe for: - Proper development of a young organism - Steady growth - Healthy skin and shiny coat - Strong heart and muscles - Proper digestion and intestinal function - Strong bones and flexible joints - Energy for action and play throughout the day GranataPet Natural Taste Dry Food with Chicken and Salmon: a complete meal for puppies containing 70% meat. Chicken provides a large amount of valuable and easily digestible protein, essential for the proper functioning of the dog. It is characterized by low fat content and high nutritional value. It is very well absorbed and gentle on the pet's digestive system. It is a source of B vitamins and minerals such as iron, magnesium, zinc, selenium, phosphorus, and potassium. Salmon is a delicate fish that provides valuable and easily digestible protein. The oil extracted from it is rich in unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids, DHA, and EPA, essential for the proper functioning of the cardiovascular and immune systems, as well as for the health and beautiful appearance of the dog's skin and coat. Pomegranate seeds contain a wide range of health-promoting components. They are rich in ellagic acid, a natural antioxidant and effective cell protector. Pomegranate seeds have a beneficial effect on the immune, cardiovascular, and nervous systems. New Zealand green-lipped mussel provides a dose of glucosamine and chondroitin, essential for the proper functioning of the dog's musculoskeletal system. The herb blend from the Algaw Alps (fenugreek, plantain, ribwort, chamomile, dandelion, marigold) and garden herbs (peppermint, thyme, oregano, sage, parsley, marjoram, anise) enhance the nutritional value of the food, providing additional substances that support health and the beautiful appearance of the dog. They have antioxidant properties, inhibit the action of free radicals, support kidney function, and improve digestion. It contains no grains, meat by-products, sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. Feeding instructions and dosage: The data provided in the table is indicative. Monitor your pet and adjust the amount of food as needed. It is recommended to feed the dog in two portions per day. Ensure your dog has constant access to fresh water. Target dog weight: 10kg 20kg 30kg 40kg 50kg 60kg 70kg 80kg Current weight 2.5kg 3.5kg 6kg 7kg 10kg 15kg 18kg 20kg Daily food dose 115g 150g 220g 250g 320g 440g 505g 545g Current weight 4kg 6kg 10kg 15kg 20kg 25kg 30kg 35kg Daily food dose 160g 220g 325g 440g 540g 640g 740g 830g Current weight 6kg 11kg 7kg 25kg 28kg 35kg 40kg 50kg Daily food dose 180g 290g 400g 530g 580g 690g 765g 900g Current weight 8kg 16kg 25kg 35kg 40kg 50kg 60kg 70kg Daily food dose 185g 310g 430g 530g 605g 720g 825g 925g Ingredients: Chicken and salmon 70% (fresh chicken meat 30%, fresh salmon 20%, dried and finely ground chicken meat 7%, dried and finely ground salmon 7%, chicken fat 6%), vegetables 20% (potato flakes, spinach, carrot), pomegranate seeds 4% (dried and finely ground), salmon oil 2%, minerals 1.5%, vitamins 0.5%, herbs from mountain meadows 0.5% (fenugreek, psyllium, ribwort, chamomile, dandelion, marigold), chicory 0.5% (finely ground, with natural FOS and inulin), herbs 0.3% (peppermint, thyme, oregano, sage, parsley, marjoram, anise), fruits 0.3% (cranberries, blueberries, apples), seaweed 0.2% (spirulina), New Zealand green-lipped mussel 0.1% (finely ground, naturally rich in glucosamine and chondroitin), yucca schidigera 0.1%. Analytical components: protein 36%, fat content 18%, crude fiber 3%, crude ash 7%, calcium to phosphorus ratio: calcium 1.3%, phosphorus 1%. Dietary additives: vitamin D3 1500 IU, L-carnitine 600mg, copper (copper(II) sulfate pentahydrate) 8mg, zinc (zinc oxide) 110mg, manganese (manganese(II) oxide) 11mg, iodine (calcium iodate anhydrous) 3mg.


  • GranataPet Natural Taste Junior/Puppy Poultry & - grain-free puppy food with poultry and salmon GranataPet Natural Taste Junior/Puppy Poultry & - grain-free puppy food with poultry and salmon

    Granatapet GranataPet Natural Taste Junior/Kucēns Mājputni & - bezgraudu kucēnu barība ar mājputniem un lasi

    GranataPet Natural Taste Dry Food for Puppies with Chicken and Salmon, produced from the finest ingredients in Austria. It consists of muscle meat and high-quality offal, along with health-beneficial ingredients such as pomegranate seeds, high-grade salmon oil, and green-lipped mussel. The recipe is complemented with herbs, including a blend sourced from the lush green meadows of the Algaw Alps. The food is produced with full traceability of ingredients at every stage of the production process. Raw materials are sourced from trusted and verified suppliers, undergo complete veterinary control, and are tested by both internal and external laboratories. GranataPet food is formulated to retain as many nutritional values as possible in these small, aromatic kibbles. It is a protein-rich, easily digestible, and completely grain-free meal. The food also contains no sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. GranataPet food is a recipe for: - Proper development of a young organism - Steady growth - Healthy skin and shiny coat - Strong heart and muscles - Proper digestion and intestinal function - Strong bones and flexible joints - Energy for action and play throughout the day GranataPet Natural Taste Dry Food with Chicken and Salmon: a complete meal for puppies containing 70% meat. Chicken provides a large amount of valuable and easily digestible protein, essential for the proper functioning of the dog. It is characterized by low fat content and high nutritional value. It is very well absorbed and gentle on the pet's digestive system. It is a source of B vitamins and minerals such as iron, magnesium, zinc, selenium, phosphorus, and potassium. Salmon is a delicate fish that provides valuable and easily digestible protein. The oil extracted from it is rich in unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids, DHA, and EPA, essential for the proper functioning of the cardiovascular and immune systems, as well as for the health and beautiful appearance of the dog's skin and coat. Pomegranate seeds contain a wide range of health-promoting components. They are rich in ellagic acid, a natural antioxidant and effective cell protector. Pomegranate seeds have a beneficial effect on the immune, cardiovascular, and nervous systems. New Zealand green-lipped mussel provides a dose of glucosamine and chondroitin, essential for the proper functioning of the dog's musculoskeletal system. The herb blend from the Algaw Alps (fenugreek, plantain, ribwort, chamomile, dandelion, marigold) and garden herbs (peppermint, thyme, oregano, sage, parsley, marjoram, anise) enhance the nutritional value of the food, providing additional substances that support health and the beautiful appearance of the dog. They have antioxidant properties, inhibit the action of free radicals, support kidney function, and improve digestion. It contains no grains, meat by-products, sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. Feeding instructions and dosage: The data provided in the table is indicative. Monitor your pet and adjust the amount of food as needed. It is recommended to feed the dog in two portions per day. Ensure your dog has constant access to fresh water. Target dog weight: 10kg 20kg 30kg 40kg 50kg 60kg 70kg 80kg Current weight 2.5kg 3.5kg 6kg 7kg 10kg 15kg 18kg 20kg Daily food dose 115g 150g 220g 250g 320g 440g 505g 545g Current weight 4kg 6kg 10kg 15kg 20kg 25kg 30kg 35kg Daily food dose 160g 220g 325g 440g 540g 640g 740g 830g Current weight 6kg 11kg 7kg 25kg 28kg 35kg 40kg 50kg Daily food dose 180g 290g 400g 530g 580g 690g 765g 900g Current weight 8kg 16kg 25kg 35kg 40kg 50kg 60kg 70kg Daily food dose 185g 310g 430g 530g 605g 720g 825g 925g Ingredients: Chicken and salmon 70% (fresh chicken meat 30%, fresh salmon 20%, dried and finely ground chicken meat 7%, dried and finely ground salmon 7%, chicken fat 6%), vegetables 20% (potato flakes, spinach, carrot), pomegranate seeds 4% (dried and finely ground), salmon oil 2%, minerals 1.5%, vitamins 0.5%, herbs from mountain meadows 0.5% (fenugreek, psyllium, ribwort, chamomile, dandelion, marigold), chicory 0.5% (finely ground, with natural FOS and inulin), herbs 0.3% (peppermint, thyme, oregano, sage, parsley, marjoram, anise), fruits 0.3% (cranberries, blueberries, apples), seaweed 0.2% (spirulina), New Zealand green-lipped mussel 0.1% (finely ground, naturally rich in glucosamine and chondroitin), yucca schidigera 0.1%. Analytical components: protein 36%, fat content 18%, crude fiber 3%, crude ash 7%, calcium to phosphorus ratio: calcium 1.3%, phosphorus 1%. Dietary additives: vitamin D3 1500 IU, L-carnitine 600mg, copper (copper(II) sulfate pentahydrate) 8mg, zinc (zinc oxide) 110mg, manganese (manganese(II) oxide) 11mg, iodine (calcium iodate anhydrous) 3mg.


  • GranataPet Natural Taste Lamb - grain-free dog food with lamb GranataPet Natural Taste Lamb - grain-free dog food with lamb

    Granatapet GranataPet Natural Taste Jērs - bezgraudu suņu barība ar jēra gaļu

    Dry food for adult dogs GranataPet Natural Taste with game and buffalo, produced from the best ingredients in Austria. It consists of muscle meat and high-quality offal, along with health-beneficial ingredients such as: pomegranate seeds, high-grade salmon oil, and green-lipped mussel. The formula is complemented with herbs, including a blend sourced from lush green meadows in the Algaw Alps. The food is produced with full traceability of ingredients at every stage of the production process. Raw materials are sourced from trusted and verified suppliers, undergo full veterinary control, and are tested by both internal and external laboratories. GranataPet food has been developed to retain as many nutritional values as possible in these small, aromatic kibbles. It is a protein-rich, easily digestible, and completely grain-free meal. The food also contains no sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. GranataPet food is a recipe for: healthy skin and shiny coat strong heart and muscles proper kidney function correct digestion and intestinal health strong bones and flexible joints energy for action throughout the day. Dry food for adult dogs GranataPet Natural Taste with game and buffalo: it is a complete meal for adult dogs with 70% meat; game and buffalo meat provide an excellent source of protein, being highly nutritious and aromatic. Both types of meat are well tolerated by dogs. Buffalo is particularly easily digestible and contains high-quality protein, vitamins B12 and B6. It also contains significant amounts of potassium, magnesium, zinc, and iron. Pomegranate seeds contain a wide range of health-promoting ingredients. They are rich in ellagic acid, a natural antioxidant and effective cell protector. Pomegranate seeds have a beneficial effect on the immune, cardiovascular, and nervous systems. New Zealand green-lipped mussel provides a dose of glucosamine and chondroitin, essential for the proper functioning of the dog's musculoskeletal system. The blend of herbs from the Algaw Alps (fenugreek, plantain, ribwort, chamomile, dandelion, marigold) and garden herbs (peppermint, thyme, oregano, sage, parsley, marjoram, anise) enhances the nutritional value of the food, providing additional substances that support health and the beautiful appearance of the dog. They have antioxidant properties, inhibit the action of free radicals, support kidney function, and improve digestion. It contains no grains, meat by-products, sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. Feeding instructions and dosage: The data provided in the table is indicative. Monitor your pet and adjust the amount of food as needed. It is recommended to feed the dog in two portions daily. Ensure the dog has constant access to fresh water. NUTRITIONAL GUIDELINES Dog Weight | Daily Food Portion | Normal Activity Level | Increased Activity Level (up to 3 hours daily) 11kg | 175g | 200g 15kg | 220g | 250g 20kg | 275g | 310g 25kg | 325g | 370g 30kg | 370g | 420g 35kg | 415g | 475g 40kg | 460g | 525g 45kg | 500g | 570g 50kg | 545g | 620g 60kg | 625g | 710g 70kg | 700g | 795g 80kg | 775g | 880g Composition: game, buffalo, beef, and poultry meat 70% (fresh game meat 18%, fresh beef 17%, fresh poultry meat 15%, dried and finely ground buffalo meat 7%, dried and finely ground poultry meat 5%, poultry fat 5%, beef tallow 3%), vegetables 20% (potato flakes, spinach, carrot), pomegranate seeds 4% (dried and finely ground), salmon oil 2%, minerals 1.5%, vitamins 0.5%, mountain herbs 0.5% (fenugreek, plantain, ribwort, chamomile, dandelion, marigold), chicory 0.5% (finely ground, with natural FOS and inulin), herbs 0.3% (peppermint, thyme, oregano, sage, parsley, marjoram, anise), fruits 0.3% (cranberries, blueberries, apples), seaweed 0.2% (spirulina), New Zealand green-lipped mussel 0.1% (finely ground, naturally rich in glucosamine and chondroitin), yucca schidigera 0.1%. Analytical components: protein 36%, fat content 16%, crude fiber 3%, crude ash 6.5%, calcium to phosphorus ratio: calcium 1.2%, phosphorus 0.95%. Dietary additives: vitamin D3 1200 IU, L-carnitine 600mg, copper (pentahydrate copper (II) sulfate) 8mg, zinc (zinc oxide) 110mg, manganese (manganese (II) oxide) 11mg, iodine (anhydrous calcium iodate) 3mg.

    €29,01 - €153,88

  • GranataPet Natural Taste Noble Snack Deer - natural meat snacks for dogs, venison strips GranataPet Natural Taste Noble Snack Deer - natural meat snacks for dogs, venison strips

    Granatapet GranataPet Natural Taste Noble Snack Deer - dabīgas gaļas uzkodas suņiem, brieža gaļas strēmeles

    GranataPet Natural Taste Edler Snack Deer 90g ir unikāla našķis suņiem, mīkstu strēmelīšu veidā, kas izgatavotas no 86% brieža gaļas. Bagātināts ar granātābola sēklām, kas ir bagāts vitamīnu, minerālvielu, taukskābju un dabisko antioksidantu avots. Našķi ir vienas olbaltumvielas, viegli sagremojami un pilnīgi bez graudiem, padarot tos piemērotus suņiem, kas cieš no alerģijām, gremošanas sistēmas traucējumiem vai tiem, kas ievēro eliminācijas diētu. Tie nesatur cukuru, mākslīgus konservantus, krāsvielas, garšas pastiprinātājus vai ĢMO. Našķi tiek ražoti Šveicē, nodrošinot pilnīgu sastāvdaļu izsekojamību katrā ražošanas procesa posmā. Izejvielas tiek iegūtas no uzticamiem un pārbaudītiem piegādātājiem, tiek pakļautas pilnai veterinārajai kontrolei un tiek pārbaudītas gan iekšējās, gan ārējās laboratorijās. Maigais gaisa žāvēšanas process palīdz saglabāt sastāvdaļu dabiskos vitamīnus un uzturvielas. Našķi apmierina suņu dabiskās košļāšanas vajadzības un ir lieliski piemēroti kā atlīdzība treniņu laikā, pastaigās vai vienkārši kā veselīgs našķis starp galvenajām ēdienreizēm. Tos var viegli sadalīt mazākos gabaliņos. Ērtais zip-lock iepakojums palīdz ilgāk saglabāt svaigumu un aromātu. GranataPet Natural Taste Edler Snack Deer: - Satur 86% brieža gaļas, papildināts ar granātābola sēklām, kas ir bagātas ar vitamīniem, minerālvielām, taukskābēm un antioksidantiem - Viegli sagremojams un bez graudiem vienas olbaltumvielas - Bez neveselīgiem piedevām un ĢMO - Ieteicams suņiem, kuriem ir nosliece uz alerģijām - Izejvielas iegūtas no pārbaudītiem piegādātājiem un laboratoriski pārbaudītas - Maigi gaisa žāvēts - Veselīgs našķis starp galvenajām ēdienreizēm - Apmierina dabiskās košļāšanas vajadzības - Viegli sadalāms mazākos gabaliņos - Iepakojums, kas ilgāk saglabā svaigumu - Viena našķa izmēri: apm. 11x2.5cm Barošanas instrukcijas: Pasniedziet kā našķi starp ēdienreizēm. Sastāvdaļas: - Brieža gaļa 86%, augu izcelsmes blakusprodukti 12%, granātābola sēklas 1%, minerālvielas 1% Analītiskais sastāvs: - Olbaltumvielas 30.3%, tauku saturs 14.3%, neapstrādāti pelni 5.2%, neapstrādātas šķiedras 7.8%, mitrums 18%, kalcija un fosfora attiecība: kalcijs 1.06%, fosfors 0.93%


  • GranataPet Natural Taste Poultry - grain-free dog food with poultry GranataPet Natural Taste Poultry - grain-free dog food with poultry

    Granatapet GranataPet Natural Taste Mājputni - bezgraudu suņu barība ar mājputniem

    Dry food for adult dogs GranataPet Natural Taste with game and buffalo, produced from the best ingredients in Austria. It consists of muscle meat and high-quality offal, along with health-beneficial ingredients such as: pomegranate seeds, high-grade salmon oil, and green-lipped mussel. The formula is complemented with herbs, including a blend sourced from lush green meadows in the Algaw Alps. The food is produced with full traceability of ingredients at every stage of the production process. Raw materials are sourced from trusted and verified suppliers, undergo full veterinary control, and are tested by both internal and external laboratories. GranataPet food has been developed to retain as many nutritional values as possible in these small, aromatic kibbles. It is a protein-rich, easily digestible, and completely grain-free meal. The food also contains no sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. GranataPet food is a recipe for: healthy skin and shiny coat strong heart and muscles proper kidney function correct digestion and intestinal health strong bones and flexible joints energy for action throughout the day. Dry food for adult dogs GranataPet Natural Taste with game and buffalo: it is a complete meal for adult dogs with 70% meat; game and buffalo meat provide an excellent source of protein, being highly nutritious and aromatic. Both types of meat are well tolerated by dogs. Buffalo is particularly easily digestible and contains high-quality protein, vitamins B12 and B6. It also contains significant amounts of potassium, magnesium, zinc, and iron. Pomegranate seeds contain a wide range of health-promoting ingredients. They are rich in ellagic acid, a natural antioxidant and effective cell protector. Pomegranate seeds have a beneficial effect on the immune, cardiovascular, and nervous systems. New Zealand green-lipped mussel provides a dose of glucosamine and chondroitin, essential for the proper functioning of the dog's musculoskeletal system. The blend of herbs from the Algaw Alps (fenugreek, plantain, ribwort, chamomile, dandelion, marigold) and garden herbs (peppermint, thyme, oregano, sage, parsley, marjoram, anise) enhances the nutritional value of the food, providing additional substances that support health and the beautiful appearance of the dog. They have antioxidant properties, inhibit the action of free radicals, support kidney function, and improve digestion. It contains no grains, meat by-products, sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. Feeding instructions and dosage: The data provided in the table is indicative. Monitor your pet and adjust the amount of food as needed. It is recommended to feed the dog in two portions daily. Ensure the dog has constant access to fresh water. NUTRITIONAL GUIDELINES Dog Weight | Daily Food Portion | Normal Activity Level | Increased Activity Level (up to 3 hours daily) 11kg | 175g | 200g 15kg | 220g | 250g 20kg | 275g | 310g 25kg | 325g | 370g 30kg | 370g | 420g 35kg | 415g | 475g 40kg | 460g | 525g 45kg | 500g | 570g 50kg | 545g | 620g 60kg | 625g | 710g 70kg | 700g | 795g 80kg | 775g | 880g Composition: game, buffalo, beef, and poultry meat 70% (fresh game meat 18%, fresh beef 17%, fresh poultry meat 15%, dried and finely ground buffalo meat 7%, dried and finely ground poultry meat 5%, poultry fat 5%, beef tallow 3%), vegetables 20% (potato flakes, spinach, carrot), pomegranate seeds 4% (dried and finely ground), salmon oil 2%, minerals 1.5%, vitamins 0.5%, mountain herbs 0.5% (fenugreek, plantain, ribwort, chamomile, dandelion, marigold), chicory 0.5% (finely ground, with natural FOS and inulin), herbs 0.3% (peppermint, thyme, oregano, sage, parsley, marjoram, anise), fruits 0.3% (cranberries, blueberries, apples), seaweed 0.2% (spirulina), New Zealand green-lipped mussel 0.1% (finely ground, naturally rich in glucosamine and chondroitin), yucca schidigera 0.1%. Analytical components: protein 36%, fat content 16%, crude fiber 3%, crude ash 6.5%, calcium to phosphorus ratio: calcium 1.2%, phosphorus 0.95%. Dietary additives: vitamin D3 1200 IU, L-carnitine 600mg, copper (pentahydrate copper (II) sulfate) 8mg, zinc (zinc oxide) 110mg, manganese (manganese (II) oxide) 11mg, iodine (anhydrous calcium iodate) 3mg.

    €20,30 - €43,53

  • GranataPet Natural Taste Premium Snack Guinea Fowl - natural meat treats for dogs, strips of guinea fowl GranataPet Natural Taste Premium Snack Guinea Fowl - natural meat treats for dogs, strips of guinea fowl

    Granatapet GranataPet Natural Taste Premium uzkodas ar pērļu vistiņu - dabīgas gaļas kārumi suņiem, pērļu vistiņas strēmeles

    GranataPet Natural Taste Edler Snack Pērļu vistiņas 90g ir unikāls našķis suņiem, mīkstu strēmeļu veidā, kas izgatavots no 86% pērļu vistiņas gaļas. Tas ir papildināts ar granātābolu sēklām, kas ir bagāts vitamīnu, minerālvielu, taukskābju un dabisko antioksidantu avots. Našķi ir vienproteīna, viegli sagremojami un pilnīgi bez graudiem, padarot tos piemērotus suņiem ar alerģijām, gremošanas sistēmas traucējumiem vai tiem, kas ir eliminācijas diētā. Tie nesatur cukuru, mākslīgos konservantus, krāsvielas, garšas pastiprinātājus vai ĢMO. Našķi tiek ražoti Šveicē, nodrošinot pilnīgu sastāvdaļu izsekojamību katrā ražošanas procesa posmā. Izejvielas tiek iegūtas no uzticamiem un pārbaudītiem piegādātājiem, pakļautas pilnai veterinārajai kontrolei un pārbaudītas gan iekšējās, gan ārējās laboratorijās. Maigais gaisa žāvēšanas process palīdz saglabāt sastāvdaļu dabiskos vitamīnus un uzturvielas. Našķi apmierina suņu dabiskās košļāšanas vajadzības un ir lieliski piemēroti kā atlīdzība treniņos, pastaigās vai vienkārši kā veselīgs našķis starp galvenajām ēdienreizēm. Tos var viegli sadalīt mazākos gabalos. Ērtais atkārtoti aizveramais iepakojums palīdz ilgāk saglabāt svaigumu un aromātu. GranataPet Natural Taste Edler Snack Pērļu vistiņa: - Satur 86% pērļu vistiņas gaļas, papildināts ar granātābolu sēklām, bagāts ar vitamīniem, minerālvielām, taukskābēm un antioksidantiem - Viegli sagremojams un bez graudiem vienproteīna - Bez neveselīgiem piedevām un ĢMO - Ieteicams suņiem ar alerģijām - Izejvielas no pārbaudītiem piegādātājiem - Laboratoriski pārbaudīts - Maigi gaisa žāvēts - Veselīgs našķis starp galvenajām ēdienreizēm - Apmierina dabiskās košļāšanas vajadzības - Viegli sadalāms mazākos gabalos - Iepakojums, kas ilgāk saglabā svaigumu - Viena našķa izmēri: apmēram 11x2.5cm Barošanas instrukcijas: Pasniedziet kā našķi starp ēdienreizēm. Sastāvdaļas: - Sastāvdaļas: pērļu vistiņas gaļa 86%, augu izcelsmes blakusprodukti 12%, granātābolu sēklas 1%, minerālvielas 1% - Analītiskais sastāvs: proteīns 31.9%, tauku saturs 13.7%, jēlpelni 5.2%, jēlšķiedra 7.8%, mitrums 18%, kalcija un fosfora attiecība: kalcijs 0.97%, fosfors 0.89%


  • GranataPet Natural Taste Senior - grain-free food for senior dogs, with reduced fat content GranataPet Natural Taste Senior - grain-free food for senior dogs, with reduced fat content

    Granatapet GranataPet Natural Taste Senior - graudaugu nesaturoša barība vecākiem suņiem ar samazinātu tauku saturu

    Senior dog food GranataPet Natural Taste with poultry, produced from the best ingredients in Austria. It consists of muscle meat and high-quality offal, along with health-beneficial ingredients such as: pomegranate seeds, high-quality salmon oil, and green-lipped mussel. The recipe is complemented with herbs, including a blend sourced from the lush green meadows of the Algaw Alps. The food is produced with full traceability of ingredients at every stage of the production process. Raw materials are sourced from trusted and verified suppliers, undergo full veterinary control, and are tested by both internal and external laboratories. GranataPet food has been developed to retain as many nutritional values as possible in these small, aromatic kibbles. It is a protein-rich, easily digestible, and completely grain-free meal. The food also contains no sugar, artificial preservatives, colorants, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. Due to its lower fat content, it can be given to dogs prone to weight gain. GranataPet food is a recipe for: - Healthy skin and shiny coat - Strong heart and muscles - Proper kidney function - Correct digestion and intestinal health - Strong bones and flexible joints - Energy for activity throughout the day GranataPet Natural Taste dry food for senior dogs: a complete meal for older dogs and those with overweight, with reduced fat content, consisting of 70% poultry meat, which provides a large amount of valuable and well-absorbed protein essential for proper functioning. It is characterized by low fat content and high nutritional value. It is very well absorbed and gentle on the digestive system of your pet. It is a source of B vitamins and minerals such as iron, magnesium, zinc, selenium, phosphorus, and potassium. Pomegranate seeds contain a wide range of health-promoting components, including high amounts of ellagic acid, a natural antioxidant and effective cell protector. Pomegranate seeds have a beneficial effect on the immune, cardiovascular, and nervous systems. New Zealand green-lipped mussel provides a dose of glucosamine and chondroitin, essential for the proper functioning of the dog's musculoskeletal system. The blend of herbs from the Algaw Alps (fenugreek, plantain, ribwort, chamomile, dandelion, marigold) and garden herbs (peppermint, thyme, oregano, sage, parsley, marjoram, anise) enhances the nutritional value of the food, providing additional substances that support health and the beautiful appearance of your dog. They have antioxidant properties, inhibit the action of free radicals, support kidney function, and improve digestion. It contains no grains, meat by-products, sugar, artificial preservatives, colorants, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. Feeding instructions and dosage: The data provided in the table are approximate. Monitor your pet and adjust the amount of food as needed. It is recommended to feed the dog in two portions daily. Ensure your dog has constant access to fresh water. NUTRITIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS Dog weight | Daily food portion Normal activity | Increased activity (up to 3 hours daily) 11kg | 166g | 193g 15kg | 210g | 243g 20kg | 260g | 301g 25kg | 308g | 356g 30kg | 353g | 409g 35kg | 396g | 459g 40kg | 438g | 507g 45kg | 478g | 554g 50kg | 518g | 599g 60kg | 593g | 687g 70kg | 666g | 771g 80kg | 736g | 853g Ingredients: chicken and poultry 70% (fresh chicken meat 25%, fresh poultry meat 25%, dried and finely ground poultry meat 16%, poultry fat 4%), vegetables 20% (potato flakes, spinach, carrot), pomegranate seeds 4% (dried and finely ground), salmon oil 2%, minerals 1.5%, vitamins 0.5%, herbs from mountain meadows 0.5% (fenugreek, psyllium, common plantain, chamomile, dandelion, marigold), chicory 0.5% (finely ground, with natural FOS and inulin), herbs 0.3% (peppermint, thyme, oregano, sage, parsley, marjoram, anise), fruits 0.3% (cranberries, blueberries, apples), seaweed 0.2% (spirulina), New Zealand green-lipped mussel 0.1% (finely ground, naturally rich in glucosamine and chondroitin), yucca schidigera 0.1%. Analytical components: protein 32%, fat content 12%, crude fiber 6%, crude ash 6%, calcium to phosphorus ratio: calcium 1%, phosphorus 0.8%. Dietary additives: vitamin D3 1200 IU, L-carnitine 1200mg, copper (copper(II) sulfate pentahydrate) 8mg, zinc (zinc oxide) 110mg, manganese (manganese(II) oxide) 11mg, iodine (calcium iodate anhydrous) 3mg.


  • GranataPet Natural Taste Venison & Buffalo - grain-free dog food, venison and buffalo GranataPet Natural Taste Venison & Buffalo - grain-free dog food, venison and buffalo

    Granatapet GranataPet Natural Taste brieža un bifeļa gaļa - bezgraudu suņu barība, brieža un bifeļa gaļa

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    GranataPet Natural Taste Dry Dog Food for Puppies with Poultry and Salmon, produced from the finest ingredients in Austria. It consists of muscle meat and high-quality offal, along with health-beneficial ingredients such as pomegranate seeds, premium salmon oil, and green-lipped mussel. The formula is complemented with herbs, including a blend sourced from the lush green meadows of the Algaw Alps. The food is produced with complete traceability of ingredients at every stage of the production process. Raw materials are sourced from trusted and verified suppliers, subjected to full veterinary control, and tested by both internal and external laboratories. GranataPet food has been developed to retain as many nutritional values as possible in these small, aromatic kibbles. It is a protein-rich, easily digestible, and completely grain-free meal. The food also contains no sugar, artificial preservatives, colorants, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. GranataPet food is a recipe for: healthy skin and shiny coat, strong heart and muscles, proper kidney function, correct digestion and intestinal health, strong bones and flexible joints, energy for all-day activity. GranataPet Natural Taste Dry Dog Food with Game and Buffalo: a complete meal for adult dogs containing 70% meat. Game and buffalo meat provide an excellent source of protein, being highly nutritious and aromatic. Both types of meat are well tolerated by dogs. Pomegranate seeds contain a wide range of health-promoting components, including high levels of ellagic acid, a natural antioxidant and effective cell protector. Pomegranate seeds have beneficial effects on the immune, cardiovascular, and nervous systems. New Zealand green-lipped mussel provides a dose of glucosamine and chondroitin, essential for the proper functioning of the dog's musculoskeletal system. The blend of herbs from the Algaw Alps (fenugreek, plantain, ribwort, chamomile, dandelion, marigold) and garden herbs (peppermint, thyme, oregano, sage, parsley, marjoram, anise) enhances the nutritional value of the food, providing additional substances that support health and a beautiful appearance. They have antioxidant properties, inhibit free radicals, support kidney function, and improve digestion. The food contains no grains, meat by-products, sugar, artificial preservatives, colorants, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. Feeding Instructions and Dosage: The data provided in the table is indicative. Monitor your pet and adjust the amount of food as needed. It is recommended to feed the dog in two portions daily. Ensure constant access to fresh water. Nutritional Recommendations: Dog Weight | Daily Food Portion | Normal Activity | Increased Activity (up to 3 hours daily) 11kg | 175g | 200g 15kg | 220g | 250g 20kg | 275g | 310g 25kg | 325g | 370g 30kg | 370g | 420g 35kg | 415g | 475g 40kg | 460g | 525g 45kg | 500g | 570g 50kg | 545g | 620g 60kg | 625g | 710g 70kg | 700g | 795g 80kg | 775g | 880g Composition: Game, buffalo, beef, and poultry meat 70% (fresh game meat 18%, fresh beef 17%, fresh poultry meat 15%, dried and finely ground buffalo meat 7%, dried and finely ground poultry meat 5%, poultry fat 5%, beef cracklings 3%), vegetables 20% (potato flakes, spinach, carrot), pomegranate seeds 4% (dried and finely ground), salmon oil 2%, minerals 1.5%, vitamins 0.5%, mountain herbs 0.5% (fenugreek, psyllium, common plantain, chamomile, dandelion, marigold), chicory 0.5% (finely ground, with natural FOS and inulin), herbs 0.3% (peppermint, thyme, oregano, sage, parsley, marjoram, anise), fruits 0.3% (cranberries, blueberries, apples), seaweed 0.2% (spirulina), New Zealand green-lipped mussel 0.1% (finely ground, naturally rich in glucosamine and chondroitin), yucca schidigera 0.1%. Analytical Components: Protein 36%, fat content 16%, crude fiber 3%, crude ash 6.5%, calcium to phosphorus ratio: calcium 1.2%, phosphorus 0.95%. Dietary Additives: Vitamin D3 1200 IU, L-carnitine 600mg, copper (pentahydrate copper(II) sulfate) 8mg, zinc (zinc oxide) 110mg, manganese (manganese(II) oxide) 11mg, iodine (calcium iodate anhydrous) 3mg.

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  • GranataPet Natural Taste Venison & Buffalo - grain-free dog food, venison and buffalo GranataPet Natural Taste Venison & Buffalo - grain-free dog food, venison and buffalo

    Granatapet GranataPet Natural Taste brieža un bifeļa gaļa - bezgraudu suņu barība, brieža un bifeļa gaļa

    Dry food for adult dogs GranataPet Natural Taste with game and buffalo, produced from the best ingredients in Austria. It consists of muscle meat and high-quality offal, along with health-beneficial ingredients such as: pomegranate seeds, high-grade salmon oil, and green-lipped mussel. The formula is complemented with herbs, including a blend sourced from lush green meadows in the Algaw Alps. The food is produced with full traceability of ingredients at every stage of the production process. Raw materials are sourced from trusted and verified suppliers, undergo full veterinary control, and are tested by both internal and external laboratories. GranataPet food has been developed to retain as many nutritional values as possible in these small, aromatic kibbles. It is a protein-rich, easily digestible, and completely grain-free meal. The food also contains no sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. GranataPet food is a recipe for: healthy skin and shiny coat strong heart and muscles proper kidney function correct digestion and intestinal health strong bones and flexible joints energy for action throughout the day. Dry food for adult dogs GranataPet Natural Taste with game and buffalo: it is a complete meal for adult dogs with 70% meat; game and buffalo meat provide an excellent source of protein, being highly nutritious and aromatic. Both types of meat are well tolerated by dogs. Buffalo is particularly easily digestible and contains high-quality protein, vitamins B12 and B6. It also contains significant amounts of potassium, magnesium, zinc, and iron. Pomegranate seeds contain a wide range of health-promoting ingredients. They are rich in ellagic acid, a natural antioxidant and effective cell protector. Pomegranate seeds have a beneficial effect on the immune, cardiovascular, and nervous systems. New Zealand green-lipped mussel provides a dose of glucosamine and chondroitin, essential for the proper functioning of the dog's musculoskeletal system. The blend of herbs from the Algaw Alps (fenugreek, plantain, ribwort, chamomile, dandelion, marigold) and garden herbs (peppermint, thyme, oregano, sage, parsley, marjoram, anise) enhances the nutritional value of the food, providing additional substances that support health and the beautiful appearance of the dog. They have antioxidant properties, inhibit the action of free radicals, support kidney function, and improve digestion. It contains no grains, meat by-products, sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. Feeding instructions and dosage: The data provided in the table is indicative. Monitor your pet and adjust the amount of food as needed. It is recommended to feed the dog in two portions daily. Ensure the dog has constant access to fresh water. NUTRITIONAL GUIDELINES Dog Weight | Daily Food Portion | Normal Activity Level | Increased Activity Level (up to 3 hours daily) 11kg | 175g | 200g 15kg | 220g | 250g 20kg | 275g | 310g 25kg | 325g | 370g 30kg | 370g | 420g 35kg | 415g | 475g 40kg | 460g | 525g 45kg | 500g | 570g 50kg | 545g | 620g 60kg | 625g | 710g 70kg | 700g | 795g 80kg | 775g | 880g Composition: game, buffalo, beef, and poultry meat 70% (fresh game meat 18%, fresh beef 17%, fresh poultry meat 15%, dried and finely ground buffalo meat 7%, dried and finely ground poultry meat 5%, poultry fat 5%, beef tallow 3%), vegetables 20% (potato flakes, spinach, carrot), pomegranate seeds 4% (dried and finely ground), salmon oil 2%, minerals 1.5%, vitamins 0.5%, mountain herbs 0.5% (fenugreek, plantain, ribwort, chamomile, dandelion, marigold), chicory 0.5% (finely ground, with natural FOS and inulin), herbs 0.3% (peppermint, thyme, oregano, sage, parsley, marjoram, anise), fruits 0.3% (cranberries, blueberries, apples), seaweed 0.2% (spirulina), New Zealand green-lipped mussel 0.1% (finely ground, naturally rich in glucosamine and chondroitin), yucca schidigera 0.1%. Analytical components: protein 36%, fat content 16%, crude fiber 3%, crude ash 6.5%, calcium to phosphorus ratio: calcium 1.2%, phosphorus 0.95%. Dietary additives: vitamin D3 1200 IU, L-carnitine 600mg, copper (pentahydrate copper (II) sulfate) 8mg, zinc (zinc oxide) 110mg, manganese (manganese (II) oxide) 11mg, iodine (anhydrous calcium iodate) 3mg.

    €37,72 - €87,09

  • GranataPet Oil - natural salmon oil for dogs GranataPet Oil - natural salmon oil for dogs

    Granatapet GranataPet eļļa - dabīga laša eļļa suņiem

    GranataPet laša eļļa ir 100% dabīga eļļa no Norvēģijas lašiem, kas paredzēta suņiem. Tā nodrošina optimālu uzturvielu piegādi jūsu mājdzīvnieka ikdienas uzturā, galvenokārt ietverot nepiesātinātās taukskābes Omega-3 un Omega-6. Omega-3 taukskābes būtiski veicina pareizu nieru, smadzeņu un sirds muskuļu darbību, nodrošina labu locītavu stāvokli, stabilizē kalcija līmeni kaulu audos, tādējādi samazinot osteoporozes risku. Grūsnām un zīdošām kucēm tās nodrošina pareizu pēcnācēju attīstību. Turklāt ādas slimību gadījumos tās mazina niezi un veicina ādas un apmatojuma stāvokļa uzlabošanos. Omega-6 taukskābes atbalsta reproduktīvās funkcijas, stiprina jūsu mājdzīvnieka imunitāti un galvenokārt palīdz ārstēt iekaisīgas ādas slimības, matu trauslumu, blaugznas un alopēciju. Noderīga gatavojoties izstādēm. GranataPet laša eļļa tiek iegūta no svaigi nozvejotiem Norvēģijas lašiem. Tā nesatur krāsvielas, aromatizētājus vai konservantus. Visi izejmateriāli nāk no dzīvniekiem, kas apstiprināti cilvēku patēriņam, iegūti no uzticamiem un pārbaudītiem piegādātājiem, pakļauti pilnai veterinārajai kontrolei un pārbaudīti iekšējās un ārējās laboratorijās. Produkts ir ieteicams ikdienas uztura lietošanai. GranataPet laša eļļas priekšrocības: - Uzlabo ādas un apmatojuma stāvokli - Atbalsta pareizu nieru, smadzeņu un sirds darbību - Veicina locītavu stāvokli - Samazina osteoporozes risku - Atbalsta pareizu pēcnācēju attīstību - Stiprina imunitāti - Palīdz ārstēt ādas slimības - Noderīga gatavojoties izstādēm - Iegūta no svaigi nozvejotām zivīm - Nesatur nevajadzīgus, neveselīgus piedevas Pieejamie izmēri: 250ml un 1L Devas un lietošana: Lietot tieši vai sajaukt ar barību. 1 tējkarote atbilst 5 ml. Uzglabāt sausā un vēsā vietā. Ķermeņa svars: Dienas deva 45kg ir 5 tējkarotes. Sastāvs: Sastāvdaļas: 100% Norvēģijas laša eļļa - omega-3 taukskābes 16%, omega-6 taukskābes 14%, EPA (eikozapentaēnskābe) 2%, DHA (dokozaheksaēnskābe) 5%, DPA (dokozapentaēnskābe) 2%. Analītiskie parametri: tauku saturs 99.5%, mitrums 0.5%.

    €11,03 - €23,23

  • GranataPet Pheasant & Poultry - grain-free wet dog food, pheasant and poultry GranataPet Pheasant & Poultry - grain-free wet dog food, pheasant and poultry

    Granatapet GranataPet Fazāns un Mājputni - graudu nesaturoša mitrā suņu barība, fazāns un mājputni

    Wet food for dogs, GranataPet, Pheasant & Poultry with pheasant, poultry, spinach, tomatoes, and flaxseed oil, produced from the highest quality ingredients. Only muscle meat and high-quality offal (e.g., hearts, liver, stomachs) are used in its production. No by-products such as blood, claws, bones, beaks, or feathers are used, nor are any fillers or meat substitutes added. It is enriched with valuable additives such as pomegranate seeds, high-quality oils (e.g., borage, flaxseed, evening primrose), and green-lipped mussels. These enhance the nutritional value and taste of the meal. The food is produced in Germany with full traceability of ingredients at every stage of the production process. Raw materials are sourced from trusted and verified suppliers, subjected to full veterinary control, and tested by internal and external laboratories. GranataPet food is prepared using a gentle steaming method to retain as many nutrients as possible. It is a protein-rich, easily digestible, and completely grain-free meal. The food also contains no sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. GranataPet food is a recipe for: healthy skin and shiny coat, strong heart and muscles, proper digestion and intestinal function, strong bones and flexible joints. Wet food is also a way to hydrate your dog. Proper hydration is essential for their health. Due to the high moisture content of wet food, dogs do not need to drink as much as when fed dry kibble. Feeding wet food is also better for dogs prone to urinary stones. By giving GranataPet food to your pet, you can be sure you are providing them with a tasty, healthy, and well-balanced diet every day. GranataPet Liebling's Mahlzeit Pheasant & Poultry: a complete meal for adult dogs containing 65% muscle meat and offal from pheasant and poultry. Juicy pheasant meat has a delicate game flavor and is very well accepted by dogs and cats. It is lean and low-calorie, providing not only protein but also calcium, B vitamins, and omega-6 fatty acids. Poultry provides a large amount of valuable and easily digestible protein, essential for the proper functioning of dogs. It is characterized by low fat content and high nutritional value. It is a source of B vitamins and minerals such as iron, magnesium, zinc, selenium, phosphorus, and potassium. Pomegranate seeds contain a wide range of health-promoting ingredients. They are high in ellagic acid, a natural antioxidant and effective cell protector. Pomegranate seeds have a beneficial effect on the immune, cardiovascular, and nervous systems. Flaxseed oil provides a dose of unsaturated omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, improves skin and coat condition, and positively affects joints. New Zealand green-lipped mussels provide a dose of glucosamine and chondroitin, essential for the proper functioning of the dog's musculoskeletal system. Spinach is a low-calorie vegetable that provides valuable plant protein, minerals, iron, vitamins C and K1, and folic acid. It positively affects blood circulation and metabolism. Tomatoes are low-calorie and easily digestible vegetables that provide minerals and vitamins. They contain significant amounts of potassium, calcium, magnesium, and iron. Feeding instructions and dosage: The data provided in the table is indicative. Observe your pet and adjust the amount of food as needed. It is recommended to feed the dog in two portions daily. Do not leave wet food open for longer than a few hours. If the dog has not eaten it all before the next meal, the leftovers should be discarded, the bowl should be thoroughly rinsed, and only then should fresh food be placed in it. Opened packages of wet food should be stored in the refrigerator in an airtight container for no longer than three days. Before serving food from the refrigerator, it should be warmed up again, as dogs do not tolerate cold or cool food well. NUTRITIONAL GUIDELINES Dog Weight | Daily Food Portion | Normal Activity | Low Activity 5-10kg | 320-540g | 280-470g 10-20kg | 540-905g | 470-785g 20-30kg | 905-1230g | 785-1060g 30-40kg | 1230-1525g | 1060-1315g 40-50kg | 1525-1800g | 1315-1555g Ingredients: pheasant meat and poultry meat 65% (pheasant 15% consists of muscle meat, hearts, liver; poultry 50% consists of muscle meat, hearts, liver, stomach), pheasant and poultry broth 26.4%, spinach 3%, tomato 3%, pomegranate seeds 1% (dried and finely ground), minerals 1%, flaxseed oil 0.5%, green-lipped mussel 0.1% (finely ground, naturally rich in glucosamine and chondroitin) Analytical components: protein 10.2%, fat content 4.5%, crude ash 2%, crude fiber 0.5%, moisture 8%, calcium to phosphorus ratio: calcium 0.2%, phosphorus 0.

    €2,90 - €43,53

  • GranataPet Pheasant & Poultry - grain-free wet dog food, pheasant and poultry GranataPet Pheasant & Poultry - grain-free wet dog food, pheasant and poultry

    Granatapet GranataPet Fazāns un Mājputni - graudu nesaturoša mitrā suņu barība, fazāns un mājputni

    Wet dog food, GranataPet Pheasant & Poultry with pheasant, poultry, spinach, tomatoes, and flaxseed oil, made from the highest quality ingredients. It uses only muscle meat and high-quality offal (e.g., hearts, liver, stomachs). No by-products such as blood, claws, bones, beaks, or feathers are used, and no fillers or meat substitutes are added. It is supplemented with valuable additives such as pomegranate seeds, high-quality oils (e.g., borage, flaxseed, evening primrose), and green-lipped mussel. These enhance the nutritional value and taste of the meal. The food is produced in Germany with full traceability of ingredients at every stage of the production process. Raw materials are sourced from trusted and verified suppliers, subject to full veterinary control, and are tested by internal and external laboratories. GranataPet food is prepared using a gentle steaming method to retain as many nutrients as possible. It is a protein-rich, easily digestible, and completely grain-free meal. The food also contains no sugar, artificial preservatives, colorants, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. GranataPet food is a recipe for: healthy skin and a shiny coat, strong heart and muscles, proper digestion and intestinal function, strong bones and flexible joints. Wet food is also a way to hydrate your dog. The right level of water in the body is essential for its health. Due to the high moisture content of wet food, dogs do not need to drink as much as when fed dry kibble. Feeding wet food is also better for dogs prone to urinary stones. By providing GranataPet food to your pet, you can be sure that you are giving them a tasty, healthy, and well-balanced meal every day. Wet food pheasant and poultry GranataPet Liebling's Mahlzeit Pheasant & Poultry: a complete meal for adult dogs containing 65% muscle meat and offal from pheasant and poultry. Juicy pheasant meat has a delicate game flavor and is very eagerly consumed by dogs and cats. It is lean and low-calorie, providing not only protein but also calcium, B vitamins, and omega-6 fatty acids. Poultry provides a large amount of valuable and easily digestible protein, essential for the proper functioning of dogs. It is characterized by low fat content and high nutritional value. It is a source of B vitamins and minerals such as iron, magnesium, zinc, selenium, phosphorus, and potassium. Pomegranate seeds contain a wide range of health-promoting ingredients. They are rich in ellagic acid, a natural antioxidant and effective cell protector. Pomegranate seeds have a beneficial effect on the immune, cardiovascular, and nervous systems. Flaxseed oil provides a dose of unsaturated omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, improving the condition of skin and coat, and positively affecting joints. New Zealand green-lipped mussel provides a dose of glucosamine and chondroitin, essential for the proper functioning of the dog's musculoskeletal system. Spinach is a low-calorie vegetable that provides valuable plant protein, minerals, iron, vitamins C and K1, and folic acid. It positively influences blood circulation and metabolism. Tomato is a low-calorie and easily digestible vegetable that provides minerals and vitamins. It contains significant amounts of potassium, calcium, magnesium, and iron. Feeding instructions and dosage: The data provided in the table is approximate. Monitor your dog and adjust the amount of food as necessary. It is recommended to feed the dog in two portions per day. Do not leave wet food open for more than a few hours. If the dog has not eaten it all before the next meal, any leftovers should be discarded, the bowl should be thoroughly rinsed, and only then should fresh food be added. Opened packages of wet food should be stored in the refrigerator in an airtight container for no longer than three days. Before serving food from the refrigerator, it should be warmed up again, as dogs do not tolerate cold or cool food well. NUTRITIONAL GUIDELINES Dog weight | Daily food portion Normal activity | Low activity 5-10kg | 320-540g | 280-470g 10-20kg | 540-905g | 470-785g 20-30kg | 905-1230g | 785-1060g 30-40kg | 1230-1525g | 1060-1315g 40-50kg | 1525-1800g | 1315-1555g Ingredients: pheasant meat and poultry meat 65% (pheasant 15% consists of muscle meat, heart, liver, and poultry 50% consists of muscle meat, heart, liver, stomach), pheasant and poultry broth 26.4%, spinach 3%, tomato 3%, pomegranate seeds 1% (dried and finely ground), mineral ingredients 1%, flaxseed oil 0.5%, green-lipped mussel 0.1% (finely ground, naturally rich in glucosamine and chondroitin) Analytical constituents: protein 10.2%, fat content 4.5%, crude ash 2%, crude fiber 0.5%, moisture 8%, calcium to phosphorus ratio: calcium 0.2%, phosphorus 0.

    €16,55 - €29,04

  • GranataPet Poultry & Italian Ham - grain-free wet dog food, poultry and Italian ham GranataPet Poultry & Italian Ham - grain-free wet dog food, poultry and Italian ham

    Granatapet GranataPet Mājputni un Itāļu Šķiņķis - bezgraudu mitrā suņu barība, mājputni un itāļu šķiņķis

    Wet dog food GranataPet Poultry & Italian Ham with poultry, Italian ham, Swiss chard, pineapple, and salmon oil, produced from the highest quality ingredients. Only muscle meat and high-quality offal (e.g., hearts, liver, stomachs) are used in its production. No by-products such as blood, claws, bones, beaks, or feathers are used, and no fillers or meat substitutes are added. It is enriched with valuable additives such as pomegranate seeds, high-quality oils (e.g., borage, flaxseed, evening primrose), and green-lipped mussel. These enhance the nutritional value and taste of the meal. The food is produced in Germany with full traceability of ingredients at every stage of the production process. Raw materials are sourced from trusted and verified suppliers, subject to full veterinary control, and tested by internal and external laboratories. GranataPet food is prepared using a gentle steaming method to retain as many nutrients as possible. It is a protein-rich, easily digestible, and completely grain-free meal. The food also contains no sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. GranataPet food is a recipe for: healthy skin and a shiny coat strong heart and muscles proper digestion and intestinal function strong bones and flexible joints. Wet food is also a way to hydrate your dog. Proper hydration is essential for their health. With the high moisture content of wet food, dogs do not need to drink as much as when fed dry kibble. Feeding wet food is also better for dogs prone to urinary stones. By feeding GranataPet to your pet, you can be sure you are providing them with a tasty, healthy, and well-balanced meal every day. Wet food poultry and fish GranataPet Liebling's Mahlzeit Poultry & Italian Ham: a complete meal for adult dogs containing 65% muscle meat and offal from poultry and Italian ham. Poultry provides a large amount of valuable and easily digestible protein, essential for the proper functioning of dogs. It is characterized by low fat content and high nutritional value. It is a source of B vitamins and minerals such as iron, magnesium, zinc, selenium, phosphorus, and potassium. The addition of Italian ham gives the meal a unique taste and aroma. Pomegranate seeds contain a wide range of health-promoting ingredients. They are rich in ellagic acid, a natural antioxidant and effective cell protector. Pomegranate seeds have a beneficial effect on the immune, cardiovascular, and nervous systems. Salmon oil provides the body with unsaturated fatty acids Omega 3 and Omega 6, essential for the proper functioning of the cardiovascular and immune systems, as well as for the beautiful appearance of the skin and coat of the pet. New Zealand green-lipped mussel provides a dose of glucosamine and chondroitin, necessary for the proper functioning of the dog's musculoskeletal system. Swiss chard, rich in beta-carotene, folic acid, potassium, and vitamins C and E, lowers blood pressure, supports the immune system, and promotes proper cell development. Due to its high fiber content, Swiss chard also positively affects intestinal function and the digestive system. Pineapple is a true vitamin bomb. The enzymes it contains help digest animal protein better. It contains no grains, slaughterhouse waste, sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. Feeding instructions and dosage: The data provided in the table is indicative. Observe your pet and adjust the amount of food as needed. It is recommended to feed the dog in two portions per day. Do not leave wet food open for longer than a few hours. If the dog has not eaten it all before the next meal, the leftovers should be discarded, the bowl should be thoroughly rinsed, and only then should fresh food be placed in it. Opened packages of wet food should be stored in the refrigerator in an airtight container for no longer than three days. Before serving food from the refrigerator, it should be warmed up again, as dogs do not tolerate cold or cool food well. NUTRITIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS Dog weight Daily food portion Normal activity level Low activity level 5-10kg 280-470g 320-540g 10-20kg 470-785g 540-905g 20-30kg 785-1060g 905-1230g 30-40kg 1060-1315g 1230-1525g 40-50kg 1315-1555g 1525-1800g Ingredients: Ingredients: poultry meat and Italian ham 65% (poultry 50% consisting of muscle meat, hearts, liver, stomach, Italian ham 15%), poultry broth 26.4%, Swiss chard 3%, pineapple 3%, pomegranate seeds 1% (dried and finely ground), minerals 1%, salmon oil 0.5%, green-lipped mussel 0.1% (finely ground, naturally rich in glucosamine and chondroitin). Analytical components: protein 10.4%, fat content 6.2%, crude ash 2.4%, crude fiber 0.5%, moisture 79%. Calcium to phosphorus ratio: calcium 0.21%, phosphorus 0.16%. Dietary additives:

    €2,32 - €3,48

  • GranataPet Poultry & Italian Ham - grain-free wet dog food, poultry and Italian ham GranataPet Poultry & Italian Ham - grain-free wet dog food, poultry and Italian ham

    Granatapet GranataPet Mājputni un Itāļu Šķiņķis - bezgraudu mitrā suņu barība, mājputni un itāļu šķiņķis

    Wet dog food GranataPet Poultry & Italian Ham with poultry, Italian ham, Swiss chard, pineapple, and salmon oil, produced from the highest quality ingredients. Only muscle meat and high-quality offal (e.g., hearts, liver, stomachs) are used in its production. No by-products such as blood, claws, bones, beaks, or feathers are used, and no fillers or meat substitutes are added. It is enriched with valuable additives such as pomegranate seeds, high-quality oils (e.g., borage, flaxseed, evening primrose), and green-lipped mussel. These enhance the nutritional value and taste of the meal. The food is produced in Germany with full traceability of ingredients at every stage of the production process. Raw materials are sourced from trusted and verified suppliers, subject to full veterinary control, and tested by internal and external laboratories. GranataPet food is prepared using a gentle steaming method to retain as many nutrients as possible. It is a protein-rich, easily digestible, and completely grain-free meal. The food also contains no sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. GranataPet food is a recipe for: healthy skin and a shiny coat strong heart and muscles proper digestion and intestinal function strong bones and flexible joints. Wet food is also a way to hydrate your dog. Proper hydration is essential for their health. With the high moisture content of wet food, dogs do not need to drink as much as when fed dry kibble. Feeding wet food is also better for dogs prone to urinary stones. By feeding GranataPet to your pet, you can be sure you are providing them with a tasty, healthy, and well-balanced meal every day. Wet food poultry and fish GranataPet Liebling's Mahlzeit Poultry & Italian Ham: a complete meal for adult dogs containing 65% muscle meat and offal from poultry and Italian ham. Poultry provides a large amount of valuable and easily digestible protein, essential for the proper functioning of dogs. It is characterized by low fat content and high nutritional value. It is a source of B vitamins and minerals such as iron, magnesium, zinc, selenium, phosphorus, and potassium. The addition of Italian ham gives the meal a unique taste and aroma. Pomegranate seeds contain a wide range of health-promoting ingredients. They are rich in ellagic acid, a natural antioxidant and effective cell protector. Pomegranate seeds have a beneficial effect on the immune, cardiovascular, and nervous systems. Salmon oil provides the body with unsaturated fatty acids Omega 3 and Omega 6, essential for the proper functioning of the cardiovascular and immune systems, as well as for the beautiful appearance of the skin and coat of the pet. New Zealand green-lipped mussel provides a dose of glucosamine and chondroitin, necessary for the proper functioning of the dog's musculoskeletal system. Swiss chard, rich in beta-carotene, folic acid, potassium, and vitamins C and E, lowers blood pressure, supports the immune system, and promotes proper cell development. Due to its high fiber content, Swiss chard also positively affects intestinal function and the digestive system. Pineapple is a true vitamin bomb. The enzymes it contains help digest animal protein better. It contains no grains, slaughterhouse waste, sugar, artificial preservatives, colorings, flavor enhancers, or GMOs. Feeding instructions and dosage: The data provided in the table is indicative. Observe your pet and adjust the amount of food as needed. It is recommended to feed the dog in two portions per day. Do not leave wet food open for longer than a few hours. If the dog has not eaten it all before the next meal, the leftovers should be discarded, the bowl should be thoroughly rinsed, and only then should fresh food be placed in it. Opened packages of wet food should be stored in the refrigerator in an airtight container for no longer than three days. Before serving food from the refrigerator, it should be warmed up again, as dogs do not tolerate cold or cool food well. NUTRITIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS Dog weight Daily food portion Normal activity level Low activity level 5-10kg 280-470g 320-540g 10-20kg 470-785g 540-905g 20-30kg 785-1060g 905-1230g 30-40kg 1060-1315g 1230-1525g 40-50kg 1315-1555g 1525-1800g Ingredients: Ingredients: poultry meat and Italian ham 65% (poultry 50% consisting of muscle meat, hearts, liver, stomach, Italian ham 15%), poultry broth 26.4%, Swiss chard 3%, pineapple 3%, pomegranate seeds 1% (dried and finely ground), minerals 1%, salmon oil 0.5%, green-lipped mussel 0.1% (finely ground, naturally rich in glucosamine and chondroitin). Analytical components: protein 10.4%, fat content 6.2%, crude ash 2.4%, crude fiber 0.5%, moisture 79%. Calcium to phosphorus ratio: calcium 0.21%, phosphorus 0.16%. Dietary additives:

    €13,07 - €37,75

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